Topic: When starts collide - progressed synastry
tara19 unregistered
posted March 13, 2007 01:11 PM
Hey DD, I'm sending you an email soon. Look for it ![]( Hugs, Tara. EDIT: Here're some quick answers from my side: DD: what do you think is tight in a synastry? Only 2° orb, 4° orb or what would you say? (I`m using 4° orb for now, unless there are conjunctions). T: In synastry I follow a 3degree orb, unless the aspect draws in more planets and is part of a big geometry in the synastry chart. Then I can go all the way up to 5 degrees. In declinations, I usually use up to 1degree, but if it's part of a geometry then I use up to 1.3 degrees. But for this progressed thing we're doing, I think Westran is right. a 2degree orb works. I've noticed that when the progressed planetary orb is over 2 degrees, the feelings aren't quite there yet. But as soon as they fall within the 2 degrees, boom! something starts. I think he's absolutely right in this. DD: do you mean aspects from sun, moon, Venus and Mars to the ASC - DSC? Or would you include aspects of the inner planet like Moon - Mars, too? T: All of those. also, I've a quick question for Alisa (if I may jump in). Alisa, are those SA aspects from SA to natal? Okay, that's all. Thanks for playing with me in this most fascinating study! ![]( Cheers, Tara. IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted March 13, 2007 04:01 PM
quote: Alisa, are those SA aspects from SA to natal?
Sorry that my English is not good. Please explain your question a little bit. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted March 16, 2007 09:06 AM
Tara,I don`t ave internet access from home right now (big computer trouble), but I got your mail, and will respond as soon as I can do it from home. I don`t like to do it from a public place. There were so many interesting things you wrote and I want to reply to them, but I fear it will take some time, till I get everything sorted out. Darkdreamer IP: Logged |
rainbowdreamer unregistered
posted March 16, 2007 03:15 PM
hey darkdreamer, if you are able to look this up, I would appreciate any info you can provide re: synastry of the following-- My birthday is 11/16/1972 2:24AM and his is 3/12/1961 at 4PM. We met either in February or March of 2003 (most likely February) and I believe both felt a soulmate/twin in each other, which has not been pursued as an exclusive relationship--however, I know both of us without a doubt feel something there. If more info needed, I would be happy to send. Thanks!IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted March 17, 2007 05:42 AM
Rainbowdreamer,I also need your place of birth. Without it I only calculated the planets, because the ascendants could be off, depending on the place of birth. HOwever, natally you have some connections that could explain the feeling of being soulmates or at least having a meaningful impact on each other; for example you have: your Moon conjunct his Sun (widely) You Sun sextile his Moon Sun trine Sun (good for basic compability) Your Sun parallel and conjunct his Nadir (a very strong bilevel aspect; I also think the combination of Sun and Nadir has some similiarities to a Sun-Moon-aspect, since the Nadir or IC is the beginning of the 4th, the Moon-house) Your Mars parallel and trine his Descendant Your Mars opposite his Venus Of course there are more aspects, but those are aspects with personal planets or points, involving the planets, Westran mentions. In 2003 your progressed Venus had just moved into the orb of a trine to his progressed Mars. Your progressed Sun was still outside the orb of a trine to his natal Venus (orb was: 3°15), but since this is an applying trine, the Sun-Venus-trine would come into orb, and therefore having an effect, some time later. Your progressed Venus had been seperating from a trine to his natal Sun (it was just 15 minutes after its exactness), but because it was still in orb, you might have felt it still. Also, your progressed Mars was applying to an exact trine with his natal Sun, not a love-aspect in the usual sense, but probably indicating a very strong attraction. Also, his progressed Mars was almost exactly trine your natal Sun (orb was 4 minutes). So, yes, you have a lot of natal connections, AND additionally you`ve had a whole bunch of progressions (Venus-Mars, Sun-Venus, Sun-Mars), when you met, and I didn`t even include the ASC! DD
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tara19 unregistered
posted March 18, 2007 04:38 PM
Alisa, I meant were those your Solar Arc planetary placements to your natal placements?Sorry for not being clear earlier. ![]( DD, hey! I got your email. lotsa stuff and I agree on much of it!! will reply a bit later this week. ![]( Ciao, Tara. IP: Logged |
Alisa unregistered
posted March 18, 2007 05:27 PM
I checked my natal to B's Solar Arc, B's natal to my Solar Arc. IP: Logged |
rainbowdreamer unregistered
posted March 19, 2007 11:57 AM
Hello DarkDreamer-- Thanks so much for your supersleuthing synastry info, you have helped me learn heaps! I was born in West Allis, WI and he in Pewaukee, WI. Any more info you can provide would be immensely appreciated, especially whether astrological fact or description of aspects or your own thoughts on what this connection could be. In hindsight I realize that posting asking you for synastry info was not why you originally posted and I'm sure you had not planned on having to help someone else out, but if you have learned anything by my results--great...if not, I am still grateful
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 04, 2008 10:08 AM
*bump*IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 04, 2008 10:39 AM
bump is right! This is another classic DD thread !! I'm off to do some aspect hunting... be back soon ![]( IP: Logged |
amowls Newflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 04, 2008 10:52 AM
I'm looking at the Progressed charts of my current boy and I and here are the aspects:My Sun trine his Venus (exact) My Sun conjunct his DC (1 degree orb) My Venus opposite his Sun (1 degree) IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 04, 2008 12:05 PM
Hello ![]( Ok Natal to Natal his sun trine my moon his sun trine my venus my sun quincunx his venus his sun conjunct my ascendant my venus trine his mars my venus quincunx his ascendant MY natal to his progressed My N sun square exact his P vertex My N moon trine exact his P AC My N venus trine 3deg his P AC My N psyche conjunct 1deg his P Aphrodite My N AC trine his P Valentine exact My N sun trine 1deg his P Eros His progressed to my natal My P mars opposing exact his N moon His progressed to my progressed His p sun conjunct 2deg my p moon
his p sun conjunct 1deg my p AC
His P mars square exact my P venus
His P AC square 1deg my P AC
His P psyche trine 2deg my P eros
First contact chart sun trine moon 1deg venus opposing mars 2deg moon sesisquidrate ascendant 1deg Composite Chart sun trine moon venus conjunct mars venus square ascendant venus conjunct midheaven exact Oh yeah!!! DD, you have really made such a difference to my life. Just typing out these aspects gets me so pumped cos they are so great! Thank you ![]( IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 07, 2008 12:23 PM
DD ![]( Totaly right on bumping cause surprisingly, i didnt posted in a thread that you started!! That is VERY ODD Ive never looked into the solar arc/secondary progressions cause i was uneaware of what they were and that they actually can be looked at when we talk about Paul Westran! I remenbered that youve talked about him on one of other posts but not so closely. So,we must look at the time the couple met,right?and then check if there are the Paul Wetrans´s Relationship Aspects. Well,we met in person June of 2006 so i guess that´s it: PROGRESSIONS TO NATAL my P.Sun was conjunct his VENUS(2º) ![]( my P.Moon was opose his VENUS(0º) MY p.Moon exact trine his Siva( i like this case always appears in our patterns) My P.Moon trine his ASC(2º) My P.ASC was conj his IC(3º) My P.ASC was exact trine his Moon His P.Sun(29ºLibra)was conj my Saturn(1º) His P.Moon was conj my IC(4º) His P.Moon was trine my Sun(2º) ![]( His P.Venus was conj my PLuto!
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 07, 2008 12:37 PM
Diandra,"That is VERY ODD " Indeed, very odd. Good that you changed that. No thread of mine is complete without your participation. ![]( "I remenbered that youve talked about him on one of other posts but not so closely." Well, it`s actually among the 2 or 3 theories I value most, because it does really work. I think the most convincing part of his theory is, that it`s founded on a great deal of research.
my P.Sun was conjunct his VENUS(2º)
So, I think this is the most important progression you`ve had, relationship-wise. Was your p Sun applying or separating from a conjunction to his Venus? Of course the other progressions are also important, but I really have found that relationships usually are triggered by the progressed Venus-synastry. Well, Paul WEstran`s research is much more extended than mine, but I am always happy to find that theories work so greatly with my own little list of synastries. ![]( The only thing I would add is, that I often,v ery often, found the participation of ASC or DSC, especially Sun-DSC, or Venus-ASC. DD IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 07, 2008 12:37 PM
now onto SOlar ARC to Natals:His P.Mars was conj my IC(1º) His P.Mars was trine my Venus(1º) here it is! My P.Sun was conj his Venus(2º) My P.Moon was exact conj his Valentine! My P.Moon was trine his Moon(2º) My P.SOLAR ASC was exact conj his Saturn!
mY P.Venus WAS exact trine his P.Mars ![]( My p.Mars was trine his P.Mars(2º) His AC Sa is 22Leo conj my P.Venus 23Leo and P.Mars 25 Leo My AC Sa 22ºLibra conj his P.Venus 25ºLibra
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 07, 2008 12:56 PM
Actually, I would start with the secondary progressions in the beginning, because those are the ones that have been researched and have found to be "relationship-triggers".However, the solar arc is also interesting (definitely worked in my chart - I have had solar Neptune conjunct Sun and Mercury, when I turned to spiritual concepts in my life). I wonder, if it works the same way as the secondary progressions do. Also, keep the orbs under 2°. Usually astrologers even use a tight 1°-orb for progressions and directions). But according to this research the 2° orb seems to work. ![]( This astrologer seems to like solar arc very much. DD
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 07, 2008 03:29 PM
oh i see ![]( Hmm im afraid i dont know how to distinguish an applying from a separating aspect DD .. ![]( His Venus is at 26ºVirgo and my Sun was at 28º35´Virgo. IP: Logged |
newstar811 Newflake Posts: 19 From: Australia Registered: Jan 2011
posted April 08, 2008 06:14 AM
Seven times out of ten this will be an applying aspect. Unless Venus is retrograde or stationary, because Venus moves faster than the Sun it will catch up with the degree that the Sun is in and pass it by - this is how you get your collision.IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 08, 2008 08:48 AM
NewStar811,thank you for your explanation ![]( Venus wasnt retro or stacionary so yup it was indeed an applying aspect. BTW your nick is lovely! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 08, 2008 12:08 PM
Diandra,sorry to spoil the fun, but it actually was a separating aspects, because your progressed Sun had already left the exact conjunction to his natal Venus. Newstar,
would a separating aspect still work as relationship-trigger? And how many of these Venus-progressions does a relationship needs to get started? Is one enough, or do we need more of these progressions? I could imagine that the more progressions there are , the stronger the urge to actually have a relationship might be, but would one progression alone suffice? DD IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 09, 2008 11:10 PM
Hi DD,Something really odd happened to me last week. I met this guy and something happened. Anyway, l forgot about it and then he tracked me down and rang me! So l ran your theory on our synastry natals and then progressed to night we met and HOLY SMOKE! Am l right in thinking that the synastry is BETTER than with my boyfriend? ![]( NATAL - NATAL my AC conjuncts his Venus my AC conjunct his jupiter my eros conjuncts His Sun my venus trine his mars My OSIRIS opposes his Atlantis my Psyche trines his Valentine his Valentine conjuncts my ARMOR my Valentine conjuncts his ARMOR my Chiron squares His Eros my Chiron opposes His Juno my Cupid conjuncts his vertex my Vesta conjuncts his Chiron his juno conjuncts My Eros my valentine opposes his OSIRIS his armor opposes my Vertex my Isis opposes his Neptune his Vertex opposes my atlantis his NN opposes my ceres my Ceres squares his cupid PROGRESSED - PROGRESSED His Vertex conjunct My IC his Chiron conjunct My DC his Valentine conjunct my cupid his ARMOR conjunct my cupid his osiris opposes my valentine his Pallas trine my Atlantis My Eros conjunct his Karma My NN opposes His Juno My Chiron opposes His Ceres my ARMOR conjunct his valentine my Valentine conjunct his eros my valentine opposes his moon my valentine square his Atlantis my Ceres conjunct his Psyche my Juno opposes hid NN my Karma opposes his NN my AC conjunct his Pluto NATALS - PROGRESSED his natal Psyche conjunct My progressed Eros his natal Valentine trine my progressed IC his progressed Cupid trine my natal juno His natal Pallas trine His progressed Vertex his natal Atlantis opposes My progressed NN His progressed Ceres conjunct My natal Eros his natal Moon square my progressed Psyche his natal Cupid trine my progressed Juno his natal NN opposes my progressed Karma his progressed NN opposes my natal Ceres My progressed IC trine his natal pallas My natal OSIRIS opposes his progressed Karma My natal NN opposes His progressed Juno My progressed Chiron square his natal Eros my natal Vesta opposes his progressed venus my natal Vertex opposes his progressed Valentine my natal Atlantis conjunct his progresses mars my natal Cupid opposes his progressed mars my natal Venus opposes his progressed psyche my natal Moon opposes his progressed psyche my progressed Karma trine his natal cupid my progressed AC conjunct his progressed Pluto My natal Juno trine his progressed Isis Please tell me what you think cos in a strange way i'm very attracted to this guy!!! I can't stop thinking about him. Thanks x IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 10, 2008 09:17 AM
DD,WOUld you consider progressions important or revealling about a time when the 2 persons met on~line? Indeed it was a meeting,but virtual one - this always made me think about what really can we consider the 1st contact? Me and Jonnhy started talking ends of March 2006 and only about 3 months later we met personally - but the real aproximation concerning how we are and stuff,began online,and everyday. Just out of curiosity,i went to see the progressions: John his P.Sun was exactly conj my P.ASC HIS p.Venus was conj my P.ASC (but in 3ºorb) His P.Mars was esactly trine my P.Venus His P.DSC was conj my P.NN (2º) My Own P.Venus was conj my P.Karma exact ![]( My P.Valentine was conj his P.ASC ( 1º)
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Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 10, 2008 11:51 AM
Diandra,Meeting online is not really considered as first contact. Usually it is the time of the first physical contact between people that should be used as 1st meeting chart. ie' shaking hands, etc. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 10, 2008 04:00 PM
I know Larait´s when the 2 persons really have contact with each other,like Magi astrology says when they talk about the 1st meeting charts - but they also include when the 2 persons meet online ![]( It´s a very odd idea but somehow it has its meaning - they give stages to the charts like: the charts of the relationship of 2 persons change at the time the 2 persons get involved: if they met online and never touch or saw : it´s their chart of when they met online If they have met personally but havent got a relationship,the chart is the one of the day,time and place of 1st meeting If they already are intimate but arent "engaged or married",then its the chart of when they first became intimate If they are married,then its the chart of the wedding day that is rulling the relationship and so thats why i thought of looking at progressions to see if they also work in these kind of charts. By seeing it in our chart of when we met online i cannot stop thinking that it is a high probability that it can work there also - but of course it has to exist more who can corroborate the theory ![]( IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 10, 2008 04:36 PM
Hi DD,the beauty of progressed synastry is, that you can apply it at any moment in your relationship. Of course, the moment the relationship really starts, there will be some strong Venus-progressions. But it is interesting to note how it develops over time. HOwever, I think to get involved with someone, you first have to pay attention to him and get his attention. And I think progressed synastry could tell you something about that. I even think that once you notice someone, even a certain singer , there will be progressed synastry. When I noticed P for the very first time (only heard his voice and saw his photo), there were following progressions: His pr Venus exactly conjunct my DC his pr Venus trine my Pluto my pr Mars trine his Sun my pr AC trine his Sun At that time we naturally hadn`t even met, I ahd never seen him in real life, nor did I know where he was at that time - he kinda had disappeared from the face of earth, at least I didn`t know anything. And I would never have dreamed of me having the possibility one day to really see him. But despite all this he got my attention, and I think the progressions state that clearly.
DD IP: Logged | |