Topic: Uranus and pluto is making me crazy
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 27, 2007 03:56 PM
belgz ~Listen to your own words: quote: i feel like hes my destiny and it makes me sick
Your own body and spirit are telling you what is right for you. If you feel sick about being with another person, no matter what the attraction, then the other person is not right for you. quote: i fear him but i cant disconnect like you said
Doesn't this sound like your own heart giving you warnings?? The words "sick" and "fear" are not the words you bring into a romantic or even sexual relationship. Right now you are half a world away. We urge you to keep it that way!! You are not lost -- you just aren't listening to what your own spirit is telling you..... you're trying to force something into being (a relationship with this person) that ISN'T MEANT TO BE. If I were you, I would take this time to thoroughly examine why I would want to surrender my will and Self to someone you don't really even know. What is it you want from this "relationship"?? Do you just want someone, anyone, to be with, that you are attracted to?? There are plenty of attractive men who aren't in Turkey and haven't killed people.Zala IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:00 PM
yeah right...just as i thought !!YOU ARE MAJORLY DELUDING YOURSELF. you want astrology? here's the astrology u have moon opposition neptune natally. DELUSION. you have venus in 12th trining neptune. DELUSION. you even have NN opp neptune. MORE DELUSION. this is the worst manifestation of neptune possible. your venus in particular ( in LEO in 12th, trine neptune) is a sucker for thrives on mushy words, big promises and make believe. however, the good thing about delusion is that once you do realize how far removed from reality it is, u can snap out of it quite easily. once u know tht u have these tendencies, u can guard yourself against them. so please do yourself a favor. seek some counselling. i dont think u r in a good place right now. otherwise u wud hv been able to see just how deep in the mess u are. ILWL
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InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:09 PM
Signs of delusion in your post1. "we both fel in love over the internet in a matter of 10 days" 2. "now im in love with a guy whos killed 2 poeple and im going overseas to be with him" 3. "ve developed some weird sexual obsession with this guy" 4. "i thinkim going out of my mind but i like it" 5. "its like hes haunting me and scaring me" 6. " feel attached to him and i went to school with him 13 years ago. feel attached to him and i went to school with him 13 years ago" 7. " but i was in love wheni found out and i know its wrong but just dont know what to do" 8. "I believe that i might snap out of it wheni go overseas because i suffer from anxiety attacks so maybe hell freak me out." 9. "I think i only want him sexually" 10. "i just sit on the phone and listen and get lost for words and i fear him but i cant disconnect like you said." 11. "i feel like hes my destiny and it makes me sick." IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:15 PM
Belgz, i dont want to be harsh. but really i cant understand how a sweet cancer girl like u can become so reckless.i understand that your feelings r pulverising. u can't control them. dont control them. but please do one thing. wait wait for this storm to pass. he's not going away anywhr, neither are you. if he really loves you, he will wait. and you DO want him to atleast love u as much as u love him? right? whtever u want to do, can wait. take the test of time. someone gave me very good advice once. and that is, 'When you are confused about what to do, do NOTHING.' it might rip u apart, but it will not kill you. u will survive. and that said, once again, please seek help. please go to your mum. take the support of your family members. and friends. talk about it. it helps. (u hv a gemini moon like me, and believe me, talking can do wonders). ILWL IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:21 PM
the very fact that u came to this forum asking us for help, shows that u yourself dont want to do it. that u realize that wht u r doing is 'wrong', or rather, very very reckless.i think tht pluto on your IC, and opposing your moon, is urging u to learn how to deal with your emotions better. yes it is giving u a very difficult test, but it wants u to transform the way u handle your emotions. i also think u subconsciously realize all this. and i really believe that u can do it. u have it in you. even the astrology says it. u have pluto trine moon natally. u can transform your emotions. hang in there girl. and come vent it all on this forum if u dont hv any support around u (of course if u can get it from friends/family tht wud be much better). u can make it thru these neptunian fogs, thanks to pluto. ILWL *edit* i would suggest that you take a good hard look at your self. your inner workings, so to say. (remember, IC stands not just for home, but also for your innermost part of personality. and u hv pluto there right now.) study your chart, u can know a lot about yourself from there. for example, you have moon in your 9th house, and may be this is wht is making u all the more obsessed with a foreigner half way across the world. you have chiron in the 8th house...getting hurt thru sexual obsessions? just some guesses.
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belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:28 PM
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InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:34 PM
hey there belgz!!say something....i'd really really like to help u, only if you'd let me.  ILWL IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:35 PM
current outer transits for ~ belgz ~ .. ( close orbs .. less than 1 deg. ) * t.Pluto trine natal venus .. and sextile natal saturn * * t.Chiron conjunct natal Lillith * n.node is currently trine natal sun and mercury .. ( the nodes seems to move about one degree per month )IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:36 PM
I feel weird like everything i do is wrong. I just really need him right now for whatever reason even if its on the phone because hes so gentle with me and not like any other guy. hes so romantic and makes me feel like his angelIP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:38 PM
 dont think like that u r not doing anything 'wrong'....thts not wht i meant. i'm sorry if i hurt you. yes i know u want to be with him. but for your own good, (and safety), could you wait ?  love ILWL *edit* please keep talking, i am listening  IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:40 PM
Yeah we talk all day on the internet and on the phone. I wish i could post his picture on here hes not a bad person i just think hes had a bad period in his life and i feel even worse for trying to justify all of this but honestly hes just messed up and so am i, i think! but maybe it sounds worse than what it already is. IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:43 PM
belgz, i understand tht u love him a lot. (i dont believe a cancerian can ever have *just* a sexual obsession with anyone...i think u do care about him a lot).but dear, two messed up people cant help each other, trust me. wait a little. get yourself sorted out. (and u can do it, i know!!). perhaps then u cud help him better. wht do u say ??? IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:44 PM
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belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:44 PM
Why does this stuff happen to me? i broke up with my current boyfriend because i cant be with him anymore simply because im bored with him. I want something intense unpredicatable and different but with someone whos obviouslyt right for meIP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 04:49 PM
it happens to a lot of people, belgz (has happened to me too!! )darling u r only 23....i am QUITE SURE that there is someone out there custom made *just* for you. AND you will meet him one day. trust me on that one. dont get disheartened. every person we meet teaches us something about ourselves. like may be your first bf taught u tht fun is important to u. (and how cud it not be, u r a moon in gemini like me!!). and may be this guy taught u tht romance and intensity is equally imp!! may be when u have learnt all tht is really important for a good relationship, you will meet tht mr right u r looking for. hv u ever considered the possiblity, tht without knowing wht u reeeally want, u may not even recognize him, and he might be lurking somewhr quite close to you ??? may be a best friend who u never thought cud be 'the one' ?? IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 05:03 PM
Yeah he could be around IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 05:10 PM
You need to do the 'cutting the ties' visualisation that Sue G posted a while ago. Do you know how to do this? It will give you the much-needed detachment for this situation. Do it SEVERAL TIMES if you need to. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 05:31 PM
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InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 05:46 PM
belgz...these r rocky times indeed.hang in there, and wait for this to pass. tht's the best advice i can give you. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 05:48 PM
But dont u agree he looks normal and very attractive? can you kind of understand where im coming from? why im attracted and hes a libra too hes very very romantic and good with his words.IP: Logged |
shirty unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 05:57 PM
"But dont u agree he looks normal and very attractive? can you kind of understand where im coming from?" Actually, no -- you can do better.IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 27, 2007 05:59 PM
So belgz ~A package that's labeled "Normal" always contains "Normal"?? He looks good so he must BE good, is that it?? He talks romantic so he must BE romantic, right?? Perhaps you should read this thread about Emotional Vampires..... There are psychic vampires in this world whose joy and aim is to suck your feelings and your energy out of you for their benefit. They are manipulators of the highest degree. When they find out you're unhappy and restless they will do whatever they need to in order to capture your attention and affection. They are manipulators of the highest degree. And almost all of them look "Normal" and have very good verbal skills. They will say whatever they have to in order to keep you happy (in the beginning). Once they've got you in their clutches it will be very difficult for you to break free. Here's a sample description: "Not just annoying people, but darkly seductive. Emotional Vampires draw you in with charm, beauty, talent, and pulse pounding excitement. Then they drain you – not of blood but of every last drop of emotional energy. You know them – Sexy, but unreliable lovers, drama queens who use emotions like Afghan Rebels use Kalishnikovs, jealous spouses, demanding parents, manipulative coworkers, and bosses with gigantic egos, who are so small everywhere else. It’s almost supernatural how quickly Emotional Vampires can get you to trust them, then, just as quickly, get under your skin and drain you dry. It’s downright scary how quickly they can trick you into letting them come back and do it again." What do you know about Turkey?? From what I've heard, it ain't much like Oz. If you met up with Romeo the Killer and discovered that he was a nightmare inside that "Normal" package you think looks so yummy, how would you get away?? It won't be easy to be a woman traveling alone in Turkey, even if you have money. Can you speak the language?? Try to consider the consequences, before you take the risk just for the thrill of the risk. You may pay with your life. IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 08:49 PM
just out of curiosity belgz, what exactly do murderers look like? can u tell one from a bunch of people? i wonder why the police doesnt know tht people who r capable of murder have it written on their face.he is attractive no doubt, but so r zillions of men. thousands in sydney itself. and out of those a good chance tht 50% wud be intense and romantic. i'm not asking u to not love this guy. i'm just advising you to *wait*  IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 09:51 PM
i know but i cant pick who i fall in love with once its already happened. we have really good synastry as well. and i think its just happening for a reason maybe ill snap out of him one day and ill be convinced hes going to be a threat to me. right now i dont beleive he would. I read the emotional vampire i mean i can be like that too i can be clingy needy and act all emotional thenjust be distant and be over them like as if nothing happened and i can get bored with them. but it doesnt make me a bad person it just means i tryed too long and we wernt compatible or i couldnt get over something they wouldve done to me and i can wake up one day withth e strenght and tell them its over. IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 09:56 PM
tht wud be your venus square uranus. you need change. u wud not like to be in a relationship that becomes predictable. u r perfectly capable of being committed tho, if u find the guy who treats you right and who doesnt bore u out of your r a normal person. thr r many here on LL who r facing the same problems as you. these turbulent times r always meant to teach us something about ourselves. for example, probably u realized tht there is nothing wrong with a person hving tattoo' fact u love one such person. so it free'd u of some of your preconceived notions about the kind of person u'd love, and the type of relationship u want (stability vs excitement) IP: Logged |