Topic: Uranus and pluto is making me crazy
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 09:57 PM
its not like im attracted to someone who im not compatible with. when you look at it my moon is square his midpoint and his sun is square my midpoint. We have almost same degree ascendant in virgo venus and mars in leo and my moon and his sun are in air signs his moon is conjunct my ascendant and his sun we have a double mercury and venus aspect and moon and mercury all good aspects his chiron is trine my asc and mine is trine his sun and his asc. sun is sextile with jupiter and uranus. and we have alot of similiar aspects in our charts like we both have venus sextile moon and saturn and mars aspects and he seems like hes my twin mentally he thinks and feels me i know what hes going to say before he even says it we have the same outlook on everything i wouldnt have found someone so similiar to me if i spent a million years lookingIP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 10:04 PM
ask william to do your charts, he is an expert.IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 10:09 PM
whos william?IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 10:13 PM
he is a knowflake on LL. he is very good with composite charts. i'd use the words 'eerily accurate'. i think he'd reply to your other post(whr u hv asked help with compatibilty) when he sees it.IP: Logged |
cristiname Knowflake Posts: 66 From: Earth. Welcome! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 28, 2007 05:01 PM
virgotaurustaurus okay... "I'm not really..." how's that?!? maybe I should clarify a bit, huh? first off, my remark is what they call reversed psychology. which is based on the idea that deep-down, no matter how 'gone' one may *seem*, they would still do what's best for themselves. in this case - they would defend themselves. second - it's obvious to me that this person is weelll aware of how bad it 'looks'. and that she's fishing for attention. she's put herself in a position to be treated as "special". a perfect candidate for my aproach. but... how would you know that, huh? from the movies? did you see... basic instict?  IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus unregistered
posted February 28, 2007 05:41 PM
LOL cirstiname! I just have to laugh at how I take things too literal sometimes HAHAHA I now see clearly what your comment was before now that you mention reserve psychology! Haha I'm sorry I was like WTF, it makes sense now. And I agree with you that it seems this person is fishing for attention. *sigh* I must put Basic Instinct on my list.  LOL. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 28, 2007 07:54 PM
Its really sad you think im some attention seeker. I came on here simply because i wanted to try and get an understanding of why something so messed up was happening to me ASTROLOGICALLY! not for a counselling session and so poeple would feel sorry for me.IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus unregistered
posted February 28, 2007 08:05 PM
Well, you know, it's gone on for 3 pages, you have failed to do any introspection you just keep saying how much you love him and how great he is, I mean you have a good portion of the people on this board begging you to please wait and see how things go rather than jumping right into going over there, and quite frankly I think your last reply was a tad overreactive and directed at the wrong person because I vaguely ever touched on the fact that he's killed anyone, and I instead made a rather nice post or 2 about how you should maybe simply wait. I never said don't do it. Do you seriously realize you've taken everything everyone else has said, and filtered it directly at me when I haven't said most of the stuff you've accused me of? Yeah I think at this point you are seeking for attention as you haven't listened to a single thing anyone on here has said and you are still saying the same stuff instead of trying to CHANGE it if you don't like how you feel. Seriously, what is so terrible about backing up from your situation that you are obviously so obsessed with and engulfed by, and looking at it objectively? That is not someone telling you NOT to EVER be with this man. You can go back and read my other replies to you, and see how nice I was, because to accuse me of being so nasty is ridiculous. If anyone is nasty, maybe it is you for being so horribly sickly dependent on this one person out of 6.5 billion on this Earth and you think he's so sweet despite having killed TWO people. Sorry but I know a lost cause when I see one. No matter how hard you try you will not get an astrologer to justify that relationship as long as they know how emotionally dependent and overwhelmed you are by him and how he has MURDERED. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 28, 2007 08:19 PM
hmmmmmmmmmIP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 28, 2007 08:38 PM
belgz ~You have said that you "fell in love" with this man in 10 days over the internet. I question the “fact” that you have truly “fallen in love.” I suggest that you are suffering from infatuation – there’s a big difference between that and real Love. You have yet to spend any time in each other's company (since you were 10), is that right?? Perhaps we're a little incredulous that you could be so besotted/obsessed with someone that you don't actually know very well. You want astrological interpretations from strangers here. But the planets are only half the story. YOU and he – the human souls – are the other half. Perhaps you could entertain the idea that it’s NOT astrology and planetary transits that are “messing you up” – but you yourself, and your Neptunian view of The Way Things Are. You want to project the blame onto Uranus and Pluto – that way you don’t have to take responsibility for any of your actions – it lets you off the hook, because, as you’ve said, “you can’t help it.” And I think you just like the dizzying feeling of being out of control. What do you think?? And if you are not seeking attention, why put up your myspace so a bunch of strangers could look at you and your friends?? You could have just posted the pic of Romeo the Killer. And btw, defending him just makes you look worse, like you have no sense of right/wrong yourself. Let me tell you a short story, belgz. I loved and defended a man who could just not seem to stay out of jail (although he didn’t kill anybody). I really believed him when he’d complain that everyone was out to get him, they were jealous, and if they would just leave him alone everything would be fine and he wouldn’t lose his temper. Everyone I knew – parents, friends, coworkers – tried to tell me what an idiot I was and to Wake Up, but it took me a long time to come back to reality. I don’t want to see any young woman make the same mistake I did in standing up for someone I “loved” – and who was too narcissistic to even value my support. How can you be sure that Romeo killed these two people in self-defense – because he told you so and you trust him?? Why do you trust him?? How has he proven himself trustworthy to you?? There’s still something fishy to me about this story….. and why would he confide something like that to you within the first 10 days of knowing you?? I get a very bad feeling about this association….. but you will make your own mistakes, as we all do. Please don’t lash out at the people here who tried to give you some perspective. Could I direct you to another bit of reading about what astrology can and cannot do?? Good luck, belgz. Hope you can have those Neptunian rose-colored glasses surgically removed someday….. Zala **edit** PS: What kind of a reaction did you really expect from the people here when you gushingly stated you were in love with a man who kills people?? Did you think that we would NOT be apalled?? Or did you really put that up just to illustrate how proud and excited you were to be associated with someone on the far fringes of acceptability?? That can really give you a jolt of excitement at the risky element, to be associated with a dangerous man. quote: I believe that i might snap out of it wheni go overseas
A note about “Geographical Cures” – mostly, they don’t work. Since they don’t fix what’s out of whack INSIDE us. They just change the outside scenery.IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 28, 2007 08:47 PM
.......IP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 02, 2007 11:01 PM
And what about the women who were married or in love with those men that he killed? I dont care if it was self defense you dont need to kill people to get them off your back... How could you be so Naive.. and the thought of just wanting someone for sex is disgusting.. your a 23 year old woman? yea grow up.. even a 19 year old male can tell you that.. IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 03:38 AM
Hey, I didn't read this whole thread, so forgive me if I'm out of line, but it could've been self defense - that does happen. That said; I'd be wary, but I'm always wary, even without a history of murder...  And wtf about judging her for wanting to have sex?! If she were a man would you say the same thing, seeing stars? I think not... IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 05:54 AM
Well honey, Hannibal Lecter was polite and sophisticated too.  Furthermore, i have great astro-compatibility with Charles Manson, should i go after him? Nop. I think you're naive and all this is a whim.
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alma_pisces Newflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 01:23 PM
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 01:27 PM
alma ~Please refrain from the female-canine-allusions in your name-calling. I'm certain that words of more than one syllable are available to you (and have the advantage of not being understood by some of the population ) Thanks  Zala IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 01:41 PM
This: quote: I think you are one pathetic retarded loser. I saw your picture and you are also one nasty looking b**ch, no wonder you have to go so low. what you are so nasty that you can't get sex somewhere else you nasty w***e.
Is really out of line and mean. ------------------ Sun Aqua, Moon Sagg, Asc Taurus IP: Logged |
alma_pisces Newflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 02:00 PM
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 02:03 PM
alma ~We all lose our tempers sometimes when provoked. Please don't let this incident drive you away. Apology accepted and YOU are accepted and valued here.... IP: Logged |
Aria unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 03:21 PM
Girlfriend, Ted Bundy was a hottie! Think about it! If evil looked like evil he wouldn't have benn able to kill 20+ women - most of whom he abducted when they got into his car or were charmed by him.Astrology can teach you a great deal (I'm just learning on this site as well) but you have to let common sense prevail at some point! IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 04:51 PM
oh damn! girl if I looked like you I would not be posting my myspace AND you're the same age as me!! good god I thought you were a childffs IP: Logged |