Topic: Uranus and pluto is making me crazy
belgz unregistered
posted February 26, 2007 10:33 PM
wat do u thınkIP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted February 26, 2007 10:36 PM
belgz,You said: quote: im in love with a guy whos killed 2 poeple...we both fel in love over the internet in a matter of 10 days...WHAT DO YOU THINK????
I think this is a really bad idea. Thinking, Tim IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 26, 2007 10:39 PM
I know this is weird. but hes so charming and hes very polite. youd never know it. and hes soo nice to me and i dont sense anything bad or i dont feel like hes ever hurt me i think hes not violent towards women.IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2007 11:29 PM
quote: i think hes not violent towards women
Soooo, he just kills *men* for a living?? And you think this is OK?? What do you think about respect for human life?? Are you so desperate that you are planning to hook up with a person who kills people?? Who takes human lives?? Why does he kill people -- have you ever asked??Is this even for real?? I think our legs are being pulled -- no one could be this deluded, could they?? Wow. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 26, 2007 11:32 PM
no he doesnt. Im not taking it lightly myself and he claims it was self defence.This is mine and his chart IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2007 11:55 PM
quote: Ive gone through such drmataci changes i dont even know where to begin in the last one year i have changed so much and now im in love with a guy whos killed 2 poeple and im going overseas to be with him
Whoa, I just did a double take when I read this. Girlfriend from Crab to Crab....PLEASE FORGET ALL THE ASTROLOGICAL STUFF. The fact that he's a murderer should be enough to send you packin'....without him. One person may be self defense, but two people is NO ACCIDENT.
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belgz unregistered
posted February 26, 2007 11:58 PM
I knowwwwwwwwwwwww. IP: Logged |
Jan_A unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:08 AM
Hi belgz You have very hard transits at the moment. I am so sorry for you. Your synastry with him is mixed. Anyway you'll decide, if you be with him. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:13 AM
lolIP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:21 AM
Don't do this.Get out while you still can. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:22 AM
I think i only want him sexuallyIP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:26 AM
Sexually is bad enough - maybe even worse than "love", because sexual attraction is so much more compulsive.Pluto is destructive.
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shirty unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 09:57 AM
Do yourself a favour, belgz! The transits will pass..IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 27, 2007 10:44 AM
quote: I knowwwwwwwwwwwww. but i cant help it. its like hes haunting me and scaring me but i cant let go of him and when i did i cryed and cryed.
I know this probably sounds harsh, but..... WAKE UP!!!!!!! GROW UP!!!!!!! Listen to yourself!! You are 23 years old!! "Waaaaah, I can't help it." Sheesh. YES -- you CAN help it. Save yourself!! Do NOT meet up with this guy!! It doesn't matter if you were in love with him when you were 10, that's not enough reason for an ADULT relationship.IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 10:55 AM
quote: and now im in love with a guy whos killed 2 poeple
That's not funny IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 12:16 PM
Totally ignoring that he has killed 2 people, I do see other things! You said it is a really crazed time period for you right now...sometimes the best thing to do during a time like that is to sit back and not take any actions, just because if it is a crazy time, you could get caught up in really crazy things you regret later on. I say, let the craziness pass, it most likely will.  Also 10 days is a really really short time. I'd say give that more time too, the sexual obsession right now could just be the excitement of someone new, different, out of touch maybe, and dangerous. It could definitely pass. I also think 10 days is too short a time to know someone else, especially when the Internet is involved, and I'm saying that from experience, because I dated someone I had talked to on the Internet for 2 years, and they CHANGED before my eyes, it was pretty scary. I thought he'd be the coolest person because he made himself out to be, yet he was so abusive. So I say let that wait too, because a lot of the obsession really could just be the newness. And you can only really know what he is telling you right now, I mean, he could tell you the killing was in self-defense, but you really need to find a newspaper or police report or something. People can lie and they will, to get what they want. I'm not saying he definitely is, but 2 people is a little bit of a warning. And if he is scaring you that's a really big red flag even despite the attachment. It is your brain screaming at you to run for whatever reason. Going after him only sexually might also cause big problems. I really say just wait and see how you feel in like a month or 2. Preoccupy yourself with other things. Keep some distance verbally. IP: Logged |
cristiname Knowflake Posts: 66 From: Earth. Welcome! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 27, 2007 12:27 PM
hey, maybe he'll do you a favor and put you out of your misery! afterall, it'd be a nice thing to do, right? you're in pain...
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virgotaurustaurus unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 12:33 PM
Wow, please tell me that you are NOT really a psychologist...IP: Logged |
Kay Libra unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 01:48 PM
Not to poke fun, BUT Quote Zala -- "so he just kills "men" for a living???" -- LMAO Aqua your reply to being in love with a guy whos killed 2 people--"that's not funny". I'm sorry but that's hilarious you're quote that is. But in all seriousness, Belgz you need to let the situation go. I would fear for my own life. I don't care if it was self-defense, he could be lying and trying to get over there so he could harm you or something. You don't know this guy from Adam. Don't do it. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 27, 2007 01:59 PM
quote: I think i only want him sexually
Aren't there a lot of bonzer blokes in Oz, who haven't killed anyone, even in self-defense?? I keep coming back to this thread because it's like a horror movie you can't look away from, even though you know what's going to happen.....People grow up and change, belgz. This isn't the boy you knew in school. Use some self-discipline and self-control, cry your tears, and disconnect. Permanently. Sometimes people come into our lives just to see if we've learned how to stay away from them..... IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 02:27 PM
BELGZ,CHANGE YOUR EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER, ADDRESS.. AND START A NEW LIFE... ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? YOU CAN NOT EVEN CONSIDER THIS...YOU WILL BE PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER! please, pray to God for guidance.. see, what you are not willing to see, this is a test... do not give in to temptation... for sex, or adventure, lust, etc... think logically and with common sense.. please  IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:26 PM
We talk on the phone and my mind doesnt comprehend how he could be a bad person when he is so polite and romanticIP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:32 PM
then go within for answers, and await affirmations... this man has alot of bad karma, his life will not be an easy one...and the fact that he has taken lives, weighs heavy on his is not your karma, please take your time in your decision... and remember all that glitters, is not gold. ... silver tongue and all... . God Bless You, and Ggod Luck  IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:47 PM
leave aside the confusion of whether he did it for self defense or not.the FACT is, tht some people are smooth talkers. and you hardly know him. u just had a crush on him when u were 10. that is not good enough a reason to move half war across the world to be with him sexually. please go find someone else to be with sexually. u will find plenty of ppl who r romantic and can f***! if that doesnt help, please go see a counselor. girl any kind of obsession is not good. please seek HELP. ILWL IP: Logged |
InLoveWithLife unregistered
posted February 27, 2007 03:49 PM
this is puppy love **shakes her head**your mind cant comprehend ????? wht can it not comprehend?? haven't u ever watched any movie whr the smooth talker turns out to be a murderer? is your mind closed to the idea tht how a person talks is not an indication of wht the person is really like? r you 5 ??? u r actually scared of him. u said it twice. isnt tht indication enuf to u tht there is something ominous about this guy ??? RUN !!!! IP: Logged |