Topic: MOON SQUARE MOON in synastry!!
belgz unregistered
posted April 29, 2007 10:52 AM
Has anyone had moon square moon with someone theyve been with for a long time? YOu know how they say its REALLY BAD im just curious if anyones lasted with someone that theyve had that aspect with. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 29, 2007 11:15 AM
(**sigh**)From: The moment of physical birth, the beginning marked by the first physical breath, reflects and imprints your cosmic code, your seed pattern or life's blueprint. It is your own unique energy signature, and it embodies your soul's past, your path or purpose, your strengths, challenges, propensities and special abilities. That pattern is revealed in the birth chart, and it offers many keys to the resolution of difficulties and the integration of all aspects of your being. In a symbolic form, your birth chart reveals many secrets of timing and keys to self awareness, the best use of your own special artistry or genius and the fulfillment of your highest potential. It is crucial in studying this material, to avoid certain pitfalls. First is good / bad thinking. If, for example, you have known several people of a certain sun sign who have disappointed you, let you down or simply weren’t compatible with you, you may have decided you don't like that sign. Then look in your own chart to where that sign is and what planets or sensitive points are posited there, and you will find some part of yourself you are trying to suppress or reject. Realize that we all have all the signs within our pattern, as well as all the planets and fixed stars. Each of us has the whole pattern, and yet each chart is unique. To decide some part of the whole is 'bad' and deny its presence within your being is not an emotionally healthy practice, and it diminishes you and limits your freedom of expression, as well as your scope of relationships. Pitfall number two is feeling 'stuck with' difficult aspects, or 'doomed by the stars'. As discussed above, the stars don't do anything to us. Some things in any given name and form we are 'stuck with'. Our height, the color of our eyes, our inherited traits are a given. Who we are is our own creation and our gift to the Creator. Look at your chart as an Owner's Manual for the builder's toolbox or the artist's palette which resides in your DNA. You are the artist, and this chart can give you many clues and revelations about how to use your innate equipment, your 'tools, brushes and pigments'. We all have many undiscovered abilities within us, and we each have the power to create the life we want, by the right use of mind, will and imagination. From Steven Forrest: To me, in the realities of the astrological counselling room, there are two immutable premises: There is no manner of astrological interaction between two people that is so inherently sweet that enough selfishness, confusion about sex, or immaturity cannot turn it sour. There is no manner of astrological interaction between two people that is so inherently bitter that enough patience, devotion, and humility can not only make it last, but make it something precious to both people. From Marcia Sacks: Just as there is variety but no perfection in horoscopes, there can be love and companionship but no happily-ever-after in relationships. However, even folks with very difficult horoscopes can have healthy, successful relationships if they can accept that relationships require work. I think of it like gardening: You need seeds, soil, nourishment, water, and maintenance to grow something of beauty. From Bill Herbst: Human beings are not signs of the zodiac, and astrology neither reveals nor determines the quality of our consciousness. The expresson of our charts is largely a function of our maturity, rather than the other way around. Our species is chock full of human beings who are mired in seemingly permanent adolescence, no matter what their age or elevation in culture. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 29, 2007 01:02 PM
It will be 9 months this Friday for my perfect Moon Square Moon relationship. My Moon is at 29 degrees Virgo. Her's is at 29 degrees Gemini.IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 29, 2007 01:28 PM
hiMe and my bf have our moons squared: mine is in 22 taurus and his in 17 aqua. They really say its a very bad interaspect to have in a sinastry.Cafe astrology says: "It is more difficult for the two of you to be in sync with each other because of this aspect. When one is up, the other may be down, or one of you is a night person while the other is an early bird. Timing can be tricky, and it will take some adjustment to find a way to relate and reduce frustrations. Certain habits or idiosyncrasies of your partner can be almost unbearable for you. With time, patience and love, each of you can modify the most offensive irritants, and the rest will simply have to be tolerated if you plan to share a residence." on the 7th of May we´ll be 10 month as a couple 
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 29, 2007 01:49 PM
i forgot to tell that also Paul and Linda Macrtnney had that aspect in their sinastry, and maneaged it well  IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted April 29, 2007 01:49 PM
Do you think you can relate to what it says on cafeastrology? or do you think yous are still good on an emotional level? Would you consider your relationship still as good as any other without the squared moons?IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted April 29, 2007 02:21 PM
I do consider we understand each other very well emocionally. We know when the other is good or bad by just looking to each other..yeah sometimes we are in different moods, but we always manage it with love and affection!IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 29, 2007 04:40 PM
I have this with my sibling;her moon @ 6 degrees Gemini, mine @ 6 degrees Virgo. While alot of the time it can be a pain in the taco....sometimes its OK. I mean, we have same sense of dark humor-We both laugh at things that other people would find really inaproriate to laugh at.IP: Logged |
pseudofemme unregistered
posted April 29, 2007 10:16 PM
No aspect dooms a relationship. If there are other positive aspects made to each other's moons (easy aspects to the Sun, Venus, Mercury, or ascendant, for example) then I'd expect to see some nice emotional connection, even if moons are square.Heck, even if there are NO positive moon aspects whatsoever, with some conscious effort, two people can come to an emotional understanding of each other. It just may be harder than with other relationships. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted April 30, 2007 04:55 AM
my ex has moon in virgo on his ascandant and i have moon in gemini on my midheaven were the same emotionally and react exaxtly the same and think the same but hes different. we have both ascendants in virgo conjunct though with double venus and mercury trines and mercury trine moonsIP: Logged |
Verseau_miracle unregistered
posted April 30, 2007 06:35 AM
I have an aqua moon and my boyfriends is in Taurus. Weve been together a year and a bit now, and we have little arguments like everyone, but generally its an absolutely incredible reltaionship. I have huge respect for who he is and what he has to teach me My sun is also in aqua and i grew up with a very scorpio mother and sister though, perhaps im used to trying that little bit harder for the magic results IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted April 30, 2007 07:12 AM
I get along better with my squares (moon or sun), than anyone else in the zodiac. In fact I love all my fixed brothers and sisters out there!!!I grew up with a Leo mother, father and sister. Even the damn dog was a Leo!!! I was also born with my Aquarius moon and my Leo ascendant squaring my Taurus sun and each other, so perhaps after living with that combo all my life - the square - supposedly the hardest aspect in astrology - is actually my favourite.  IP: Logged |
LunarPiscesTwin unregistered
posted February 20, 2008 10:52 AM
I'm giving this post a bump. I have this aspect with my bf and we're still very happily together. This despite the fact that according to all the online astrology websites we should have run from one another screaming into the night years ago Most online astrology descriptions regarding synastry are overly simplistic (in my opinion). They tend to divide aspects into "good" and "bad," and make it seem as though if you have one "bad" aspect the relationship is doomed, and that is just bunk. Take my relationship. I'm a Gemini sun and he is a Scorpio. According to the typical cookie cutter description you might find online elsewhere my bf and I should be like oil and water. Literally, almost every description of a Scorpio-Gemini relationship I've read online predicts doom and gloom (albeit with sexual bliss beforehand). Thankfully, that hasn't been our experience. He has moon in Gemini and I have moon in Pisces. Our moons are squared, BUT his moon is conjunct my Sun, trines my Saturn and Pluto, and is opposite to my Neptune. My moon trines his Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Ceres (all in Scorpio), Jupiter and Uranus. My moon is also opposite his ascendant and sits in his 7th house. We have our Venus' trine in Scorpio and Cancer and our Virgo ascendants conjunct. Not to mention that his stellium in Scorpio sits opposite my Eros. Our Mars our also trine in Aquarius and Gemini. My point is that more than one aspect goes into a relationship. Occasionally, our wires cross, we misunderstand one another, but doesn't every couple? Now if every other aspect in our chart was difficult it might add problems galore, I suppose. However, since our moons make almost entirely positive aspects (both in our synastry and natal charts) it just adds certain dynamism to our relationship. BTW we've been together about eight years and have known each other since childhood (about 18 years in all).
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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 20, 2008 11:20 AM
Now at 18 months with a perfect Moon square Moon here.IP: Logged |
LunarPiscesTwin unregistered
posted February 20, 2008 11:33 AM
Congrats, AcousticGod.  IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted February 20, 2008 07:04 PM
 Us too! NOw makes also 18 months that we´re together too Our Moons are skaured in 4ºorb IP: Logged |
jenfullmoon Knowflake Posts: 35 From: California Registered: Jun 2009
posted February 25, 2008 02:27 PM
Meh, I don't like it. My mom is a Pisces moon and I'm a Sag and we literally don't speak the same language at all emotionally. I don't get her needs and she's constantly in pain that I am not intuiting hers and fulfilling them. (She's not the sort to tell you, either.) IP: Logged | |