posted May 13, 2007 02:29 PM
I think Waxy is right.Dont go forward thinking about the Neptunian thing (whatever that means).
If i were searching all the bad aspects in my sinastry/composite with my bf to see if it could work or not..than i wouldnt ever BE on a relationship 
Focus on what you trully feels; on whaatever you want from the relationship and with that person.
Be aware of the potencialities and try to manage the challenges by turning them onto more easy ( by working together as a couple) improving your future.
Tim said to me a very truthfull thought: ALL relationships require efforts and hard work from both parts. No one is perfect and no one can expect things to be easy.
I believe that whenever a relationship is challenging it also gives us the power to strenght it. Through the challenges we become more strong,better human beings.
My relationship itīs not easy cause it has itīs limitations and particular circunstances but whenever i feel down about something i remember that that person is the best thing that ever happened to me.
And we do find strengh in one another,and becomed better persons just cause we fight against all challenges that comes to apart us
Just let go of your fears and if you trully feel itīs worth..go ahead!Dont think of "what could happen wrong", think "how much can i grow from this"