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Author Topic:   Question for the men of LL...

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posted May 22, 2007 11:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
EXACTLY s.a.l. I'm talking about males that have strong personalities...not drunken buffoons that use their fists to get their point across. This Taurus is well spoken, well educated, and well traveled. He speaks 3 languages. He can tell you all kinds of facts about different wines. He knows when to lower his voice to a perfect soft whisper. These men seduce, they don't abuse. But this gives them power.

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Neon Artemis
posted May 22, 2007 11:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Who mentioned drunken ignorant buffoons? I surely didn't. The alpha men I am talking about are charismatic, intelligent, leaders in their field that stand out and others tend to idealize them - the negative charactaristics I mentioned are in their "shadow" that aren't apparent at first. I was addressing Dulce Luna's comment in talking about the subtle differences in energy and why people can't tell the difference between confidence and arrogance.

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posted May 22, 2007 11:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for stillatlarge     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lmao! I ran afoul of one of those in the 6th grade. I gave him my lunch money for an entire school year. That is sooo embarrassing. lol I was 11. This kid was 13, and I'm NOT KIDDING, there were 50 yr. old teachers falling at his feet. He wasn't a big guy, but he knew all the buttons I guess. He dropped out before High School. The funny thing is to my knowledge he actually has a wife and normal family life now. That was my life-long lesson. I always remember him when I come across the type or get into one of these situations and I feel that old familiar feeling. lol. By the time I was 14 I was pretty savvy. I feel very blessed to have learned it early age before I could make any life altering choices.

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Dulce Luna

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posted May 22, 2007 11:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
With all due respect I think you all are failing to make an important distinction-the guy you describe isn't a knuckle dragger beating up on women.

And no one was speaking of the sort (atleast I wasn't), so where did you get that from??

Anyways on the subject of the alpha male: I don't care if they're well educated or ignorant as heck; they're all the same. Its just that the former hides it better under the front of being "confident" (at first).

And good point Neon Artemis about noting just who these type of people attract in their first place (people who are also insecure).

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posted May 22, 2007 12:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Neon, I was definitely not addressing your posts, but it seemed that some of the general posts had been heading in that direction. I can see where s.a.l. would have thought that as well.

My whole point in the beginning was that the attraction to the alpha male ISN'T necessarily a reflection on how confident, and self-assured a woman is. The reason for that is because I see it as a very primal thing. We may be the most evolved species, but we still retain many basic animal instincts and I really think that is one of them. Sure, as we continue to grow and evolve in our own lives we realize that to sustain relationships we need a lot more than a tough guy. The younger we are, the more we rely on our instincts to feel our way opposed to logic. Most of these alpha male types generally have Peter Pan syndrome their entire life and typically never evolve. They end their lives with a trail of broken hearts and ruined relationships...and probably a whole lotta bad karma. But it generally doesn't make them any less attractive to the opposite sex during their formitive years.

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posted May 22, 2007 12:17 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is turning interesting.

I think my view of relationships is pretty much what Coral described. i want a sunny, optimistic, confident, funny, and of course spiritual person. i am not so sure about the scorpio kind of passion. depth, yes. loyalty, yes. but when i think of passion, i think os someone breathing down my neck 24/7...doesn't sound like fun to me

p.s. i have heard of 'the alpha male', but i dont know what that means in real life.

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posted May 22, 2007 12:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think my view of relationships is pretty much what Coral described. i want a sunny, optimistic, confident, funny, and of course spiritual person.

ILWL, You know what's funny? Those are the EXACT words I would use to describe this Taurus that I've been talking about. He attracts all KINDS of women because of it, and he knows it. Which is why, no matter who the woman is, how confident she is, how insecure she is...I don't think it matters. She will always be most physically drawn to the leader of the pack.

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Dulce Luna

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posted May 22, 2007 12:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think saying that all women will be attracted to the alpha-male (or the leader, whichever you may call it) due to "primal instincts" is a HUGE generalization. Its like saying that all guys will like the Paris-Hilton-blonde-bimbo type. I know for me perosnally, they don't do it for me and I know that is due to the past. Anyways, my point is that we're all individuals here with different personalities and life experiences and it would be kind of a stretch to say that we'd all be attracted to the same type of guy (let alone an alpha male).

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posted May 22, 2007 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Because I've got nothin' but love and respect for you Dulce, I'll give you that. However, wouldn't you agree that it would also be a generalization to say that the ONLY type of women who are attracted to alpha men are the insecure and weak type? I think that they can attract many different types of women, and when they do, I see it as an instinctual urge.

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posted May 22, 2007 12:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry ladies, but it seems some of you are determined to stereo-type the "alpha male" and then take it a step further by stereo-typing the ladies they are attracted to and vice versa.

To compare an "Alpha Male" to a real life person like Paris is missing the point as she is a visual stereo-type, and we have none for the "Alphas". How would you define them?

This is how I define them. The guy who has his sh.. together and exudes confidence. Assertive and sure of himself, always making sure his need are met. Whether he chooses to do that at the expense of others is his choice, and that is why you cannot stereo-type the "bad boys" as the "alpha male". "Bad Boys" only look good because there are so many "wimps" out there in comparison.

I think it goes against the modern view of many women that they could possibly be lead by more primitive desires.

There is nothing to say an "alpha" couldn't be spiritual, or happy or any of the things you desctibe.

Maybe the thought of being attracted to them (as you perceive them) is repugnant to the sense of strong femininity you hold?

Insecurity is used as a blanket term for all kinds of percieved ailments these days, or to push aside an opinion that differs from your own. I think it's unfair to say, "You are only being lead by your insecurities". Thats condescention and assumption of the worst kind in my opinion.

A cheap shot at best, and avoids the issue.


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posted May 22, 2007 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Swerve, you are my hero!!!!

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posted May 22, 2007 01:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm off home from work, and will read this thread with interest later.

Have a good night guys.


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posted May 22, 2007 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for stillatlarge     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know one in his early 60's. He is as sexy as when he was 20. He left high school, went into the military, got a dishonorable discharge, went through a string of women...some of whom were barely legal. One of them looked like Sharon Tate. She was so exotic and classy. One of the most naturally beautiful women I've ever seen in my life. She wasn't even out of high school. He had an affair with her, resulting in "her getting herself pregant" (remember that?). Because he was involved with this other woman he humiliated her. She was utterly degraded and humiliated, completely outcast. His mother/sisters condoned this. (I think that a man's treatment of women is actually learned from his mother,contrary to popular belief that it's the father. In my experience anyway) He NEVER took responsibility for the child. This was all in the 70's when that could happen. He went on to marry the love of his life who he lost after 20 years due to his drinking. She had stuck by him through his time in prison for smuggling guns/drugs. He moved in with his elderly mother/sister and mooched for a while. Since then he has had one attractive, young, early twenties woman after another, basically supporting him. He is very smart and talented. He does this with ease. Men look up to him too. But he has just frittered it all away. I can't imagine what he could've accomplished in life, how he could've used this for good if he had been able to chanel it. To this day he has "that effect" on me, but somehow I resist.

I think you're onto something about the primal instinct. I can't begin to explain it any other way. What I can't understand is that guys have so little understanding of this. When I've tried to explain it to a few they say, "you just want someone to beat you up" and yet in their own way they are more abusive than some of these guys. It's just that you get none of the good stuff to go with it. The guy I described would never HAVE to do that, although he would be kind of forceful in the bedroom, I'm sure. I don't know if they are that clueless or if it's some kind of fear on their part. It's just really confounding.

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posted May 22, 2007 01:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My definition of "Alpha Male": The male whose babies the maximum number of women want to give their babies the best possible genetics for survival in the future.

In the primeval times, the most muscular and violent male was the Alpha. This is very much still in our genetic memories.

Forget girls, even guys are always in awe of the big dog in the weight room. A guy can be a double PhD in theoretical physics but he will still be in awe of WWE's Undertaker or Brock Lesnar or Rock should they meet in some conference. Imagine the subconscious effect on women. And should these physically dominant type also have an artistic side like a guitar skill, then the "IT" effect multiplies.

Due to evolution, the Suave and Smooth talking James Bond type seducers are turning into the alpha males.
But should there be 10 James Bond types, who wins? The one who is a guitar maestro or the one who has the 400 pound bench press? It could be either but it certainly wont be the Bond who quotes Shakespeare.

When the primal genetics are overcome by the mind, then who will be the alpha male ? If all the women suddenly had IQs over 250 and knew every spiritual practice there is to know and every philosophy there will be, which kind of male will become the alpha male for them? The answer could be the male who is the most strong willed, responsible and determined.
A Robert Redford type from the movie "Last Castle". But agin, should there be 10 of these type, then even for the most evolved women, the tie breaker will boil down to primal genetics.

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Dulce Luna

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posted May 22, 2007 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, first and foremost: I don't think we're speaking of the same type of people here. You guys are defining an alpha-male as some who's sure of himself and extremely confident. My definition of the alpha male is an arrogant-son-of-a-you-know-what who has the "me first" mentality. Atleast that's what I thought an alpha male was. Anyways, there are countless real life examples of this: Donald Trump for one (I know, he isn't sexy enough for you, but alpha male he is....)*edit* thank you IqHunk, for naming another example:James Bond

Because I've got nothin' but love and respect for you Dulce, I'll give you that. However, wouldn't you agree that it would also be a generalization to say that the ONLY type of women who are attracted to alpha men are the insecure and weak type? I think that they can attract many different types of women, and when they do, I see it as an instinctual urge.

Now, I would only agree with you in one instance and that is when the guy in question is very careful with the way he presents himself at first impression-ie. he "dilutes" his arrogance with charm. Then maybe almost anyone could possibly be attracted to him (thank God I was bestowed with a Cancer sun/virgo moon so I can see through bullsh%tters like this).

As for all the other guys who are so blatantly arrogant, I don't think any self respecting woman would be attracted to that so in this case, Neon Artemis' point holds true.

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posted May 22, 2007 01:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wow IQHunk, now i see why u r the IQ HUNK

NOW i understand what is meant by the alpha male. upto now i was really confused. now i SEEE

hmmm....i think i steer clear of the alpha males then. i am too airy for them to be effective on me. i like the 'nice' guys. or may be my concept of the 'IT' man is someone who is the Robert Redford type. (havnt seen the movie so going by the description). but then again, i have issues with men who i think might not be 100% mine (yeah, tht's the primitive woman in me speaking). so tht rules out the alpha males by definition.

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posted May 22, 2007 02:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for stillatlarge     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There ARE some smart people here.

I disagree with what someone said a ways back though...that is that it is the "feminists' fault", and that as women grew stronger the men grow weaker. I think it's the opposite. Society stopped requiring strenght or character in a man and there was no social enforcement.I think the WWI and WWII contributed to that. A lot of norms and taboos were overturned and it wasn't all good. As a result the incompetent, violent types took over and that came to be what was associated with male dominance. And it really sucks here in the U.S. where we outnumber them 2 to 1. I've heard that ratio is the inverse in Australia. I think it magnifies the problem that there are so few to go around.

But nobody as yet has answered the most important question: What's a girl to do? They won't lead. They won't follow and they won't get out of the way. LOL

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posted May 22, 2007 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Equality. Equality, equality, equality. Please guys, DO NOT get me wrong...equality is a wonderful thing. Without it, I'm sure my life would be a whole hell of a lot more miserable. But can someone please tell me why women in this day and age want to be men? Our sexuality is the only difference we have left! We are NOT the same. There are fundamental differences between us that will always be there, no matter how much we evolve. Simply put, a man that makes a woman really FEEL like a woman is extremely appealing, and I would imagine a woman that makes a man feel extremely masculine would be highly desirable. This is why the guy that takes charge in a tough situation, doesn't lose his cool, questions the status quo, influences other people whether for good or bad, and doesn't back down from his opinions, is least to me he would be. And I don't consider myself to be some weak little wallflower. But then again, maybe that's exactly why I find them appealing. I have no interest in a man that doesn't challenge me and keep me on my toes. I've met very few men in my life that have made me feel ultra-feminine, and when I have, I've fallen hard. Personally, I long for the days when the gender roles were more clearly defined. I think I was born into the wrong time. But, to each his own...apparently I'm in the minority on this.

ILWL, I define passion as reckless abandon. When you leave your inhibitions and hang ups at the door and you allow yourself to be completely raw and exposed for someone else.

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posted May 22, 2007 03:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

ILWL, I define passion as reckless abandon. When you leave your inhibitions and hang ups at the door and you allow yourself to be completely raw and exposed for someone else.

tht's a nice way to put it....hmmmm....that hasn't happened to me till now....came very close, but then the guy wasn't 'available'.

but i totally agree about that part...of being attracted to a man who makes u feel like a woman. absolutely. 100%. how else cud it be(for me)? otherwise there wont be any difference between a friend and a boyfriend. i want the guy who can 'handle' me.

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posted May 22, 2007 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for stillatlarge     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This has been an interesting thread. I think this is what leads people into alternative lifestyles because it seems people in the bdsm community have a better understanding of these things than most. I'm just really scared to get involved in something like that though. I think most people are. I guess because of the more extreme bizarre behaviors you see and hear about. I'm not into anything like that. I know most people don't go that far. It's just the fear that they could mislead and you could find yourself in the hands of a monster. I have read a lot though and I understand it. It's a shame there isn't a safe happy medium.

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posted May 22, 2007 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
s.a.l., I too have read about these underground types of alternative lifestyles, and to tell you the truth, they're both intriguing and frightening at the same time. You're right, there is really no happy medium. Which is what Swerve was getting at earlier. You've either got a wimp, or a bad boy, but there are not many that display a calm confidence right in between. Those are a rare breed indeed.

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posted May 22, 2007 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CoralFrequency     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If a man said to me "I don't like bad-girl types". I'd say "ok, I hope you find a girl that's right for you and that she isn't a bad girl"
If another man said to me "I don't like goodie goodies.. I like someone who is a bit rough around the edges", I'd say "ok, I hope you find a girl that's rough around the edges"

I honestly hope, at the end of the day we all get what we are looking for. What I don't understand is the emotional attachment some people have to this issue in the sense that, they would try to force views upon a person (I don't mean this thread in particular, but in general). Personally, I would feel strange to say to that man, in the first instance: "well you know, biologically we all want rough sex and therefore, you're probably burying some deep seated psychological need".. I would also feel highly strange, saying to the second man: "well you know we all have a deep seated biological need to have children and form a family, so are you sure you are not burying some deep seated psychological need for a mother figure?" Even if I held those opinions about the human race in general, which I do not.. but even if I did, I wouldn't force them upon a person who has just told me how they *felt*. Why would I do that.. unless I had an emotional issue with this?
That's what is a bit hard for me to understand..

Now, if you believe all tomatoes are light red.. and you want to believe all tomatoes are light red.. then by all means, believe that all tomatoes are light red! If someone tells you they picked up a dark red tomato the other day.. You can choose to believe them or not.. that's your choice.. You can choose to believe they have eyesight problems and are colour blind.. that's also your choice.. But why not leave them alone? If they want to believe it's dark red, then it probably is dark red FOR them.. Each to their own.

I feel as though there is some anger and emotional attachment to this issue coming from mainly male posters.. and I've felt this way before in real life with certain men, when the subject came up.. What I'd like to ask is, why does it emotionally *mean* so much to you personally that women (all women) like bad boys on an instinctual level? Why do you seem to want (or even crave) this to be true so badly?

Or is it just my personal intuition playing up? I always sense anger with some posters when they approach this issue.

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posted May 22, 2007 04:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Coral, how come u make so much sense to me always? must be the cappy factor

hehe....i am in a playful mood today...i feel totally goofy

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Dulce Luna

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posted May 22, 2007 04:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, I think we are confusing the masculine/feminine dynamics of a relationship with sadomascochism.

I mean call me crazy but I thought a decent guy could actually have a backbone. When does a guy have to be a "badboy" or "alpha" in order for one "to feel like a woman" in the relationship? And why does a guy have to be any of those two in order to be "masculine"?

I guess its each to their own.

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posted May 23, 2007 01:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Everyone's so real in their posts here.
Dulce, you just pour it out, as is. I like that about you. Neon, Coral, ILWL, Swerve...really, I hate to single people out. There's so much wisdom.

sounds as if you're having lots of awakenings in yourself these days.

Post-thoughts, have you considered that the Taurus may have still been trying bait & trap with you?
By appealing to your compassion and striving for understanding and also telling you how special you are? (the only one to challenge him). Not to arouse paranoia, but have you wondered if he's told other women the same thing?

I hope I don't offend by asking you that, I've read of your recent heartbreak and care for how vulnerable you might be for still healing, and was just curious if you had given that thought.
Even if it seems pointless, considering you are determined not to fall for him again, things like this can still be helpful to think about anyway, or strengthen our resolve.
Manipulators learn to skillfully sense out what they can exploit, adapting their technique from situation to situation. And Piscean/Neptunian are most often exploited for their ability to empathize and for hoping to understand and accept people as they are. Sadly it's often not treated gently, nor gratefully as the beautiful gift to the world that it is, as it should be.
A trail of horrors in my heart, being Neptunian myself,
I hate the thought of that happening to anyone.

What people might not realize about Neptunians is that, the very things that can crush them (their sensititivy and awareness) are the same things that also save them.
As an evolving sign, with each experience they become even more aware and alert to subtleties that pass by unnoticed to most. This alertness, seeking beyond the surface, of what's said or heard or protection. Like an animal in the wild who needs to develop their senses of smell, etc. for survival. You see the most strange evolutionary adaptations, the more vulnerable the prey. Nothing gets by them...the shifts of scents on the currents of air...breaking of twigs on the forest floor heard from miles away. Seems perhaps you're coming to understand that and tuning into this awareness more and more yourself.

I probably sound entirely closed off and paranoid, LOL.
If so, then I'm not getting what I mean across effectively....the whole point is, the alertness is because I'm not.
I wouldn't have to, if I weren't sensitive and trusting.

So...all this talk of genetics and biology and conditioning, perhaps you could understand why it entirely escapes me, especially when I'm told it pertains to me, in no uncertain terms, as if it's a fact. I'm not tuned into that wavelength at all.

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