posted June 01, 2007 10:53 PM
FREE calculation software you can run from Windows. Take a look at the extensive list of features which this program incorporates. NATAL ASTROLOGY- Eight different house systems, declinations, latitudes, helio planetary positions, major and minor aspects, midpoints, midpoint aspects and 126 Arabian parts with conjunctions to natal planets and points. Sidereal and Tropical calculations. Johndro locality chart calculations. The ability to compute every conjunction to any angle during the course of the current day. Calculates Tropical & Sidereal charts.
PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY- Progressed, solar Arc and transit planetary positions, solar and lunar returns, aspects and parallels to natal planets, lunations for the coming 12 months, and transit interpretations for any day desired and you can add your own transit interpretations for the outer planets. You may also include interpretations for the minor aspects, semi-sextile, semi-square, sesquisquare, and quincunx. Solar precession and primary zodiacal directions. Ingress, North Node and Karmic chart calculations. Written to accompany "The Complete Course in Predictive Astrology "available from JustUs & Associates.
RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY - Natal charts, composite charts and Davidson relationship charts.
COSMODYNES - Complete analysis of the cosmodynes in any natal chart. These calculations are based on the methods used by Doris Chase Doane in her book "How to Read Cosmodynes". Cosmodynes help qualify a chart and tell you exactly where the strengths and weaknesses are and where the harmonies and discordant energies lie.
PLANETARY HOURS - Lists the planetary hours and the planetary hour rulers for any day. Click on a planet and see keywords and activities for that planetary hour.
NUMEROLOGY - Calculates destiny, heart's desire, personality and birth force numbers. Other calculations include ultimate reality, sub-cycles, planes of expression, habit challenges and challenges. Progressions featuring year by year name letter influence, essence, personal year, sub-cycle, pinnacle and challenge numbers are also included. Based on the ideas and calculations in Juno Jordan's book, "Numerology- The Romance in Your Name".
CHARTWHEELS - Among the chartwheels you can display are single, dual and triple natal, progressed, solar arc, transit. solar return, lunar return, composite, synastry, Draconic, South Node, harmonic, 90 degree, flat, solar and solar equilibrium chartwheels. American and European Wheels now included! Colored chartwheels with added aspect grids. Whole sign single chartwheels.
ATLAS- ASTROWIN contains its OWN ATLAS and will work with ACS ATLAS. You will love how easy it is to use this feature. TIME ZONE information is yours with a single click of the mouse. How much easier can we make it?
ARABIAN PARTS- We have included 126 Arabian Parts, calculates and aspected to your chart. Reference for this material is Robert Zoller, Keys to Prediction.
OTHER FEATURES - Help on all menu items, option settings for program parameters, ability to duplicate a chartwheel and look at another chartwheel at the same time, a listing of aspects along side the chartwheel for fast reference, 20 different orb files for customizing the orbs for different chartwheel's aspects, 13 different files for storing your birth/event data with the ability to add any number of files you want. GeoPlot relocation , maps for the US and the world (similar to AGS). There are even more features that you will find in this program, there's just not enough room to list them all!
Sendin' love your way,
your friend in spirit