Topic: Aquarius men
mblover Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 02, 2007 04:53 PM
Aquarius relationships are the toughest even for Aquarius / Aquarius. Everything is rationalized and there is always a need of helping others rather than their own partner. I am not aware of any Aquarius man or woman whose Spouse is happy with him or her. I have heard Cancer women and men Crying every day and night when they are in a relationship with Aquarius spouse! Of course, entire chart is important to predict here.IP: Logged |
Hermes28 unregistered
posted December 02, 2007 06:34 PM
quote: Aquarius relationships are the toughest even for Aquarius / Aquarius. Everything is rationalized and there is always a need of helping others rather than their own partner. I am not aware of any Aquarius man or woman whose Spouse is happy with him or her. I have heard Cancer women and men Crying every day and night when they are in a relationship with Aquarius spouse! Of course, entire chart is important to predict here.
Yes on all counts. Recently spoke to an Aquarius, who was complaining about their love life. In a nutshell, they've dated a few fellow Aquas and vowed no more. This Aqua had Capricorn rising, moon unknown. Re: Cancer & Aqua. My Grandma who is a Cancer w/ Aries moon, said of my Scorpio-Aqua Granddad, "Mean, Frigid old man." Says my Cancer-Aries Aunt (no saint, she) of her Aqua-Cancer(?) husband, "Mean. Cold." With a downcast, sad look as she tells it. A complete 180 from the witch we remember growing up. With Uranus transiting my 7th house, they're popping up everywhere. Six Aqua suns, three w/ moon in Aries, one Virgo. The other two plays it coy w/ their stats. Two w/ Aqua Asc (Cap/Sag & Taurus/Gem ). And two with Aqua moon (Taurus & Virgo). IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted December 03, 2007 03:34 PM
MbLoverYou talk about Cancer/Aqua Spouses that arent happy with each other..but my bf is a Aqua Moon with Cancer AC - that placement helps him on his "Aqua Detatchment" Im a luchy girl so i am seeing - besides of him being a Libra AC (adds up the commitment versus self liberty of Aqua), his Aqua Moon conj my 5th Cusp - so in a way i think i can view this as adding a nurture and more emocional side to our relationship IP: Logged |
augentier unregistered
posted December 03, 2007 03:41 PM
I love Aquarius men. I am drawn to them out of nowhere, and I have only known a few in my life - with each I've had a special relationship/friendship. I am a Capricorn woman, btw. In fact, the only man I've ever truly loved (but we were only friends) is Aquarius..but we did have other planets/signs working for us in synastry (lots of Pisces). I've found that Aquarian men are incredibly interesting people - they talk well, and have curious and intriguing minds. They have a twinkle in their eye. I've found that on a deeper level, they are quite sentimental and romantic. IP: Logged |
aquagembaby Knowflake Posts: 94 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted December 03, 2012 02:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Mama Mia: Blueeyes: That is so typical this story that you said about the Aqua and the Scorpio..Aqua's tend to sabbatoge relationships..I have a Aqua guy friend that I have been knowing all my life and he says Aqua men don't know a good woman when we have one...And I stopped and looked at him and said that is so true..I think that its a growth thing maturity level that they have to reach before they even begin to see the real deal, with some it takes a long time for them to get there and perhaps some painful situations too..
I agree. I think Aquas in general are too independent & they never let people help them or "love" them. Even if people do love them deeply, Aquas see this action as merely overbearing or clingy when they should be appreciating the fact that someone could care for them so much. I'm an Aqua Sun w/ Aqua Venus & this can def go for females as well. IP: Logged |
Londongirl8 Knowflake Posts: 83 From: London Registered: Dec 2012
posted January 04, 2013 05:11 AM
I'm an Aqua girl and I've recently started dating an Aqua guy. Contrary to all the nonsence I read about our sign, neither of us is 'aloof' and we have no problems in expressing our feelings towards each other. He is very warm and loving both at home and in public - much better for me than the Pisces man I dated - now that WAS a mistake!Two of my best friends (one is Aqua and the other is Gemini) are happily married to Aqua men. My dad is Cancer and his second wife is Aqua and they get on very well  IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 138 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted February 01, 2013 05:44 AM
Personally, I really don't mind Aquarius being in the Sun position, it is when it is the Moon that I start to see red.Aquarius Moon, I find, exemplifies a lot of the "detachment", "aloof" , "analytical approach" to interpersonal relationship as is written on many character descriptions. There is an Aquarius/Cancer couple that I know that are crazy about each other. Been together for years now and not about to get married(albeit the Cancer pushing for that to happen). But the Aquarian has Moon in Sagittarius and the Cancer has his in Gemini. Moon placements seem to help though. IP: Logged |
unhappyapathy Knowflake Posts: 44 From: Los Angeles, CA, US Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 09, 2013 01:08 PM
My grandpa was an Aquarian man. I've always read that they are aloof and cold. They also hate marriage, they run from it (Linda Goodman even noted, "unlike Libra, Leo, Cancer, and Capricorn"). Hate to say it, but it's true. Even the women are the same way. They like to think in the future but seem to be afraid of commitment and serious relationships. IP: Logged |
thundered Knowflake Posts: 65 From: Australia Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 09, 2013 11:07 PM
Oi vey...  My ex, step-dad and the guy I quite fancy are all Aqua men, being a Pisces, sometimes it seems like I like to torture myself! Kidding, for some reason I like their sense of humour, and I find that with my ex and step-dad they do play it very cool at face-value but can be very emotional men (actually one of two reasons I broke up with my ex was that he was too clingy for me). I actually don't have any real luck getting along with Aqua women, they sure as hell don't like me :\ IP: Logged |
unhappyapathy Knowflake Posts: 44 From: Los Angeles, CA, US Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 10, 2013 12:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by thundered: Oi vey...  My ex, step-dad and the guy I quite fancy are all Aqua men, being a Pisces, sometimes it seems like I like to torture myself! Kidding, for some reason I like their sense of humour, and I find that with my ex and step-dad they do play it very cool at face-value but can be very emotional men (actually one of two reasons I broke up with my ex was that he was too clingy for me). I actually don't have any real luck getting along with Aqua women, they sure as hell don't like me :\
Looks like we're all in consecutive order, then. I'm an Aries. I don't have any luck getting along with Aquarian women either. My only friend for many years is one, and she was kind but I hated how absent-minded and changeable she was. She also proved moody and didn't want to marry her BF even though they've known each other for more than ten years now. He's a Leo. On a lighter note... They also have funny sleep tendencies. All the Aquarians I knew were insomniacs and happy about it. IP: Logged |
CapricornGyal Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted August 27, 2013 05:59 PM
I'm dealing with an Aquarius man right now and he's driving me CRAZY!I'm a Capricorn female. 8 months ago we met and he basically told me he loved me. We've spoken almost weekly for the past 8 months and he continues to tell me how gorgeous, sexy, incredible I am...with NO PLANS of a date. He wants random adventures like 4am dates or weekends whisked away but the idea of planning is not in his vocab. I'm in love with him but so frustrated. Any help?! IP: Logged |
Garnet75 Knowflake Posts: 60 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted August 27, 2013 06:11 PM
My wonderful boyfriend is an Aquarius and he is one helluva guy. Well-read, creative, accepting to other's differences and unconventional when it comes to his geek culture hobbies  IP: Logged |
Lyrica Knowflake Posts: 65 From: USA Registered: Jul 2013
posted August 27, 2013 10:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by CapricornGyal: I'm dealing with an Aquarius man right now and he's driving me CRAZY!I'm a Capricorn female. 8 months ago we met and he basically told me he loved me. We've spoken almost weekly for the past 8 months and he continues to tell me how gorgeous, sexy, incredible I am...with NO PLANS of a date. He wants random adventures like 4am dates or weekends whisked away but the idea of planning is not in his vocab. I'm in love with him but so frustrated. Any help?!
Relax and enjoy the ride it's one you will never forget or regret. ------------------ Sun Pisces Scorpio Rising Taurus Moon Venus in Capricorn Mars In Leo "Can't run from myself-there's nowhere to hide" "That's who I am, 1000% illusion" IP: Logged |
next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted August 31, 2013 10:18 AM
Okaaay and how is this gonna be attractive for anyone??? A man you can't relax with, can't be intimate with, can't count on, can't expect anything from, can't share anything this a NICE relationship, seriously??I've been with an Aqua man for 1 year, no wonder why we broke up! Everything in that list is SO true, down to every detail. I got frustrated after 3 months, the rest was hell. It's always funny in the beginning, but believe me you get tired of not being able to have any intimate moments, not being able to enjoy his love or anything. On top of this, my aqua ex was JEALOUS too. At me. For having. Friends. I'm a virgo and I did almost everything on the no-go list, but I still miss him like hell though...I wish we could just be friends one day, but he was not especially aquarian in this spot....unfortunately IP: Logged |
12thhouser Knowflake Posts: 1436 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 31, 2013 10:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by Annepisces: Here’s what you can do to LOSE your Aquarius man…Be sexually provocative
Definitely not true. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 31880 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 31, 2013 12:20 PM
Welcome!IP: Logged |
12thhouser Knowflake Posts: 1436 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 31, 2013 07:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Welcome!
Who are you welcoming? IP: Logged |
SunMoonStars Newflake Posts: 7 From: Mercury Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 01, 2013 03:20 AM
I've been with an Aqua man (Sun, ASC, Mercury in Aquarius) for years.If you are interested in an Aqua, don't read lists and try to make yourself fit them. Just be yourself and if that is not enough, nothing is. IP: Logged |