Topic: Asteroid Orcus
Heart--Shaped Cross Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted June 08, 2007 10:38 AM
Asteroid # 90482Can anyone tell me something specific about this energy? So far, it's been associated with Pluto and the Underworld, but how it differs from Pluto is unknown to me. What might it mean to have Orcus exactly oppositioning the Moon, - or, more specifically, Orcus in the 7th, in Leo, opposite a 1st house Moon/Juno conjunction?   thanks, hsc
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Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 08, 2007 12:12 PM
In Roman mythology, Orcus was a god of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths, the god who tormented evildoers in the afterlife. Seems it has something to do with pastlife relationship karma.Remarkably, I have Orcus exactly conjunct my dad's Sun. If you were badly hurt or betrayed by women, you might have done that in your past life and now you are just paying off. ------------------ We are not sinful, shameful human creatures who have to somehow earn Spirituality. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience ~ Robert Burney IP: Logged |
doubtingthomas unregistered
posted June 08, 2007 02:02 PM
Wonder what Orcus opp Karma would be in a Natal chart & Synastry chart? Or Orcus conjunct Orcus? Doesn't seem like Orcus is a good thing ...DT IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted June 08, 2007 02:51 PM
Thanks, Peri.IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Moderator Posts: 52 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 09, 2007 02:46 PM
Wow mine is square Pluto and semi square Chiron. DOesnt sound too pleasantIP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5327 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 09, 2007 03:12 PM
Isn't that where you have a killer whale in your chart?  IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 10, 2007 03:16 AM
lol, AG. Where's your Shamu asteroid?  HSC, thanks for bringing up this asteroid, and Peri, thanks for the info.  I love learning about new asteroids, but I feel that I may be getting ahead of myself. I still consider myself a beginner with the basics of astrology, but I'm attracted to the specific meaning of asteroids. It's easier to wrap my head around the "punisher of broken oaths" than the planets which are all more general and multi-faceted. Natally, I have Orcus conjunct Juno and sextile Karma. I wonder if where you have Orcus placed natally is where you most closely monitor yourself and consciously honor your promises. In synastry, my Orcus conjucts my boyfriend's' Mars, my name asteroid, and his part of marriage. It also opposes his Saturn and Moon. His Orcus sextiles my Mars, Jupiter, and Chiron. I guess the Mars-Orcus double whammy means we'd both torment the other over any extracurricular sexual evildoing. Hmm, I could really use a dominatrix smiley right here. IP: Logged |
misterhank unregistered
posted June 10, 2007 06:35 PM
This is how interesting karmic bonding can be... ------------------ Hank Campbell Far Rockaway, Queens, NY *Sun: 8th House/Leo, Moon: 3rd House/Pisces, Venus: 8th House/Leo, Mars: 6th House/Cancer, Jupiter: 8th House/Leo, Saturn: 8th House/Virgo, ASC: Capricorn "A gifted mind needs a gifted heart to sympathize others who are in vain." IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted June 10, 2007 07:20 PM
Jane,  IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 11, 2007 01:28 AM
HSC, are you being bad? Don't make me put on black leather and unleash my Orcus on you. Mine's in Leo too, so it would be a fair fight. IP: Logged |
Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 11, 2007 12:42 PM
My Orcus is at 28 Cancer... It's conjunct Jupiter & opposed Mercury in my chart, and that's it... Because it's conjunct Jupiter, can I say I don't have an bad Orcussey karma???I'm scared of Orcus! I'm just going to tell myself that, it makes me feel better, lol. IP: Logged |
Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 11, 2007 12:54 PM
Whoa, get this... My Orcus is exactly conjunct my ex-husband's DC and conjunct his Orcus at 0 Leo... We also have planets loaded up on each other's South Node... how karmic is that? I'm amazed already with this Orcus thing. EDIT: guys, I don't know how valid Orcus can be for a synastry reading, especially the conjunction... Orcus moves soooooooooooo sloooooowwly. Orcus is conjunct with everyone and pretty much everyone within my age range makes similar aspects with my personal planets. My mother was born 30 years before me and her Orcus is just over 30 degrees away from mine! IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted June 11, 2007 09:28 PM
A fair fight? I don't know about that, jane. I'm a Plutonian. Orcus is my right-hand man. 
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alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 46 From: Somewhere over the Rainbow... Registered: May 2009
posted June 11, 2007 09:36 PM
Hmm. I think I might love Orcus. Hehe...the Scorpio in me resonates well with it. I have Orcus conjunct Moon...opposite Mars, square Pluto and trine AC.
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jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 12, 2007 12:05 AM
You may be Plutonian, but Scorpio is my middle name (it's my second strongest sign). But I see that you have a Scorpio Sun-Venus-Uranus conjunction touching your MC...well played, HSC. You win this round.IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5327 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 12, 2007 12:33 AM
My Orcus is a 22nd degree Cancerian. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted June 13, 2007 11:18 AM
And Pluto Square my Ascendant... AND my chart-ruler in the 8th house.Seems I won the bonus round, too.   love to all, hsc IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 14, 2007 03:43 AM
Oh, come on. Now you're just showing off.Since you showed me yours, I'll show you mine. I have Pluto, my chart ruler, sextile my Moon, Sun, and Neptune. It's also square my Venus (so you know he and Orcus would see eye-to-eye). It's resting in my 12th house though, so it's in my Private Plutonian Secret Garden. What would a Plutonian garden look like? Fire pits birthing a phoenix? Tigers? Siegfried & Roy? IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted June 14, 2007 05:03 AM
My Orcus is at 3 degrees Leo - sitting in my 12th house, conjunct my ascendant (@ 6 degrees Leo), EXACTLY opposite my moon (@ 3 degrees Aquarius) and even more conjunct my fiancee's Orcus - at 2 degrees Leo!!!Oo-er!!!  IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted June 15, 2007 08:13 PM

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afroken unregistered
posted June 17, 2007 02:52 AM
Orcus looks real scary in my chart. Actively takin part in the grand-cross. In leo in fixed signs.. Squaring my sun and moon && my saturn. But at least.. trines my north node.
------------------ Sun in Scorpio Moon in Taurus Asc in Sagittarius IP: Logged |
MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 398 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 22, 2011 04:18 PM
My Orcus conjuncts with my jupiter and trines my venus... that is all..
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Stawr Knowflake Posts: 471 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted May 22, 2011 07:42 PM
looks like I have Orcus in Leo house 3. where I also have the S. Node and IC.Doesn't look like it aspects anything either. IP: Logged |