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posted July 02, 2007 11:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here´s our sinastry with those above asteroids (some):

I see a GRAND TRINE with his Vertex, my Vertex,and my Karma (within 1 ºorb),on which my karma is also conjuncting my Valentine

This is the respective Table:

IM seein that both our moons conjunct our Alma´s (portuguese word for SOUL) - i loved specially our Alma´s placements:

His Alma oposes my Mars(-1),widely trines my NN and PF, sextiles Vertex(2),oposes Valentine(-1);skuares Sparks(-1);Links,trines Venusia(-1);oposes KARMA(-1) and bQ MC(0)

My Alma trines his Venus(0),kikunks uranus,neptune(0),(< )NN(0),conjuncts Kiron(healing wounds);oposes Sparks,widely trines Fanatic,trines Link,widely conjuncts Adorea,trines Venusea and sextiles Asc(2).

In Composite Moon is in the 8th,conjuncting ALMA again . Karma is in the 10th,conjuncting NN,which in turn,conjuncts Adorea,in the 11th house.Adorea,(worship)also conjuncst karma,all in Cancer (his Asc).

Sinastry again:
My Adorea falls on his Asc;his Alma falls on my 5th house with his Moon;his Fanatica falls on my Asc;his ATLANTIS falls on my MC.

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posted July 02, 2007 11:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nice Info guys - I'm loving Asteroids ever since IQHunk first started sharing his take on them. I am like you guys, look at Natals first then major aspects then Asteroid Synastry. Sometimes I use the ones IQ suggested then I look at things specific to my own and the other person's personality/life history. It's a great way to further investigate the chart/s.

Here is the Edgar Cayce reference, I'm sure I actually was pointed in it's direction by someone here at LL, but sadly can't remember who to give them credit...

*quote* Even Edgar Cayce, the wonderful "sleeping prophet," spoke about soul mates (twin souls). He explained how in the beginning the "male and female were as one." In his historical description of Atlantis, Cayce says that as long as several thousand years ago... "there lived in this land of Atlantis one Amillius, who had first noted the seperations of the beings as inhabited that portion of the earth's sphere or plane of these peoples, into male and female as seperate entities or individuals." *

Just in case you're further interested the page is -

Thanx to the 'forgotten' LL citizen who first found it

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posted July 02, 2007 11:54 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
About Atlantis i was very excited to see that his Atlantis conjunct his NN. - might that mean that he was one of the Atlantis person? Also it aspects his sun,and mars,while in mine aspects moon ( past life memories awakened) and my venus.
in mine Atlantis widely sextiles my NN;
Then,in sinastry, his Atlantis sextile my Sun in 0ºorb;skuares my Vertex,trines Link ( bond) in 0ºorb; skaures my Asc in 0ºorb and conjuncts my MC in 0ºorb again

Mine,semisextile his Venus(0º),(< )his NN(2),skuares Kiron(wounder again),Q Valentine in 0ºorb,widely conjuncst Sweet.

DW on Atlantis - Uranus,the ruller of AQua,which in his chart is his 8th house;and in mine my 5th house.My Uranus falling on his 5th (desire to have children with him),and his falls on my 2th ( house of money but also of home feelin of security).
Might this all mean by any chance that we might met on Atlantis once?

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posted July 02, 2007 11:58 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thankx Cat!

Ive always been interested in Atlantis info;ive red many time ago books of Marion Zimmer Bradley and Juliet Marilier who in their books refer sometimes this ancient lost city full of wise and sabyan chemistries and all sort of high culture (certainly much more spiritual and mature than this nowadays decayin culture we live in)

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posted July 02, 2007 01:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey D23 I am loving your Atlantis links - his is really interesting almost like it's his life path to return to his role as a wise and spiritual Atlantean and therefore (perhaps) his destiny to be re-united with his Twin - You

I'm intrigued by the Atlantis stuff too, actually first through Star Signs and Linda

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posted July 02, 2007 01:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
1st Meeting Charts:

Sassygirl said also to look for the Heliocentric and Declinational 1stMeetingChart,that many times its found interesting patterns that describes well the relationship,better than Composite/Davidson.

Here´s the 1stMeeting Chart(Tropical):

Liked the sun/nep/vertx/ceres trine;moon/venus/asc trine;NN conj PF;nn/jUNO/Vesta trine and sextiling Aprho and Kaali.Alma conj Saturn/Juno and Vesta.

HELIOCENTRIC 1St Meeting Chart

Loved the Earth/Moon trine Juno/Vesta/Osiris; kiron conj Ceres and kikunkx Amor(Cinderela?);Juno/Valentine/Osiris trine;Vesta conjuncting Alma;Alma conjuncting Mars and Aphro trines Kaali and Isis.

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posted July 02, 2007 01:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

thankxs! - I was very surprised to see his Atlantis placements indeed - its a big WOW for me - i suspected he was a very old soul you know,many times he says things I find incredible for his youth..

Oh but id love to find he´s my TWIN - BUT thats to overwelming for me and i better not be puttin to much expectations because of Atlantis.
If IQ or VenusdeIndia were here,they would tell me what all these Atlantis stuff could mean.

Have you looked already th that article Venus was sending?talks about 4 types of charts,very insightful also and it gives more clues for us to solve..or to become even more overwelmed hihihi


Maybe im gonna see if there are patterns there about Atlantis?

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posted July 02, 2007 01:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah - I just got the e-book from Venus today and am studying it now.

I don't know where to go to get the charts though - how did you get yours above, did you subscribe somewhere?

I know it's hard to not get carried away with stuff in synastry, when you love someone you want to find evidence that everything is going to work out the way you want. That's kind of why I believe so adamantly in the Twin Souls theory, because there's very few people in the world who do not feel an overwhelming need to find their one and only true love.

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posted July 02, 2007 02:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yeah very hard not to be carried away
I do believe in Twins but for me its very rare to find our other half and as i know my bf is my SM - i get carried away to find even more and more evidence on that clues:us being SM couple! - the love between 2 persons is very beautiful indeed and i already know that what i feel for him is HIGH and HIGH hihihi

im rambling..

Go to and in the extended chart selection,choose the chart you want ( sinastry),putin of course,the correct bdays for you and your guy.
Then,below,theres a little box,sayin "ZODIAC" - normally its in geocentric(tropical)chart,which is the one we all look for first. There you can choose also the "WARNING:heliocentric" and "WARNING:heliocenric(sideral)" - those were the ones i choosed.
Concerning Dracos,it has to be done at hand
Go to: and put:

- Aries in ´º0´;then the 3rd part put the sign,degrees of your placement of True Node in natal,and in the middle,the planet chosen( sun/moon/asc/venus/asteroids/etc)- you do this to your planets and to your partners planets also.
Them when you have a list of all the placements,just compare it first to the natals.

Theres a lot to be done aint it? but surelly its fun!

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posted July 02, 2007 02:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanx for the info - that's great.
Yeah there is alot of work involved, but once I get into it I get so carried away, I forget to cook dinner and look up at the clock and go "OMG - five hours just went by when I wasn't looking!"

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posted July 02, 2007 02:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Same as Me!!!

As i got plenty of free time i also get carried away but always managed to have candies and chocos at hand here hihihi

Ive already found out some patterns concerning Atlantis

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posted July 02, 2007 02:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Show us your patterns when you're done
I'm comparing Natals now

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posted July 02, 2007 03:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

My Natal to own Draco( outgoin soul contract) /Composite

Conjunct my Draco Psyche(0);trine my Draco Amor(3),my Marriage of Woman(3),oposes my Lovers(3), sextiles our Composite Mean NODE(3),Composit Karma(1), skuares our Composit MC(1),my Draco Ceres(1), my Draco Sun(0)

His Natal to own Draco(outgoin soul contract) /Composite

Widely conjuncs his Psyche/Merc(4), widely conjunct his Marriage Man(4º),trines his Draco Moon(2), his Draco Valentine (2),sextiles his Draco Vertex(2),widely sextlies our Composit Asc(4)

Natals to others Dracos

His Atlantis conjunt my Draco Merc(2), sextiles my Draco Union(1),skuares my Draco Neptune(2), my Draco Isis(0)
My Atlantis conjunct his Destiny(0),conjuncst his Draco Uranus(1);,widely conjunct his Draco POM(4);sextiles his Draco Sun(0)

Natal to other´s SIDEREAL ( completion of karma)
My Atlantis:

Oposes his Sid Merc(2),sextiles his S Saturn(0);trines his S Neptun(2);skuares in 0º his Sid Kiron(wounder again); trines his Ceres(-3);skuares is Pallas(-3);oposes his Vesta(-8 trines his KARMA(0);skaures his Valentine(-1);oposes ATLANTIS(-4),widely conjuncts DNA(6)

His Atlantis :

Skaures my S.Earth(-2)(again as in Helio), kikunks my Saturn(DW),widely conjunct my Vesta(7),sextile my KARMA(in 0º-DW),sextiles my Valentine(-2),Alma(0);skuares my Siva(0) and oposes Kaali(-2)

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posted July 02, 2007 03:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

His H. Atlantis sextiles my HKarma(0) – my H.Atlantis trines his HKarma(0)
His H.Atlantis kikunks my HSaturn(0) – My H-Atlantis sextiles his HSaturn(0)
His HAtlantis widely conjunt my HVesta(7) – my HAtlantis oposes his HVesta(-8)
His H Atlantis sextile my HValentine ( -2) – my H Atlanta skuares his HValentine(-1)
His H Atlantis semisextile my HAlma(0) – my H Atlantis oposes his HAlma(-4)
His H A tlantis oppose my Earth ; my H Atlantis kikunks his Merc(0)

Our Almas are in sextile as are our Loves
Our Junos are in skuare as our Vestas are
Our DNA´s in Q as our Sivas
Our Kaalis are in trine

SINASTRY(tropical) :

His Atlantis conjunct my Eros(3);my Atlantis skuares his Eros(3)- DW
His Atlantis oposes my Cupid(-6); My Atlantis sextile his Cupid(3) – DW
His Atlantis oposes my Pallas(0) ;my Atlantis Q his Pallas (0) – DW
- His Atlantis trine my Kaali(-1); my Atlantis conjunct his Kaali(3) – DW
my Atlantis trine his Spirit(-2); my Atlantis skuares his Siva(-2),

Another interesting connections:
My SPIRIT sextile his Vertx(-2);skuares Pallas(2);exactly conjuncst Vesta(0);skuares karma(2);trines Valentine(2);oposes Love(-1);kikunks DNA( his Spirit sextiles my DNA – DW);
His SPIRIT oposes my NN/PF(-3),trines my Vertex.
My Love sextiles his NN(4), his (< )my NN(0),
His Love sextiles my Asc(0) – my Love (< )his Asc – his Love semisextile my MC – my Love kikunks his MC(0)

i FOUND a thing that intrigues me: both in Sidereal and Helio,the interaspects in sinastry are quite similar,but the placemetns( signs,degrees..) of the planets of each others are all diferent between Helio and Sidereal.
So,why still the interaspects are similar?

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posted July 02, 2007 04:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm have to think about that one...

Have you looked at the Sabian - that's what I'm doing at moment, seeing if there are any links

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posted July 03, 2007 01:55 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh my!! You girls sure have been busy! Hihihi! Good job!

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posted July 03, 2007 08:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
HI Cat im back for more,
yesterday my head started to acke and then i had to stop and go talking to my bf and give him confort for his exam today
Yeah,i noticed that about the charts,i dont know why and how taht happens...mayve Izo or VenusdeIndia knows it?

Yeap ive been researchim again hihihi - ypu know i cannot stop before i find myself knowing more about past lifes-..i just have been having so much dreams about it the couple last weeks - i just wanna know a little more you know.

and your exam how are goin? Sure ýoure gonna have the maximum grades hihihih

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posted July 03, 2007 08:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You got me all fascinated with Atlantis now, so I looked at it in my chart, and it turns out, it seems to be an important asteroid in my own chart:

It is:

conjunct my Mars, True Node, ASC, Neptune and Angel (!)
sextile my Pluto and Pallas
square my Ceres
trine my Hypnos
opposite my dr Moon

I also looked into those two actor`s charts:

In Joaquin Phoenix`s chart it is conjunct his DC (no wonder I feel a certain familiarity to him; Atlantis is conjunct my ASC and conjunct his DC; we`re both in tune with this asteroid)

In the soulmate-actor`s chart it is:
conjunct his Psyche and Vertex

So, I did the comparision, the synastry in tropical, draco, helio and sidereal.
And with both actors the results are simply shocking:

Joaquin Phoenix:

natal - draco

my Atlantis square his Jupiter
his Atlantis trine my Jupiter

my Atlantis conjunct his Vesta
His dr Atlantis sextile my Vesta

His Atlantis conjunct my dr Eros and Vertex

my Atlantis conjunct his Node, Isis, Neptune and PoF
my Atlantis trine his Moon and Hypnos

Soulmate actor:

natal - draco

My dr Atlantis conjunct his Valentine
His Atlantis opposite my dr Valentine

I`m feeling a bit weak, since I saw that. I know it`s not in the natals, "only" in the draco`s. But didn`t IQ say something like a connection between Atlantis and Valentine could point to a soulmate or even a Twinsoul (no, I won`t even think about it)?

my dr Atlantis conjunct his Moon
his dr Atlantis conjunct my Moon

My dr Atlantis trine his Telephus
His dr Atlantis opposite my dr Telephus

His Atlantis opposite my Juno (which actually lies on top of our dw of Vertex / Juno, since his Atlantis is conjunct his Vertex)

His dr Atlantis trine my Karma


Joaquin Phoenix:

His Atlantis trine my H Saturn
His H Atlantis trine my Saturn

My Atlantis conjunct his H Neptune
His Atlantis conjunct my H Amor
His Atlantis trine my H Psyche
His H Atlantis trine my Juno

Hmm, some okayish aspects, but nothing to shout about from the rooftop, I guess.


(Another aspect that takes my breath away; you remember the dw of Karma - ASC we have in the Helio? Well, Atlantis is a part of it.)

Well, it`s not a dw, but I guess it`s nevertheless significant.

His H Atlantis also trines my Vesta and Telephus



my Atlantis sextile his s Mars
His Atlantis conjunct my s Mars

His Atlantis conjunct my s Neptune
His Atlantis conjunct my s True Node
His Atlantis conjuncts my s AC (and conjuncts his own natal DC) - that is also a significant one, I`d think.
my s Atlantis conjuncts his DC
my s Atlantis conjuncts his Atlantis

This pattern in the sidereal chart is also quite a breathtaking one:
His Atlantis (13° Scorpio), my True Node (15° Scorpio), my s Atlantis (13° Scorpio), my s ASC (12° Scorpio) and his DC (12° Scorpio).

Hmm, can you have more than one famous soulmate? No, that is too unlikely, but those patterns are also quite individual ones, I mean they involve both our ASC`s, there`s nothing more individual than that!


my s Atlantis sextile his Psyche
his s Atlantis opposite my Psyche

(I like this dw involving Psyche)

His Atlantis conjunct my S Pluto
his Atlantis sextile my S Node
my s Atlantis sextile his Vertex

Those aspects are just amazing, don`t you think?


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posted July 03, 2007 08:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


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posted July 03, 2007 09:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good work guys
Will be back - off to dentist

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posted July 03, 2007 10:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Good luck in the Dentist

i wondered where you were not to comin here

Well, i so much like the SM-actor interaspects than with Phoenix hihihi

you also have your Atlantis conjunct your Node,as my Jonnhy has! - that was freaked me out no wonder i just didnt stopped befoer i had most of the Atlantis connections

I do think its important when it is conj the Nodes,signifiin past lives. And by aspecting each others Valentines(Atlantis, yeah i remenber IQ saying something about it to VenusdeIndia.
She had somethin of that in her natal and then compared to a guy and IQ said they were Twins, and the last life together was in Atlantis - im gonna look for that post cause i cant remember exactly what were the placements.

i loved the Atlantis/moon( moon is the planet of awakening of past lifes memories)

Atlantis/Telephus is quite beautiful also as well as the ATlantis/karma conjunction.

im very happy that i helped more for you to see the overwelming connections you 2 have

iam very happy to see as well my bf and my placements of Atlantis - so many DW´s hihihih
but i dont know ecalty what to think or expect i wish IQ was here..

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posted July 03, 2007 10:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Diandra,

of course I couldn`t stay away from this thread.

Yes, you`re right, I like the interaspects with the SM-actor much more, but that is because I like him so much more I guess. lol
Also, you know I scanned several charts for Isis-Osiris-connections, and I found some interconnections, but so far soulmateactor`s and my chart are the only one I found this tight web of Isis-osiris-connections in the natal - draco. It seems to be a pretty rare configuration.

And yes, I have Atlantis conjunct Node; it seems to be part of my life path to think about these kind of things and maybe find out more about them than in past lives.

Oh I wanted to say, this DW, this EXACT DW you and your soulmate have between Atlantis and Karma, oh wow! I wish I would really understand what the Heliocentric charts mean, but at least it seems very important and meaningful.
Also, this ATlantis - VAlentine- DW, I suppose that is very very good. Or am I only believing this, because I have that with Soulmate-actor, too?

Also, I think it very good and important, that soulmate actor and me have some dw and aspects with psychic / telepathic planets, like Moon, Psyche, Telephus. Maybe that is the true reason that I really recognized him on a level, I wouldn`t recognize actors usually. Also, in our natals we have an Atlantis-Neptune-aspect (Me: conjunction He: square). And his Atlantis sextile my s Neptune.

But I only skimmed our various charts, I will have to analyze them into depth, maybe looking particularly for Isis / Osiris-connections, since they have been so obvious in the natal and draconic.


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posted July 03, 2007 10:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Edgar Cayce's websites talks about Twin souls in detail, in his Readings it came out that we were split into Two sexes after the fall of Atlantis and that was when we were with our twin souls first on earth, the whole " adam and Eve " saga basically. Before i even knew this i had seen Valentine conjunct Atlantis in my Natal chart .I couldn't figure it out, but decided not to ask Iq and maybe spiral on it .. like Linda said in Star signs.

that is when this insight came to me automatically without any clue whatsoever , and Iq confirmed that it is true.

freakking synastrically ( 0 degree aspects)
my Draco Valentine and Atlantis conjunct his Draco Siva and True node and Natal Venus
his Draco Valentine conjuncts my Natal Venus- Chiron
his Draco Atlantis conjuncts my Draco Vertex
his Natal Atlantis conjunct his Natal Isis conjuncts my natal Karma opposes his Natal Kaali and Spirit and my Natal Saturn

try that for freaky...

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posted July 03, 2007 10:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Edgar Cayce's websites talks about Twin souls in detail, in his Readings it came out that we were split into Two sexes after the fall of Atlantis and that was when we were with our twin souls first on earth, the whole " adam and Eve " saga basically. Before i even knew this i had seen Valentine conjunct Atlantis in my Natal chart .I couldn't figure it out, but decided not to ask Iq and maybe spiral on it .. like Linda said in Star signs.

that is when this insight came to me automatically without any clue whatsoever , and Iq confirmed that it is true.

freakking synastrically ( 0 degree aspects)
my Draco Valentine and Atlantis conjunct his Draco Siva and True node and Natal Venus
his Draco Valentine conjuncts my Natal Venus- Chiron
his Draco Atlantis conjuncts my Draco Vertex
his Natal Atlantis conjunct his Natal Isis conjuncts my natal Karma opposes his Natal Kaali and Spirit and my Natal Saturn

try that for freaky...

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posted July 03, 2007 11:00 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I to loove that karma-atlantis we have

Hmm yes, these new charst i yet didnt research enough no understantd exaclty whats´s its meaning.this is what ist said about the Helio:

"The Heliocentric Zodiac is a Sun-centered model measuring the orbits of the planets from the heart of
our solar system. The position of the Earth in these charts is 180° opposite the position of the Sun in a
Tropical nativity. As there are no retrograde planets in a Heliocentric chart, its life force only goes
forward into the future. Since there is no Moon in these charts, no memories from the past can affect
the present. Because of their relative distance from the Sun, the superior planets of Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are just a few degrees off from their counterparts in a Tropical nativity.
However, the personal planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars can be found in different signs than in the
Tropical chart; and in the case of the inferior planets, Mercury and Venus, these two can be opposite
their Tropical positions, if geocentrically retrograde at birth".

"This Sun-centered model generates a
horoscope that symbolizes one's Christ Consciousness, or one's Higher Self. This chart, without a Sun
position, operates at a level of reality where there is no individual ego, but only one's Higher Self
serving a larger purpose, such as Love, Truth or Beauty. This writer recommends viewing the
Heliocentric nativity as representing all that is virtuous within the individual, as if he were operating
from pure Spirit."

"The following table illustrates this multi-dimensional Zodiac model:
In this table showing a four-level model for the different planes of reality, the sequence goes from a
lunar-based Zodiac to a time-derived one, then to a space-based level, and finally to one that is solarderived.
It is this author's thesis that multi-dimensional relationship analysis, involving the Draconic,
Tropical, Sidereal and Heliocentric Zodiacs, is not only accurate for determining past life soul contracts
between family members, but also for ascertaining any completing relational karma between two souls.
At the highest level of human attainment is one's Christ Consciousness, seen most clearly through the
Heliocentric Zodiac nativity."

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