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posted July 05, 2007 12:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
10) Love/Romance/Synastry
JUNO (mentioned in Extended Chart Section)
AMOR 1211
EROS 433
HERA 103
ADONIS: 2101
PAN: 4450

Mine to Him

- Juno sextils his NN(too wide4º), skuare Vesta (-9º), conjuncts Karma(3º); oposes Hera(-1º); skuares his Valentine(-6);

- Vesta trines his Moon(1),trines his Saturn(3);skuares PF(3),oposes Vertx(-3),Juno(-9).,skaures Amor(-4);trines Psyche(-8); trines Adonis(-4);kikunks Sphro(0)

- VALENTINEsextiles his Merc(1); trines his Mars(-4º),semisextile NN(1),trines Vertex(3),trines Ceres(-8)oposes Vesta(-2), sextils Valent(-3),skuares pSych(0º),trines Hera(-5);trines Adonis and Cupid,trines MC(-3)

-Amor trines NN(-6);conjuncst PF(0),skuares Vertex(1);oposes Amor(0);trines Saprho(-4)

-Eros bq Moon(0)skuares Merc(0);bq Mars(0);trines Jup(0):,conjuncts NN(2);trines PF(-4),kikunks Valentine(0);sextiles karma/Amor(3); skuares Psyche(0 trines Hera(-5);skuares Adonis(0);skuares MC(-3);

- Psyche skuares his Moon(0);trines PF(-1);skuares Vesta(-7);sextiles Amor(3),conjuncts Saprho(2)

-Hera skuares his Satrun(-1); sextiles PF(-4);skuares Cupid(-2);sextiles Saprho(0)

-Aprhodite skuares his Venus(0);trines Saturn(-3);trines Pluto(0);oposes Juno(-2),trines Cupid(-2),Q Asc(0)

-Cupid skuares his Venus(3);oposes NN(-9);conjuncts Juno(0);semisextile Eros(0);skuares Aprhro (3);kikunkx Asc(0)

-Adonis conjuncts Pluto(1);kikunknx kiron(0);sextiles Juno(1);conjuncts Cupid(3);skuares Asc(1),sesquiquadrate Valentine(0)

-Saprho sextiles his NN(0),trines Lilith(1);skuares Vesta(-1);conjuncts Karma(1),kikunks Psyche(0);oposes Hera(-2),kikunknx Adonis(0)

-Anteros conjunct his Saturn(1);conjuncts Pluto(1);sextiles Nep(0);conjuncts Cupid(0);skuares Asc(-4);

His to Mine:

-Juno trines my Venus(0º), sextils Saturn(-1º), conjuncts my Nep(2).sextils Pluto(1), oposes NN(-7), oposes Vesta(-9),oposes Aphrodit(-7º),sextils Adonis(1),conjuncts Cupid(0),

-Vesta oposes my Mars(0); sexiles Vertex(3);skuares Juno(-6);oposes karma(-3);oposes Valentine(-3);kikunkx Eros(0);skuares Psyche(-7);skuares Sapprho(-1)

- Valentine sextiles Vertex(0),trines Ceres(-3);sextiles karma(0);sextiles Valentine(-3);skuares Amor(-1), widely conjunct NN(7);and Vesta(5º)
- Amor skuares my NN(-6),skuares PF(-7);kikunkx Vertex(0);skuares Vesta(-4);semisextile karma(09;sextiles Eros(3)Psyche(3),

- Eros sextile my Merc(0); skuares my Venus(2),conjunct my jup(2);semisextile saturn(0);oposes kiron(-2);semisextile cupid(0);Bq MC(0)
-Psyche sextiles my mars(0);trines NN(-9);oposes Vertx(-3),trines Vesta(-8);sextiles karma(-2),sextiles Valentine(0);skuares Eros(0);kikinkx Saprho(0);

- Hera sextiles my sun(0);skuares mars(-4);oposes Juno(-1),skuares Valentine(-4),trines Eros(-5),oposes Sapro(-3); trines MC(0)

-Cupid kikunkx my Moon(0);conjuncts Pluot(3);trines NN(2);trines PF(1);oposes Vertex(-9;trines Ceres(-6);Q Karma/Valentine(0);skuares Hera(2);trines Aphro(2)conjuncts Adonis(3),

-Adonis sextiles my mars(0 oposes Vertex(-4);trines Vesta(-9);sextiles karma(3);sextiles Valentine(0);skuares Eros(0);kikunkx Saphro(0);widely conjuncts Asc(5);skuares MC(4 widely)

-Saprho oposes my Moon(-2);kikunknx NN(0);kikunkx Vesta,PF(0);trines Amor(-4),conjuncts Psyche(2),sextiles Hera(0)

-Anteros Q Venus(0);conjuncts my NN(3);conjuncts PF(4);sextiles Vertex(2);trines Ceres(0);sextiles karma(-3);skuares Amor(0);kikunkx Psyche(1);
The brother of Eros, love returned, or love avenged. The answer to love's longing, a place to finally meet."

I love the meaning of Anteros: "

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posted July 05, 2007 01:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thx for the meaning of Anteros Diandra!I never looked it up because I didn't know what it is what we've got...

~My Anteros opp his Neptune(1 Deg.)
~My Anteros trine his Pluto(1 Deg.)
~My Anteros sext his NN(1 Deg.)
~My Anteros trine his Lilith(0 Deg.)
~My Anteros sext his Anteros(3 Deg.)Hmmm...
~My Anteros sext his ISIS (1 Deg.)
~My Anteros trine his Karma(3 Deg.)

~His Anteros sext my Mercury(1 deg.)
~His Anteros conj my Amor(3 deg.)

As For EROS....

~My Eros opp his Jupiter(3 Deg.)
~My Eros opp his Moon(3 Deg.)
~My Eros sext his Chiron(3 deg.)
~My Eros trins his Asc.(0 Deg.)

~His Eros trine my Mercury(1 Deg.)
~His Eros conj my Pluto(2 deg.)This adds yet another element to the multi-conjunction we have between his Pluto,my Juno,his Karma,and now his Eros all in Libra,all within 4 degrees of each other...
~His Eros conj my Juno(2 Deg.)This sounds FUN!!
~His Eros opp my Amor(1 Deg.)
~His Eros trine my Asc.(0 Deg.)

Both his Eros & Anteros aspect my Mercury(my chart ruler & his sun sign ruler).NOW I know why we have those "naughty " phone conversations and texts!It all suddenly makes sense!


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posted July 05, 2007 02:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

you´re a blast

If it helps,here´s where i took the meanings from:

i to loved our Antero´s placements:the meaning of it its awesome

But also,if youre looking to "undertsant better your phonecalls..look for Adonis :" Spell bound love, sexual magnetism, the desire to arouse, please and fulfill the beloved. Potent tie." -

Me and Jonnh have it conjuncts Pluto,Cupid,sextile Juno,Mars,skaure Eros,trines Vesta...oh well this is Huge and POtent Tie indeed

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posted July 05, 2007 03:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
HUGE and POTENT, is it?

Yip, Adonis is kind of important in my synastries, too. You know, it can`t be a coincidence that most men I feel an attraction to either have their Moon conjunct or opposite my Adonis.

Looked at the HUGE and POTENT ties between SM-actor and me:

HIs Adonis:

conjunct my Venus (0)
square my Pluto (2)
conjunct my Isis (1)
conjunct my <osiris (0)

My Adonis:

conjunt his Moon (3)
conjunct his True Node (2)
opposite his Chiron (0)
sextile his Isis (1) - aha, another DW

I`m not even surprised anymore. But definitely spellbound.


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posted July 05, 2007 03:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmm...well,I looked up ADONIS.

Mine is at Scorpio 18 Deg.5'57"(House 6)
His is at Libra 20 Deg.1'37"(House 4)

So now yet ANOTHER planet/asteroid to add to the multi conjuction in Libra!!Here are the exact placements of what we have going on there...I realize that the 2 Plutos being conjunct means nothing, and that there is 7 degrees between the farthest 2 points(my Juno and his Lilith),but still,I find having 7 differant bodies within 7 degrees to be interesting!It's a whole lot of energy from 17-24 degrees Libra(my 5th house,his 4th).In our composite all this energy is straddling the 4th/5th house cusp.5th house begins at Libra 23 Deg.50'40" in composite.This is what we have there...

~Pluto(22 Deg. 3'56")
~Juno(24 Deg.15'33")

~Pluto(20 Deg.22'24")
~Lilith(17 Deg.26'36")
~Eros(17 Deg.53'11")
~Adonis(20 deg.1'37")
~Karma(22 Deg.43'38")

Aspects to ADONIS...
~My ADONIS sext his Sun(0 deg.)
~My ADONIS sext his Jupiter(1 Deg.)
~My ADONIS sext his Juno(3 Deg.)
~My ADONIS opp his Chiron(0 Deg.)
~My ADONIS conj his ANGEL(1 Deg.)

~His ADONIS trine my Mercury(3 Deg.)HeHe...another Mercury connection!
~His ADONIS conj my Pluto(2 Deg.)
~His ADONIS trine my PALLAS(0 Deg.)
~His ADONIS trine my ANTEROS (1 Deg.)
~His ADONIS opp my AMOR(0 Deg.)
~His ADONIS trine my Asc.(1 Deg.)


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posted July 05, 2007 03:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OMG...I just realized that the most aspected body in our composite is ISIS with 20 aspects!!!I'm too lazy to list them right now,but GOSH!Next is Vertex with 17 aspects.

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posted July 05, 2007 06:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

wow! 20 aspects with Isis and 17 with Vertex? That is a lot.
Which asteroids did oyu include?


I had a look at Kaali, Siva, Atlantis and found in a horoscope - comparision (not the sm-actor),

that there was:

His Kaali:

conjunct her Venus (2)
square her Pluto (0)
conjunct her Isis (0)
conjunct her Osiris (1)
sextile her Ceres (1)

Her Kaali:

opposite his Venus (0)
conjunct his Saturn (2)
sextile his Isis (0)
conjunct his DC (3)

His Siva:

sextile her Neptune (0)
trine her Pluto (0)
sextile her True Node )1)
sextile her AC (2)
sextile her Atlantis (1)

Her Siva:

sextile his True Node (1,5)
square his Isis (2)

His Atlantis:

conjunct her Eros (0)
conjunct her Vertex (0)
conjunct her Pan (0)
opposite her Sun-Moon-mp (0)

Her Atlantis:

conjunct his Neptune (2)
conjunct his ASC (1)

I`m particularly interested in your view on the Venus-Kaali-dw, the Kaali - Isis - dw, the Siva-True-Node-dw, the Atlantis-Vertex c onjunction and the Atlantis - ASC conjunction.

Oh yes, I checked, those two have about 6 exact aspects between main body, including aspects between Venus / Valentine, Karma / Saturn, Saturn / SN.

What do you think of those aspects?


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posted July 05, 2007 07:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok...I guess I'll get off my a$$ & list those 20 ISIS aspects in our composite.They are not all "major" aspects,but I just was looking at the grid to see what was aspected the most.

ISIS(Leo 22 Deg.37'32") House 3

1~semisextile Sun(0 Deg.)
2~square Uranus(2 Deg.)
3~trine Neptune(0 Deg.)
4~sextile Pluto(-1 Deg.)
5~semisextile Ceres(1 deg.)
6~square Pallas(4 Deg.)
7~aspects Juno(I don't know what the symbol means,but it is 2/3 of a triangle...) 0 Deg.
8~conj Vesta(3 Deg.)
9~square Chiron(3 Deg.)
10~semisextile Nessus(0 Deg.)
11~square Eros(-1 Deg.)
12~semisextile PoF(0 Deg.)
13~square Vertex(0 deg.)
14~quincunx Adonis(0 deg.)
15~square Anteros(4 Deg.)
16~sextile Echo(3 Deg.)
17~trine Angel(0 deg.)
18~opp Amor(5 Deg.)
19~conj Osiris(4 deg.)
20~square Karma(4 Deg.)


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posted July 06, 2007 08:27 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
that isis in the composite is wonderfully aspected - im sure IQ would be profoundly excited to see that!- i liked the isis-juno/isis-vesta/isis-eros/isis-kiron/isis-anteros/isis-karma/isis-osiris conjunct


well i see some powerful Dw´s :

I took the meanings of kaali and siva from a thread Jane started:
"Siva: Sanskrit word meaing kind, friendly, gracious, or auspicious. As a proper name, it means "The Auspicious One" Some texts list Kaali as his wife/consort, but it seems like most list Parvati.
Kaali: Sanskrit word meaning "time." She creates and destroys, death and maternal aspects.

Siva and Kaali are two distinct ways of perceiving the same absolute reality. The only difference is name and fluctuating aspects of appearance. They're inseperable.

Siva: infinite but static transcendental plane where only consciousness exists. Existence, knowledge, and bliss. Pure.

Kaali: an active material plane where the illusion of space-time and the appearance of an actual universe exists. The content of existence."

ALso by IQ - "The concepts of Kaali as Universal Mother and Siva as Universal Father in Tantrik Tradition is far higher than the idea of Saturn, even though Time Concepts between them are common. But Saturn is more powerful due to its gravity and rulership in the Solar System as compared to the subtle name frequency effects of Kaali and Siva in our Asteroid belt."

SO SIva aspecting the TrueNode in Dw´s might mean that couple were meant to be together,as one is seen by the other as the "suspicious one" - im thinking like they are for each other a pure and friendly spirits,united in bliss?

Venus- kaali dW:IQ said that:"that the level of love is like : Valentine > Amor > Venus".
Venus aspecting Kaali - might mean that they find a meaningful existence together through love? - a reality which is transcendental?

Atalntis-vertex dont know exaclty might mean that they lived in Atlantis? - but i think that affimration were more supported if it were atlantins conjuncting NN.

The Atlantis-asc might also support that prior life together in Atlantis.

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posted July 06, 2007 08:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
are you ok concerning tomorrow is the big day - GOOD LUCK Girl im supporting you!

OH I forgot to post something:yesterday i asked in astro a quick look on our sinastry heres what was told till now :

"sorry if I don't speak english well I'm french!
so I think that in your composite chart the sun and venus in the first house is a good point, your relationship is really based on love and it's an important relationship for the two of us...
with the moon in the eigth house in opposition to mars and mercury : your feelings are strong and passionate
mercury and mars in the 2nd house : maybe financial issues are important in your relationship"

" the sun sextile jupiter in the3rd indicates a good relationship in general with a sense of shows you present a united relationship socially.moon trine uranus and sextile chiron indicates there is sparkle in the relationship with constant interest in each other.the chiron element shows that there is strength and healing power to work on difference.
the differences,moon opposed to mercury/mars conjunction.this indicates that you sometimes butt heads and can have disagreements usually when one of your speaks with out thinking,it shows a direct communication but indicates you are both headstrong stick to your opinions.the venus is semisquare to the saturn/pluto conjunction.this indicates that though there is direct communication,there is not any deep expression of your feelings.this would reflect on him more than you.this silence on his part can leave you wondering where the relationship is sometimes
the most aspect is the mars/venus midpoint square to neptune and the moon.venus midpoint opposed to neptune.this can indicate cultural or racial differences or it can cast doubt on the fidelity of the relationship"

in general was good but this last one didnt resonated in me: we dont have fidelity problems( and never will..thank god) neither racial/cultural differences..
So venus mid oposed to neptune has to have other meanings,but i dont really know what they are :P

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posted July 06, 2007 03:41 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

thank you for those explanations.

"Siva: Sanskrit word meaing kind, friendly, gracious, or auspicious. As a proper name, it means "The Auspicious One" Some texts list Kaali as his wife/consort, but it seems like most list Parvati."
Hmm, that is interesting. So, it`s probably a good sign having Siva-connections in synastry?
Oh btw what is the difference between Siva and Siwa?
Oh and it seems that Siva is a benevolent male figure, is that right?

"Siva: infinite but static transcendental plane where only consciousness exists. Existence, knowledge, and bliss. Pure."
That sounds heavenly. I guess he would be strong in spiritual persons?

"SO SIva aspecting the TrueNode in Dw´s might mean that couple were meant to be together,as one is seen by the other as the "suspicious one""
What does that mean, "the suspicious one"?

"Venus aspecting Kaali - might mean that they find a meaningful existence together through love? - a reality which is transcendental?"
*gulps* Hmm, that is interesting. Could it also be that Venus represents art instead of love? Or maybe love of art?

"but i think that affimration were more supported if it were atlantins conjuncting NN."
The interesting bit is, that her Atlantis is conjunct her own NN, and that his ATlantis is conjunct his SN.
They also have some other interesting connections with Node and Karma.

Her True Node:
conjunct his Venus (3) (her Helio-Venus is also conjunct his NN)
trine his Chiron (2,5)
trine his Isis (2,5)
conjunct his ASC (0)

His True Node:
opposite her Saturn (0)
conjunct her Antivertex (3,5)
square her Chiron (3)
sextile her Juno (0)
quinkunx her Karma (1)
opposite her Eros (3,5)

Her Karma:
opposite his Venus (3)
quinkunx his Jupiter (1)
conjunct his SAturn (0)

His Karma:
sextile her Moon (3)
quinkunx her Saturn (3)
trine her Chiron (0)
quinkunx her Eros (1)

To me, all in all, it seems there are many and important connections to Venus, Neptune (Neptune-conjunct-as-dw, Neptune-conjunct - Venus, Neptune conjunct Mars), the nodes and Saturn.
They also have some interesting connections with Juno and Amor(Juno conjunct Eros, Juno sextile Jupiter, Juno sextile NN, Juno square SAturn, Juno conjunct Mars, Juno conjunct Amor, Amor conjunct Mars, Amor sextile Pluto, Amor conjunct Lilith, Amor sextile Sun, Amor conjunct Lilith, Amor conjunct Psyche, also VAlentine conjunct Mars and Valentine opposite Venus).

Hmm, that looks interesting. Just from an analytical point of view, of course.

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Posts: 54
From: Canada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 06, 2007 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Love     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So what would these synastry aspects indicate?

Kaali square/conjunct Parvati double whammy

Juno trine Siva double whammy

Vertex oppose/conjunct Parvati double whammy

A's Sun trine Siva and B's Moon trine Siva

A's NN sextile Parvati and B's NN sextile Siva

I'm still unclear as to how to interpret Siva, Parvati and Kaali. It sounds like Siva and Kaali are somewhat interchangeable?

A's Kaali also conjuncts B's Kaali.

I'm confused.

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posted July 09, 2007 11:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So sorry for the late reply but this weekend ive been with my love, so i wasnt in the pc hihihihi

I wante dto say "auspicious instead of suspicious" - sorry
im not familiar with SIWA , I only know Siva. i think its benevolent yes.

I agree on that having to do with spiritual evolutions.
i have a very interlinked siva in my natal

IQ said one time also that Venus might also have to do with interest for what its beautiful and pleasurable,and Art definatelly fits!

Her TrueNode conjunct his Venus - might seem that they possibly had past lives where were sife and husband;i think karma - venus may also stand for that.

And True Node conjuncts his Asc is seen also has a clue of SM and its exact!

TrueNode-Saturn - might have to be with several karmic lessons to be learned?

Karma - moon ossible past life of parent figure- child

Their relationship seems to be very strong and solid also!

Kaali- Parvatti DW seems great to a love relatiosnship as they are seen like a God´s couple ,where they together are insepareable and represents two ways of seeing reality - so, you are compatible and similar even if you are diferent in personality.

Im sorry for not being specific but i to yet im very newbie at this interpretations thing

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posted July 11, 2007 09:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On reading a fantastic thread Azelsion posted on other forum,he studies the Minerva and Vulcano as turning them:

Minerva into the ruller of Libra(his sun sign and my asc sign)

Vulcano into the ruller of Virgo(my sun,his venus)

Minerva is:

"The Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, the arts, dyeing, science and trade, but also of war. As Minerva Medica she is the patroness of physicians. She is the daughter of Jupiter. In the temple on the Capitoline Hill she was worshipped together with Jupiter and Juno,
with whom she formed a powerful triad of gods. Another temple of her was located on the Aventine Hill. The church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is built on one of her temples. Every year from March 19 - 23 the Quinquatria was held, the primary Minerva-festival. This festival was mainly celebrated by artisans but also by students. On June 13 the minor Quinquatrus was observed.

Minerva is believed to be the inventor of numbers and musical instruments. She is thought to be of Etruscan origin, as the goddess Menrva or Menerva. Later she was equated with the Greek Athena."

"While Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris, Vulcan and Mercury were the names of their twin children (Mercury, male - Vulcan, female). (...).
Vulcan and Mercury were twins. Think about it. Gemini, the Twins, ruled by the number 5 and by Mercury - Mercury now ruling Virgo, until Vulcan (also a 5) is re-discovered.
Therein lies an astounding ancient mystery...for aeons hidden behind these astrological and numerological symbols. "

Very interesting!

SO,i went looking in sinastry,seeing possible conections between those above,or Dw´s:

- my Minerva and Vulcano conjunct his Asc(0/4º)
- MY Minerva and Vulcano sextiles his Venus(1/2º)
- my Minerva trines his Uranus(3) - his Minerva oposes my Uranus(-1) - DW
- MY Minerva sextiles his Kiron(0) - his Minerva conjuncts my Kiron(3)
- my Minerva/Vulcano oposes his Vulcano(-3/-1º)
- His Minerva skuares my Sun(0);his Vulcano trines my Moon(-2)
- his Minerva sextiles my Valentine;trines my Asc(0) - DW
- HIS Vulcano trines exact my Aura,and skuares my Anteros and Adonis(0/-2ª)

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posted July 11, 2007 11:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
NEW Stuff:

Asteroid Destiny - Arabic Parts:Children,Life(reincarnation),Desire,Identity,Partners,Wedding.

In Natals:

- His Destiny(in 10th) conjuncts his MC,and sextiles his Moon,Valentine,Amor,Alma.Trines Vertex.

-My Destiny(in 10th)sextiles my Merc,Alma.Trines jupiter,skuares Saturn,Pluto,Juno.

-My Children/Life(reinc) conjuncts my Sun,my Wedding;
-My Identity conjuncts my Amor,trines my Sun/Moon Mid.(1)
-My Partners conjunct my POM
-My Wedding conjunct my Sun,Children

- His Children/Life(reinc) conj his 2nd house cusp,Part Fate,Hapiness,oposes his moon(0),8th cusp,his Alma,trines his Destiny(0)

-His Identity oposes his Sun,his POM,Mars,
-His Partners conj his POM(0),uRANUS,
-hIS Wedding trines his sun/venus mid(0);Marriage Man(1)

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posted July 11, 2007 12:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In Sinastry:

My Destiny conjunct his ASc(0);
My Destiny sextiles his Venus(-2),Kiron(1).Trines his Uranus(-2).

His Destiny(falls on my 7th house),conjunct my Vertex(2);sextiles my NN(2);Lilith(0),PF(4),trines my Karma,Valentine,Aura.Oposes my Anteros/Adonis

His Children/Life(reinc) conjunct my Karma(3);oposes my Lilith(1);trines my Aura(3),Vertex(3);

His Desire widely conjunct my Venus(4);trines my Marriage Woman(0)

His Identity conj my DC(2);
oposes my Asc(2),Merc(2);trines my 3thcusp(2),Jup(2),Uranus(1):

His Partners conjunct my 2thCusp(2);Jup(2).
Oposes my 9thCusp(2),Kiron(2).

His Wedding trines my 2ndCusp(0),Saturn(0),widely oposes my own Wedding(5),oposes my Children/Life(reinc)(2)

My Children/Life/reinc) trines his Osisirs(1);Isis(3),widely his Karma(4).
Sextiles his NN(4),Aura(3);

My Desire widely oposes his NN(4);his Love(5);his Marriage of Man(4)
Trines his 3thCusp(1),sextiles his 9thCusp(1);his jup(3);his PF(2)

My Identity conjunct his 9thCusp(0),his PF(2);oposes his 3rdCusp(0);
Trines his NN(4),his Jup(1)

My Partners conjunct his Karma(4);oposes his Jup(1).
Trines his 3thCusp(0)

My Wedding trines his Karma(2),his Osiris(2)his Isis(0),sextiles his NN(2)

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posted July 11, 2007 01:17 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Arabic Parts : Natal to Dracos:

His Childre/Life(reinc) conjuncts my Draco Kaali(4), oposes my D Osiris (3) my D POM(3), my D Saprho(0), sextiles my D Pallas(3), skuares my D Mars(1);D Valentine(1);D Karma(4),D Spirit(2), D Telephus(0).

His Destiny conjunct my D Eros(2), oposes my D Pallas(3); trines my D Kaali(4),sextiles my D Osiris(3); D Sparho(0), skuares my D ASC(4),

His Desire conj my D Psyche(3), oposes my D Osiris(3),my D POM(3), trines my D Amor(0), skuares my D Ceres(2), my D Sun(3) my D Karma(2)

His Identity conjunct my D Isis(3), my D Aprhodite(1),oposes my D Marriage Woman(2), my D Neptune(1) . Trines my D Pluto(2). Sextiles my D Atlantis(2)

His Partners skuares my D Moon(0),my D Alma(3), my Childresn/Life(Reinc)(3);my Wedding(3)

His Wedding conjunct my D Moon(1), my D Alma(2),.

My Destiny conjunct his D Pallas(0); oposes his D Karma(1); trines his D Atlantis(3); sextiles his D Isis(3),his D Osiris(4),

My Children/Life(Reinc) conjuncts his D Ceres(1), his D Vertex(1); oposes his D Valentine(1); his Wedding(2); sextiles his D Psyche/Merc(1); his Venus/Mars Mid(1); His Marriage Man(1);skuares his D Amor(2)

My Desire oposes his D Saturn(1); trines his D Kaali(2);D Pluto(0), D Spirit(0); sextiles his his D Marriage Man(4);

My Identity oposes his D Spirit(1), D Neptune(1), trines his D Union(1); D Saturn(0); sextiles his D Kaali(1); skuares his D Venus(3);

My Partners conjunct his D Kaali(0), oposes his D union(2); trines his D nept(2); D Spirit(2);sextiles his D Saturn(1);skuares his D Saprho(1); his PF(3)

My Wedding conjunct his D Vertex(2); oposes his D Valentine(2);his D Anteros(1); sextiles his D Moon(2); D Psyche(4); D Alma(4),skuares his D Amor(1)


Children/Life(Reincarnation) - D. POM/D. Marriage

Destiny - D.Pallas

Destiny - D. Osiris

Desire - D. POM/ D. Marriage

Identity - D. Venus/ D. Aprhodite

Wedding - D. Alma

Wedding - D.Moon

So many DW´s must mean something..

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posted July 16, 2007 02:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
bACK For More

By the way,when do Iqkunk will come back?

So, one thing i havent yet looked at ( yes,there are things that incredibly i didnt looked at hihihi)
was the composite to natal aspects.

Many time ago i just checked natal and sinastry and composite but didnt compared cause i didnt knew how!But now that I know,here they are:


C Sun oposes his Lus(3); widely conjunct his Venus(5); trines his 11thCusp(0), sextiles his Jup(1);
C Moon oposes his Sun(0);trines his Mars(1);Uranus(4); Ceres(3); widely his POM(5), skuares his NN(4); Isis(1),Osiris(1)
C Merc conjuncts his Sun(1), trines his Mars(0), sextiles hs Mars(0),skuares his NN(3) ,Iaia(0),Osiris(2)
C Venus conjunct his 3thCusp(0), Amor(2), oposes his 9thCusp(1); trines his Karma(3); sextiles his Jup(1);his NN(3); skuares his Vertex(1);
C Mars conjunct his Sun(3);trines his Vesta(3); sextiles his Mars(2), skuares his NN(1);his Isis(2)
C Jup widely conjunct his Venus, trines his Kiron(1), his DC (2); sextiles his Asc(2),skuares his 12thCusp(1);6thCusp(1),Neptune(2);Juno(2);
C Saturn widely conjunct his Saturn(5); conjunct his Pluto(0);trines his 12thCusp(1); sextiles his 6thCusp(1);Nep(2):SPIRIT(2),skuares his Asc(2),his DC(2);
C Mean Node conjunct his 12thCusp(2),oposes his 6thCusp(2), trines his Pluto(3);skuares his Venus(3);
C NN conjucnts his Marriage Men(0); oposes his Osiris(4), trines his Venus/Mars Midpoint(1); his Wedding(1);
C Pair Fortune oposes his Venus/Mars Mid(2); trines his Osiris(1); Isis(3)
C Vertex conjuncts his Moon(3); Vesta(2), trines his IC(0); Merc(2); Valentine(0); sextiles his MC(0) and Sun/Moon Mid(2); Destiny(3); Vertex(1);
C Juno conjunct his Wedding(0), trineshis Sun/Moon Mid.(0), his Marriage Man(1) , sextiles his Osiris(3),
C Vesta conjunct his MC(0); Destiny(3); , oposes his IC(0); Merc(2),trines his Vertex(1)
C Amor conjuncts his Valentine(1) , oposes his vErtex(2);trines his Merc(2); Moon(2)
C Valentine conjuncts his NN(3º)
C Valentine trines his 9THCusp(1); Jup(1); sextiles his 3thcusp(1); skuares his MC(2); Merc(0);
C Karma conjunct his 12thCusp(2), oposes his 6thcusp(2); Neptune(1); Juno(3);Spirit(1); trines his Saturn(3); skuares his Venus(1);
C Lust trines his Spirit(3); Neptune(2);
C Destiny widely conjunct his Valentine(4); oposes his mArs(2); trines his Sun(3); his Vesta(3);
C Osiris trines his Jup(3); NN(0), sextiles his Karma(0); his Isis(2)
C Isis oposes his Sun(3), trines his Ceres(0); Uranus(2);

The ones it chocked me most were the Juno and Vertex aspects.
So,can someone enlighten me about some that might be more important in terms of what our relationship affects him most?

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posted July 16, 2007 04:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here are mine

i just noticed my PF conj exactly my NN - does it mean anything in particular?)

C sun trines my Moon(2), widely trines my Lust(5). Skuares my NN(1); Pair Fortune( 1), Vesta(1)
C Moon exactly conjunct my DC(0)
C Moon oposes my Hapiness(3), my Asc(0),. Trines my 3thCusp(3); my Jup(3); Uranus(0,my Marriage Woman(2);Sextiles my 9thCusp(3), Kiron(3); skuares my MC(1); my IC(1), Pallas(1);
C Merc conjunct my Asc(1), Oposes my DC(1); Trines my 5thCusp(3),.Sextiles my 11thCusp(3); Uranus(1); Skures my MC(0); IC(0); Pallas(0)
C Venus conjuncts my 12thCusp(3); oposes my 6thCusp(3); Amor(3). Trines my Osiris(0), my Marriage Woman(0);.Sextiles my Sun/Moon Midpoint(2); my POM(0);
C Mars conjuncts my Asc(3),.Oposes my DC(3); Trines my 5thCusp(1), Spirit(3); Sextiles my 11thCusp(1); Uranus(3); Mars(2); Valentine(2); Skuares my MC(2);IC(2),
C Jup oposes my Moon(1); Lust(4);
C Saturn conjunct my Pluto(1); trines my Isis(2).Sextiles my Nep(0); Venus(2);
C Mean Node conjunct my Isis(1); oposes my Nep(3); Trines my Pluto(2); Sextiles my Love(2)
C NN trines my 2ndCusp(1); Saturn(0); Sextiles my 8thCusp(1); Juno(4);
C PF conjunct mmy 8thCusp(2), Juno(1); oposes my 2ndCusp(2),Saturn(3);Trines my IC(3); Pallas(3), Sun(3).,My Wedding( 3); Sextiles my MC(3);
C VeRTEX conjuncts my Ceres(2); Spirit(3),.Oposes my Karma(1);Sextiles my Vertex(0); skuares my Marriage Woman(2); Osiris(2);
C Juno trines my 2ndCusp(0); Sextiles my 8thCusp(0); Juno(3); Skuares my 3rdCusp(1); my 9thcusp(1); my Karma(3); Jup(1);
C Vesta conjunct my Vertex(1); trines my Karma(2),
C Amor trines my Ceres(2) sextiles my Karma82)
C Valentine conjuncts my Sun/Moon Midspoint(2), trines my Amor(2)
C Karma Widely conjunct my NN(4º), Isis(3); oposes my Nept(1); Marriage Woman(2).Trines my Pluto(2); Sextiles my Venus(3).
C Destiny trines my Asc(3), my 5thCusp(1), sextiles my DC83), 11THcUSP(1); Mars(2),Valentine(2); Spirit(3)
C Osiris conjunct my 6thCusp(1); oposes my 12thCusp(0), my Sun(2); Trines my MC(2); Sextiles my IC(2); Karma(4); Pallas(2);
C Isis conjunct my IC(3); oposes my Asc(3,Uranus(3) ); Merc(2).Trines my 3rdCusp(0); Sextiles my 9thCusp(0); Kiron(0),

The DW´s are:

Sun - Moon
Sun - Lust
Moon - Uranus
Moon - POM/Marriage
Venus - Amor
Mars - Mars
Saturn - Pluto ...hmm
Verte - Vertex
Vesta - Vertex
Valentine - Amor
Karma - Neptune
Karma - Venus
Destiny - Valentine
Osiris - Karma
Isis - Uranus

Does this Dw´s contributes in any way to a possible similar view/feelings/thoughts about how we 2 are in the relationship?

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Posts: 115
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 16, 2007 09:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EighthMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Diandra!

I looked on Astrodienst for the asteroid "Destiny" and didn't find it!

Can you please post the number?


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posted July 17, 2007 09:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Eightmoon,

its the 6583

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posted July 17, 2007 02:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ah, another Valentine - nn conjunction, Diandra? lucky girl!

oh my god, i just checked my destiny with the charts of three men: music-man, jude law (I grown fond of is horoscope even if it fills me with dread if i see our synastry), and sm-actor.

my destiny is on 23 cancer conjunct my own vertex and eros, oppoosite my sun-moon-mp and solstice oopposite my mars and asc. it also trines my valentine.

Music-man has his destiny conjunct my destiny (2), Eros and .Vertex(0).
his destiny also is solstice opposition to my ac (2) and NN (0) and neptune (0). oh its also opposite my sun/moon-mp.
my destiny is trine his mars (3).

JL has his destiny exactly conjunct his jupiter and NN. yes, all orbs are 0 degree!
and my saturn falls exactly oonto his sn and therefor oppoosees his jupiter, nn and destiny. I told ye it was dreadful.
his destiny is also loosely conjunct my antivertex (5). even more so its widely soltice opposite my karma (2).
My destiny is exactly conjunct his vertex.
Its also solstice ooopposite his neptune (1) and asc (2).

And now for sm/ actor. Am I even surprised? no, iam not.

my destiny exactly opposes his sun, his 7th house ruler. its also trine his valentine (2), which means we share a grand trine of valentine, valentine and destiny.
his destiny falls onto 5 capricorn, and becomes theerefor a part of our massive stelium of my venus, isis and osiris and his mercury, mars, adonis and destiny, which includes our 5th house rulers.
also his destiny is exactly solstice conjunct my sun and mercury, my 7th huse ruler.
So actually twoo dws
destiny - sun
destiny - 7th house ruler.

i am flooored :-)


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posted July 19, 2007 10:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

how ae you?? Nice vacation?
Yeah, another Valentine-NN conjunction
i knew all my work would finally have this particular aspect ( or at least,i wished it a lot hihihi)

Music-man : destiny -destiny conj:well you already discovered that this vacation didnt you?

SM Actor,
destiny-venus trine is wonderful - and wow with a double valentine-destiny grand trine - what more clues you need to see that its just reality that hes really a SM and the near future you 2 will meet ( just like in a coincidence so odd and strange like with the Music-man)

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posted July 20, 2007 11:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes,still here , still looking at astrology stuff hihihi cant help myself!

Davidson - Natal - Composite ( NN and SN)

So,what do this chart points up to? IS dAVIDSON also a Relationship Chart like the Composite?
What is the most Accurate after all?

Mean Node D. exactly conj Mean Node Composite ( by 1´)
True Node D. exactly conjunct True Node Composite ( by 31´57 )

Mean Node D. widely conjunct my NN/P.F.(8ª),conj N.Isis (1)
Mean Node D. conjunct John´s 12thCusp(1);John´s Draco Sun(3º)

Mean Node D. conjuncts Draco Composite Sun(8º)

Mean Node D. oposes my Marriage Woman2 ( 6),Neptune(3),my Draco Amor(6º)
Mean Node D. oposes Johns´6thCusp(2);John´s Juno(1),Spirit/Nep(5);John´s Draco Aphrodite(6º)

True Node D. conjunct exactly 11thCusp Davidson

True Node D. conj widely John´s NN(8), conjunct Johns POM(2º),Johns Draco Syche/Merc(2º), Draco Anteros(0º)
True Node D. widely conj my MCcusp(6), my Eros(11)

True Node D. oposes John´s Osiris(4);Isis(6),Eros(0º)
True Node D. oposes my IC/Pallas(&),
True Node D. oposes Davidsons Vertex(4)/Lilith(0ª)

True Node D. conjuncts Composit Draco Venus(6º), Mars(8º),DNA(1º),
True Node D. oposes Composit Draco Moon(5º), Isis(2º)

Mean Node D. conjunct Composite´s Karma ( 4º)
Mean Node D. oposes Composit Neptune( 3)
True Node D. conjuncts 11thCuspComposite(0º)/Davidsoms(2º);widely conjuncts Valentine´s Composite (12º)
True Node D. oposes Composites(0º)/Davidsons(2º) 5thCusp
True Node D. oposes Composite Ceres(9),Siva(6)

South Node D/C is 0 º Cap .
SN conjucnts Davidson´s/Composites 5thCusp

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posted July 20, 2007 01:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Now Davidson to Natal:


Davidson´s Sun oposes John´s Venus(2), trines Asc(4);
Moon oposes Sun(0º), trines Mars(1º),Ceres(3);
Venus oposes Saturn(3);Pluto(1); trines Neptune(1);
Mars oposes IC(0), conjuncts MC(0); oposes Merc(3); trines Moon(2); trines Sun/Moon Mid(3º)
Jupiter conj his Sun/Moon Mid( 2º)
Saturn conj Venus/Mars Mid(2º);trines Marriage Man(1º), Wedding(2º)
Kiron conjunct 11thCusp(3), widely his own Kiron(4); oposes Siva(3),trines Venus(3º),
PF conj 3thCusp(3); conj Amor(3) (like in Sinastry)
PF oposes 9thCusp(2); trines Karma(3); Lilith(0);
Vertex trines Venus(3);
Ceres trines Sun(2);
Juno conj Wedding(0º) , trines Venus/Mars Mid(0º),trines Marriage Men(1º),trines by sign NN(7º)
Amor conjuncts Moon(3); trines IC(0); Merc(2); Valentine(0º) ,
Valentine conjuncts widely conj his Valentine(5º); oposes Sun/MOOn Mid(2º); Mars(3º); trines Sun(3º); Merc(3º),
Karma conj kiron(3º); trines Venus(3º);
Osiris conj 9thCusp(2º), oposes 3rdCusp(2); Amor(3º); trines Jup(0); NN(2º); Pallas(2º);
Isis oposes Sun(4); Merc(3); trines Mars(3);
Kaali conj Merc(1); IC(3º); oposes MC(3); trines Valentine(3º);
Siva trines Sun(3º);
Destiny conj Karma(2º); oposes Jup(1); Pallas(2);
Spirit trines Sun(1º);


Sun trines Part Fate(4º)
Moon conjunct exactly DC(0º); oposes Asc(0º), trines 3rdCusp(3); Marriage Woman(2º); Uranus(0º); Jup(3º);
Venus trines Venus(3º), Neptune(1º);
Mars exactly conj Vertex(0º); trines Mars(4º); Karma(1º); Valentine(4º);
Saturn conjunct my 2ndCusp(2); Saturn(3º),Kaali(2º); oposes 8thCusp(2º); Juno(1º) ; trines MC(3º);
Kiron conjunct Moon(1º)(like in sinastry) ;
PF oposes 6thcusp(2º); Amor(4º); trines my POM(1º), Osiris(1º);
Vertex trines Moon(1º); my Love(4º);
Ceres conj my 5thCusp(2º), oposes 11thcusp(2); Mars(3º); Valentine(3º); trines Asc(2º),
Juno trines 2ndCusp(0º); Saturn(1º),widely the Sun(4º)
AMor conj Ceres(3º); Siva(1º); Spirit(3º); oposes Karma(1º); widely Vlaentine/Mars(4º);
Valentine oposes my Marriage Woman(2º); trines Hapiness(1º); 5thCusp80º); Asc(4º), Spirit(2º);
Karma conj Moon(2º); trines Love(4º);
Osiris conj 6thCusp(2); AMor(4º); oposes 12thCusp(2º); trines Eros(0º);
Isis oposes Asc(3º), trines 9thCusp(0º); Mars(1º); Karma(4º); Valentine(1º),
Kaali oposes Vertex(3º), trines Marriage Woman(2º); 11thcusp(0º); Mars(1).Valentine(1º);
Siva trines 9thcusp(0º); Asc(3º), kiron(0º); Merc(2º);
Destiny conj POM(2º);Osiris(2º); trines widely IC(4º),Sun(4º);Lilith(4º);
Spirit conj 5thcusp(3º); oposes widely Valentine/Mars/(4º);trines Asc(1º);

The ones that shocked me most were the Saturn and the Juno aspects

If Davidsons is a relationship chart, so for see each ones reacts to the relationship,we compare natal to Davidsons as we also compare the Composite do Natals?

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