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Author Topic:   More on Asteroids
posted July 31, 2007 10:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

YOU were very inspired yesterday about talking of the 5th house hihihiih
- you sure putted things in a much more positive view,Thankx!

I think that yeah we can look and compare the Venus Persona Chart to Natal and to Venus-Persona also! ( i know someone who said nobody would stop her hihihi)!

YOUR Sabyans are always beautiful - very interlinked with spiritual world and awakenings - you bond the 2 worls,material and spiritual and have a gifst on that as we all can see.

Astral Trvael - but of course it relates to you =)

Aprodite means "Impulsive love and attraction, love inspired by fated events, animosity turning to magnetism, charisma." - so i think that those would be trigerred and awakened in one person,whenever the other shows the love and care for him/her?

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posted July 31, 2007 12:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


His Venus Persona Chart is 19thSeptember,1983 – 20 days after my B-Day

His Asc conj my Amor(4º), oposes my Love (3º). Trines my Psyxhe(2),my Sun/Moon Mid. ( 2º)
His Sun conj my Love(1º).
His Moon conjunct my Part Lovers(0º); oposes my Venus(0º). Trines my Pluto(1º); my Isis(0º).
His Merc conjuncts my Amor(3).
His Venus/Mars conj my Venus/Mars Mid(4º), widely my Venus(5º). Trines my Marriage Woman(0º); Neptune(3);
His Jupiter conj my Marriage Woman1 (3º), my 3rdCusp(2º),my Jup(2º);Uranus(1º). Oposes my 9thCusp). Trines my DC(1º)
His Saturn conjuncts my 2ndCusp(1º);my Saturn(1º);oposes my Juno(3º);
His Uranus/Neptune HAVE EXACTLY the same sign and degrees that of my own Neptune/Uranus natal chart.
His Uranus conj myUranus (0), Marriage Woman1(2),MY Jup(3);my 3rdCusp(3). Trines my DC(0º)
His Neptune conj my Neptune(0); my Marriage Woman2(3º); oposes my NN(5º);my Isis(2);trines my Venus(2);
His Pluto conj my Pluto(1º), generacional? ; trines my Isis(0),
His NN conj my NN(1º); PF(1); oposes my Marriage Woman2(3º). Trines my Destiny(1); Ceres(3);

His Kiron conj my kiron(generacional?) – oposes my 3rdCsup(0);Jup(0);trines my DC(3);
HIS PF conj my Venus/Mras Mid(0);oposes my Ceres(2)
His Ceres oppose my karma(2)
His VERTEX trines my Moon(2);Alma(2)
His Juno conj my juno(1); conj my 8thcusp(4º), trines my Sun(1);IC(1),
His Amor conj my 6thCusp(1),oposes my Sun(2), trines my Eros(3),
His Valentine conj my Venus/Mars Mid.(1), oposes my Ceres(1).trines my Vertex(4º)
His Karma conj my Venus/Mras Mid(3),widely my Venus(5º). Trines my MarriageWoman2(1º),
His Psyche oposes my Moon(1),Alma(2)
His Eros conj my Destiny(1º).Trines my Part Fate(0º)
His Isis conj my MC(2), Trines my 2ndCusp(1), Saturn(1),
His Osiris conj my Osiris(0), my POM(0), trines my Love(1)
His Destiny conj my 11thCusp(1), Mars(3),Valentine(3),oposes my 5thCusp  , trines my DC(2), Uranus(2),my Marriage Woman(0º) 


MY ASC conj his PART FATE(3),oposes his Alma(0), trines his Sun/Moon Mid(1), his MC(3), vertex(2);
My Sun conj his Destiny(2), trines his 6thcusp(1),Juno(0),
My moon conj his Valentine(0);oposes his vertex(1), trines his IC (0), merc(2),Psyche(3),Alma(2),
My Mer conj his erdCusp(1), Amor(3),trines his karma(2)
My Venus trines his 3rdCusp(3), Amor(2),
My Mars conj his POM(1), his 6thCusp(1),Uranus(0),Ceres(1),Eros(1).
My Jup conj his Isis(3),Osiris(1),oposes his Marriage Men 1(1),trines his Venus/Mars Mid(2),his Wedding(2),
My Saturn conj his Jup(1),trines his 9tCusp(3),his NN(1), oposes his karma(2)
My Uranus conj his Mars(2),
My Neotune conj his 6thcusp(1),Juno(0),Spirit(4), oposes his 12thcusp(1).
My Pluto trines his 12thcusp(1),
My NN oposes his POM(2)  , Uranus(1),Ceres(1),Eros(0),trines his Sun(3),
My Kiron oposes his Mars(2),
My PF conj his Saturn(4),Pluto(0), trines his 12thhousecusp(1),
My Ceres conj his 11thcusp(1),
My Juno conj his Hapiness(2),Destiny (5º), conj his 2ndCusp(2),oposes his Moon(4), trines his Destiny(4),his Neptune(3),Spirit(3)
My Amor oposes his Mars(0);trines his Sun(1),
My Valentine conj his Venus(2)  ; trines his Kiron(1)
My karma conj his Sun(3),Psyche(3), trines his Alma(3)
My Psyche conj his Alma(4),oposes his Love(3)trines his Sun(3),Alma(3)
My Eros conj his Vertex(1),conj his Sun/Moon Mid(3), oposes his Valentine(0) trines his MC(0), Destiny(3)
My Isis conj his Part Fate(3), his Hapiness(1),his 2ndCusp(1),oposes his 8thCusp(0),his Moon(1).trines his Destiny(1),
My OSIRIS oposes his Alma(2) trines his Sun/Moon Mid(1),Vertex(3),
My Destiny conj his Sun(5)

=) i think i saw some very good aspects!

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posted July 31, 2007 01:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thanks Diandra..would it be the aphrodite person exhibiting the love or the venus?


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posted July 31, 2007 02:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, I had a look at ours, too, and now my head is swimming.
I am only noting the most important ones, mostly dw`s.

His Venuschart to my natal:

His vDestiny conjunct my Pluto (2)
His Pluto sextile my Destiny (2)

His Amor opposite my Karma (3)
His Karma trine my Amor (0)

His Moon opposite my Juno (1)
HIs Juno opposite my Moon (4)

HIs Mars trine my Karma (1)
His Karma trine my Mars (3)

HIs SAturn trine my Valentine (3)
HIs VAlentine square my SAturn (1)

His Neptune trine my Destiny (2)
HIs Destiny sextile my Neptune (1)

HIs Juno trine my NN (2)
HIs NN sextile my Juno (2)

HIs Uranus square my Mercury (0)
BHis MErcury sextile my Uranus (0)

His ERos square my Pluto (3)
HIs Pluto sextile my Eros (0)

Some of the conjunctions:

His vSun conjunct my Venus (4)
His vSun conjunct my Isis (2)
His vSun conjunct my Osiris (2)

His vMercury conjunct my Sun (5)
His vMercury conjunct my Mercury (6)
His vMercury conjunct my Venus (4)

His vVenus conjunct my Antivertex (2)
His vVenus conjunct my Sun-Moon-mp (2)
His vOsiris conjunct my Venus-Mars-mp (0)

His vMars conjunct my Pluto (5)

His vNeptune conjunct my Valentine (3)

His vDestiny conjunct my Pluto 2

His vAmor conjunct my Neptune (3)(
His vAmor conjunct my NN (3)
His vAmor opposite my Karma (3)

His vIsis conjunct my Neptune (3)
His vIsis conjunct my NN (3)

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posted July 31, 2007 02:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, now for my Venus-chart to his natal:

My Mars conjunct his Isis (3)
My Isis square his Mars (4)

My Mars conjunct his Osiris (2)
My Osiris square his Mars (2)

My Venus trine his Pluto (1)
My Pluto square his Venus (0) - oh I like this one. lol

My Moon square his Uranus (0)
My Uranus opposite his Moon (3)

My Neptune sextile his Destiny (1)
My Destiny trine his NEptune (1)

My Neptune trine His Juno (3)
my Juno trine hsi Neptune (2)

My Pluto conjunct his Destiny (0)
My Destiny sextile his Pluto (0)

My Pluto square his Eros (2)
my Eros sextile his pltuo (1)

My NN conjunct his ISIS (1)
My Isis trine his NN (0)

my NN conjunct his Osiris (5)
my Osiris trine his NN (3)

my Karma sextile his Valentine (0)
my Valentine trine his Karma (2) - also a good one

my IC falls onto his ASC
his IC falls onto my ASC (how is that for a start?)

some conjunctions:

My Sun conjunct his Sun (5)
My Sun conjunct his Venus (4)
My Sun conjunct his Eros (0)
My vMercury conjunct his Venus (0)
My vMercury conjunct his Eros (4)
My v Neptune conjunct this Isis 81)
My v Neptune conjunct this Osirs (4)
My vPLuto conjunct his Mars (0)
My nn AC conjunct this <Mercury 0)
My nn AC conjunct his Osiris 1

I also like those:

My nn AC trine his Valentine 82)
My vNN trine his Valentine (3)
My vNN trine his Juno (3)
My vVenus trine his NN (3)
His Karma trine my Valentine (3)
His vNn sextile my Juno (2)
His vDestiny sextile my NN (1)

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posted July 31, 2007 02:44 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey, Diandra,

I like those of your aspects very much:

His Asc conj my Amor(4º)

His Moon conjunct my Part Lovers(0º); oposes my Venus(0º).
His Venus/Mars conj my Venus/Mars Mid(4º), widely my Venus(5º).
His Neptune oposes my NN(5º);

His NN conj my NN(1º); PF(1);

HIS PF conj my Venus/Mras Mid(0);oposes my Ceres(2)
His Ceres oppose my karma(2)
His Amor oposes my Sun(2)

His Valentine conj my Venus/Mars Mid.(1),
delicious, isn`t it?
WEll, I don`t really know, but in the natal synastry my VAlentine is conjunct his Venus/ Mars-mp (2) *sniff* if there wasn`t only this little problem with his orientation. lol

His Karma conj my Venus/Mras Mid(3),widely my Venus(5º).
His Psyche oposes my Moon(1)
His Eros conj my Destiny(1º)

His Osiris conj my Osiris(0), my POM(0),

HIs Destiny conjuncts Mars(3),Valentine(3),


MY ASC conj his PART FATE(3),oposes his Alma(0),

My Sun conj his Destiny(2)
My moon conj his Valentine(0);oposes his vertex(1), ,

My Mars conj his POM(1)
My Uranus conj his Mars(2),

My NN oposes his POM(2)  , Uranus(1),Ceres(1),Eros(0)
My Juno conj Destiny (5º),,oposes his Moon(4),
My Amor oposes his Mars(0);
My Valentine conj his Venus(2) - oh how beautiful! (and again there`s a parallel to my snystry: his dr Venus is conjunct my VAlentine *sniff* against such a wonderful aspect, but to no avail)

My karma conj his Sun(3),Psyche(3)
My Eros conj his Vertex(1),conj his Sun/Moon Mid(3), oposes his Valentine(0)
My Destiny conj his Sun(5)

How do you like my selection?
I didn`t look for dw`s though.

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posted July 31, 2007 05:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I love these asteroids threads !! But what about Lucifer ? I checked and i have Venus conjunct Lucifer in 12th house. I have a bad feeling

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posted August 01, 2007 06:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i think that the love is showned by the 2, but by the form that those asteroids/planets have in the person: the planet person show it thrgouh the energies of Venus and the asteroid person would show throguh the Aprhodite kind of energy.

WOW so many Dw´s!!! =) what great aspects you have many NN/aspects with him.
the IC/AC must be awesome!The Isis-Osiris ihihih it must appear of course Pluto/Venus is wonderful also.

Yup, i loves your selection and i forgot to see the Dw´s, which are the most iportant, of course hihihi

the Lucifer i never heard that one before.It mustnt be important for sure;when looking at asteroid energies,if its a love relationship, just focus on the love asteroids like these we talk and the ones that are in tight orbs

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posted August 01, 2007 03:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm, I don`t know how others think about it, but I think it`s important to have a selection of asteroids, for there are so many out there. But I`d definitely would include those from now on:


Does anyone disagree? Or are those the ones that really do have an effect in synastry?


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posted August 01, 2007 08:02 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

those are perfectly fine,and i will add Destiny,Love,Alma,Aura,Spirit,and of course,Isis and Osiris hihihihi

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posted August 09, 2007 09:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

i LOoked up at our Midpoints to hihih

First are his , aspecting my planets/Arabics ( i liked specially of the last ones!)

JOHN pom´s: 0 sag- 2 cancer – 19 cancer

Sun/moon 11 SAG - conj my pom(4), trines my 5thCusp(2),Siva(4),skuares my 6thcusp,

Vénus/mars 1 SCORP – conj my 2ndcsups(1), Saturn(1),oposes my 8thCusp(0);

Eros/psyche 6 SCORP – conj my Kaali(1), oposes my 8thcusp(5), Juno(2),Osiris(4),trines my Sun(0), my IC(0), my 12thCusp(3), my Mars/AC Mid(2)

Isis/osíris 5 CAP – conj my IC(1), oposes my MC(1), Eros(5),my Moon/Mars(5),Moon/Venus Mid(4),

Sun/vénus 0 LIBRA – conj my AC(5), merc(0)(ruler of my sun sign and 12th cusp,and of my 9thCusp);trines my Jup(2), my 3rdCusp(2)

Moon/mars 12 CAP – oposes my sun/Moon Mid(2), my Eros(1), trines my Amor(3)

Sun/mars 5 TAURUS – conj my 8thCusp(4), my Juno(1),trines my 9thcusp(3), my kiron(3),trines my isis/osiris Mid(0)

Moon/vénus 7 SAG- conj my POM(0); my Uranus(2),oposes my Iis/osiris Mid(2);trines my 5thCusp(2), AC(2),

Sun/ac 2 VIRG – conj my Sun(4), my 12thCusp(2),trines my 2ndCusp(1),MC(4), Saturn(2),kaali(3)

Moon/ac 8 TAURUS – conj my pom(4); Juno(4),Osiris(4),oposes my 2ndCusp(2),kaali(3). Trines my 6thcusp(2),MC(2),

Vénus/ac 27 LEO – conj my sun/amrs Mid(4), conj my Venus(0), trines my Pluto(0), NN(6)

Mars/ac 2 LIBRA – conj my AC(3), merc(2),oposes my DC(3),trines my 3rdcsup(0), jup(0),Uranus(3),

Vénus/uranus 28 LIBRA – conj my pluto(0),my vénus/neptune(0),my saturn/pluto(0),trines my Venus(0), trine my Neptune(2),trines my Kaali/Siva Mid(2)

Vénus/neptune 10 SCORP – conj my Kaali(5), oposes my Osiris(2),oposes my POM(1),trines my Eros/Psyche Mid(4),Sun/Venus Mid(3),my Mars/AC Mid(2),

Vénus/pluto 11 LIBRA – conj my Vénus/Uranus Mid(5), oposes my Vertex(3),trines my 11thCusp(1), Mars(1),Valentine(1),karma(2),my POM(1)

SATUR/uranus 12 SCORP – oposes my POM(0), Osíris(0), trines my 12thcusp(3),

Satur/neptune 23 SCORP – trines my Vénus/Pluto, and my SUN/AC

Satur/pluto 24 LIBRA – conj my Pluto(3),trines my Nep(3), Vénus(4),

Karma/Valentine 26 TAURUS – conj my Moon(4), conj my Amor/Valentine Mid(2),comj my Amor/Karma Mid(2) J , trines my Destiny(3),Moon/AC Mid(3)

Kaali/Siva 9 LIBRA – conj my AC(4), oposes my DC(4), vertex(5), trines my POM(2),MY 11THcUSP(0),Mars(1),Valentine(1),karma(4) J

Amor/valentine 29 CANCER – conj my Destiny(0), conj our NN ( composite/Davidson in 0orb), my Moon/AC Mid(0), trines my Vneus/Pluto(2), my Amor/Valentine(1),my Amor/Karma(0) J

Amor/karma 11 CANCER – conj my MC(5), Eros(0), Sun/Moon Mid(3),Moon/Venus(1), trines my POM(1), Sun(5),Osiris(1),Eros(Psyche Mid(3),Sun/Venus Mid(2),Venus/AC(5), Mars/AC(3),

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posted August 11, 2007 10:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
now to NAMES ASTEROIDS - its very confusing to interpret this...

my bf´s name is John Paul and i discovered in astro a list containing Jonnhy ( how i call him) and JohnPaul.


jonnhy(in 12º Aries),appears in my 7th house,conjuncting vertex and the DC.also conjuncting my Venus/Uranus Mid(3).Trines my Mars/Ceres/Karma/Siva and Valentine.Skuares my Eros. Skuares my Moon/Venus Mid(2),Sun/Moon Mid(2).Trines my POM,my Karma/Valentine Mid(0).

The JohnPaul - in 1ºCancer (which is his real AC) is in my 9th house,conjuncting my MC and skuaring my AC. Conjuncts my Eros/Isis/,my Moon/Mars Mid.,and sextiles my Juno.It conjuncts my bf´s POM( 0º CANCER).

Anna is in his 8th house,in 3º Pisces.Conjunts his Part of Wedding.
Trines his NN ;sextiles his Juno/Karma/isis/osiris, and his Jonnhy/JohnPaul Asteroids.Sextiles his Iis/Osiris Mid(4),Sun/Mars Mid,Moon/AC Mid. Skuares his POM(3).

in my natal, i have Anna( 5 gem) asteroid in my 9th,conj my kiron/PF (his NN is 9 Cancer). ( in sinastry my kiron/Anna widely conj his Valentine.

his ANNA oposes my sun/venus/;trines my saturn/Eros/Isis/Johnpaul/MC, and sextiles his Juno(1º).HIS Destiny conj my John/vertex.His PF conj my Amor.sKUARES MY 9THcUSP,trines my 8thcusp,trines my ICcusp.Skuares my POM;

my Anna trines his sun(0),oposes his mars/eros/ and conj his valentine.

my Jonnhy oposes his merc/psyche/;conj his MC;skuares his NN/isis/osiris/jonnhy.sextiles his Valentine.TRINES my vertex(0).
ALso,oposes his Venus/Pluto Mid(1º),Kaali/Siva Mid(3),skuares his MarriageMen,his Moon/Mars Mid(0),Amor/Karma Mid(0).
Skuares my Sun/Moon Mid(2),Moon/Venus Mid(2).

my JohnPaul skuares his sun/psyche;oposes his isis/osiris/jonnhy/johnpaul;trines his Anna and conjunct his NN.
Conjunts his POM(1º),oposes his Isis/Osiris Mid(4).Conj my own Moon/Mars Mid(1º).Trines his SUN/AC Mid(1). Skuares his Sun/Venus Mid(1),his Mars/AC.

his Johnny and JohnPaul trines my sun/venus/Juno/Osiris; oposes my eros/MC;skuares my AC.

my johnhy/isis/MC/eROS falls on his 12th,and my johnpaul falls on his 9th.
His Anna falls on my 5th house.

his Jonnhy/JohnPaul/ISIS/Osiris/Juno/ conj my IC.

So,can that name Anna means me or all other Annas he encountered?

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posted August 11, 2007 10:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So,here it is our Composite with our own names asteroids.( what are the allowed orbs for the composite)?

Found these in Composite:

sextiles his natal Valentine
sextiles his natal 8thCusp
sextiles his Moon
conjunts his natal Destiny
conjuncts his MC
skuares his Amor/karma Mid
Skuares his POM(0)
oposes his natal Saturn
trines his 2ndCusp(0)
trines his natal Kaali

conj my natal AC
CONJ MY MERC(ruler of my sun sign)
oposes my DC
Sextiles my 3rdCusp
sextiles my Jupiter/Uranus
skuares my IC
skuares my Moon/Mars Mid
trines my Iis/Osiris Mid
trines my 9thCusp
trines my kiron

oposes my Venus(3)
oposes my SUN/Moon Mid
sextiles my Neptune
sextiles my POM(2)
SEXTILES MY Kaali/Siva Mid(0)
skuares my Amor/Valentine Mid(3)
skjaures my Amor/Karma Mid(4)
skuares my Moon
trines my Venus/Neptune
treins my NN
trines my Pluto


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posted August 11, 2007 11:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I noticed that my name conjuncts Isis/Mars/Moon in the 8th house

His name conjuncts Osiris/Eros/Juno in 7th house
Trines NN/Saturn.

vERTEX (destiny in the 5th) and Juno, conjuncting his natal Part of Wedding!

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Posts: 108
From: TX
Registered: Nov 2010

posted August 11, 2007 01:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for stillatlarge     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How do you do asteroids on Astrodeinst, please? I only find one option for it but it doesn't allow any kind of synastry comparison.

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posted August 11, 2007 01:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

i was apllying the multi-composite in astro and put me-him-Davidson.

Edited *

There´s again:Osiris/Juno/Eros in the 7th and Anna conj Isis ,but this time,conjuncting also Johns name asteroid ( in the 8th)!

And also all those beautiful aspects between the main bodies:

Sun trine Moon
Sun trine Merc
Sun conjunct Venus
Moon trine Merc
Moon trine Venus
Venus sextile MC

And the NN aspects:
trines Saturn/Pluto/Psyche/Juno/Osiris and sextiles AC

My favorite one..of course is the tight Valentine/NN conjunction

Valentine trines Saturn/Pluto/Juno/Psyche/Osiris/John

I dont know how to interpret a multi with these components but sure seems good!

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posted August 12, 2007 10:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

the asteroids you can add the ones you want to
Just when you go to the extended chart selection,chose the type of chart(composite/sinastry/etc and the partners´s b-day) and then bellow there´s a list os asteroids. The ones that already appear,just click on them and the ones cliked will turn blue.
Then,to add more asteroids,click on the "List of asteroids" thats below the box.
You have to write down the numbers of each of them;look at my charts,and choose the ones you like more to see

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Posts: 108
From: TX
Registered: Nov 2010

posted August 12, 2007 10:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for stillatlarge     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks lot

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posted August 26, 2007 05:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What would mean in sinastry if we have a:

-Parvati-Sun DW
-Parvati-Venus trine and the other a Parv-Mars Oposition?
- Parvati-Kaali DW(Q and sextile)
-Parvati-VX DW
- my Parvati conj his Valentine.

A Rudra-NN DW ( conj and a oposition)
- One´s Rudra sextile the others Siva and the others Rudra sextile the others Kaali?
-my Rudra closely aspects his Isis/Osiris/karma.

In the Composite,Rudra is conjuncting Kaali in the 1st house, and skuares NN/Karma/Siva. Oposes Parvati.

I know these are all asteroids concerning the Indian/Hindu beliefs and "SM" between kaali/siva or SIva/Parvatti as She was Siva´s female consort,knonw as Kaali or Parvati,Uma,Sati,Durga etc..

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posted September 20, 2007 08:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Since i have been studying the asteroids,this thread might also help others who are now beggining to know asteroids-some posts also have IQ´s posts on asteroids.

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posted September 24, 2007 08:39 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
With the discovery of my new birth time i went see the Composite.I think some angles changed a bit...

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posted September 27, 2007 08:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I went see how would the new AC affect our relationship charts-so here the new Davidson and Composite:

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posted September 28, 2007 07:00 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 18, 2007 08:55 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Comparing the Davidson to natal aspects:

- Davidson to natal respectivately

- AC conj my Sun and trine his Isis/Osiris
- DSC conj his Wedding Arabic Part
- Sun trine his AC
- Moon conj my Draco Isis
- Venus trine his Nep/Juno; trine my Venus/Neptune
- Mars conj my DCS/ conj his MC
- sATURN Conj my SATURN,opose my VX/Juno; trine his NN,conj his Ve/MA Mid and his Wedding arabic Part
- TRUE NODE trine my Saturn
- QUIRON conj my Moon and Draco Sun. Trine his Venus and his Draco ISis/Oriris.
- VERTEX trine his Venus/kiron. Trine my Draco Sun/ntal Moon
- Juno conj his Wedding Part. Trine my Saturn
- Valentine conj my 9thcusp/trine my AC. Trine his Sun
- Karma conj his Kiron and trine his Venus. Conjunct my Moon
- Amor conj my 5thCusp/ conj his Moon

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posted December 19, 2007 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 29thDegree     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Who would be helen and who would be menelaus in the helen of troy saga in the valentine pluto conjunction? Would the pluto person feel the powerful obsession to duty to be in a true love union/marriage? Is that describing it more or am I way off?

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