Topic: SYNASTRY: SUN conjunct LILTH = suffering guaranteed?
alvarella777 unregistered
posted June 25, 2007 06:42 PM
I (female) am currently stuck in an affair with a man – and I wonder how much one specific aspect contributes to the weird intensity we have: It is MY LILITH CONJUNCT HIS SUN (Lilith is in Leo/in my 9th house – 0 deg. conjunct to his Leo-Sun, which probably is in his 11th or 12th house). I couldn't find anything about this combination in the web.Does that mean that he is afraid of me, the LILITH-woman, that I “scare him off” in some way? Acually, I do feel that he adores me for my independence ecc - but at the same time he seems to “fight” me because he seems to feel threatened in a way. He is apporaching me in a very ... competitive way. Or could it be the other way round with LILITH conjunct. SUN: That it’s rather him (the SUN) who is terrifying me (LILITH)? That some traits of his character appeal to my personal “darker sides”, that I MUST find him “scary” in a way? To be honest: I feel he is much, much stronger and more aggressive than me. He clearly has the upper hand. I find him extremely dominating, “mentally brutal” in a way, quite selfrighteous and very manipulative. He also admitted once that “power” and “control” are important issues for him personally, we have talked about that. He is VERY controlling - and he admits it.(Although I feel: He is suffering from the friction this creates.) So, I clearly see HIM as the more aggressive one in these matters – and I would love to stop that competitive streak that spoils our little thing, over and over again. He seems to be so suspicious about me and my intentions, and these suspicions tend to overshadow the affection between us. I don’t know how to get out of this dynamic. (Actually, I am neither willing, nor able to go on with that for much longer.) Is “suffering” a topic in such a LILITH-SUN_relationship? Who would be the one more likely to "suffer" , from an astrological point of view: The sun-person (him) or the Lilith-person (me)? Thanks in advance for any line that you drop on that topic! P.S: Apart from that, we have my PLUTO (in my 10th house) conjunct his VENUS (probably in his 1st house). This certainly adds to the intensitiy (power games) as well - but this aspect in general seems much clearer to me than the Sun-Lilith-conjunction. Although I am a bit confused with this one as well … since I don’t see myself as the powerful/dominating one - although it is my PLUTO which comes into play here.
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ErickaF unregistered
posted June 25, 2007 08:36 PM
You feel 'stuck'? I hope someone can comment on this...sounds very interesting. Could you post synastry and/or composite chart so we can take a look please? ps. Are you italian? I noticed the 'ecc' you wrote hehe.
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lovegoblin Knowflake Posts: 28 From: miami Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 25, 2007 09:24 PM
i have this aspect opposite sun w/someone. i would like to know answer also, if it is sun or lilith person.
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izodesmozina unregistered
posted June 28, 2007 09:36 AM
Hi, alvarella!Don't mean to scare you, but so far I've found hard Lilith aspects in the synastry of couples that ended up hurting each other. With synastry, it's really hard to say which role you actually play... sometimes you play your planet, sometimes you play the other's planet... or maybe both. I am really interested in Lilith aspects. Up to this point, I am tempted to say that it's more likely that the Lilith person will hurt the planet person (in your case, you'll offend his ego, his self-expression). But I might be wrong. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted June 28, 2007 10:30 AM
Izo,are lilith aspects so bad? cause me and my bf have quite a lot of those: My sun conj his lylith (4º42´) my MC trines his Lilith(-4º48) my lilith conjunct his moon(0º25) trine his saturn(-4º42), ARe those also considered hard aspects?
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izodesmozina unregistered
posted June 28, 2007 01:35 PM
The trines are soft. As for the MC, it depends on the house system you're using. I started using equal, so the MC is different. However, you should be concerned about squares, oppositions, quincunxes, semisquares or sesquicuadrates. Those are bad. I've seen them in my synastry with people who have hurt me or offended me and in a few other synastries. But this is by no means a complete study. I might be VERY wrong about this, so take it with a grain of salt. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted June 28, 2007 01:43 PM
THANK GOD! Today i coulndt handle more bad news...i got news in the yahoo group - hopefully all will turn ourt allright IP: Logged |
alvarella777 unregistered
posted June 28, 2007 04:29 PM
Thanks for your replys!Damn – this idea of “hurt” is hunting me with this guy. It is like a notion that clouds all this relationship – infact HE was the one to raise that topic first, he mentioned that he had some vague doubts in this regard … that we both could really “hurt” each other… The strange thing: We hardly knew each other when he told me this – but now, half a year later, he really seems to “play out” that hurting-notion. He has CHIRON in his 7th house … and we have quite some aspects with CHIRON (see below)… Sometimes I feel much wiser than him … (even though I am vive years younger) - and by looking at our SYNASTRY I think there are some teaching/discipline-aspects from me to him … am I right here? What do you think? Me his "teacher" or "parent"? Or rather the other way around? ERICKA: I’d love to hear/read your thoughts. I don’t know how to make a screenshot of a chart, so I’ ve written down the most striking SYNASTRY aspects between this guy and me: He: Sun: LEO; Asc: VIRGO, Moon: ARIES, Mars: LIBRA I am: Sun: CANCER, Asc: SCORPIO, Moon: SAGITTARIURS, Mars: CANCER We both have MERCURY in LEO and both have VENUS in VIRGO. POSITIVE ASPECTS: - his JUPITER, MC and NN in my 7th - his MOON in my 5th - his AC conjunct my MC - his SUN/MOON-MIDPOINT in my 7th - my MOON in his 4th - my PART OF FORTUNE in his 8th - my SUN/MOON-MIDPOINT in his 1st - we have MOON trine MOON (double whammy) - we have JUPITER trine JUPITER (double whammy) - his SUN trine my MOON - his SUN sextile my JUPITER - his SUN trine my PART OF FORTUNE - his VENUS sextile my MARS - his VENUS sextile my NEPTUNE - his MARS conjunct my JUPITER - his JUPITER sextile my PART OF FORTUNE - his NEPTUNE sextile my MC - my NN conjunct his Vertex - my AC sextile his VENUS - my MOON trine his Mercury - my SUN sextile his VENUS - my SUN trine his CHIRON - my SATURN sextile his CHIRON - my SATURN trine his AC - my URANUS trine his LILITH - my URANUS trine his JUNO “GOOD” OR “BAD”? - his SUN conjunct my LILITH - his MARS sextile my LILITH - his PLUTO conjunct my MC - my PLUTO conjunct his VENUS STRESSFUL ASPECTS:
- we have MARS square MARS (double whammy) - his SUN square my AC - his MERCURY opposite my JUNO - his MARS opposite my PART OF FORTUNE - his SATURN opposite my MC - his LILITH square my JUNO - my SATURN square his SUN and his MERCURY - my SATURN opposite his NEPTUNE - my VENUS in his 12th house (Virgo) - my MOON square his CHIRON - my MOON opposite his JUPITER - my MERCURY square his LILITH - my PLUTO square his JUPITER - my PLUTO opposite his CHIRON I guess there are a lot of so called “karmic” connections, a lot of (psychologically and physically) passionate aspects …Is that: A lot of tension??? Or a lot to learn??? If you were in my shoes: Would you like to get deeper involved in this relationship? Or would you prefer to run? Do you agree that this is a “meaningful”/”serious”/”heavy”/maybe a “fated” thing…?
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annaf Knowflake Posts: 60 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted June 28, 2007 04:43 PM
Alvarella, the way you explained sun conjunct black moon lilith is exactly how i experience it with this guy I'm not even in a relationship yet. Over the past months it's been push and pull between us, whenever it seems we finally get closer, he retreats after something I said or done which he took the wrong way. It seems he is INCREDABLY suspicious of me hurting him. Little things I say, he takes completely the wrong way. It is so clear how much he respects me, my independence and strenght of character, but at the same time he is very quickly defensive. His sun in aquarius in the 12th house, is conjunct my lilith in aquarius. How you described your experience with this aspect sounds exactly how I experience it. But having said that I'm not sure whether his oversensitivity and fear of being hurt might not be due to other aspects in our synastry chart and his personality as such. Could just as well be his moon opposite my mars or our venus opposite saturn double whammy. Or his natal venus opposite his saturn in 5th.IP: Logged |
alvarella777 unregistered
posted June 28, 2007 04:54 PM
to IZODESMINA: You wrote:.... in your case, you'll offend his ego, his self-expressionyes .... Yes - that's right! I guess that's the way he feels sometimes. But I don't "offend" him deliberately, just the opposite is true: I try to "soothe" him again and again. He just seems to be "naturally offended" by me. And whenever I try to "understate" my personality and start to behave in a more submissive way, he gets even more angry - athough i am not micking this! I am really terrified and feel controlled/hurt myself by him sometimes! I feel very insecure in such moments. That makes him even more angry, I guess. He told me he "never met a woman like me" before and that he loved my brains/my sharp mind. So he can't complain about all that at other occasions ... right? So I am really confused ... and more annoyed ... because my so called "strength" frightens AND attracts him at the same time ... I feel I cannot prevent him from feeling jeaolus or competitive against me - and somehow ... he really terrorizes me with all of that. That's why, at the end of the day, HE is the stronger one, his influence is SO strong, he makes everything so complicated and spooky... Sorry for all these details - but it IS too weird for me at the moment with that guy. (He's the first man I am really seriously interested in for 3 years now.) IP: Logged |
alvarella777 unregistered
posted June 28, 2007 04:59 PM
hey annaf,yes - we both seem to have made very similar experiences! he gets you wrong (somehow it seems to me: deliberately), ecc. - exactly! but then he retreats ... and he just won't let me know WHAT in detail offended him so bad. (Once he told me: "The worst things you did that made me angry, you don't even know... - and he wouldn't tell me what he has in mind here! That's mean! How can I change then?) the thing is: his SUN is in his 11th, close to his 12th house cusp ... Similar to your boyfriend's sun... Let's keep in touch with this, okay? IP: Logged |
KoreAbyss Newflake Posts: 5 From: Registered: Apr 2016
posted April 15, 2016 09:37 AM
I'm necro'ing this. Deal with it!I am experiencing the exact same thing. My true Lilith (h13) is parallel my Ascendant and his Sun is parallel my Asc/Lilith. The same thing is happening as you two describe. He is very suspicious of me. I find myself constantly reassuring him of my integrity. He continually gets my intentions wrong. "Are you playing some game?" He's naturally very competitive though so on that point I think he just generally likes that sort of connection. His natal Lilith squares his Sun 1°. His DSC ruler Jupiter is sitting in Leo and Lilith trines his Jupiter at 1° which points to him needing Lilith in relationships so perhaps this dislike is also because Lilith is what he needs to incorporate as part of himself. More in the Lilith domain in case anyone is interested: He thinks I'm weird when I describe how I like to spiritually connect with a person. I have a method of connecting chakras with the other person. I recently found out this is considered black magic if the other person does not know you're doing it to them. quote: Cords can be created between any two people or even groups of people that have emotional relationships. Friends, workmates, enemies can all have cords. They can be used by entities and other dimensional beings to connect with us and drain our energy. It is possible to send a cord to someone you don't know if you really want to get to know them. For example say you fall in love with someone but have not yet talked to them. It is possible that your desire to have them may send a cord into their energy. It is also possible to consciously create a cord to another person but this is in the domain of black magic. You should never use psychic means to purposely control or affect another’s energy without their permission. There are no exemptions from this rule and the karmic repercussions are enormous! I didn't know this and wanted to ask his permission. This is the only reason I told him and he was extremely weirded out. He's disappeared for now because he's so logical that the idea of me using kundalini energy on him is too wild. He literally said "Is that logical?" And really? "No, it's spiritual power, logic is beneath it." It's interesting though as Lotis White describes her: quote: Lilith is the opposite… The women who is unfathomable, dangerous, rebellious and sexual… Here rather then the Wife/Mother (Moon), or even the Beautiful Maiden/Girlfriend (Venus)… You have the mistress, the forbidden lover, the hooker, the ’bad girl’, and the manipulative witchy vixen…. A women who’s unpredictable, mysterious, and probably into something dark or taboo… Like black magic… She might be a scandalous ***** … And yet she has an unattainable kind of allure about her… She’s like a guilty pleasure.
And this also plays out because he's a Christian. He immediately said that things would have escalated between us quickly. Like he doesn't think he could resist, such a taboo but inescapable. Now he avoids any talk of sex. I'm very sexual but he resists as if I'm a snake trying to undermine his purity. It's annoying because I know he wants it and part of me wants to make him squirm but give nothing until he begs. The other part of me wants to beg and I will easily do so because being submissive often gives you the most power. My Lilith is in Virgo, sign of the servant.  FKA Twigs says it better than me though in Two Weeks "I know it hurts. You know I'd quench that thirst" "Feel your body closing, I can rip it open. Suck me up, I'm healing, for the sh*t you're dealing." Two Weeks - FKA Twigs I hope this helps someone interested in Lilith/ASC in that natal and/or Lilith conjunct Sun in synastry.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 64161 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 15, 2016 10:48 AM
Moving this to Interpersonal Astrology.IP: Logged | |