Topic: Most Evil Birth Chart
Astra Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2007 04:30 PM
I know we all have free will, but what aspects and signs do you think would contribute towards the inclination of committing malicious acts?IP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2007 04:33 PM
People are a product of their environment.. A chart could only contribute like 10% to a humans malicious nature.IP: Logged |
Twinkle Stars unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 04:42 PM
Just look at Hitler's chart.........or President Bush's.
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MUSTANG unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 05:40 PM
My Ex boyfriend's chart!!  ------------------ Sun Aqua, Moon Sagg, Asc Taurus IP: Logged |
MoonDreamer81 unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 06:05 PM
Twinkle Stars~Hitler has one of my "Soul mate B'day Matches"...that scares me!!MUSTANG~I always thought by your screenname you were a guy,don't know why!! ~feelin embarassed now~ Don't slap me!  ------------------ S:Taurus ASC:Gemini M:Scorpio IP: Logged |
VenusInLeo unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 06:12 PM
I think perhaps having some scorpio and pluto in a chart that is otherwise NOT much emotional related. Someone who lacks self insight and empathy, and not the empathic scorpio side.. Perhaps an unevolved soul with a lot of earth and aspects to pluto. Im thinking that they could perhaps like to manipulate. I guess strong water people can be mean too, but its more based on their nutty moody nature. Fire people are more ego related. If you hurt their ego, and their non spiritually developed consciousness then you could expect some harsh words. Some aries and leo anger hehe. This is in theory, not meaning to say its always like this. VenusInLeo 
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Astra Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2007 06:14 PM
Haha...Moon Dreamer, don't worry. Sometimes we get along best with our opposites, so maybe Hitler (epitome of evil) is your opposite, meaning you are a good person.Yes I know environment can play a role, but my question is based on the birth chart alone. IP: Logged |
MoonDreamer81 unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 06:17 PM
A badly aspected Mars would be my first guess.Hmmm...a stellium involving Mars(anger),conjunct Pluto(transformative energy),conjunct Mercury(malicious communication) all in Scorpio sounds scary to me.Make Scorpio the 12th house so all this energy is "repressed" and one day it would eventually explode!Hope I don't meet someone like that!And no offense intended if anyone reading this actually has these placements! I truly apologize!------------------ S:Taurus ASC:Gemini M:Scorpio IP: Logged |
neptune5 unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 06:32 PM
pluto conjunct BML in the MC, 8th, or 12th.IP: Logged |
PaidVacation unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 07:53 PM research on birth placements of murderers. IP: Logged |
PaidVacation unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 07:54 PM
Turns out I have a lot of those placements.IP: Logged |
MoonDreamer81 unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 09:48 PM
PaidVacation~I shall try to stay on your good side while you're there,lurking behind that computer screen,plotting your next victim's demise!! J/K------------------ S:Taurus ASC:Gemini M:Scorpio IP: Logged |
Twinkle Stars unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 10:56 PM
My cousin has Hitler's birthday. The cusp of Aries/Taurus.Spooookyyyy I can see the resemblance when she looses her temper. She's the type that holds grudges. IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 14, 2007 07:47 AM
Looking through that link, I cannot BELIEVE the heavy amount of Libra that featured in all those pshyco's charts!!! Especially the moon/venus in Libra!!!!! I am in shock!!!!!!!  My fiancee's younger sister has an April 20th b'day - same as Hitler. She is honestly the loveliest, most gentle, cheerful little thing I have ever met!!! In the 5 years I've known her, not once have I ever seen her lose her temper! And she's only 15, so you could even forgive her for some teenage hormones!!! But never!!!!! She's 0* Taurus, with a Sag moon and a Libra ascendant - a nice mix if you ask me! My fiancee's dad's b'day is April 28th - same as Saddam Hussein! Now he's a different story....!  IP: Logged |
Lady Neptune unregistered
posted July 14, 2007 09:47 AM
I have scorpio in the 12th house, Mars in the forth conjunct chiron and opposing uranus/Pluto in the 10th...chiron also squares the moon in the 8th. I used to have an easily triggered temper but age and maturity have calmed me down considerably. Pluto has squared my mars oppositions for 2 years now and rather than trigger violence in me....everything around me has been destroyed. We lost everything financially, parents facing terminal illness, friend while I agree these aspects look scary when you see them in a chart I don't think it means that you are looking at someone with violent tendencies. But I have to admit if I saw them in someone elses chart I may run the other way.IP: Logged |
Lady Neptune unregistered
posted July 14, 2007 09:49 AM
one of my good friends has a chart very similar to the washington sniper.....just shift the houses slightly. She has an interest in studying psychopathic killers but is herself one of the kindest people I knowIP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted July 14, 2007 02:09 PM
quote: MUSTANG~I always thought by your screenname you were a guy,don't know why!! ~feelin embarassed now~ Don't slap me!
*Slap* Just kidding! Don't feel ashamed. Almost everyone thinks I'm a male online...I don't know why...And I've been guilty of thinking others were the wrong sex, too. It's really hard to tell these things online. ------------------ Sun Aqua, Moon Sagg, Asc Taurus IP: Logged |
PaidVacation unregistered
posted July 14, 2007 03:07 PM
Here's the results page of the study edit: Actually, it was the info from astrodatabank that matched stuff in my chart, here
sun in sag (or cap) ruler of ascendant in cap - my merc in cap moon highest point in chart (or lowest) new moon (or new/full Sun) but, I also have Moon in Aquarius which was not found at all. In fact, very few Moon in fixed signs were found. IP: Logged |
comica23 Knowflake Posts: 1212 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 14, 2007 06:10 PM
Aww XD interesting! One of te things of astrology I find it fascinating is the psychological link found in its symbolism..I agree with the stressful aspects between Mars, Moon and Uranus.. Mars symbolizes our passions/actions, Moon symbolizes our emotions, and Uranus can bring the unexpected.. But I find Pluto even more dangerous.. The aspects above might just bring a sudden urge of emotional outlet (and not necessarily planned).. But Pluto might be more related to the planned murders/mass murdering.. Pluto symbolizes transformation, regeneration, rebirth through death.. and also power and control. If aspected positively, it helps us to achieve a deeper meaning through things, and also learning one of the deepest lessons of life and healing.. But if it is aspected negatively, it might give us a distorted view of transformation, and how to use power to control things properly. Ever heard about some criminals that kills people in order to transform themselves or to "save"/"purify" the victims? Astrologically I guess that this could be linked to Pluto issues.. But well, there are different types of criminals.. ^_^; IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 40 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: May 2009
posted July 15, 2007 02:08 PM
Umm..nothing? At all.. Mars and Pluto aren't scary. They may be considered "scary" because of the kind of energies they pack, but I assure you it's nothing to be frightened of. Unless you're terrified of change and taking action.
You can't even *do* this, aspects, planets, stars, asteroids, signs...yada yada cannot make a person evil. No matter what. This isn't an opinion, it's common sense. Someone born on the same day, time, and place as you could become a cold blooded serial killer. Then you'd be asking yourself why aren't I the same way...It's simply because there is no aspect in the universe that is going to make someone evil. There are *tough* aspects to deal with, especially those of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto aspecting our personal planets and points. A person with Mars conjunct Pluto in Scorpio is going to be passionate as hell, and feel anger (and other emotions) deep inside their core, take everything way too personally and approach life with a "take no prisoners" attitude, but that person could become a CEO or a fantastic housewife, the same as they could become a rapist, or a sadistic murder. It's all in how we 1) chose to use the energies 2) learned how to use the energies 3) we raised and taught 4)experienced growing up plus a billion other influences. Maybe you should say most "challenging" birth chart instead of "evil". Because evil is a judgment, and by throwing out what we think makes one "evil" you only start alienating those with those very placements. ------------------ Sagittarius AC, Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted July 15, 2007 04:06 PM
I would imagine a lot of 12th house planets, especially in Saturn &/or Pluto ( maybe even Uranus? ) - although at the same time, A LOT of great healers, be it doctors, psychologists, nurses, priests, monks whatever, have plenty of 12th house's our choice how we deal with our issues, and whether to help others or hurt them  IP: Logged |
comica23 Knowflake Posts: 1212 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 15, 2007 04:43 PM
alanabelle86, I agree with you, as the chart tells about the potential energies, but it doesn't necessarily mean evil.. it depends on how we use the energies.. ^_^ Thought I said that Pluto can be dangerous, it is dangerous depending on the aspects and how the energies are displayed. Personally, I have Mars opposed to Pluto, and both squared to Jupiter (t-square).. I can say that sometimes I have bad Taurus Mars temper (pilled up inside then explodes lol), but I'm not into evilness lol.. ^_^; This aspect has more to do with my thoughts and belief system (Pluto 3rd house, Mars 9th house).IP: Logged |
waxy unregistered
posted July 15, 2007 05:18 PM
Taurus/GeminiLibra is the classic 'how you win friends and influence people cliche' the proliferation of it charts of those who are 'evil' just denotes how they get people to believe in them in the first place. Charlie Chaplin was always aware that he was born around 2 days apart from Hitler... He seemed to subconsciously understand that he had a similar potential but we all have choices. It was this awareness that led him to make a spoof film about Hitler in his later career. x IP: Logged |
Twinkle Stars unregistered
posted July 15, 2007 08:38 PM
I've heard of the Scorpio Sun/Gemini Moon combo being kind of dangerous.I read it somewhere...forgot where. IP: Logged |
babeefoxx unregistered
posted July 16, 2007 03:45 PM
Gemini moons? I know so many! They are just really busy-bodies and get bored easily...Hitler sounds like a Taurus, not an Aries. Edie Sedgwick, same birthday, is an Aries.
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