venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 03:29 AM
okay, u've heard it all, u 've seen the Oscar winning mushfest movie, now lets use our astro hats to analyse the Fairy tale johhny cash Johnny CASH, born February 26, 1932 at 7:30 AM in Kingsland, AR (USA) Sun 6°45' Pisces Moon 7°57' Scorpio Mercury6°28' Pisces Venus 16°32' Aries Mars 1°09' Pisces Jupiter 15°14' Leo Saturn 0°15' Aquarius Uranus17°02' Aries Neptune 6°37' Virgo Pluto 20°13' Cancer Chiron 18°49' Taurus Ceres 10°09' Capricorn Pallas 23°28' Sagitarius Juno 13°05' Cancer Vesta 18°31' Pisces Node 27°17' Pisces Lilith 22°35' Aries Fortune24°10' Scorpio AS 22°57' Pisces MC 25°47' Sagitarius valentine 26 Cancer karma 4 Aquarius isis 2 Scorpio osiris 4 Scorpio vertex 26 Virgo
Draco Asc 25 Pisces mars 4 Pisces sun 9 Pisces mercury 10 Pisces venus 19 Aries neptune 19 Virgo chiron 21 Taurus M.C. 26 Gemini pluto 22 Cancer jupiter 17 Leo uranus 19 Aries moon 17 Scorpio saturn 3 Aquarius valentine 29 Cancer karma 7 Aquarius isis 5 Scorpio osiris 7 Scorpio vertex 29 Virgo June CARTER, born June 23, 1929 at 12:00 PM (unknown) in Maces Spring (VA) (USA) Sun in 1°42 Cancer, Moon in 18°23 Capricorn sun 1°42' Cancer Moon 18°23' Capricorn Mercury14°05' Gemini Venus 16°10' Taurus Mars 23°38' Leo Jupiter 2°31' Gemini Saturn 26°52' Sagitarius Uranus11°09' Aries Neptune29°07' Leo Pluto 17°28' Cancer Chiron 12°40' Taurus Ceres 20°50' Taurus Pallas 8°29' Aries Juno 12°36' Scorpio Vesta 21°10' Gemini Node 19°04' Taurus Lilith 3°37' Capricorn Fortune 11°42' Aries valentine 2 Aquarius karma 24 Gemini isis 29 Pisces osiris 3 Aquarius johhny 16 Libra vertex 22 Aries
Draco sun 12 Taurus saturn 7 Scorpio moon 29 Scorpio uranis 22 aquarius chiron 23 Pisces venus 29 Pisces jupiter 13 Aries mercury 25 Aries M.C. 7 Taurus pluto 28 Taurus mars 8 Cancer neptune 10 Cancer Asc 8 Leo juno 23 Virgo valentine 13 Sagitarius karma 5 Taurus isis 10 Aquarius osiris 14 Sagitarius johhny 27 Leo vertex 3 Pisces
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 03:36 AM
As far as the luminaries are concerned they r both compatible as Johhny's Water influence must have loved her Water n Earth combo, Also reveals that this is a deep , watery relationship.... I am leaving out the Natal comparisons, they r well matched natally, the difficult aspects are... her Moon opp his Pluto her Pluto square his Venus HMM..... is it just me or did the above aspects dominate the movie ..anyways the way they came together after the push and pull, the breakup of both their marriages , the ahem.. Adultery they committed on their spouses, his Alcohol battles, her rescuing him... etc. etc.etc. If anything this movie is the best cinematised Plutonian romance i have ever seen  Natal Asteroids ( orb of 3 degrees) June's Valentine and Osiris conjunct Johhny's Saturn n Karma  June's Karma conjuncts Johhny's I.C. Exactly ( she worked on the core of his emotions and fixed his messed up home life ) June's Isis conjuncts Johhny's True Node !!!!!!!!! Johhny's Karma trines June's Jupiter !!!!! O.K. i need to take a break from this , the above is just too perfect 
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 04:06 AM
draco analysis ( i only consider conjunctions and oppositions and the orb is 3 degrees , exact aspects marked with * )June's Isis conjuncts Johhny's Draco Ascendent Johhny's Draco venus conjuncts June's Natal Vertex.* Johhny's Draco Chiron conjuncts June's Natal Venus and Node ( healing his alcoholism with her love was her spiritual path ? ) June's Draco Chiron conjuncys Johhny's Natal Asc. ( she was his Healer ) June's Natal Saturn conjuncts Johhny's Draco I.C. ( another I.C. hit, this proves heavy Home Karma )* Johhny's Draco moon opposes Juyne's Draco sun Johhny's Draco Saturn and Karma exactly conjuncts June's Draco D.C.* ( he was bound by a karmic contract to be her husband ) Johhny's Draco Isis and Osiris conjuncts June's Draco Saturn Johhny's Anti- Vertex conjuncts June's Draco Venus* June's Draco Saturn Conjuncts Johhny's Natal moon * ( they have shared a parent child relationship in a previous life as Saturn stands for father and moon is Mother zodiacally ) June's Draco Chiron and venus conjuncts Johhny's Draco Asc. June's Draco Juno conjuncts Johhny's Natal D.C. * ( speaks for itself) June's Draco Valentine opposes Johhny's Draco Isis and Osiris June's Draco Isis conjuncts Johhny's Draco Karma Johhny's Natal sun and Mars conjuncts June's Draco Vertex
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 04:19 AM
okay, I give up, they dont have a venus-pluto Double whammy in the natals , but their Draco Stinks of heavy Karma. as was evident from the film it was June primarily who was more Karmically involved, look at the I.C. aspects between them. and i haven't checked the natals, she was practically his "Christ saviour " . as was evident from the film.  i haven't heard thier music , dont know of them being an Indian. my only source is the movie, but in all honesty sticking to the above aspects this is a classic case of a soul contract within 2 members of a soul Family where June practically took Johhny in like a Mother , and turned his life around,. Being poetic , this is the kind of a relationship that follows centuries and Lives of waiting.  IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 07:05 AM
Hi Venus  You always choose excelent couples to compare the Dracos! I simply love this one; in all astrology sites they are seen like a perfect soul mate example where the love and affection conquered all  I know they arent Twin Souls but from that history we all can see that SoulMates Love comes just following the Twins´s Love  Theres another one i like:will smith and Jada Pinkett ! - have you already looked to their Dracos? IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 09:54 AM
thanx Diandra  i was really moved by the Film, and to be quite honest for an 8 th house Pluto person , going thru Tr. Pluto opposing natal sun and Moon the depiction of their romance , had my mouth watering  but jokes apart , what June did for Johhny , is the stuff of fairy tales, long burnt by the Feminism movement. I am all for women's emancipation n all that, but it really had me in 2 minds. here is June, married, successful, strong,famous, financially independent. where was the incentive for her to devote herself to an alcoholic Star with a spiraling mental health and Career.  in today's context a shrink would dismiss a woman like this by saying, " oh it's just low self esteem...girls r attracted to bad boys...this is a very unhealthy situation,... co-dependent relationship.. blah.. blah... and more Feminist blah...." Would i do something like this for the man i love ? would any of U ? maybe the reason we r not in a Fairytale like this is because we r not willing for a Love so all consuming.. " Great Love and great success involve Great sacrifices " but sadly the Strength of a woman has become a measure of her independence masquerading as unwillingness to nurture a Man. Our Lives r a perfect mirror of our minds. what is not inside us CANNOT exist outside us. also as the above is a Soul contract, June was indebted to do what she did for johhny, had she run away like us INDEPENDENT women of the Feminist Era, she would have delayed the repayment to another life ......... hmmm... i have ended up in a diffrerent direction altogether.. Rant over for now , do post what u think bout the above Synastry aspects though. man i'm missing Iq, but i think he would be proud of us  IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 09:57 AM
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 09:59 AM
double postIP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 10:00 AM
double postIP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 10:08 AM
Venusdeindia............would you be able to look at a draco chart comparison for me? IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 10:11 AM
double postIP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 10:24 AM
sinderlou, u can easily make the Draco uraself. download astrowin for free from their website the software is my favourite !! it has a lot of features, it has Draco charts as well, u can make and match on ur own !1 but if u still want to discuss something, post the aspects, we can all do with a little case study.  IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 11:02 AM
Yeah,me too. Im feeling his missing here too hihihih - he was always tryin to redirect us to the right path when we were having troubles analysing something :PLookin backward, i also think we all have been evolving in astrology,and of course thats cause this world is so fascinating that we just cant stop on seeing patterns everywhere. I dindt saw the movie but i know the story in general. And yes,people tend to judge what they dont know. its much more easy to say that others took a way cause of bad self esteem, and other psycological stuff. WHat they dont know and dont have a clue is that theres much nmore things between the Sky and Earth that we imagine  Some might see what really is the Truth cause they feel it and somehow pass(ed) that same path. The strengh of a soul is seen by the strengh and courage of its heart. Not by money,independence,power...but by willing for love,to love, to nurture and take care of the other Heart,when its needed. At the same time,we´ll be nurturing ours,and in a cycle,making each others evolve throught that same Love,unselfish and generous. Embracing whatever it comes.For Good or for Bad. Like June.Like Jonnhy IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 01:02 PM
Hi venusdeindia!I downloaded that program but it doesn't have all the info i need to input. It doesn't include my town or state.  IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 01:12 PM
Venus + Diandra - I love that movie too, one of those one's you can watch over and over. I think it's pretty close to the truth, my dad has always been a johnny Cash fan and told me the June and Johnny story years ago. I love that he listened to her on the radio and loved her before he knew her, and also the fact Johnny followed June to the grave within a few months of her death, I've heard this too is a sign of a soul mate relationship.I love it in the movie when Johnny is messing with the tractor and June says to her mum, "If I go down there..." and her mum says, "Honey you're already down there!" *sigh*  I've been looking at their aspects for months too - good work there  I think you're right too about the 'sacrfice' for love, only I personally think, if you really love someone it doesn't feel like sacrifice it's just being the partner you should be to the one you truly value. When it feels like sacrifice it's not true love IMO. And it's ok to support your love through tough times - been there - but if violence ever becomes part of the addiction cycle, there's no question in my mind that you should leave - that's not feminism, that's common sense. Luckily June was supporting a man that was open to change... in the end anyway. P.S I love that song 'Ring of Fire' one of my favourites  IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 1066 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 22, 2008 01:13 AM
I just recently saw the movie and a special on PBS. Excellent thread Venus de Indiathanks IP: Logged |
Charlotte unregistered
posted March 22, 2008 04:19 AM
This is a very interesting and enlightening thread. Draco charts have Karmic patterns that are astonishing!IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted March 22, 2008 07:31 AM
Yes, I am often blown away when looking at the Draco`s of any couple. Often the synastry seems to be stronger and more exact than in the tropical synastry.DD IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted March 22, 2008 07:57 AM
May l ask how one does a Draco chart? (I have a mac)  IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted March 22, 2008 09:32 AM
lara , you can download Astrowin for free from their website, it has a draco chart function, for asteroids u will have to calculate manually. for eg. my node is 13 cancer and sun is 0 cancer. the draco position of my sun is90 + 360 - 104 = 16 Pisces. u have to convert the degree of the planet , house or asteroid into it absolte , ie out of 360 degrees and adjust it to the value of the node. my ASC is 15 Pisces, natal so draco is 345 - 104 = 1 sag. IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted March 22, 2008 10:40 AM
I think sadly that astrowin in not downloadable for Mac users, is that correct Venus?  IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted March 22, 2008 05:37 PM
Use this typ that Izo gave one day: go here and type in the 1st box 0º0´Aries;then in the 2nd box type in the degree/minute/sign of the planet you want to calculate and in the 3rd box type in the degree/minute/sign of your natal NN Heré is a thread bout Draconics: This is important too : IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted March 22, 2008 06:25 PM
Venus,did you already studied in detail the transits/progressions to the Draco positions?I´ve red that when important conections of transits to Draco Points are made,usually points to important marks in our life. For instance i went to see the day me and my bf met in person: His T. SUN was conj His Draco sun/Venus His T.VENUS was conj his D. Kaali His T.Venus was opose his D. Moon/Union His T.Pluto was opose his D. Sun/Venus His T.Juno was conj T.Jupiter his T.KARMA was wide conj his D.Karma His T.VALENTINE was opose his D.Sun/Venus His T.AMOR was conj his D.Psyche his T.PSYCHE was conj his D.PLuto His T. NN (and mine also)was in 0ºAries,"what actually happens when the North Node is at 0 Aries? That is the time the Node starts a new 19 yr. cycle;Aries is the starting gate, the Cardinal Sign of spring, the turning point of fresh beginnings, and symbolizes taking action that will lead to growth" MY CHART: My T.NN was exaclty conj my DSC and widely conj my D.Isis My T.SUN was conj my D.AMOR My T.MOON was conj my D.ASC/D.MERCURY(my sun ruller) my T.VENUS was conjunct my DRACO MARS/VALENTINE/KARMA  My T.MARS was conjunt my D.SATURN/PLuto my T.SATURN was conj my D.KAALI/SATURN(exact)/Pluto  My T.PLUTO was conj D.Amor My T.KIRON was opose D.Saturn/Pluto My T.JUNO was conj D.Saturn/Pluto My T.KARMA was EXACT CONJUNCT DRACO VX My T.VALENTINE was EXACT conjunct D.AMOR My T.EROS was conj my D.KARMA
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