Topic: Second Marriage = 9th House?
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Somewhere over the Rainbow... Registered: May 2009
posted July 29, 2007 06:52 AM
Just to clear this up because I know it can be confusing.Many people, especially when first starting out, find phenomenal things in their chart that make them say "Oh my gosh, that is SO me!". Because of this, they begin to take everything literally. For example, I don't know how many times I've heard... "I have Sagittarius on the 7th, I marrying a foreigner!" or "I have Leo on the MC, I'm going to be famous!". Astrology is not meant as a tool to predict your future, (though it can be used that way). It's mainly used as a guide. Generally, the 7th house shows "marriage", partnerships of any kind like business and/or legal, and signficant relationships. For example, I am not married. However, when I look to my chart for things regarding my boyfriend, I look to my 7th house. Why? We've been dating for 3 years, and trust me, we're way past the courting stage, or the 5th house. It is noted, in all things you will read about Western astrology, that the 7th house will give some ideas as to what the first marriage partner will be like. That doesn't mean he'll be a Taurus if you have a Taurus DC, that doesn't mean he'll be a Libra if you have Venus there. It simply means their personality, etc. will be similar to that of which is represented by that sign or planet. The 5th house will show the types of people you are attracted to (along with the Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars), and the types of love affairs you get entangled in. However, ONCE there is a COMMITMENT of a significant nature...whether it be legalized or not, the relationship becomes represented by the 7th house. Therefore, many of the important relationships we have (especially long term ones), will show our partners to reflect qualities shown our 7th house, it's ruler, and aspects. This is why, it's alright and informative to check aspects and synastry etc...but we can't bottle our "marriage partner" down to one person with specific aspects because most likely you'll date many people with similar aspects!
If you want to look for special connections there are asteroids, arabic parts, midpoints, fixed stars, etc. that can help you find more information you need in terms of determining if he/she is *the* one.
However, if you're not married and in a serious relationship that you use the 7th house to represent....when you leave that relationship and break up or what not, you DO NOT go onto the 9th house to see who your next mate is. The 9th house is strictly a house of second marriages, since there was no lifelong vow, not matter how serious that relationship was, it isn't considered a marriage (in astrology). So if you study the 9th house for a second serious boyfriend, Personally, I don't know how accurate the information will be. Love,
Maybe at this point in your life there's something significant you can learn from these men and their Scorpio energy that will help your further spiritual development. Gemini Lover, Your 7th house cusp is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury in Taurus, 5th house. The planet Mercury is representative of the fact that both of those men are Mercurial suns. Gemini AND Virgo are ruled by Mercury. Mercury in Taurus could just hint at your partners will be down to earth, sensual, possibly a bit materialistic, and stubborn. In the 5th house makes for romantic and creative partners. This could also shows that love affairs (5th house) often grow into long term affairs for you , because of the 5th house-7th house connection.
quote: Does a chart then show a person, yet indicate if you won't marry them...but they are still your life partner?
Your natal chart won't. I think you'd have to take other types of charts into account as well. quote: And if these houses represent phases of life at all? (For example, someone who has a significant other come into their life when they are much older and not younger...would that still show up in the 7th?
It may show up in the natal chart, possibly through Saturn or Uranus sitting in their in or near their 7th house...other than that, I'd still rely on progressions, transits, solar returns, solar arcs, etc. EighthMoon, Assuming you were to get remarried, yes...he would be represented by Mercury/Gemini itself, as well as Piscean overtones. quote: Then I look to what house Mercury is in (5th) and aspects that it makes in my chart (trines Mars in Scorpio in 1st house, opposite Venus in 7th, square Jupiter/MC in Cancer in 9th). What would this mean?
Just more ideas towards what kind of person he'll be. quote: The planet that is in my 9th house is my Jupiter in Cancer conjunct my MC. Does this come into play as far as the second marriage or partner because it's in the 9th?
Luck finding a second marriage partner, a Sagittarian like second partner, an overgenerous partner, a lot of potential second marriage partners, a partner that loves to travel, a partner you'll meet abroad. quote: And last it correct to look at synastry aspects with his planets in my 9th and mine in his 7th?
If you're his first marriage partner, then yes. There is a wealth of astrological information online everyone. Anyone could pull this stuff out of their chart, as long as you remember the keywords and what each planet represents as well as each sign, you should be fine! Once again, I would only look to the ninth house if indeed you were married once then separated. What's the point of hopping over the most important marriage (the first)? Don't you want that one to last? (I would think). The ninth house only comes into play through separation, divorce, and/or death.
------------------ Sagittarius AC, Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 29, 2007 01:46 PM
Alanabelle, Thanks SO much for the in-depth response. I had found a few things online, but nothing this thorough. It has definitely cleared up a lot! 8th IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 29, 2007 02:26 PM
<<<Maybe at this point in your life there's something significant you can learn from these men and their Scorpio energy that will help your further spiritual development.>>>Absolutely! I've always had a very special (and specific) relationship to Scorpio energy and I have zero doubt that I have been able to spiritually evolve more so through the aid of Scorpio energy than any other. My Mom's even a Scorpio and many of my friends who are not Scorpios have Scorpio Moons, including my brother. I have just read several viewpoints about the fact that marriage these days is not what it once was and therefore this should be taken into account when examining a chart. This theory really resonates with me. Personally, I truly felt (quite poignantly) that when my seven year relationship was over that even though it was not technically a divorce, that it strangely seemed like one. We talked about getting married, everyone assumed that we would marry but in the end we separated. My 7th house is in Capricorn and my ex had his NN in Capricorn, for what that's worth. So all I'm saying is that in this case, there was a commitment of a significant nature. Since then, although I have fallen more deeply in love with two different men I do not consider those to be "marriages". Those relationships (with 2 Scorpios who had the same birthday) were intense, hyper-real and deeply affecting. And they were profoundly transformational although each of them lasted only 6 months. I just think that since the way we both view and engage in relationships today has changed so much that it's worth noting astrologically as well. IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Somewhere over the Rainbow... Registered: May 2009
posted July 29, 2007 03:49 PM
I agree. It'd be interesting to see if the views of the 7th house and it's connotation with marriage would be altered even further... I know many people who don't NEED to be married, it doesn't mean anything to them..all that matters is the love they share and spoken vows to one another. And so they've lived together/raised a family for like 18+ years without going to the alter...In cases like that, I'd like to see if any astrologers alter their views...because if a relationship like THAT were to end, in MY mind personally, I would consider that a "divorce"...therefore I would move onto the 9th house for interpretation... ------------------ Sagittarius AC, Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 29, 2007 06:15 PM
I think that's what makes astrology so interesting and compelling, at least for me. It is interpretive and so, to a certain degree, somewhat subjective.Our perspectives on relationships largely influence our definitions of them and so although I feel as though I have experienced something that felt like a divorce, since I have not actually been formally married I guess I have no experience to use to compare. It would also be interesting to ask my ex how he thought of our relationship and subsequent separation. We did talk about it after the fact and at the time he too said it felt like a divorce...but I wonder what he would say now that five years have passed. If we both thought of it in the same way, would that lend any sort of influence to the astrological interpretation??? And yes I do wonder what astrologers would say about an unmarried couple who lived together and raised children together, even if it was for five or ten years versus another couple who, say, married spontaneously and then quickly divorced or had the marriage annulled. Interesting discussion  IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted July 30, 2007 01:42 AM
Thanks for the interpretation, Alanabelle! That does seem to fit the description. You know, I've never had a short term love affair? lol - my current bf as far as I knew at the beginning was going to be a fling. I don't think either of us expected to still be together two years later and that I've somehow gotten a Gemini stellium/Aries/Aries planning into the future with me... so what you said about the 5th/7th house connection makes sense. For some reason I only seem to be the most attracted to Gemini's and Virgo's, so the ruler of my 7th surely does figure in that. Thank you! hehe, I have Leo on the MC (29 degrees) and I'm not famous. However, I have actually somehow very fatedly met a couple of famous people who were Leo's! I also feel like it should've been in my destiny to meet Mick Jagger (Leo with Leo rising I believe), had I been alive in the 1960's. Back to the topic at hand though, I have intercepted houses and Leo is also the cusp of my 9th. Ruler=sun, which is also in my 5th... so then maybe my second marriage will be to Mick Jagger.  IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted July 30, 2007 02:06 AM
Looking at my bf's chart... let's see if I get this right.Libra on the cusp of his 7th = ruled by Venus, which falls in his 2nd house. He will have a Venusian partner with the more Taurean/2nd house qualities? That would be me! lol. Sagittarius on the cusp of his 9th = ruled by Jupiter, which falls in his 8th house. His second marriage could be to someone with a combo of Jupiterian and Scorpionic characteristics? Oh... wait, that's me too! (Taurus with Sag rising and Scorpio moon)... maybe he'll marry me twice.  The only thing that makes this seem really vague is that as far as I know, he's mostly been into Sag/Scorps before me anyway. IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 30, 2007 12:52 PM
Love,Right on w/ what you were saying in terms of marriage. It's considered "common law marriage" after living together for 2 years...wonder if that "counts" on a chart? Maybe the asteroids and midpoints that Alanabelle mentioned would also help determine whether that relationship could be called an "astrological marriage," if the other factors were in place. I always look at the North Node, Karma (3811), Isis (42), Osiris (1923), Valentine (447), and Amor (1221). I have also looked at the Sun/Moon midpoint, but don't know which others would point to that person being "the one." Is that a complete list, Alanabelle, or would you add to it? Gemini...I'm right with you w/ those Gemini/Virgoans! Oh...and Alanabelle...whenever you publish your book on synastry, let me know! I'll be standing in line to buy it along w/ IQ's book on asteroids! 8th  IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 30, 2007 02:25 PM
Oops...forgot the biggies in terms of asteroids. (I consider them a given at this point!)Chiron and Juno IP: Logged |
mudmama unregistered
posted July 30, 2007 02:58 PM
7th Aries ( Mars in Virgo) Saturn (which is the point of two yods if you follow that stuff), Vesta and Vertex. I was in a marriage for 5.5 years (no love, married for desperately needed health insurance (his idea, he pestered me for nearly two years to do this) and in true Libran style tried to convince myself it could work). No real reaction when we divorced, more relieved as I felt smothered.9th House Gemini, no planets. Mercury is in Scorpio-was in a relationship resulting in a child (this transformed my life), this all ended in the last nine months. Honestly I see this relationship reflected more in the above than I do here. this relationship ended abruptly (he was a cheater and kicked us out to move his flavor of the month in), I've had a lot of difficulty getting over this, not sure if it's more the Scorpio urge to obliterate them both.  Now following suit to earlier discussions I look at the 11th house Virgo (that Merc is still in Scorpio) here I have Mars and Jupiter (which is at 20 Virgo 47) (and the asteroid Valentine which conjuncts Jupiter) mars trines moon (capricorn) sextiles mercury and venus (Scorpio) semisext Sun (libra) Jupiter semisquares Venus Not sure why I shared, very curious and figured it would hopefully be tucked in this space for future reference should someone new come along. If anyone has an thoughts, etc. I'd be interested in reading them. IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 30, 2007 03:18 PM
Hi Mudmama,  I have Libra rising too, so I have the same house rulers. In your last relationship, what planets of his fell into your 9th house or made aspects to your Merc in Scorpio? IP: Logged |
mudmama unregistered
posted July 30, 2007 09:54 PM
my Merc squares his Venus and opposes his Saturn. There are more minor aspects with merc semi squaring his Sun and MC and a semi sextile with Uranus, part of fortune and his ascendantHis Moon is in Cancer (my 9th house straddles Gemini and Cancer) and just inside my 9th IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 30, 2007 10:46 PM
MudMama,He's sure there in the 9th...and of course this brings another point into the discussion. Having a child with him seems like it would constitute it as being a marriage as far as astrology goes. Obviously you'll be linked to him. So would the next partner then be reflected in the 11th? I think that the link Peri posted says this. I'd love to hear this from people who have both been divorced twice, or have had 2 major relationships end and see if their 11th houses reflect their 3rd partner or if it stays w/ the 9th. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 31, 2007 08:37 AM
I believe in Free will and also,that some things might have always been destined for us, no matter what paths we take.This subject is very complex and i think i will learn a lot as time passes by and as i experience my own life lessons. In my view astrology helps us on clarifying both our personalities and of the others,as well on seeing realities in our relationships that otherwise we wouldnt see. Since i became interested in it,it helped me a lot in my life,on viewing myself and perceiving why i act in someway or another and also helps me on not goin through my life lessons. It´s a way of becoming aware of things but not necessarily a Destined Path where you dont have a word to say about it. Yesterday i was told that it was not meant to be that i was here,alive,but somehow in someway ,to fullfill some destiny, i AM and i made it through.Why? Dont know ecxactly but i must believe its for i be happy the more i can and learn the more i can =) One of my deepest dreams was to find Real Love, which i did!So, if i died tomorrow, i would go feelin that in someway I loved and was Loved - there cant be anything more fullfiling than this couldnt it? When i was child i thought of marrying just once and for life ( my Neptunian side) and yesterday also told me that in this moment its destined for me to marry twice,but i can change this, cause we can if we want to. So im really comitted on to making my dream come true and marry with the person i know its my only one true love ( which is my current Bf) we are committed in this relationship and convinced its for life.
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 31, 2007 08:46 AM
oF ALL my analisis,and with the help of some dear and considered friends knowflakes, this is what i found that might help on seeing if for now,our dream is been constructed with success:I have in my 7th an aries sign and no planets at all(jus vertex). the ruller its on my 11th house,conjuncting Valentine in 0ºorb. In the natal,Mars trines Jup/uranus/(in the 3rd)vertex;sextiles AC and skuares Osiris in 8th. My bf has his DC sign in Cap,and MOon in there in Aqua ( conjuncts Sun(in3rd);trines Merc(in 3rd)/Sat/Pluto(in4th)/Valentine(in11th); sextiles Destiny/MC and skuares kiron(in the 11th)/jup(in 4th). Its ruller,Saturn its in his 4th house. Oposes MC,sextiles Uranus(in5th),skuares AC. In his chart,Aries its his MC sign,and where his Destiny falls.Its ruller,Mars,its in his 5th house, conjuncting Vertex,Neptune and Eros. In my chart,CAP is where my IC falls. Its ruller,its in my 1st house,conjucnting Pluto.Sextiles my Sun/Venus( in my 11th);trines my Isis/MC. ARABICS: My POM falls on my 8th,conj my Osiris(oº).My Marriage Woman falls in my 3rd,conj my Uranus.My MarriageWoman2 falls on my 3rd,conjuncting my Neptune. His POM falls on his 5th house, conj his Uranus/Cere/Eros.His MarriageMen falls on his 12th house,, conj his NN.His Marriage Men2 falls on his 12th ouse too, conj his Nn widely. My POM conj in 0ºorb his Draco Kaali/oposes his Draco Union/Moon.Oposes his Jup(0º)in his 4th house. My Marriage conj tight his Mars on 5th,and widely his Ceres/Eros. My Marriage2 conjuncts tight his Neptune/Spirit in his 5th and in 0º his Draco Aphropdite.Oposes his 12thCusp. His POM conjuncts tight my Jup in my 3rd;widely my Neptune in my 3rd also.His Marriage conjuncts in 4º my MC CUSPS and RULERS: Ruler of MY 4th: conjuncts his Saturn, ruler of his 7th conjuncts his Pluto, ruler of his 5th Ruler of your 5th: sextiles his Sun conjunct his Mars, ruler of his 5th conjunct his Uranus, ruler of his 8th trine his ASC Ruler of MY 7th: sextiles his Sun sextiles his Mercury, ruler of his 12th trine his Mars, ruler of his 5th trine his Uranus, ruler of his 8th Ruler of MY 12th: conjuncts his Sun conjuncts his Venus, ruler of his 4th sextile his Mars, ruler of his 5th sextile his Uranus, ruler of his 8th sextile his ASC Ruler of his Asc opposes MY Mars, ruler of your 7th Ruler of his 4th: trines MY Moon conjuncts MY Mercury, ruler of your 12th conjuncts MY ASC Ruler of his 5th: MARS/PLUTO squares MY Sun sextiles MY Mercury, ruler of 12th conjuncts MY Uranus, ruler of 5th sextiles MY Venus, ruler of 1 and 8 conjuncts MY SAturn, ruler of 4 Ruler of his 7th: sextiles your Venus, ruler of 1 and 8 conjuncts your SAturn, ruler of 4 Ruler of his 8th: Sextiles MY Mercury (ruler of 12) squares MY Venus, ruler of 1 and 8 trines MY Mars, ruler of 7 conjuncts MY Uranus,ruler of 5 sextiles MY AC Ruler of his 12th: sextile MY mars, ruler of 7 conjuncts MY AC I noticed somethings regarding ARABICS: MY 2ndCusp conjuncts his Venus/Mars Mid(0º)/my 8th oposes it My 3rdCusp conjuncts his POM(0º)/my9th oposes it my MC conj his Marriage Men My Saturn( 4th ruler) conjunct his Venus/Mars Mid(1º) His 2ndCusp conjuncts my Venus/Mars Mid(0º)/his 8th opose it Jup (ruler of his 3rd) oposes my POM(1º) His Mars(ancient ruler of his 7th) conjuncts my Marriage Woman(1º) Sounds Good His Saturn(ruler of his 7th) conjuncts my Destiny(3º) His Neptune(ruler of his 9th) conjuncts my Marriage Woman2(1º) His 12thCusp oposes my Marriage Woman(4º) Both in our COmposite And Davidson the axis 5/11th is pretty much highlighted. The Nodes are almost exact between them. D. MN... conjunct D's natal ISIS (1) conjunct J's natal 12th (1); his draco SUN (3) opposes J's natal JUNO (1) conjuncts Comp. KARMA (4) conjuncts Comp. 11th (0)/opposes 5th D. TN... conjunct Davison's 11th (0)/opposes 5th opposes J's natal EROS (0) opposes D's natal IC For all these,in general,could we be marraige partners? Thanks! IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 31, 2007 07:15 PM
Diandra,  You have lots of great connections! I'm just learning myself, so I can't give you an in-depth analysis on houses and marriage, but the most important thing is what you will and the fact that you both want it to last! 8th IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted August 01, 2007 06:32 AM
Awww EightMoon  Glad to see you again! How are you? Yup,im also learning slowly hihihi - i just find the aspects and then when tryin to interpret i just make a whole mess with it! But ive already learned a lot when i read all this threads. And IQ ..what i miss his advices! IP: Logged |
WonderWoman Newflake Posts: 1 From: Chicago, IL, USA Registered: May 2011
posted August 20, 2011 02:33 PM
I'm just now learning about the 9th house/ 2nd marriage which makes so much sense to me. Can someone read this for me please?:7th house=Aquarius Uranus 4th house in Scorpio Uranus trines Mars in 8th house 4th house Uranus squares Leo Asc 9th house=Pisces intercepted by Aries Pisces Moon 9th house, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter in Aries 9th (sun interpreted as 10th) Neptune in 5th house in Sagittarius I believe I've already met this person through our career in the arts (Venus in Taurus in 10th). There is a VERY deep, strong, inner connection, but because of my tendencies for infatuation (Scorpio on 5th house cusp/Pluto in 3rd house) I am very cautious to jump in although I've been invited. IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 2446 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 20, 2011 09:37 PM
Someone help. How do you know who is the ruler of your ninth house?I have: Venus Leo 23°51'56 in house 9 Mars Leo 24°47'42 in house 9 and my 9th house is at Leo 15°45'17. How do I figure out the ruler of my ninth house. I have never understood this aspect of astrology and would really like to finally get the hang of this. Best, Laura Amelia IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 6020 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted August 21, 2011 05:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by amelia28: Someone help. How do you know who is the ruler of your ninth house?I have: Venus Leo 23°51'56 in house 9 Mars Leo 24°47'42 in house 9 and my 9th house is at Leo 15°45'17. How do I figure out the ruler of my ninth house. I have never understood this aspect of astrology and would really like to finally get the hang of this. Best, Laura Amelia
The ruler of your 9th is the SUN, because the sign Leo is on the cusp and it is ruled by the Sun. So you must look at the position of your Sun to know the characteristics of your 2nd marriage (sign, house, aspects to the Sun). IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 6020 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted August 21, 2011 05:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by alanabelle86:
Look at the ruler of the 7th house and the sign, house position, and aspects it makes, as well as planets in the 7th (if any)For second marriage, Look at the ruler of the 9th house and the sign, house position, and aspects it well as planets in the 9th (if any)
WonderWoman, if you want to know about your second marriage, look at the ruler of the 9th, in your case, Neptune. It's in Sagittarius in your 5th, so your partner will probably be a fun-loving, freedom-loving, independent, individual. You may meet him in the field of arts, games, or anything related to hobbies and good times. Look at the aspects Neptune makes for more details. If you're interested in your first marriage, look at the ruler of the 7th, in your case Uranus, in Scorpio in the 4th. IP: Logged |
Delilah Knowflake Posts: 684 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 22, 2011 08:28 PM
Would anyone mind interpreting this for me?:Moon rules 7H, located in my 3rd in Aries, sextile Jupiter, square Neptune, quincunx Pluto, opposite Sun and Mercury. If anyone has time, thanks! Delilah IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 6020 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted August 24, 2011 03:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Delilah: Would anyone mind interpreting this for me?:Moon rules 7H, located in my 3rd in Aries, sextile Jupiter, square Neptune, quincunx Pluto, opposite Sun and Mercury. If anyone has time, thanks! Delilah
" Ruler of the 7th House in the 3rd House
Communication is everything to you in a partnership. You enjoy discussions with significant others in your life, if only to bounce ideas back and forth. Movement in a relationship is important to you. You tend to like to spend a lot of time with a partner, perhaps running errands together, or simply chatting about your day. Although you enjoy talking to a partner, you also value his or her opinion, and most certainly value your partner's involvement. You may find that your thoughts take shape more readily when you are able to hold one-on-one conversations. For example, you may come to more interesting conclusions or get your best ideas if you are speaking or writing to another person rather than simply thinking about something on your own, or jotting down your ideas. Thus you seem to need another person to help you give shape to your own ideas. This does not mean you depend on others for advice; however, you do rely on the feedback of others to stimulate your own thought processes. " " Ruler of the Seventh House in the Third House You have a strong mental connection to your partner and your partner may be able to easily influence your ideas. Partnerships may have a brother/sister quality about them or perhaps they're like a teacher to you in some regard. In certain situations, you'll have to learn to firmly stand your ground as other people may openly oppose some of your ideas. " " Ruler of the 7th house in the 3rd house The 3rd house is the most unstable house of the zodiac. Almost all relationships in your life may vanish and it's highly difficult to find a relationship that will last a life long. Also, you want to be seen. You need a partner to show yourself to. You do need a whole lot of attention.
The partner is your mirror and the need to communicate with the other is part of your life. You also need a lively partner. The outer appearance of the other is of the utmost importance and the pitfall is that you bond with someone who may have a gorgeous body but who is totally unsuitable for you. Your partner may be much younger than you are. " ****************************************** Considering the ruler of your Descendant is the Moon, in Aries and in the 3rd, I guess your partner may be very emotional, expressive, and act young or even immature. You may meet him during a short trip, or he may be your neighbor (3rd house).
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Delilah Knowflake Posts: 684 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 24, 2011 11:24 PM
Thanks Doux Reve. I never would have associated emotions with Aries. I actually thought it would mean he could be self-centered, but I understand the immaturity part with Aries as it's the first sign- the baby of the zodiac. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 6020 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted August 25, 2011 01:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Delilah: Thanks Doux Reve. I never would have associated emotions with Aries. I actually thought it would mean he could be self-centered, but I understand the immaturity part with Aries as it's the first sign- the baby of the zodiac.
You're welcome. Self-centered.. hmm yes might be true as well ! But I guess we're all a bit self-centered, aren't we?  IP: Logged | |