Topic: Second Marriage = 9th House?
kayteeh Knowflake Posts: 57 From: canada Registered: Jul 2012
posted January 31, 2013 05:14 PM
so for the 2nd husband would you look at where the ruling planet sits or the planet in the 9th house ?My 9th house leo with saturn in it has the ruler in the 4th house pisces.Does that mean I would meet my 2nd spouse in a home atmosphere? And he would have pisces traits ( my sun) or leo trais?IP: Logged |
tgem Knowflake Posts: 365 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted February 04, 2013 07:16 PM
What about uranus in scorpio in the 5th house opposite sun, quincux venus and square mars? What type of potiential partner does that describe? Thanks!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 31782 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 05, 2013 10:10 AM
What about no marriages?------------------ "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz IP: Logged |
Entice Newflake Posts: 1 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 06, 2013 02:15 AM
Hi, may I ask somebody to tell me when I can meet my second husband? I read about astrology , but I still don't know how to do all the stuff.PLease if somebody can do this for me, my details are: name: Desislava city: Sofia, country: Bulgaria date: 05.01.1981 hour: 11:15 AM IP: Logged |
astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted February 12, 2013 03:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by EighthMoon: Hello again...this must be a day for questions!I read on a website that the 9th house represents a second marriage, not the 7th. I'm kind of testing the validity from some of you who are far more seasoned than myself with synastry. In my 7th house, natally, I have Venus in Aries. This conjuncts my first husband's Sun and Venus in Aries. Also in my 7th (this is kind of weird) I have my TN, NN, and Valentine which all conjunct my first husband's asteroid of my new guy's last name at 0 degrees!  My current man has Venus, Mars, Moon, Isis, and TN in my 9th. I have Venus, Valentine and TN in his 7th. (This would be his first marriage.) Before I go gettin all this a valid read on the synastry for my second potential marriage? Thanks! 8th Moon
never heard 7th house represents 2nd marriage. but which house after the 7th, represents 2nd marriage, I have heard 9th and 11th. but so far the most analysis I read showed the 9th. many websites provide samples for this. IP: Logged |
start6030 Knowflake Posts: 317 From: neverland:) Registered: Dec 2011
posted March 17, 2013 01:06 PM
hi guys... my AC was sagi and DC gemini ... his DC was sagi and AC gemini does that mean his 7th house in sagi predicted me to be sagi and my 7th house gemini predicted him to be gemini as acendants ? (wow) .... i had venus and chiron in my 7th house... and yes , i had to care for him like a baby , before he gave me the pain nd shock of my life and moved on after a very short but happy marriage (strange that he broke it even then !) .. he had neptune in his 7th .... we sure are going for second marriages ... so my 9th house rulser is sun ....which is nicely placed in my 8th house at zero degree leo....does it talk about my second husband? his 9th house ruler is uranus/saturn (aquarius) ... which is in his 5th house ...does that mean he will be with an older partner , or , will find a partner with some delay ..or something else ?
ps > i agree that the second marriage will be just a way to live life.... and the words > its a lifetime bond and u cant break it , have stuck in my mind forever regarding my first marriage...and its strange that even after he cheated and left, and we r divorced , i still feel no hard feelings towards him most of the times, and all i remain worried about is his well being... thx... insight would be appreciated 
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Barbee Knowflake Posts: 363 From: Buffalo, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2013
posted March 28, 2013 07:46 PM
quote: I read on a website that the 9th house represents a second marriage, not the 7th. [/B]
OK, which house rules the 3rd marriage? Yes, I'm on my 3rd, but my first was very short and right out of high school. IP: Logged |
Vradec Knowflake Posts: 222 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted March 31, 2013 11:59 AM
I'm not sure if this has been said already, but it can be useful to see if there are any asteroids in your 9th house, particularly Juno for second marriages.IP: Logged |
tgem Knowflake Posts: 365 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted April 01, 2013 01:40 PM
So when looking at the aspects the 9th house ruler makes, will that determine if the marriage will be particularly smooth or difficult? For instance my 9th house ruler (neptune) is: Sextile NN Trine mercury Trine mars Trine saturn Opposite venusAny thoughts? IP: Logged |
Barbee Knowflake Posts: 363 From: Buffalo, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2013
posted April 13, 2013 10:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Barbee: OK, which house rules the 3rd marriage? Yes, I'm on my 3rd, but my first was very short and right out of high school.
Anyone know what house rules 3rd marriage? ------------------ Aries ASC Aquarius Sun Moon in Cancer in 4th house. Mercury and Saturn in mutual reception. Venus Conj. MC IP: Logged |
kayteeh Knowflake Posts: 57 From: canada Registered: Jul 2012
posted June 25, 2013 02:53 PM
I read once that the 11th house rules 3rd marriageIP: Logged |
kayteeh Knowflake Posts: 57 From: canada Registered: Jul 2012
posted June 25, 2013 03:24 PM
I read once that the 11th house rules 3rd marriageIP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 31782 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 26, 2013 09:48 AM
Interesting!IP: Logged |
peachbeigeblue Knowflake Posts: 3242 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted June 27, 2013 05:54 AM
how do you tell if you will only have one marriage, not two? my 7th house ruler is venus - venus in 8th in gemini conjunct chiron and vertex and SM midpoint. my 9th house ruler is cancer - my moon is in taurus conjunct my descendant by 20 minutes from my 6th house. my current boyfriend (and hopefully one day husband) is taurus sun and moon, scorpio rising - with a gemini venus conjunct mine (1 degree from me) -- these are in his 7th house though as well as my jupiter. his jupiter/sun/moon are in my 7th. my NN is conjunct his IC IP: Logged |
MsPrism Knowflake Posts: 844 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted June 30, 2013 06:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by kayteeh: I read once that the 11th house rules 3rd marriage
Yes, it's always two house from the previous. 7th is first, 9th is second, 11th is third, 1st is fourth, etc. etc. It's what you'd do if you were someone like Joan Collins!  IP: Logged |
MsPrism Knowflake Posts: 844 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted June 30, 2013 06:44 AM
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theunknown Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted June 30, 2013 10:06 PM
my chart is heavy 9th (mars, venus, neptune, uranus, lust, bacchus, node)my 7th house is scorpio with pluto in the 7th. my 9th is in Capricorn, but Saturn is in Aqua. So can someone do a quick interpretation for me? IP: Logged |
Primarose220 Knowflake Posts: 289 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted July 29, 2013 07:50 PM
Hi,What houses are the marriage houses. I have scorpio in the 9th house, and Saturn in the 9th. I have Pluto in Scorpio in the 8th house. Is the sign in the 9th house the sign you will marry. I have Venus and Mars in Aries in the 2nd house. IP: Logged |
kayteeh Knowflake Posts: 57 From: canada Registered: Jul 2012
posted August 15, 2013 08:03 PM
Hi Primarose220, I have heard 2 different things for 9th house one being it is the sign of the 9th house and the planets in the 9th house and another the ruler of the 9th house where it is placed house and sign and aspects that sign makes. ie my 9th house ruler is sun and it is in the 4th house pisces so I take it as pisces male and I may meet him in a home atmosphere and what aspects the sun makes.I am probably worng though cause I am still new to astrology. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 31782 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 16, 2013 12:43 PM
I would think it isn't set in stone. Unlike personality, predictive Astrology is not precise. IP: Logged |
youcrazyyyy Newflake Posts: 24 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted August 27, 2013 09:04 PM
Is it a fair statement that if one has no planets in the 7th house (Taurus- which would be equate to just a house ruler, Venus for example...) that one would only be married once?I do have Chiron and Jupiter in my 9th house, however, the Chiron has no transits- and the Jupiter in my chart has a total of four, if I'm looking at it properly...? Thank you in advance to anyone who has any information!
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Stardancer Knowflake Posts: 29 From: North Carolina. In actuality, not on my mind. Registered: Jul 2013
posted August 30, 2013 01:24 AM
Hi, I've been reading this fascinating thread and like a couple of people, I don't have planets in my 7th or 9th houses. And I have Jupiter retrograde in the 11th. The houses seem to be on the cusp of two signs. What does this mean? More options? lol. I'm also worried about the Jupiter retrograde should I go through two husbands before getting to third. Would a retrograde be bad? Thanks in advance! IP: Logged |