Topic: *statistically* most lasting attraction between signs
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 07:43 PM
So much to respond to.Age of Love first: quote:
I watched that! I didn't know their signs. How do you know? I knew he'd pick her.
I looked up Mark's at the very beginning. Wikipedia or something. The women, I was just dying to know about 15 minutes before the end of the finale. For them I just looked up Age of Love, and went to the tv show's website. It happened to have all of their birthdays. Jennifer, the 48 year old, was an Aries. Amanda, the 25(?) year old, was a Cancer, which really shocked me, because she looks so much like a Sag. He had the best rapport with the Cancer all along, though. quote: What is the "Age of Love"? Oh wait, is it the one with the one guy and the ten 20-something yr old girls competing against the ten 40-something yr old women?
Yup. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Peri, quote: hmm Taurus female and Gemini male?!?!?! I cannot believe it
I know a couple like this who recently got married. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Aqua Inf, quote: AJ & Brad have not been together that long, and Alanis is still young - and I would hardly call them "some of the most successful unions". Show me some old couple who are still in love and happy not being married.
100% agree, but I can provide that couple you're looking for...and it's two Libras like Xodian incidentally: Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins Together since 1988, they have two children, and no marriage. 19 years is pretty good for an unmarried couple. IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted August 09, 2007 07:53 PM
quote: 1074 Gemini Male Taurus Female
Why not Gemini female and Taurus sexist! LOL... Though im glad Gemini boys are on the top of the list for Gem boy's a Gemini yay IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted August 09, 2007 07:55 PM
quote: I don’t want to insinuate marriage guarantees love. Of course not, and divorce rate proves that. I just think if someone chooses not to marry you, it’s a bad sign.
Sorry sweets, but I have to agree with this one...if you are with someone for a long time and work well together I dont see why they wouldnt want to marry you and if they don't then Id be concerned IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted August 09, 2007 08:01 PM
BUD guess gender plays a role, though I dunno if it should in every case.AG Yeah but Susan got married at 21 and divorced 12 years later, then she got with some other guy, had a kid, then they split up. Her and Robbins got together when she was 42. Of course she wasn't gagging to marry, and I don’t blame her. After what she's been through and at that age you just don’t need marriage anymore - that don't want to get married. I guess what I mean is find me a couple who aren't jaded about marriage. God whoever thought I'd be backing up commitment and marriage  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 08:03 PM
It's neat that Pisces Female and Capricorn Male are reciprocal with each being the other's top compatibility, but it's weird that Virgo Female doesn't match with her top match, Sagittarius Man. His is Aquarius. Gemini Female has to ward off the Taureans from her Gemini man. Female Sag is best with a Cancer???..but Cancer Man is better with both Cancer and Taurus. Capricorn Women are best with Aquarian men, but those men prefer Leos and Aries.So all the Mutable ladies, except Pisces, are a little screwed, and the Capricorn women join them. Any reason for this? ________________________________________________________________________________________ On an altogether different note, it's fascinating that 4 of the Capricorn Man's top 5 are Cardinal. In the next group of four, three are Mutable. Bottom three are Fixed. Taurus being on the bottom for Capricorn seems a bit like Sagittarian women's top relationship being with a Cancer. That's a head scratcher. IP: Logged |
Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 09:05 PM
AI:Looks like Acoustic beat me to it Lol! I find that a marriage ends up in one or both partner USUALLY (not always or we would have had a 100% divorce rate senario) feeling like they have lost an important part of themselves when they got into this partnership. Love doesn't needs vows or parchments to exist (though if my girlfriend fancies an expensive rock on her finger she can really bet her buttons I'll get her one; Free of vows LOL!) I personally find that a non-marriage union is great for two individually charged spirits who love each other. Thus its statistically flawed to write up a report on unions without even considering adding in numbers on non-marriage ones. IP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 194 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 10:10 PM
I also watched the age of love finale. I was wondering what their signs were!! that girl surprises me that she was a Cancer.. she was always getting emotional . but I kinda didnt like his decision. That 48 year old was so frickin cute.. and now that I know she is an Aries makes it all the better... uhh gosh!  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 10:30 PM
I kinda liked Jayanna, who probably isn't too popular. I'm surprised to find out she was a Gemini.Mary, the constant crier, was surprisingly a Capricorn! Shocking. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 10:48 PM
Yes, true love doesn't need vows but some people do it anyway just to seal it. I know I probably will.... Its only when people decide to get married for the sake of the tradition and have rose-colored glasses on that divorce seems likely. There is nothing wrong with marraige itself.....its only people's attitudes going into it that can be the problem and also commitment phobes attitudes toward it that should change. Not saying that everyone should get married, its just that if you don't want people to look down on you for your own life-style choice, why don't you return the favor?
Sorry, I just hate it when people diss traditional practices just because its the cool and New-Agey thing to do. Thoroughly annoyed by that..... IP: Logged |
Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 11:04 PM
Dulce:Ironically, you're making a cliche out of something that's supposed to be an anti-ciche to begin with Lol! No one's dissing traditional practices at all. If its anyone who knows the fully how benifitial tradions are, its me. However, being independent as I am I don't see the need for vows and such. However, to say that such unions do not count in the bigger picture of partnerships and relationships is totally misleading and as such one ends up with a biased report. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 11:32 PM
quote: Ironically, you're making a cliche out of something that's supposed to be an anti-ciche to begin with Lol!
Please explain, because I'm confused now.  Anyways, I don't think the report was biased at all just because they only chose to focus on married couples. If they only focused on married couples then it just reflects on successful married couples. And besides, Aqua mentioned earlier that the report focuses on alot more than just on the union itself so the report isn't really that bogus.*edit* I actually think it can speak for unmarried relationships too. For instance, high marriage rate and low divorce rate between two signs probably shows high compatibility between two signs regardless of marraige status.
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Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 11:46 PM
Lol! Sorry Dulce; See explaining that bit will take out all the fun in you figuring it out . A little something to ponder upon for the day.The original post was ment as a response to what AI said about non-marriage related unions not being important enough to include in a union report. Tat as I said before IMO is statistically disasterious. Its what is known as "sample bias" and does not truly reflects unions between signs in the broader sense. Hence, it would be "wise" for who ever did that report to expand his/her sample and group selection. I would better answer the union between signs question. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2007 11:54 PM
I disagree. I think it's probably fine. You're going to find the same couplings being successful regardless of whether they're technically married or not. In a way, as has been pointed out, a successful marriage is more telling than a successful non-marriage. The marriage itself speaks to the people wanting to proclaim their devotion. A lack of marriage speaks to people wanting to keep their options open. So, if these married couples stay together the best, then it is a true testament to the signs wanting the relationship to work out. An open, unmarried relationship could have excuses made as to why it worked out, which include being free of the responsibility of marriage. IP: Logged |
Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 10, 2007 12:00 AM
Hmmm... True. I am thinking of a Disclaimair:"Stastical reflection only limited to the pespective of the Way over the top hopeless romantics" LOL! I jest ppl! I jest. I am a true blue romantic here so don't go feeding me off to the sharks. Edit: quote: An open, unmarried relationship could have excuses made as to why it worked out, which include being free of the responsibility of marriage.
Ah but responsibilities end up being total restrictions to self developement in major cases; Hence most marriages these days fall apart since a partner feels he/she isn't getting the space they need to prosper more. IMO, coupling without marriages share the same resposibilies as those who are in one without the added burden of unwarrented restrictions. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 10, 2007 12:01 AM
Arrrghh,you mean I gotta figure it out for myself....its too late in the day.  Personally I wouldn't stay in unmarried union if it involved living with someone anyways, but I do see what you mean..... it really depends though. I think they may have not been included because most unmarried unions split up in the end because most people today enter unmarried unions on the premise that its not going to last forever. Not saying there's anything wrong with that but that's the reality. I think this statistics thingy was here because they wanted relationships that were intended for life and they wanted to see who actually stays that way and why. And also, note that many of the tradional matches were low on people's lists (like say Aqua w/ gemini ) and matches you would never dream of ended up on top. That's why I think it wasn't that flawed. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 10, 2007 12:03 AM
quote: You're going to find the same couplings being successful regardless of whether they're technically married or not.
Yes! That's what I was trying to say but couldn't word it correctly earlier. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 10, 2007 12:06 AM
I added more to my post above.IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted August 10, 2007 12:19 AM
haha, given what I've always heard prior to right now, I'm another surprised person at the Taurus female/Gemini male combination! I always thought it was because of my Gemini DC, but there you go. My bf's top 3 (Taurus/Sag/Scorpio) are my sun/rising/moon, so it looks like I'm in luck.  IP: Logged |
MoonDreamer81 unregistered
posted August 10, 2007 12:47 AM
Mmmmm....."Gemini"....such a pleasant,Airy flavor!!It's appealing to my highly- developed Taurean sense of smell.... Hubba,Hubba!!------------------ S:Taurus ASC:Gemini M:Scorpio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007 Solar Return: S:Taurus ASC:Virgo M:Gemini IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 10, 2007 02:35 AM
Oh no, this marriage v. commitment w/o marriage debate is giving me flashbacks to most Thanksgiving dinners over the past 5 years. Now I'm craving pumpkin pie. Edit: I think using unmarried, cohabiting couples in the study would be redundant. The data is probably very similar to the married couples. Anyway, very interesting results! My bf and I are both 2nd on each other's list (I'm a Sag, he's a Taurus). And our ascendant signs have the other's asc first on each other's list. IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 10, 2007 04:09 AM
I've changed my mind. I would be interested in seeing the data for cohabiting couples and comparing it to married ones. Maybe some sign combinations last longer when not married and some last longer when they are married.IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted August 10, 2007 04:30 AM
Right, so Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man are top of both of their charts.Why don't I meet any Scorpio women then??? Arrrrgh.... Swerve
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mudmama unregistered
posted August 10, 2007 08:45 AM
Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russelljust two off the top of my head. Anyway, interesting list. My exhusband was at the bottom of my list (lists really as I have learned to look at Libra and Scorpio when checking these sorts of things out due to Scorpio influence in my personality) and my current ex (never married) was number two. IP: Logged |
Virgo/Aries75 unregistered
posted August 10, 2007 11:49 AM
Wow! This was sooo interesting.The guy I've been on and off with forever(shamefully as he's no good for me - we just can't let each other go) is an Aries Sun and I'm Virgo. But each of our moons is #1 on each others' list. His moon is Sag - my #1. My moon is Aries - his #1. For suns we're both each others' #2. So we fill both the #1 and #2 positions for each other. I'm sure there was a cleared way to say all of this but I couldn't think of it. lol IP: Logged |
Bucketrider unregistered
posted August 10, 2007 01:48 PM
I didnt read the whole thread so I dont know if anyone pointed this out but there is a seemingly high number of sextile and most notably - semi-sextile - signs that top the lists. Which is surprising bec they are generally among the weaker sign relationships of the "major" aspects. I would venture that this is bec those signs have venus conjunct their partner's sun. This usually happens with semi-sextile signs, occasionally sextile. Statistically though, there was only a marginal dif bet the top and bottom of the lists. Anything above the most basic level of astrology just about ignores sun sign compatibility in long term relationships and this study generally shows why. It is not a statistically significant factor IP: Logged |