Topic: *statistically* most lasting attraction between signs
Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2007 11:23 AM
quote: Non-marriage unions can be happy or unhappy with their position quite frankly. Taking the position you like to take, I wouldn't be surprised if you run into the marriage problem multiple times in your life, because undoubtedly you're going to run into women who like the idea of marriage. You don't have a better or more logical leg to stand on as far as avoiding marriage, than they do in wanting marriage. The dynamic is the same either way (though you seem to erroneously believe otherwise). It's still two people forging a living together having to tackle the same issues, having to make the same concessions, and having to evaluate whether the situation is worth the occasional unpleasantness. It's all the same in the end.
Actually I gave enough logical points when it came to my position; Just that people still haven't taken the legal proceeding invloved interms of marriages. Infact, the continuing changing family structures still indicate perfectly that non-tradional unions are on the rise. Have a read: Still convinced that its not viable to add in non-traditional unions? Lol! Guys... Subjectivism is irrelivent when it comes to a debate. Yeah we can argue for such a long time about love and happiness but stats go well beyond this report. Its more viable to assume that a marriage has a smaller chance to last these days (backed by statistics offcourse) however, I do keep faith in marital unions since I know for a fact that one cannot surely predict the outcome of such things. Infact, divorce rates slightly dropped in the year 1995: However, my preferences just go along with the ever changing family structures and ideals of today's society and I an under no illusion as to what I have planned for myself and my future. Will I change my mind in the years to come? Who knows... Its a very big if but hey; I am a Libra remember? If its benifitial, why the hell not?  IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted August 14, 2007 11:53 AM
Weird. Those numbers do not work in my world. Interesting nevertheless.  ------------------ "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over and start a rehab for the damned!" ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ ~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~ }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
MiaMammy08 Knowflake Posts: 152 From: Maryland, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 14, 2007 05:16 PM
I just luv GeminiLover75!!! maybe its because of my Gemini rising???but what does 993 Virgo Male Capricorn Female mean??? I am in love with this Virgo male although it says that we are at the bottom of each others lists. But i could be crazy about him because he has Aquarius in his chart and rising,And i have air and fire in my chart??? i don't know. I'm going off topic. But what does it mean?? ------------------ Yes i'm a capricorn with an aries moon and gemini rising. oh yea... IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted August 14, 2007 11:01 PM
Oh! Thank you MiaMammy08! :blush: (Not sure what I did to deserve it, but let's put it down to my Venus in Gemini and Gemini DC. )btw I would think that Capricorn and Virgo would be a good match, being earth signs. Your air ascendants would like each other too. What sign is his moon in? The study says that 'statistically' it may not last as long as the other pairings, but if you really love each other then who cares about statistics... odds are there to be beaten, right?  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2007 03:14 AM
quote: Actually I gave enough logical points when it came to my position
When? Are my Sag planets missing a detail? To my knowledge you haven't acknowledged that, married or unmarried, a couple's union is still the same, and faces exactly the same issues. The only difference I can see is that with a marriage there's some legal recourse if things go south. There really isn't a benefit to staying single as opposed to getting married if you're wanting to cement a long-term committed relationship. Your first article is about interracial and same-sex couplings. The article doesn't speak to benefit staying unmarried versus getting married. It chronicles how we got to same-sex and interracial couplings. Your question as to whether or not it's viable to add in non-traditional unions is moot, because that wasn't what you were originally speaking to. You were speaking about straight couples who don't get married. Not gay couples, not interracial couples. Are you looking for stats on gay men? No. (We don't know whether or not interracial couples were a part of the data, but) Do you really think race is going to play a significant role in changing the stats that were collected? No. quote: However, my preferences just go along with the ever changing family structures and ideals of today's society and I an under no illusion as to what I have planned for myself and my future.
A straight man in a relationship with a straight woman whether married or not, is not exactly going "along with the ever changing family structures and ideals of today's society." I would categorize a straight relationship as probably the most mundane coupling imaginable. IP: Logged |
Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2007 03:25 AM
We are talking about unions we not? Or do you really think that excluding gay couples from a survey which tries to cover union amoung signs is general is viable ? Is there a good reason in your mind that they should be segregated from this survey?Didn't I emphisize that society has changed? If you look at North America in general you cannot deny the huge influx of immigrants comming in and thus wouldn't it bring in different views on relationships and marriage? There are a lot of gaps this survey doesn't cover. Acoustic and everyone else; Its not such a big issue. I was merely pointing out that leaving out non-marital unions would have been a mistake and not trying to argue the superiority of one union over another. I personally think that non-marital unions are perfect for two individually minded people would just want to be in a partnership and as the article points out, family structures and ideals have changed in the modern society and thus with change comes different outlook on what marriage is. Its not a personal bout. So don't make it that. quote: There really isn't a benefit to staying single as opposed to getting married if you're wanting to cement a long-term committed relationship.
Tell that to the financially afflicted divorcees who ends up having such a cynical outlook on romance. IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 15, 2007 03:44 AM
::::Cancer manCancer Female 1056 Taurus Female 1038 Sagittarius Female 1037 Virgo Female 1015 Pisces Female 1015 Gemini Female 1014 Leo Female 994 Aries Female 973 Aquarius Female 969 Capricorn Female 968 Libra Female 964 Scorpio Female 961 :::: it alomost stands true with me except for the taurean woman's place at second . but yeah , i know quite a few cancerians who are madly commited to their taurean ladies .
in my case pisceans could have easily taken the second place . though i am not disagreeing with saggitarian ' position and if any one has marked , cancerian stand first in their list . can sag ladies put some light , what attracts them to the crab males ? btw, i love katie holmes !  IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 15, 2007 03:48 AM
And cancer were the first choice three times , the maximum . IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2007 11:13 AM
I'm sorry if you think I'm being too personal. It really isn't a personal issue for me. I don't care what people do with their lives and their relationships. My perspective, however, is that you have extolled the virtues of not getting married without expressing how it's superior to getting married. If it's just finances, then get a pre-nup. Problem solved.I don't care if this author's survey left out gay couples as seems to be the case. I'm sure if he had access to the information he would put it in there. I think that's a distraction from the point, though, because you're not gay, so you don't have use for that information. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2007 03:35 PM
quote: Didn't I emphisize that society has changed? If you look at North America in general you cannot deny the huge influx of immigrants comming in and thus wouldn't it bring in different views on relationships and marriage? There are a lot of gaps this survey doesn't cover.
And just how would you know that these immigrants would ALL be sharing your view on relationships and marraige? How do you know that they're views may not be ALOT more conservative than yours or that this survey doesn't already reflect their own ideas about relationships and marraige? For example: if you shared your views of relationships and marraige with my immigrant Roman Catholic mother......she would probably have a cow (no offense). And this is despite that fact that she, herself, is a divorced woman. I have a Somali friend whose mother would probably react the same. As for herself, and I'm judging from her love life, she probably has similar views to mine. Not saying that all immigrants are like this (I'm not denying the power of individual preferences) but lets put things into perspective here.
All in all Xodian, no one is acting like its a big deal that people are not wanting to get married but it is you who is making a big deal by claiming the survey is extremely innacurate just because it doesn't include your type of union. IMO if we did include unmarried unions, gay unions or if we did a seperate survey with just those two then the results would be pretty much redundant. IP: Logged |
Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1040 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2007 05:40 PM
Dulce, do you even know what point you're trying to make? No offense but you completey missed out on what that article was trying to say. It said INFLUENCE as in we aren't even taking the immigrants into considersation but rather the defination of marriage itself. As I said, more and more couples aren't going with the, quote "traditional" means of getting married because they are modifying their own ceremonies so to speak (and don't worry; We aren't counting the church of scientology in this equation Lol!) A little thing that the survey failed to clarify upon.It probably did, but one can't exactly tell since its backed by so little information. Ah well. And NO! God ppl, I am gonna say this for the last time before I get a brain hemorrhage or something; There is NOTHING to make a big deal out of; It was merely a suggestion to a response AI gave regrading the importance of non-marital unions. IP: Logged |
librarising Knowflake Posts: 113 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 15, 2007 09:05 PM
Xodian, You are not alone, I agree with you (about the survey and marriage).IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted August 15, 2007 09:11 PM
this is just going on and on and on..You have killed this string's joy with your negativity. I hope you're happy IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted August 15, 2007 09:16 PM
I just realised AG, DL & I all have the same Moon IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2007 10:48 PM
quote: You have killed this string's joy with your negativity.
True true. It would have been simple to say, "I'd like to see a larger sample size confirm these results," but instead we got a myriad of excuses why this report might be inaccurate. I don't see any motivation on the author's part to catalog the results incorrectly (I could expound on all the reasons here, but for the sake of brevity I won't). IP: Logged |
MiaMammy08 Knowflake Posts: 152 From: Maryland, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 16, 2007 01:40 AM
GeminiLover75 I just think that you are so cool. anyways my moon is in Aries and his is in Aquarius. but yea love beats all. besides it is just statistics. IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted August 16, 2007 02:36 AM
Thanks - you're cool too! Aries moons are intense (and fun!)... Grace Jones is an Aries moon and she's just "wow!!!. And of course my bf is an Aries moon also. I would think that you and your man's moon combo of air and fire would be at home together? You should look at Vedic astrology - they base much of their couples astrology on the moon sign alone... it's very interesting. Now what would THAT do to this study?  IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted August 16, 2007 07:46 PM
quote: It would have been simple to say, "I'd like to see a larger sample size confirm these results," but instead we got a myriad of excuses why this report might be inaccurate. I don't see any motivation on the author's part to catalog the results incorrectly (I could expound on all the reasons here, but for the sake of brevity I won't).
I'm all for arguing *both my parents are Air signs* But this isn't some random thing from a website. This guy did a lot of work for his book and got praised for it - from astrologer that are more advanced than us. So it's like, if you're gonna go up against him, make it good I feel like I did something nice and got spit on for it :/ I hope this string dies. ------------------ *about race driving* "look where you want to go, not where you're afraid to go" IP: Logged |
MoonDreamer81 unregistered
posted August 16, 2007 08:16 PM
Well Aqua...I do appreciate the info and time you put into the thread!(((HUGS)))------------------ S:Taurus ASC:Gemini M:Scorpio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007 Solar Return: S:Taurus ASC:Virgo M:Gemini IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted August 16, 2007 08:26 PM
Thanks MD  IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2007 12:06 AM
quote: Dulce, do you even know what point you're trying to make? No offense but you completey missed out on what that article was trying to say. It said INFLUENCE as in we aren't even taking the immigrants into considersation but rather the defination of marriage itself. As I said, more and more couples aren't going with the, quote "traditional" means of getting married because they are modifying their own ceremonies so to speak (and don't worry; We aren't counting the church of scientology in this equation Lol!) A little thing that the survey failed to clarify upon.
Ummm, as a matter of fact I do know what poj tI'm trying to make. Let us go back to the fact that you keep trying to say thatb the survey didn't include this and that group to prove its supposed fallacy; I'm just trying to point out to you that it probably wouldn't make a difference if you did or did not include such and such groups. I (and Aqua and Acoustic) have been trying to keep us on the track that you keep steering us off with all these "what ifs". I think you should really be asking yourself whether or not you get the point I'm making. And yes Aqua Inferno: here here for us virgo mooners! I'm sorry that certain people have decided to throw a wet blanket on what what was supposed to be a nice gesture.  IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2183 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 26, 2012 01:30 PM
Noticed that Aries,Cancer and Libra females made it to the first of the males lists more than once ... woo these females kick ***** overall I loved my relationship with : Aqua, Scorp and Sagg  these three signs are the best to me  IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted March 26, 2012 01:44 PM
What's your sign, vickymadness?IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2183 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 26, 2012 01:47 PM
Aries  IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 178037 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 31, 2012 10:50 AM
Aries are usually first.------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |