Topic: a distinct pattern in bisexuality in a natal chart?
writesomething unregistered
posted August 25, 2007 11:40 PM
smile.IP: Logged |
NAM unregistered
posted August 25, 2007 11:45 PM
Could it be a sister/daughter love? is she younger? do you feel like teaching/protecting her?I don't know but in my book being in love means being sexual, I know some people are not like this but I guess one of my strong cancer traits is combining always sex/love , so having said that, if I love someone I am going to want to cuddle, kiss, and more... do you feel those emotions? You might be bi then IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4418 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 26, 2007 12:44 AM
Here's what I think:Does it need to be analyzed? Do you have to have an answer right now? Can you live without one? It doesn't make you bisexual. It just makes you aware of the allure your own sex can have on you. It obviously doesn't happen often, or it would have happened previously. Enjoy it. Flirt a little even. If she asks you out, and you feel like it, go for it. Don't worry about labeling yourself until you know for sure. If you do switch teams, us guys will miss you.  IP: Logged |
writesomething unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 01:26 AM
shes older, theres a protecting feeling i get with her, like she wants to protect me and help me succeed. i guess it could be sexual if id let my thoughts run away, but i sort of keep reins on them because it'd be weird to look at her at work if i had certain thoughts. my moon conj her sun exactly, her jupiter conj my moon, and trine my venus(good feelings are abundant). acousticgod- yeah right, i guess the saying goes, dont know what u got till its gone, goes for the male species. youre right, i shouldnt question it so much, but im sort of confused and analyzing it a lot, also fighting with it.
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izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 03:09 AM
Errrrr... Sappho . I know you're not into asteroids , but Sappho can point to same sex attraction. Do what you wish with that info.  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 04:32 AM
In a society where heterosexual relationships are considered to be "normal", Uranus could indicate some "leaving" the norm, which could mean an inclination to bisexuality (doesn`t necessarily have to).I don´t really believe in astrological signatures for bisexuality, but I once read an article of a gay astrologer, who did a research and according to him, some hints into that direction would be: Uranus in 5th house the ruler of 5th house in 11th house the ruler of 5th house in conjunct, square, opposition or solstice point to the ruler of the 11th house But apart from astrology, I think love has so many faces, and it doesn`t need to be sexual, it can be of course, and being "in love" probably always has an underlying sexual tone. But I think, yes, it is possible, to fall in love with your own sex. I believe in loving another soul, so what does it matter if this soul is male or female? Now, sexual attraction is another matter, but if you do feel the way you do and it makes you feel good, why not explore it? Even though, since she is your boss, I probably wouldn`t be TOO open about it to be honest.
DD IP: Logged |
jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 108 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 26, 2007 04:47 AM
What about uranus in the 8th house with an hard aspect to moon? I think it can also indicate such things.IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 06:32 AM
You are a potential lesbian. All Mars in Leo women are. Their love of sex is so great it can be with animal, vegetable, or mineral.------------------ 4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K IP: Logged |
BroodingMooodlin unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 07:09 AM
Uranus in the fifth, I have that one. But I've never been really sure about my orientation. I'm still a virgin and I know that I want a man (I've fallen for them and would want them sexually) but I don't quite think that I've ever fallen in love with a woman before. I've kiiiind of experimented with a girlfriend before who's bi, you could say, but then again she claims that I must be the only girl she's ever been attracted to (and honestly I'm not even remotely attracted to her physically but know her as an incredibly reliable buddy). I think I have the potential to be sexually attracted to women, perhaps, and get involved physically, but that would be all. It would not be colored with any rosy amorous feelings at all but would probably be strictly sexual. And even then, I would be pretty picky because I don't think I even consider traditionally feminine types but would most likely look for a bi or lesbian girl to experiment with and then not exactly butch but androgynous.I guess for me, it's either about ego or experimentation. Or maybe I'm just bicurious. And the fact that I'm still a virgin as I write this is pretty amusing because it all kind of fits my primary placements as an Aqua/Virgo/Leo lol. Anyway, good luck with your situation, Writesomething. Feel free to inform us about this in the future. IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 1120 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 26, 2007 07:51 AM
Hello writesomething,I'm an Aries/Sun, Taurus/Moon too and I know exactly what you are talking about. I've bonded with women like that my whole life and it has nothing to do with sex. (at least not for me) Maybe it's because woman bond differently than men, we're able to open up and share and care for each other in a non threatning (and to the ones that prefer it, nonsexual) way. I'm happy you have a boss like that. IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 26, 2007 10:19 AM
Lots of good input here!!!I disagree with the Uranian thing, I have tried to decipher the gay population out of natal charts before and I have not been may draw people of a more "alternative" type of lifestyle to you and not have a problem with it with a heavy Uranus, but I have found that it does not define you as gay, or even bisexual... I have 3 T squares involving a tight stelluim of Mercury, Jupiter and Mars in Aqua in the 3rd all opposed (with Mars exact) to Uranus, and these planets square my Taurus moon in the 6th which opposes my Scorp asc----(Pisces sun) I am far from gay/lesbian or bisexual and have way more men friends than women...women tend to drive me crazy!!! Tho, I do attract gays and lesbians, not that they hit on me, just have alot of them, especially lesbians in my life...and do not have a problem with their choice of sexuality. Interesting topic!!! IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 26, 2007 10:40 AM
O, and writesomething...Could be a strong past life connection as well... IP: Logged |
alma_pisces Newflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 26, 2007 12:20 PM
I was thinking the same as hippichick, it could be a past life connection. I am not a lesbian or bi-sexual but I have a friend who wrote me a letter saying that she was secretly inlove with me for the longest time, but claimed she herself was not a lesbian but she just felt attracted to me. IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 275 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 26, 2007 12:27 PM
IMHO Bi-sexualiy has about as much a genetic or Astro explinaiton as trying to explain engine parts using a biology book; You can make the connections but overall it doesn't come close to accuracy.Bi-sexuality usually revolves around admiration of certain traits or persona (usually) and is more of an every frickle emotional state of mind rather then that which is pre-defined. However, from my personal experience, I have seen quite a lot of Libras, Pisces and Virgos experiment with Bi-sexuality. Heck even I have dropped in a line on a dude couple of times Lol! (all innocent "spur-of-the-moment" kinda thing.) Nothing too serious. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 03:42 PM
LOL omg fırstly mars conjunct mercury your soo funny ı loved how you descrıbed mars ın leo ı thınk thats so true. But.. ıve notıced that almost all of my gay frıends have moon conjunct uranus or pluto conjunct moon. And ın male charts theres always promınant femınıne sıgns eg: Sun conjunct venus ın vırgo or venus ın fırst.------------------ ASC: Vırgo Sun: Cancer Moon: Gemını Mars: Cancer Mercury: Cancer Venus: Leo IP: Logged |
pearlized unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 04:52 PM
I dont put labels on myself but i attempted to date a woman years ago and i do find women attractive but i would never get involved with a woman again. I found the relationship to confining yet to eccentric for me at the same time. I have Uranus conjuct Midheaven and Pisces Sun. All the cookbook astrology books claim all Pisces women are bisexual anyway.IP: Logged |
ciao unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 06:30 PM
quote: You are a potential lesbian. All Mars in Leo women are. Their love of sex is so great it can be with animal, vegetable, or mineral.
Lol, this is interesting...I too have Mars in Leo! (and I have Uranus aspecting lots of my personal planets) But with animal, vegetable or, lol. Anyway, I have been sexually attracted to women and them to me, but by the end of the day, I just want a man to...yeah well, you get the picture. Okay, I think I'm gonna go and splash some cold water on my face now. IP: Logged |
ciao unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 06:34 PM
quote: All the cookbook astrology books claim all Pisces women are bisexual anyway.
I only know one Pisces sun woman, and she doesn't seem bi to me, but she did ask if I've ever been a woman could be up to something here. However, I do know several women with Pisces moon and they swing both ways. I can't remember if Uranus played any role in their charts though. IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 26, 2007 07:11 PM
The Pisces...The ultra-femme...the everywoman of the zodiac...the triplegoddess... Sure, such things could be misconstrued...her warmth, her compassion, her humaity towards all....her love~~~ Does not make her a lesbian or a bi---however she embraces all humanity as one...she connects with each and every individual as if they matter, because they do, to her! Men, women, animals, plants, etc....she just connects.... I would venture to say, and forgive me, but I have 45 years of earthly experience of be-ing a Pisces female that the Pisces female is very well androgynous...feeling and re-lating to the beauty of both sexes... But with her ultra-femanine nature and the last lady of the zodiac.... Make your own assumptions... Terri  IP: Logged |
Patrick unregistered
posted August 26, 2007 07:14 PM
bisexuality with older women or younger women
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taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted August 27, 2007 09:10 PM
Uranus in the 5th here. Trisexual. 
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librarising Knowflake Posts: 81 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 27, 2007 09:36 PM
I am I Mars in Leo female too! I have dated a couple of females but it was mostly due to physical attraction. I find women to be more attractive than men but I feel more comfortable in having a relationship with a man.Writesomething, If I were you I wouldn't but too much thought into it. Do what you feel is natural and right. IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury unregistered
posted August 28, 2007 04:33 AM
quote: Uranus in the 5th here. Trisexual.
lolI have Uranus and Mars in 5th.
------------------ 4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K IP: Logged |
Sarai unregistered
posted October 29, 2007 11:51 PM
I'm new here. I randomly clicked on a page and my eyes landed on this topic, which I found so interesting to find on an astrology forum.By the way, if anyone's interested in my very first post on LL, it's: But back to bisexuality. It's just about labels. In university (I went to McGill in Montreal but now live in NYC) one of my closest friends was gay. He practically came out at birth. He has one sibling, a sister, who also came out as gay when she was in high school. She was really cool about it... very smooth and casual and honest. It was really captivating to watch this young woman enter into this new phase in her life with such grace. She subsequently dated a few men, is currently label-less and in a long-term relationship with a woman. She believes only in love and thinks of labeing oneself as "gay," "lesbian," or "bisexual" as trite. She makes a good point when she says that there are more than two genders. This statement alone truly makes her stand out - she really is about love. On the other hand, you have her brother. He is adamant about labeling oneself as one or the other and is wary of "bisexuals." He keeps nagging her to choose but she obviously doesn't care. They're both Leo suns by the way. His moon is Taurus, I think hers is Pisces but I can't be sure. There's no doubt that some people are more relaxed and easygoing abou sexual identity than others. I personally find my friend's sister's approach really appealing but that's probably because I'm more like her brother with wanting things defined right away. I have a boyfriend and identify as straight but I've been approached by women before. If I weren't in a relationship and I felt an attraction to her I would definitely go for it. I mean, why not? It's really important to question one's sexuality if the issue arises. It can teach you so much about yourself. I don't think astrology does much more in this arena than indicate possibilities. Sexuality and attraction and love are so complicated. Good luck! I hope things are working themselves out for you.  sarai IP: Logged |
LeoCat unregistered
posted October 30, 2007 12:03 AM
No worries, I've had feelings like that with certain women and I'm certainly not gay. I can honestly say I've had crushes on other women but have never been confused about my sexuality and I can't really explain why. What's funny is my bf last night asked me if I was gay which I found rather strange since I thought he might be the one that was. Well, I never really thought he was I just couldn't figure him out. But then again I do have venus trine uranus....IP: Logged |