Topic: ~Mayan Astrology ~ - Relationships
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 01:51 PM Just as you can combine two western natal astrology charts through generating a "composite chart" to show you how the third entity, your 'Relationship' functions - you can also combine two Mayan Signatures to get the goods on what your relationships strengths and challenges are. As in western astrology, you can compare your own Signature with the Relationship Signature to see how you actually jive with the energy of the relationship. It's very simple. Each Daykeeper has a number and each tone has a number. Simply add the Daykeepers numbers together and then add the Tone numbers together and, voila!, you have your Relationship Signature. 1. Red Dragon 2. White Wind 3. Blue Night 4. Yellow Seed 5. Red Serpent 6. White World-Bridger 7. Blue Hand 8. Yellow Star 9. Red Moon 10. White Dog 11. Blue Monkey 12. Yellow Human 13. Red Skywalker 14. White Wizard 15. Blue Eagle 16. Yellow Warrior 17. Red Earth 18. White Mirror 19. Blue Storm 20. Yellow Sun Tone 1 - Magnetic Tone 2 - Lunar Tone 3 - Electric Tone 4 - Self-Existing Tone 5 - Overtone Tone 6 - Rhythmic Tone 7 - Resonant Tone 8 - Galactic Tone 9 - Solar Tone 10 - Planetary Tone 11 - Spectral Tone 12 - Crystal Tone 13 - Cosmic Here are two examples: You are: White Crystal Mirror (White Mirror = 18 and Crystal = 12) He is: Blue Galactic Monkey (Blue Monkey = 11 and Galactic = 8) Add 18 + 11 = 29 Since the Daykeepers only go up to 20 you minus 20 from 29 to get: 9 The 9th Daykeeper is: Red Moon Add 12 + 8 = 20 Since the Tones only go up to 13 you minus 13 from 20 to get: 7 The 7th Tone is: Resonant Together you are: Red Resonant Moon *** You are: Blue Electric Night (Blue Night = 3 and Lunar = 2) She is: Red Overtone Serpent (Red Serpent = 5 and Solar= 9) Add 3 + 5 = 8 The 8th Daykeeper is Yellow Star Add 2+ 9 = 11 The 11th Tone is: Spectral Together you are: Yellow Spectral Star Things to notice after you've read through your basics of your Relationship: What is your relationship's purpose? (center Daykeeper) What Higher energy is guiding your Relationship? (upper Daykeeper) What is your Relationship really good at? (Daykeeper to the right) What is your Relationship's challenges? (Daykeeper to the left) What is the sometimes hidden, subconscious message of your Relationship? (bottom Daykeeper) Once you've looked at all of that then notice similiarities and differences between your own individual Signature's and the Relationship Signature. Maybe one person doesn't have any of the same Daykeepers in their own individual Signature - that might be an indication that, for that person, the Relationship is really made up of very different energies than they are. Not necessarily 'bad'...just an indication that this person is attracted to someone that will bring something different into their life. Perhaps this Relationship opens them to new aspects within themselves?! Another possibility is that one person's individual challenge is indicated in one of the Relationship Daykeepers....perhaps an indication that, through this relationship, they will break through some of their fears surrounding these limiting beliefs! (because they're only beliefs! We need this challenge in order to grow) Of course, it could also indicate that you will find the Relationship challenging...but it's up to you: You can learn and grow or just stick with your fears....your choice. Let's say that in your own Signature your Higher Self is White Dog and the Relationship itself is White Dog (center Daykeeper)....that would suggest that the Relationship itself is totally in tune with the guidance of your Higher Self. Or, another example, perhaps you are a Blue Night and the Relationship's challenge is Blue Night. It could be an indication that the two of you don't want to delve into the unknown as a unit...that there might be fear of the unknown and all the challenges of Blue Night. But, since you are a Blue Night you can bring the light of your own understanding of those nether-worlds into the relationship. To me it would clearly indicate that you wanted to play this role and that the other person in the relationship needs this new exploratory energy in their life. You can, of course, simply compare your two individual Signature in this manner as well. (just as in western astrology you generate a 'Synastry chart') There are no hard and fast rules - just let your intuition guide you when comparing your Signatures. Be playful. Approach it with an air of discovery and compassion! In my experience there is no one person who is going to fulfill you forever. How can they when you are changing and growing your whole life-long (hopefully!). So, I approach all this relationship stuff from the position that every relationship shows you an aspect of yourself that you want to explore, develop, bring out into the light more. The other is a reflection of yourself. Love opens you to new levels of your being! Look up your Galactic Signature here: IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 01:56 PM
Hmmm... I'm the Red Dragon, he's the Yellow Sun. I'm the beginning, he's the end He is my Hidden Helper and I am his Hidden Helper  The relationship is also a Red Dragon - so I bring the consciousness, he brings the unconsciousness to the common ground. Seems we complete each other . So how does it add up in your relationships, knowflakes? IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 02:20 PM Here you can find a brief description for all the Daykeepers. *What is your relationship's purpose? (center Daykeeper): Red Dragon Aries, I.C. & 12th house, Moon Source of life, breakthrough, divine nurturance & support, receptivity, primordial Mother, undivided primal waters, primal trust and nourishment, birth.
What Higher energy is guiding your Relationship? (upper Daykeeper) The same What is your Relationship really good at? (Daykeeper to the right) White Mirror Pisces/Neptune, Leo, Sagitarrius/Jupiter, 1st house Neptune Reflecting others back to themselves, endlessness, shattering truth, clarifier, spiritual warriorship, discrimination, timelessness, clarity, hall of mirrors, sword of truth, facing shadow, integration of paradox. What is your Relationship's challenges? (Daykeeper to the left) Blue Monkey Uranus, 11th/5th house axis Innocence, spontaneity, play, magic, inner child, humour, disruption, artistry, monkey, trickster, transparency. What is the sometimes hidden, subconscious message of your Relationship? (bottom Daykeeper) Yellow Sun Sun/Pisces conjunction, Neptune & Sun, M.C. Illumination, fire, cosmic/christ consciousness, bliss, union, wholeness, unconditional love, crown chakra, ascension, solar mastery, lanuage of light, ecstasy, limitless bliss, enlightenment, universal fire. I must say, it makes sense. Uranus is definitely our biggest challenge, and we do mirror each other. The Neptunian emphasis is just lovely. IP: Logged |
NeptuneLove unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 02:30 PM
Izo, sorry for off topic but..are you romanian too ?  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 02:40 PM
Uhm... what do you mean by "too"? And yup, I am. How did you know?IP: Logged |
NeptuneLove unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 02:46 PM
I am romanian tooAnd i think you mentioned that in some of your older topics and i just memorized  Glad to meet you here ! IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 02:49 PM
 Wonderful! Hahaha! Nice to meet you too . IP: Logged |
NeptuneLove unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 02:52 PM
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Love Knowflake Posts: 81 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2007 06:40 PM
Izo ~After writing my little thread on Neptune, I found this to be devastatingly well-timed. For me and the Scorp: What is (was) your relationship's purpose? Blue Storm: Uranus & Pluto & Aquarius & Scorpio Catalyst, transformer, liberator, activation for ascension, purification, light body, transformation, reunion, thunderbeing, lightning path, initiation by fire, ecstasy of freedom, self-generation. What Higher energy is guiding your Relationship? Blue Night: 12th house,Scorpio/Pluto,Neptune Abyss, serenity, "looks-within" place, enclosing darkness, stillness, dreamfield matrix, the unconcious, abundance, mystery, sanctuary, journey into self, dream exploration, intuition. What is your Relationship really good at? Yellow Sun: Sun/Pisces conjunction,Neptune & Sun, M.C. Illumination, fire, cosmic/christ consciousness, bliss, union, wholeness, unconditional love, crown chakra, ascension, solar mastery, lanuage of light, ecstasy, limitless bliss, enlightenment, universal fire. What is your Relationship's challenges? Red Moon: Pisces, 12th house, Neptune Feeling, water, imagination, signs, awakened attention, awareness, understanding, self-remembrance, flows, cosmic communication, beacon, signals, divine guidance, Godseed. What is the sometimes hidden, subconscious message of your Relationship? White Wind: Virgo/Pisces axis, Neptune Spirit, breath, wind, presence, truth, communication, inspiration, non-tangible, idealistic, simplicity, integration of polarities, unseen forces, co-creator of reality. **I knew this eclipse was going to bring some kind of energy**
Thanks for the great link!!
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hippichick Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 27, 2007 06:50 PM
Am I being dense??How does one figure this? IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:00 PM
Love, I am happy it helped you. Yes, from what I read, it seems to make sense. Especially the challenge part...Hi, Terri! Nope, you're not dense. Perhaps I should have specified the steps more clearly, but there have been some threads about Mayan astrology before and I thought maybe people are used to it. You need to go to the second link I posted: Click on DREAMSPELL CALCULATOR. It will open a new window; go to the bottom and write your birthday, it will calculate your signature. Then you can return to the above link and read about your signature and your loved one's. After that, go to the first link, or just read through the method: you have to sum the numbers of your Daykeepers and the numbers of your Tones in order to do a "mayan composite" . I hope it is clearer now. If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask. And no, you're not dense at all. I love your posts! 
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hippichick Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 27, 2007 07:04 PM
Thanks Izo---Off I go!!! (to try to figure it out!!!)  T~~~ ps almost did my last tattoo of mayan b-day IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:09 PM
LOL! IP: Logged |
NeptuneLove unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:19 PM
I am the Red Solar Skywalker  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:22 PM
Love, Maybe this reading will help to clarify things even more: Are you in the Shadow of your Daykeeper? So Red Moon is the challenge of your relationship. Take a look @ the interpretation for the shadow Red Moon: "One shadow of Red Moon is the tendency to float in the river of forgetfulness, feeling separate from clear awareness and guidance. Due to the influence of the collective trance, you may have unthinkingly accepted the beliefs and values of your culture. Because of the illusion of separation from the Divine, this trance may have deepened your experience of forgetting. Another shadow aspect of Red Moon is the tendency to direct your life primarily on the desires and needs of your ego instead of opening to the guidance of your Essence Self. Choices at your "growth edge" may feel unsure, for they transform your beliefs on your journey toward wholeness. Your intuitive guidance and internal proddings will trigger remembrance of what seems to have been forgotten. Pay attention to any sensory signs, any guidance that gives you strong feelings. In the larger pattern of cosmic communication that is available in each moment, these signs are painted everywhere. Be the translator-beacon. Let Red Moon awaken the interpreter within you who decodes such signs. Let Red Moon assist you in clearly understanding your perceptions. Remembrance is a natural process. Use it naturally, without becoming obsessed with it. Being overly concerned with remembrance can actually hamper your process. Also be aware of any tendency to look to others for information about your remembrance. As fellow journeyers, we catalyze each other; however, you are the one who truly knows. Don't get lost or confused by looking outside yourself. Another shadow of Red Moon is self-deprecation. In this shadow you may feel like hiding your light so that it limits you from being seen as the beacon you truly are. This tendency can stem from your shy or wounded inner child, whose sensitivity may have been suppressed thorugh life experiences. This may create a desire to withdraw or feelings of aloneness and insecurity. On the other side of this shadow, you may be overidentified with being the beacon for others. Such issues show you what is between you and the clear expression of all that you are. Self-criticism may be supported by internal self-talk, which brings to awareness the negative self-judgements that have been separated unconsciously into shadow. You have picked up your internal critic from the judgements of a critical world. Red Moon invites you to heal the inner critic. Take the blinders off. Make a conscious effort to reframe self-talk that is self-diminishing. Be aware of your response to the judgemental and critical remarks of others. Allow relationships with others to support your fullest expression. As you stand in your own light, you will naturally fulfill that which you came here to do."
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hippichick Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 27, 2007 07:33 PM
Got it!!!Thanks.... I am Blue Magnetic Monkey....figured out the composite too!!! Blessings T~~~ IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:37 PM
You're my challenge... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Well, I still like you! Glad it worked!Neptune, impressions?  IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 27, 2007 07:44 PM
o, yea.....this it SO me...AMAZING!!!! (hahahaha I have a new hobby!!!)
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NeptuneLove unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:45 PM
Wow, it says i can assist you in realizing heaven on Earth !  IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:49 PM
  *head spinning from all that bouncing and rolling*  IP: Logged |
NAM unregistered
posted August 27, 2007 07:49 PM
oh, oh...i want to do this!!!...must come back later LOL No time right now  IP: Logged |
comica23 Knowflake Posts: 1212 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2007 09:22 PM
Blue Spectral Storm + Red Spectral Serpent = Yellow Solar Seed! lol~ XDIP: Logged |
NAM unregistered
posted August 28, 2007 12:51 AM
Check this out...He:Yellow Cosmic Human Me:Yellow Planetary Sun Together:Yellow Planetary Human Not sure if the repetition of all those words are a good thing. LOL IP: Logged |
SattvicMoon unregistered
posted August 28, 2007 02:05 AM
Very interesting.With this particular girl, her Concious Self and Higher Self is Red Moon, and it also happens to be my Higher Self. I have always felt that she was indeed guiding me to my strengths. Red Moon also happens to be the Compliment in our Relation Spread. My Challenge/Gift/Desire happens to be the Blue Monkey which is the Hidden Self in the Relation Spread. For me - a very enriching lesson - as always. ------------------ SattvicMoonz Home Page and Blog IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 28, 2007 04:38 AM
I loved it! Very accurate. Especially the part where it said together we experience heaven on earth. 
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