Topic: They are like the handicapped Sun sign
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4418 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 02, 2007 11:27 PM
I know this is vague. Many of you may not know this Pisces. His impact on the world was like the opposite of an impact: This Pisces is a total, incompetent loser, too: Can we say LOO-SER?: What kind of Pisces loser invents a telephone? Jeez! Who's this Pisces jerk-off? Hey Pisces! Who you calling a loser? IP: Logged |
Alecto unregistered
posted September 02, 2007 11:43 PM
whenever I see that picture of Einstein I always get a happy feeling inside man..funny yet clear, sometimes sarcasm is the best way to get a point across IP: Logged |
NAM unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 12:37 AM
You guys have a twisted sense of humor.IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 01:17 AM
Sometimes people come to Lindaland NOT to find answers but instead to take delight in kicking down the Ant Hill (saying something astrologically stupid) and watching all the ants try to rebuild it once again (knowflakes running around trying to justify the statement or put it down).Meanwhile, the initial poster laughs in delight at all the mayhem created. One can choose to be an ant.. or one can chose to laugh at the one the kicked the ant hill because they are truly the person suffering from a mental defect. ------------------ Hmmm...September is almost here and she will be bringing my handsome Bear home. That is when the real adventure will begin :kiss: IP: Logged |
libraschoice7 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: the city so nice they named it twice! Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 01:19 AM
^^very well put  ------------------ Sun in Libra Moon in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Venus in Virgo Mars in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer I "FEEL" therefor I am IP: Logged |
babeefoxx unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 01:29 AM
hahahah AcousticGod. ILY!You're mean blegz or whatever the hell your name is. Who says something like that? pft. IP: Logged |
NAM unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 01:29 AM
I can see that, this is why I usually choose in situations like this to sit in the bench and watch from far, unless I have something very diplomatic, intelligent and with a purpose to say to stop the madness.In this case though I am just going to sit over here and eat some of my popcorn... I am cluless LOL The generalizations of signs against the facts seem way off for me to even try to understand them. In other words how can all pisces be one way? or cancers or ....etc etc etc... Seems like a waste of energy but I am no astrologer, is this what you guys do for fun?  IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 04:37 AM
AcousticGod - Funny that people always defend the useless hap-hazard sign of Pisces with that flukey baffon Einstein. Possibly the worlds greatest ever inventor / discover of something insidious - the A bomb or more specifically the power realesed in splitting the atom. The ONLY reason Hitler got hold of that capability was because Einstein STUMBLED across it and in true Pisces style it got in the wrong hands before he released what he'd done. OOPS!!!!! Look where we are now because of someone who got lucky a couple of times in science, which ultimately lead to disaster. Key-phrase for Pisces today is 'OOPS'.------------------ 4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4418 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 04:58 AM
These amazing folks don't really need defending, and there's no way you'll be adding a keyphrase a day. You'll lose interest before a Taurus can read a book. You have neither the endurance nor the conviction.Perhaps you could endeavor to prove your superiority by accomplishing as much as these people have. IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 05:00 AM
Most of the best and most important inventions were "stumbled upon." Like pennicillin, for example. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4418 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 05:04 AM
Not only that, but the amount of contemplation required to come up the things that Albert Einstein came up with is simply staggering. It would be amazing for anyone to spend that much time in dedicated thought towards science in this day and age.IP: Logged |
girlloveboy unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 05:10 AM
MCM Would be interesting to hear what Astrology means to you...IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 05:28 AM
Astrology is amazing. To me it proves there is a higher principal or 'God'. It fascinates me every minute of everyday. My ephemeris is the most important book i have and has been for several years. I plan events by it, and have an idea if things will bode well or not ahead of time from looking at it. Why do you ask? Because i come across as a bast@rd sometimes, or i seem to be against a particular placing in a chart. Well wake up honey - astrology can represent challenges, and difficulties too! I was born with Retrograde Saturn 1 degree away from my Ascedent in the detrimental sign of Cancer. I beleieve i have an untainted, sometimes harsh, but realistic view of people and of life. To gloss over things like everything and everyone are great would be folly. Do i think that most Piscean planets operate inferiorly - yes i do. But i've met someone before who had Sun in Pisces who was absolutely lovely, really selfless and just a really great person. I s'pose i should sometimes emphasis the positve side os Pisces more - because it is there in some people. This side is one that represents selflessness, aquiescence, beauty, and acceptance. I'm not a complete oaf, i'm just abrupt and uncomprimising. I describe my self as a misanthropic philanthropist. I would love human kind to achieve what they could, but they don't, and i can't stand that, and therefore i treat them with the disrespect they deserve sometimes. ------------------ 4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K IP: Logged |
girlloveboy unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 06:39 AM
MCM That was interesting to read. I asked because im curious what makes you say those things you do.So, if im right,what you do is kind of negative inspiration? Which can be useful at times, thats for sure. But, when you say "operate inferiorly", what do you mean on this? Inferior to who? Who or what is the example which makes you to make a comparison like this between signs? It has nothing to do with being critical or harsh. Astrology surely cant give you the base for that. Than what?
IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 06:52 AM
Well when i say operate inferiorly i mean the Sun in Pisces is often 'dulled;. Mercury in there causes dyslexia, confusion, and poor communication skills. The Moon in there is very diffuse, ultra-sensitive, and unstable. Mars in there, and i know this will sound harsh again, operates very inferiorly. Mars in Pisces is about as weak a placing as it gets. You have to realise there are strong and weak placings in a chart. If you refuse to accept this i'm afraid you failed the first lesson. Not everything is sweetness and light. Everything can be, but it will take more work in difficult circumstances than fortuitous ones. You ask 'for whom' do these planets operate inferiorly, to which i'd say the native who has them. Afterall, and as i've explained before Pisces being the last sign starting from Aries, represents the loss or leaving of the 'self' behind. Hence it is rather obvious that a planet in there will become diffuse and ethereal, and in practical earthly terms useless. But that's not a criticism, as most would take it, but actually a compliment. Because we all trying to shed our earthly skins anyway as we become better spirits or 'souls'. Pisces are just nearer than the rest of us. : )------------------ 4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K IP: Logged |
girlloveboy unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 07:08 AM
Ok, thanx for explaining. You are right on what you said now. At least i can understand better that actually behind your words theres something more than just judge others. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 07:11 AM
Fırstly ıd lıke to clarıfy that ı am ın Turkey at the moment wıth hım and he was actually only chanrged wıth class A drugs and ıt was alot more mınor than what ı thought... and for your ınformatıon ı havent been hurt by a pısces ı was speakıng ın general and thought ıd raıse the topıc on how pısceans can really resemble fısh and are not so ıntellıgent. They are like fish in that they hardly ever speak, and have memories of about 3 seconds.Now ı wasnt tryıng to be nasty or searchıng through archıves tryıng to dıg out what ı can on pısces ı was sımply feelıng sorry for them. Yet stıll ı dont understand why you would attempt to brıng up my posts from the past that are sımply ırrelevant to what we're talkıng about. Thanks for your concern but ıt turned out ok ın the end. I'd lıke to stress the fact that were talkıng about Pısces here and not my prevıous relatıonshıps or who ım currently datıng. Thıs ıs what ım talkıng about when ıt comes to Pısces they have no ıdea, theyre clueless and after 3 posts are off the topıc ın theır own world. Poor PISCES IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 40 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: May 2009
posted September 03, 2007 07:59 AM
Clueless ...hahaPisces represents the highest level in soul development. Maybe YOU'RE the one that's clueless, belgz. I think you need to lay off the astro-textbooks because all of your attacks sound like something you can pick off of a severely biased, low maintenence astro-site.
------------------ Sagittarius AC, Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: May 2009
posted September 03, 2007 08:00 AM
Sociopathic personalities should probably stay together because they deserve eachohter...  IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 40 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: May 2009
posted September 03, 2007 08:03 AM
Oh and Belgz,You're a Cancer right? Why do you cry and mope and whine ALL the time? Can you do anything without cryiiiing or mentioning how you feeeeel? Wow...How much of a stereotype is that? I almost wish YOU were put down at birth so I wouldn't have to be subjected to such ignorance. Do you have children? Cuz I'd hate to think that you want to contribute your mental brilliance to the gene pool? ------------------ Sagittarius AC, Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo IP: Logged |
Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted September 03, 2007 08:08 AM
oh yah, hi there trolly mctrollerson?!!i can't believe anyone even entertained the notion of this ridiculous thread... and this is coming from ME... someone with my very own pet 'Pisces Psycho' I'm always ranting about...  IP: Logged |
Venus De Milo Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted September 03, 2007 08:12 AM
quote: You're a Cancer right? Why do you cry and mope and whine ALL the time? Can you do anything without cryiiiing or mentioning how you feeeeel? Wow...How much of a stereotype is that?
I like eating pesky little Crabs for dinner. I break off those pathetic little pincers, crack open the shell and gobble up all that soft mushy goodness inside... hhmmmm...hhmmm... hmmmm... HHMMMMMM!!! At least those little crybaby whippersnappers are good for something! they're good on my dinner plate, ********* !!!  IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 08:29 AM
i can't believe anyone even entertained the notion of this ridiculous thread
My sentiments exactly. People ignore all kinds of dumb, thoughtless, and just plain ignoramous stuff around here. Why let this one get 3 pages long?? As a Pisces mooner I have to laugh this at this one. I was actually given a 10 second memory span by my coworker, an Aries.  So I'm a ditz, so I'm emotional. So it makes for great laughter in the work place all the silly shiite I do and say. Best to keep this Sun, Venus, Asc, Neptune Scorp laughing. Y'all wouldn't like it when I'm ****** . Forget that shiite about stinging myself! It's more like "How attached to your balls do you wish to stay?" Belgz, not just Pisces Suns have the power to "kill". It's in us all. We all have the power to choose whether we want to act on it or not. Then there are those who'd rather dismember ya and watch ya squirm in agony. Lucky for you I'm not in the mood today to torture anybody or relocate their soul for them. IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 08:41 AM
~ belgz ~i've got a feeling that maybe the reaction to your header thread re the fish folk .. is a case of cultural cross wires .. i.e. a type of aussie humour that's being taken wrong .. IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 09:17 AM
AG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ROCK man  quote: The ONLY reason Hitler got hold of that capability was because Einstein STUMBLED across it and in true Pisces style it got in the wrong hands before he released what he'd done. OOPS!!!!!
How DARE you!! Pisces or no pisces Einstein was a great man and deserves his iconic status. You have no idea what you're talking about...he was every bit a genius, and this is coming from someone who's studied physics...and knows his work. And it's not just me...I don't believe I've met a math or physics teacher/lecturer who doesn't idolise him. Why don't you take your single digit iq and crawl back under that rock mcm. quote: Fırstly ıd lıke to clarıfy that ı am ın Turkey at the moment wıth hım
let me get this straight this girl is with a guy who killed two people - yet feels she's in a position to help those "lost" dignity is preventing me from laughing IP: Logged |