Topic: Asteroids questions
Iqhunk unregistered
posted October 03, 2007 05:35 AM
Hi Diandra,<< -would you consider as part of RULE 1 a conjunction of Draco AC to the other´s natal NN ( in a 0.5ºorb?) >> Yes. << -a trine from natal Eros to the other´s DC(0)? >> I would give it one point.
<< - a trine from one´s Helio Moon to other´s Ic(2º) - a trine from one´s Helio Ceres to other Mc(1º)? - a trine from one´s Helio Valentine/kiron to other´s natal IC(0.27´º)? >> I wont consider these. Heliocentric charts are for a souls personal singular progress, not for soul mate calculations. << - One´s Draco Ceres conjunction to the others natal IC(0)? - One´s Draco Juno trine to the others natal Ic(2)? -One´s Draco Sun trine to the others Natal DSC(2º)? >> The above three are good but dont get points. I can pick thousands of guys who will have some Draco points connect to these asteroids because Draco uses NNode and NNode is in a certain degree for more than a week. By law of probability, they will criss cross several ICs, DSCs and Asteroids in a Natal. One should not get carried away and just make hundreds of connections, only the most relevant after Rule 1 and Rule 2 are satisfied. << In Sinastry: would you also consider as Rule 1: - my union conjunct his AC (0orb)? >> I might if I see more proof of this placement crop up. It is a great placement! << - his Kiron trine my AC(2º) - my VX trine his AC (1º) -my Destiny conj his AC (0º) -my Fortuna trine his MC(0º) -MY Spirit trine his IC(2)? >> Not at all as Rule 1. However, if Rule 1 is satisfied, then these connections give valuable insights about the realtionship.
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted October 03, 2007 05:50 AM
Hi IQ,I wouldn`t use the IC as rule 1 either, but I do agree that close IC-ties enhance the depth of a relationship. Regarding solstice points: to me it seems like a different theory you have. The conventional solstice points are derived from 0° Libra and Capricorn, and are the "marker" for the Sun`s turn back to the equator "The word Solstice comes from the Latin : solstitium. . ( Sol, the Sun. sistere, to make stand. ) The Sun at the solstices is at its turning point in its apparent course and its declination remains essentially the same for three days. At the winter or summer solstices the Sun turns back towards the equator. A body on an antiscion point of another will make an exchange of energy by way of declination and its position by common relationship to the Solstice Points and the Sun's path. It could be termed a Solar Parallel." (
Well, that is the theory. HOwever, your theory sounds interesting to me, too. The beauty of your theory lies in its symmetry imo. It depicts the connection between signs that are connected through rulerships by folding the chart into at 0° Leo (I guess?).
EDIT: I have one question concerning your answer to Diandra. Above you said, that you would consider a Draco ASC conjunct natal NN as part of rule 1, but not the Draco Sun trine natal DSC. Is the reason for this,t hat you focus on ASC, and the Draco Sun only has a sextile to natal ASC? But I do agree with generally. The NN are not THAT personal, therefore I personally would place the most importance on DW`s between Draco and natal, repeated aspects in the Draco (like: tropical Venus conjunct tropical Mars and Draco Venus trine tropical Mars for example). I also consider the one-way-connections from Draco-natal to ASC, Moon and Sun as very important, because especially the ASC is such a "racer". That is actually what I like about asteroids the most, they are mostly faster than for example Pluto. So, to me a Karma-aspect is much more individual than a Pluto-aspect. I wouldn`t place all that much importance on Pluto-Saturn, but Karma-Saturn is a different matter, even though I`d prefer an ASC or Moon in aspect to Karma, that is pretty individual, I guess. DD IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted October 03, 2007 07:17 AM
Thankx IQ,So, i wont look to other charts besides Dracos/Natal Sinastry. So, can I consider Rule 1 and 2 fullfield cause of the above? Regarding Union i dont know exactly what to look to see patterns that confirm the importance of including or not that Union/AC exact conjunction. Ive found: In the HOUSES: - While My Union/Destiny conj his AC,his Fortuna/Destiny Falls on my 7th house; - My Valentine/Mars/Fortuna/Karma falls on his 1st House. - His Union falls on my 5th house,conjuncting my Draco Osiris(3ºorb)and my Draco POM(3º). - hIS Draco Union trine my Sun/Moon Midpoint(0º) - his Draco Union sextiles my Draco Marriage Woman1(1º)and trines my Amor(1º)and my Eros(3º) - my Draco Union Conjunt his natal KARMA(1º)and BY your SYSTEM,solstice conjunct his Sun(2º).Conjunct his Angel(3º),trines his Isis(1º) and Osiris(3º). - his Union trines my Aphrodite(3º),my Anteros(1º),and my NN(2º).Soltice conjunct my Draco VX(1º) - my Union conj his Draco Pallas(0º) and trines his Draco Atlantis(3º)(whcih conj his own NN in natal). -my Union also Solstice conj his Part Destiny(3º). - My Union/Destiny conj exacly his Amor/Valentine Midpoint(0º);trines his Inferior Sun/Moon Conjunction(0º) and solsctice conj his Venus/AC Mid(2º) So for Union asteroid, i think this is it regarding our interconections. I think there might be some patterns here. What do you conclude on that?
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted October 03, 2007 08:49 AM
There´s an odd thing ive noticed on the Astro CHarts. For example, in the sinastry it says his Venus conjunct my AC in 3ºorb but thats wrong cause my AC is on 0ºLibra and his Venus is on 26ºVirgo IQunk, Still regarding your Rules,would you consider as the 1: -my Venus being solstice conjunct his AC(0º)- according to your system? - my Psyche is also solstice conj his AC(2º) -would it be a paralell he having his sun in a declination of 2º12´and me having an AC declination of 0º1´? in Libra? With my new birth time that Sun/AC exact conjunction in sinastry we had before,turns to a 5ºdegree orb so it cant be considered in the RUle 1. - his Amor solstice conjunct my Pair Fortune(2º) -my Amor conjunct his Pair Fortune(0.81º) - His Valentine conjunct my Pair Fortune(1.81º) - my Valentine solstice conjunct his NN(1º11´) - my Valentine solstice conjunct his Draco Saturn(2º8´) - my Valentine trine his VX(3º)and skuares his karma(2º) - his Valentine sextile my Fortuna/karma(0º) - his Karma/Amor Midpoint conjunt my Draco AC(3º) - MY Draco Saturn solstice conj his Karma/Amor Mid(3º) - His Saturn solstice conj my Draco Karma(1º),and widely,my D.Valentine(4º) It seems to exist a pattern regarding Destiny and the asteroids Valentine/Amor isnst it? Regarding the DSC(which can be considered also): - His Draco DC solstice conjunct my Moon(3º), my Draco Mars(0.5º),my Draco Valentine(0º6´),my Draco Karma(2º3´) - my Draco DSC conjunct his Sun(2º04´) and his Kaali/Siva Mid(2º) - my Draco DSC solstice conjunct his Karma(1º13´),and his Moon/AC Mid(1º) and his Sun/Mars Mid(2º) - my DSC solstice conjunct his Venus/Mars Mid(1º) -my AC CONJUNCTS his Sun/Venus Midpoint(0º) -my KARMA solstice conjunct his Draco Saturn(0º) and my Fortuna also solstice conj his Draco Saturn(1º) -his KARMA solstice conjunct my Draco IC(1º) -my Draco PLUTO solstice conj his Draco Psyche(3º)/his POM(3º) and conj his NN(3º),trines his Aprhrodit(2º) -his Draco PLUTO solstice conj my Fortuna(2º)/karma(3º) Other asteroids: -MY Draco Arabic Fate(karma)solstice conj his Draco Isis/Osiris(3º/4ºorb);widely trines his AC(4º) -His Draco Arabic Part Fate (karma) conj my Draco Isis(3º) another pattern here?? -his Arabic Part Fate(karma)is solstice conj my Venus/Mars Mid(0º) -HiS Aphrodite conj my VX(2º),trine my Union(3º)and its solsctice conj my Venus(0º) - His Anteros conj my PF(0º) - my Anteros conj his Saturn(1º),Pluto(1º),trine his Union(0º) - my Saphro conj his Karma(1º) -his Juno trine my Venus(0º) -my Draco Juno trine his Draco Venus(3º) IP: Logged |
Got Gemini? Knowflake Posts: 456 From: Mercury Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 03, 2007 09:02 AM
How would Venus trine Amor (2 degrees) help a relationship?IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted October 03, 2007 11:20 AM
Iq, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you might have some advice/insights on the 2 bulls situation . The one I have a less stronger synastry with is the one that really interests me (the one I talked about all this time). I do not know what to think. ~Waving hello to all the girls~ I hope I'll soon have time to read what you guys wrote in more detail; I don't have an Internet connection yet . Take care you all! IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 03, 2007 11:51 AM
((((((Izo)))))) good to see you're okay! Hope you're internet is working soon! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted October 03, 2007 12:11 PM
Diandra,For parallels the orb is very small, 1°10 at most, but preferably between 30 and 50 minutes. So, no it wouldn`t be considered a parallel. Also, with solstice points the orb has to be very small, too. I use 2° at most, and I think 2° is a wide orb. Of course I don`t know IQ`s take on this. Izo,
don`t try to fit life into astrology. It`s what you feel that counts, not what the stars say. And if you have stronger feelings for bull 1, then that`s like it is. I also think, maybe there are some astrological dynamics, that we don´t know about yet, which would show that Bull 1 has stronger synastry with you. Just imagine a synastry with no Venus-aspects, but a lot of beautiful Valentine and Amor aspects. If you didn`t know about asteroids, then you would consider it weak, wouldn`t you? So, I think we only can catch glimpses of the truth, but never the whole picture. So, if it`s him (Bull 1), then it is him. Period. Also, there is a reason that you feel that way about him now. maybe some time in the future you won`t feel that strongly about him, but right now it seems to be something you need to experience for your spiritual and emotional growth. So, go for it. DD
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted October 03, 2007 03:37 PM
Hi Izo,Hope everything is ok with you - best wishes to your parents aniversary!!! Dont be so worried about that between RUles fullfield or not between Bull 1 or Bull 2 - i agree with DD: If you fEEL, it its cause your heart is telling you who the RIGHT guy is for you (ok ok...this might be my Neptunian mind talking hihih) - but deep inside you know the Truth. Look at my example: with my new AC, now that beautiful exact conjunction of John´s SUn with my AC turns to a 5ºorb but we do feel it and its not cause now i know its a wider orb,that i wouldnt consider it important for us. IQUNK will tell you what he knows best but your heart knows it also Maybe some sinastries hide important conections and they arent so easily found - and the secrets lies in the Dracos or by a specific asteroid very interlinked with each other´s planets in your natals and your sinastries? Look at VenusDeIndia examples of Jonnhy Cash and Jude who didnt had the rules fulfield in sinastry,but did on the Dracos. Me and John have most of the clues of being SM in the Dracos in 0ºorb,and in the sinastry being exact we have some asteroid/AC conections... TAURUS, long time no see! How are you? Hihihih - his Mom sure is a wonderful lady i am all that lucky on having met his wonderful family - for a Cancer like him GOSH that sure made me see how much i mean to him DD, yes, i also thought that paralell wouldnt be counted..oh well i sure wanted to try,you already know me! SO it would be better just to give importance to the solstices under 1ºorb right? We still have that Venus-AC though hihihi But nobody has better sinastries that the ones you find IP: Logged |
Boodica unregistered
posted October 04, 2007 09:28 AM
Hi, can anyone please shed any light - or point me in the right direction -to find interpretations on the following aspects? His Valentine conjunct my ascendant (2 degrees) His Karma conjunct my Saturn (2 degrees) My Karma conjunct his descendant (exact) My Amor conjunt his Venus (1 degree) Thanks
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jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted October 04, 2007 12:48 PM
T80 - So nice to meet another Paul Newman fan. Too bad now I have to kill you to keep him all for myself. I haven't yet seen "the long hot summer" (can't tear myself away from Short Circuit long enough to watch anything else). To settle who gets Paul, we could have a synastry duel. Whoever has the higher score with him gets the man: I have a 544 with him. Diandra - Well, now that I've checked out the transits thorougly, we definitely could've picked a better day astrologically! But there are some nice transits that day to each of us individually. Darkdreamer - I'll get back to you on solstice points. IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2007 12:57 PM
LMAO Jane!!! haha too bad for you missy!!!! i scored a 579!!!!!!!! go ahead, relinquish him to me at once!!!!!!! oh and also 715 (if switch who's first..heehee) Good for you picking your wedding day just cause..I think astrology is great, but it shouldn't control every aspect of your life. p.s. you must crack your man up! oh and i think it's smart to add mercury to the list for the rules!~ IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted October 04, 2007 01:56 PM
Nooo! I always lose these duels. So foolish of me to gamble Paul away in a game of Synastry Blackjack. That site's wonky! The score I have with him keeps changing, but even at our highest, your 715 is nearly 100 points higher. Maybe we should use IQhunk's system instead? If only I weren't so lazy. quote: p.s. you must crack your man up!
We crack each other up. Just yesterday morning, he gave me a laughter seizure, or as I've dubbed it, a joygasm.IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted October 04, 2007 02:21 PM
Hi Boodica, << His Valentine conjunct my ascendant (2 degrees) >> He loves your appearance and exterior personality very much.<<His Karma conjunct my Saturn (2 degrees)>> Indicates plenty of past life debts between you both. <<My Karma conjunct his descendant (exact)>> Your fate to be the agent of change in his life, most likely through a relationship. <<My Amor conjunt his Venus (1 degree) Thanks >> You love his Venusian values meaning his taste in clothes, colors and what he buys. He is fond of what you love and your state of being in love. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted October 04, 2007 06:17 PM
For those who are interested: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>[/URL]</A>
<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>[/URL]</A> Here´s some asteroids meaning I loves the one that talks about the bLack Moon Lilith - its a new perspective very interesting! "In Unremembered Country, Susan Griffin beautifully articulates the essence of this core energy: As I go into the Earth, she pierces my heart. As I penetrate further, she unveils me. When I have reached her center, I am weeping openly. I have known her all my life, yet she reveals stories to me, and these stories are revelations and I am transformed. Each time I go to her I am born like this. Her renewal washes over me endlessly, her wounds caress me; I become aware of all that has come between us, of the noise between us, the blindness, of something sleeping between us. Now my body reaches out to her. Black Moon symbolizes a central motivating factor that is subtle, unseen but felt. This Lilith taps into an urgent desire of the soul that seeks dramatization in life and will brook no denial. In a time such as ours of potent change, the Black Moon, with its underlying creative life force and spiritual impulse, illumines the inner pathway with the most heart for each seeker of Truth and Love" IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted October 04, 2007 06:52 PM
My Lilith asteroid 1181 widely conjunct my Venus and karma in my 11th - and oposes his Moon(3º)His Lilith 1181 widely conj his karma in the 10th - skuares my Ceres/Karma(1º) My Black Moon in my 5th conjuncts my Ceres - conjunct his Moon(0º) His Black Moon in his 6th - conj my Pallas(4º) and oposes my Eros(0º) So,it seems that through my Black Moon he will discover in his own emotions,the hidden secrets of his soul,longing yernings within him ,that he will discover and show me through his emotional self? And by him, i will discover also deeper truths,also hiden in me in the way i live my own sexuality and body (eros)? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted October 05, 2007 01:13 PM
Taurus 80 and Jane,I didn`t want to mingle in into your battle about Paul Newman. But you inspired me to look at the results for that fascination actor, I have been talking about, and me. And we have scores of 621 and 821. ROFL What a nice little score. But I`ve done my own little private reserach on solstice points. I thought if they are indeed important they would appear in soulmate-relationships, also. So I looked at some of the couples wè`ve been talking about and looked if they shared solstice-conjunctions or oppositions. Antonio Banderas - Melanie Griffith His Mars solstice her Valentine his Karma solstice her Uranus his Venus solstice her Neptune his Chiron solstice her Neptune
(there is also Moon solstice Psyche and some more, but I focused on the main objects and Karma and Valentine) Paul Newman - Joanne Woodward:
his Moon solstice her IC his Mars solstice her Sun his Saturn solstice her Mars his Neptune solstice her Chiron his Chiron solstie her Uranus his IC solstice her Karma Johnny Depp - Vanessa Paradis
his Moon solstice her Saturn his Moon solstice her Karma his NN solstice her Mercury his ASC solstice her ASC Johnny Cash - June Carter his Moon solstice her Mars his Jupiter solstice her Venus his Jupiter solstice her Chiron his Valentine solstice her Jupiter (with all that Jupiter energy it`s no wonder, they were so tolerant and forgiving with each other) Paul Mc Cartney - Linda Eastman
his Sun solstice her Valentine his Moon solstice her Venus his Venus solstice her Chiron His Mars solstice her Saturn his Neptune solstice her Sun his Pluto solstice her Saturn his NN solstice her Mercury his IC solstice her Valentine his Chiron solstice her Venus his Valentine solstice her Moon Serious, I expected some solstice-aspects to appear, but not THAT many. Also, I noticed that in every comparision (except for Johnny and Vanessa) there were solstice aspects to Chiron, and furthermore this seems to confirm the magi`s theory, that an aspect of Chiron to Venus, Neptune or Jupiter is one of the best for relationships. Antonio and Melanie: his Chiron solstice her Neptune his Chiron trine her Neptune his Chiron quinkunx her Jupiter his Chiron contraparallel her Venus Paul - Joanne: his Chiron solstice her Neptune his Chiron contraparallel her Venus her Chiron trine his Jupiter
JOhnny - June: his Jupiter solstice her Chiron his Chiron conjunct her Venus his Chiron parallel her Venus
Paul - Linda:
his Chiron solstice her Venus his Chiron parallel and conjunct her Chiron JOhnny - Vanessa: no solstice aspect with Chiron his Jupiter trine her Chiron his Neptune quinkunx her Chiron Seems the magi`s are onto something here. And the solstice-points seem to be very valid, too. I know this is not a really extensive research, but can it be coincidence that all those "soulmate-couples" have the same Chiron-interactions?
DD IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2007 01:24 PM
DD, well DD, i've decided to share Paul with Jane, soooooooo if you want in on the action.... IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted October 06, 2007 09:58 AM
DD im totally with u on solstice points, even longitudinal equivalents of declinations are catchy. u will see a lot of aspects there, natally as well as synastry IP: Logged |
NeptuneLove unregistered
posted October 06, 2007 10:18 AM
quote: So, if your Uranus is conjunct his IC, you have a direct connection to this very deep part of his soul, and since it is URanus, it will be startling, arousing, sometimes shocking and probably changing. Maybe you change his view on family and home, or at least make him think about those t hings. Maybe he wasn`t really aware what exactly his view on family is, but through your influence he is confronted with it, and has to form an own opinion
DD, Thank you for your insight ! I do feel i`ve made a change. Besides, we both have Uranus (our 7th house ruler) in the 4th house, can you tell ? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted October 06, 2007 04:20 PM
Taurus 80,so nice of you to let me into the action. I even did a comparision with Paul Newman, for my "entry-ticket" into your club. There was a nice result of 541 and 657, so I guess that should suffice as entry ticket. Well, I always liked him as an actor. Regarding solstice points, I used the traditional / regular solstice points. But I also had a look at the solstice-points like IQ suggested and got some interesting results: Antonio Banderas - Melanie Griffith his MErcury / her IC his Saturn / Her Sun his IC / her MErcury Paul Newman - Joanne Woodward
his MErcury / her Mars his Venus / her Mercury his Venus / Her Mars his Mars / Her NN his Jupiter / her Karma his NEptune / Her Saturn his Pluto / Her Mars his NN / her Pluto his Karma / her NN his ASC / her Mars Johnny Depp - Vanessa Paradis his Mercury / her Pluto his Venus / her Pluto his SAturn / her Valentine his Chiron / her Saturn his Chiron / her Karma his Karma / her Valentine his Valentine / her Jupiter his Valentine / her NN his ASC / her NN his ASC / her NN his ASC / her Jupiter Johnny Cash - June Carter
his Sun / her Karma his MErcury / Her Karma his Venus / her Chiron his Uranus / her Chiron his Neptune / Her Karma his NN / her Jupiter his Chiron / her Uranus his Valentine / her Valentine Paul McCartney - Linda Eastman
his Saturn / her NN his NN / her Jupiter I think those "reflections" are a very valuable tool, too; I will keep on watching them. They are probably more harmonious than the traditional solstice points, since the connected signs have their rulers in common.
Venus de India,
how would you weigh a solstice point? like a weak conjunction? I will have to have a look at those declinational equivalent charts; I just haven`t come round to them yet. Neptune Love, do you share the same ascendant by any chance?
DD IP: Logged |
NeptuneLove unregistered
posted October 06, 2007 04:27 PM
quote: do you share the same ascendant by any chance?
Yes, we`re both Leo rising IP: Logged |
Alia Knowflake Posts: 512 From: az Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 06, 2007 10:59 PM
in my case his uranus is IC also, and he did change my view about family and life together,,, even if the conjunction is large - 9 deg,-. on top of that ,his uranus is conj. my SN - 4 deg,-and that is a break up position, he in fact did the break up.also, my IC conj. his North Node.-1 deg,-. anyone has this aspect in synastry,or knows what might indicate ? thank you IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted October 09, 2007 06:31 AM
Editing the wrong calculations...IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted October 09, 2007 07:02 AM
ALia,IQ can help you on that About the Magi,DD, i really want to believe into that hihihi ( cause we have a lot of Kiron goin on in sinastry) -His Kiron kikunks my Neptune/Pluto(0º) - His kiron trine my Mercury/AC(2º) - My Kiron trine his Sun(2º) -My Kiron widely trine his Venus(6º) - we also have the skuare between Venus/Kiron(0º) and an oposition between Uranus/Kiron(1º) Also, - my Moon is parallel to his Kiron (0º22´) Im wishing fr you to consider also our example into those "SoulMate Couples"
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