Topic: Twin Soul and Asteroid and Synastry Blurbs.
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 11:16 AM
I found these quotes:"The idea was that these planets could be positioned by looking at > solar arc directions on a person's natal chart and comparing the > directions to events in that person's life. The upshot was that in > looking at these solar arcs, certain forces turned up missing. For > example , when a person got married at age 22, there should be a > planet about 22 degrees from the midheaven, or 22 degrees from the > moon. This planet always turned up missing, and yet when this > missing point was compared in horoscope charts of persons about the > same age, it was in the same spot in the zodiac." " Actually, it would it be better to call the Transneptunians "Points" rather than "Planets" because they are in fact "hypothetical" even though there is evidence of of their validity - they are not (at this point in time) physical bodies. The TNPs were never really sighted, not even detected by the famous, sacred, modern, sharp-sighted Hubble Telescope. This fact is often used as "a winning argument", by astrologers that discard and discredit the use of TNPs (the "imaginary planets, if you can't see them, they don't exist, and don't work")." Well, I`m not convinced. Sorry, I think they are not for me. EDIT: On the other hand they seemed to have been working quite reliably for some time now. IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 21, 2008 11:38 AM
Here's my TransNeptunian Cupido aspects with my husband (I'll just list the conjunctions):My TN Cupido conjuncts his his Sun/MC midpoint (1 degree), his Uranus (2 degrees) and his TN Poseidon (1 degree). His TN Cupido conjuncts my Jupiter (0 degree), my Solstice N Node (0 degree), my MC/Pluto midpoint (0 degree), my Psyche/Cupido midpoint (0 degree), my Utopia (0 degree), my h57 Proserpina (0 degree), my Venus/Valentine midpoint (1 degree) and my Union (2 degrees). IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 11:58 AM
i would also love perspectives on hades...[quote]MEDITATION WITH HADES The energy entered like an ancient sea monster rising from the depths of the sea. It is so slow, ancient beyond the limitations of this known 3-dimensional time and space. The energy is profound, sentient, chthonic, instinctual, has natural inherent integrity. Relates to "ancestral ash" - primordial DNA strands, also including psychic genetic encoding of family patterns, both "curses" and "gifts". Instinctual, recalls komodo dragons, early Australian aborigines who are primitive yet visionaries (whose art is representation of pure energy forms and patterns, which they see), and very enmeshed with nature and nature beings (Dreamtime). Tribal consciousness which has no sense of individuated/personalized self separate from the rest of creation and nature. Stark yet profound and rich in its own way. Deals with disintegration, but there is no negative/"bad" judgement or perception of it, rather merely as an inevitable and needed part of all natural processes and cycles. Very much part of and in alignment with universal laws and principles. The Kali Yuga. Definitely shamanic, relates to other/higher/lower dimensions and crossing into them. Relates to shamanic peoples from different cultures as they all cross the veils into the Unknown, for exploration, healing, spirit travel, vision, and ?? This energy has utterly no concern for pretense, socialization or civilized programming of values. Here are the places, people, situations where fine and stylish clothing and an MBA degree are less than useless. This is primordial and ancient resonant bone, not niceties of external form - not that it has to be "ugly", it need not be! Authentic to the core, yes. Recalls the pre-Buddhist Tibetan BonPo shamanic lineage, which embodies much of this energy as evidenced thru their use of skullcup ritual offering chalices, kanglings (human thigh-bone trumpets), etc, all echoing the impermanance of all. Recall Robert Powell's book "Earth, door, sky, door aintings of Mustang", of a Himalayan area (Nepal?) with blood soaked mounds with yak horns sticking up out of the top, these mounds as protectors. Some of Georgia O'Keefe's art is similar. Relates to ancient protector spirits of sacred sites and some geographical areas, which may be magical lightbeings, may be "wrathful deities", or "trolls", or animal-like, may be kindly or hostile spirits which dwell in (and emerge from) stone cliff walls, mountains, rivers, etc... This energy relates to the Bardo states, the "hell realms" - as they exist, and as there is "seepage" across into our "ordinary" world where the veils are thin. Some kinds of energy leakage. To approach this energy, one must "drop the garment of Self" and know that one is "no more and no less than a speck of cosmic dust" - (this neutral universal perspective is both humbling and liberating, but does not function at the ego level) Deals with a stark, core level of reality - yes, the old crones, those who have lost all to the essential self. Hades allows you (your essential self) the right to be, you must allow it the right to be - on its own terms. It can bring great compassion, patience and healing, deepening. Asked about how it compares to Pluto -- Pluto is more active, more about will, and the pursuit, use and abuse of power. Hades has no personal component to power and abuse like that. Asked about how it compares to Neptune, which can also relate to weakened energy and energy leakages -- again, with Neptune this is more likely to happen on more personal levels, i.e. a person you know is being an energy vampire and trying to drain you, or you are doing it to yourself. With Hades, the energy leakage or energy body damage can be interdimensional in causation, can relate to "loss of soul" over time and space. Both may bring energy loss thru disease. The Hades related problems are more likely to need shamanic healing and repatterning. Asked if modern physics is getting closer to reaching this energy with its work moving beyond particle/wave, quantum etc. Got that while physics has moved beyond the edge of the "known", that it is still headed in the same basic direction, while Hades is "below" the plane of their exploration. Science is not yet able to find and move thru the interdimensional grid to "inner space" that is of a much more subtle energy... maybe in time. IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 21, 2008 12:51 PM
Very interesting information Venus, ![]( I'm checking it with my parents charts as well.I See Natal cupido conjunct natal cupido Natal cupido oppose natal Sun Draco cupido conjunct natal Venus/Eros(which conjuncts his own natal psyche) Draco cupido trine natal moon/pluto Draco cupido conjunct Draco sun Natal cupido conjunct Draco pluto Draco cupido square draco moon All under 3 degrees except the natal venus contact which is 3.18
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Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 21, 2008 12:55 PM
My TN Hades is exactly cojunct my Saturn, my Draconic DSC/Valentine midpoint, and my Pan (Sabian symbol for 19-20 degrees Taurus: WISPS OF CLOUDS, LIKE WINGS, ARE STREAMING ACROSS THE SKY.) Other 0 degree (a.k.a. less than 1 degree) conjunctions: my ASC/Venus midpoint, my Solstice Sun/Moon midpoint, my Solstice Venus/Mars midpoint and my Draconic Arthur - the Anglo Saxon asteroids such as Camelot, Arthur, Merlin, etc. are prominently featured in my chart so I include that particular asteroid (Sabian symbol for 20-21 degrees Taurus: MOVING FINGER POINTS TO SIGNIFICANT PASSAGES IN A BOOK.)1 degree conjunction with TN Hades: Draconic Chaos (Sabian symbol: A NEW CONTINENT RISING OUT OF THE OCEAN.) TN Hades is in a 0 degree square my Draconic Mars (Sabian symbol: AMERICAN INDIANS PERFORM A RITUAL TO THE SUN.) and my Sun/Pluto midpoint axis (Sabian symbols: near - INTOXICATED CHICKENS DIZZILY FLAP THEIR WINGS TRYING TO FLY; far - A WOMAN DISAPPOINTED AND DISILLUSIONED, COURAGEOUSLY FACING A SEEMINGLY EMPTY LIFE.) I'd like to go into more detail about its impact and power in my chart, particularly in regards to health and shamanic healing (some major stuff to discuss about how that manifests/has manifested for me personally) but ironically I'm not feeling well today. Hopefully I'll feel better after I lay down for a bit then I can take a deeper look, particularly at transits. IP: Logged |
Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 21, 2008 01:01 PM
(((((((((Tigerlily)))))))) I'm sending you love sweetieIP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 02:34 PM
so Venus, are you telling me that my Cupid/Pluto DW is a twin soul aspect? ![]( IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 04:19 PM
Well to me i think it´s great that CUPID has that importance! ![]( But főr example:I got excited that we had the CUPID-PLUTO Conj.but then i went to look at other girl he dated (born in the same year as he) and they also shared that - so might be a generacional aspect,isnt it?And so,maybe not that "Unique"?? Nevertheless,thinking of Cupid as Super Venus really has it meaning-my Cupid conj his Juno and his Juno trine my Venus - so might be felt as a DW.. His D.Cupid conj my D.AC 1º (so his super venus conj my ac?In sinastry his Venus wide conj my AC 9º..) My D.CUPID conj his Sun 2º my D.CUPID conj his Psyche 3º about HADES?
I just found we have a tight conjunction between our Hades but could be generacional...nevertheless,his HADES also tight conj my own kiron.If has to do with healing,so maybe we both have the ability to wound/heal each other. his D. HADES opose my Venus 4º my D.HADES opose his Amor 2º
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 04:47 PM
Hmm i wennt to see those concerning transits:here´s what i have taken into account: When we met: -his Tr Cupid was conj his Pluto -my Natal CUPID was being conj by Tr.Pluto/Valentine
- Tr Cupid was also conj my natal Saturn/Pluto. Day we started to be a Couple : - Tr Hades was conj his D.sun - Tr Hades was cponj my NN - Tr CUpid was conj his D.Vesta
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 05:28 PM
All the Transneptunian Planets are generational, since they are even more far away than Pluto.The URanian astrology, which uses them for their interpretations, only allows an orb of 1° and less for the TNP`s. But they focus also mainly on midpoints so maybe that is the reason for THAT tight orb. However, the TNP`s will be conjunct for everyone born within a few years. EX: P has his Cupido exactly conjunct my Pluto. But so will have all people born in 1962. For a comparision:
The position of Cupido: 21st june: 14° Sagittarius (hey it`s opposite my Karma!) 21st july: 14° Sagittarius 21 st august: 13,5° Sagittarius - maybe it`s so slow because it`s retograde But it`s going to be in direct motion:
21st september: 14° Sagittarius 21st october: 14° Sagittarius 21st november: 15° Sagittarius 21st december: 16° Sagittarius So, from september to december it only moves 2°. Pluto moves about 3° in that time.
And VAlentine moves only 4° (because it turns retorgrade) Eros moves 70° in the same time! Venus moves 109° and Moon moves even 125° in that time. So you can bet Cupido is generational, especially if you connect it to another slow moving planet like Pluto.
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 06:32 PM
DD Thanks for the explanation ![]( Yup so it´s generacional then..hmm So Cupid conj Pluto cannot be considered an aspect "susbtitute"for venus/pluto conj. then? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 06:40 PM
Well, you have to ask Venus for an answer to that questions.I don`t "believe" in the TNP`s anyway. Sorry. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 06:53 PM
i See DDMaybe cause they are hipotetical and not "Pshysical" isnt it? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 21, 2008 08:01 PM
Yes, that`s the reason.I feel like we`re grasping for straws here, but that is just my opinion and it`s great if you find all these connections you`re looking for. Maybe these planets are there out there, but maybe not. The way of their "discovery" is way too vague for me.
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted June 22, 2008 04:54 AM
good point...DD i think first one hould take the natal into account..then look down the evolutionary sequence..sat,ura,nep,plu..then comes cupido.THIS is very imp IMO. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 22, 2008 05:05 AM
Usually I would agree, looking down the evolutionary sequence, but how can we sure that Cupido really exists and is not just a point in our imagination?What if something else is that "missing link" the Uranian astrologer assume to be Cupido? IP: Logged |
plutoprincess Knowflake Posts: 94 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 22, 2008 11:44 AM
I just noticed that Cupido is reffered twice in ![]( Once as h40 hypothetical point and once as asteroid 763... Which one are you using ??? IP: Logged |
girlloveboy unregistered
posted June 22, 2008 01:08 PM
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Lara unregistered
posted June 22, 2008 02:52 PM
when I get home next week I will get my claws into this thread!One question VenusdeIndia please - do twin souls feel each others pain? I am really tapping into my SO's pain on this visit and its hard, you know? IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 13, 2009 01:32 PM
bumpIP: Logged |
VenusDeLionesse Knowflake Posts: 156 From: mumbai,india Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2009 03:59 AM
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted February 06, 2010 08:08 PM
bump for astarteIP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 214 From: Durham, NC, US Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 22, 2011 11:27 PM
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