  Moon in Virgos are cheaters (Page 3)

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Author Topic:   Moon in Virgos are cheaters

Posts: 33
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posted September 28, 2007 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have 3 very close friends who have Virgo Moon. I admire them all.

So your opinion is subjective not unbiased/objective. Mine is subjective also.

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Dulce Luna

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posted September 28, 2007 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I take it that you are very afraid of debating Virgo Moons with an actual Virgo Mooner.

He is.....I've already verbally ripped MCM a new one more than thrice concerning this subject.

I think the issue is either with his mom or some smart virgo moon menina who turned his mentally-simple self down when he tried to holla.

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Dulce Luna

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posted September 28, 2007 12:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

anyone got the link to this infamous Pisces thread I missed?
I'm intrigued...

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posted September 28, 2007 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He's making it up Swerve. It's his way of dragging others into an arguement because he hasn't got the boll@cks to fight his own battles. Again, i say typically Moon in Virgo.

You obviously don't know me very well. Mars in Scorp isn't quick to back down, unlike whatever you have.

I see your Moon really does rule your chart. Look at that emotional reaction. Oooh, I should put down my burger and go to the gym... As if I could be put off that easily. Pretty much what I'd expect from you, though. Logic and analysis aren't your strong points.

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posted September 28, 2007 01:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well you've just owned yourself there lard-boy, because i'm Mars in Scorpio aswell.

4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K

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posted September 28, 2007 01:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, you certainly don't show it.

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Dulce Luna

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posted September 28, 2007 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well you've just owned yourself there lard-boy, because i'm Mars in Scorpio aswell.

Still doesn't change the fact that you are logic-dificiency syndrome.

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posted September 28, 2007 01:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lard-boy??? Really??? MCM, I haven't often agreed with your viewpoints, but I have had respect for your tenacity and clever articulation...until now. That was a low blow. Not only was it immature, it was weak. You will never earn respect from your opponents nor win an argument when you resort to childishness. Are we 5 year olds on the playground? That's like saying, "Because I said so!" Or, "Yeah?'re ugly!"

That silly little statement just killed the little credibility you may have had left.

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Dulce Luna

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posted September 28, 2007 01:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And when the hell did he ever have credibility with his skewed views???

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posted September 28, 2007 01:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lets not generalize....i hate to see topics like this.

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posted September 28, 2007 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He had some credibility, at least, from my perspective because if you read everything he writes, he does occasionally make valid points. Also, I often find his honesty, however cutting it may be, sometimes amusing.

Are most of his views totally skewed? Most definitely. MCM's biggest problem is that he can all too clearly see the faults in other's signs/placements, but he is completely blind to his own. Although, this isn't exactly an uncommon thing. He gets under people's skin because he doesn't present his views as his own, he presents them as fact. This is why he ticks people off. But, he is a formidable debating opponent, when he doesn't resort to immaturity.

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Dulce Luna

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posted September 28, 2007 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He had some credibility, at least, from my perspective because if you read everything he writes, he does occasionally make valid points

Like when?

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posted September 28, 2007 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Don't misunderstand Dulce, I'm not defending him, and I won't. That was my personal opinion of him, and I realize that it differs from the majority on this forum.

He has the "potential" to be a leader, but he's his own worst enemy...though he'd never come to that conclusion.

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Dulce Luna

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posted September 28, 2007 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Naw, not really offended...just amused that he's actually taken seriously. (No offense)

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posted September 28, 2007 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Node     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted September 28, 2007 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrankyCap     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
None taken Dulce. Although, "taken seriously" might be a bit of a stretch...more like "occasionally shockingly surprised." That's a little more like it...

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posted September 28, 2007 02:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
But, he is a formidable debating opponent, when he doesn't resort to immaturity.

I disagree. I don't think anyone really takes his posts seriously at this point, so he really doesn't get much of a chance at proving himself.

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posted September 28, 2007 02:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Let's end this right here. lol I'm in danger of getting dragged even further into a PETTY (Moon Virgo Key Word) arguement here.
I couldn't care less about credibility. I couldn't care less about hurting people's egos or upsetting them. All i care about is that i mean what i say every time from the heart. And with all these topics i sincerely do. I get emails from people saying how much they like me despite what i say on here, and that i amuse them. I've also had one from someone who went into great detail to put me down and question the way i behave.
To be honest i think my behaviour is a subconcious attempt to alienate myself from the very people i would never mix with in real life - i.e, no Virgo Mooner etc. I guess i really shouldn't argue with them because it just increases how much i'm aware of their existence which is upsetting for me really and unpleasant. I shouldn't put myself through it but i do. I guess that's the Mars in Scorpio in me - the fact that i'm prepared to injure myself when combatting others verbally or otherwise.
Basically people either adore MCM or hate him, and i find it's always the dweebs that hate me, and the cool people that like me. So go ahead, categorise yourself people.
The people i can grow around and share like views are my future. The people who persistently pick petty fights with me, and disagree with me are pu$$ies and i make a game of pi$$ing them off. Which i do! Dulca Luna - i annoy you. Lard man mummies boy - i annoy you. All the other Moon in Virgo tw@ts - i annoy you too. Why? Because it's what you deserve, and you don't fool me. The fact that you may have a few fair-weather friends that you've temporairly manipulated doesn't mean jack. They're just as pathetic and self-deluding as you, and have as little loyalty and integrity as you. One of my true friends is worth ten of your 'enablers'.
I'm happy with my fanbase at the moment. Frankly too many would spoil it, and i prefer quality to quantity. There's no room for dweebs in it, sorry.

Crankycrab thank you for your fair and balanced judgment. Mucho respecto.

4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K

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posted September 28, 2007 03:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Edit: Actually i don't want to write that.
Apologies to those that missed it.


4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K

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posted September 28, 2007 03:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Basically people either adore MCM or hate him, and i find it's always the dweebs that hate me, and the cool people that like me. So go ahead, categorise yourself people.

Yes, I'm sure we all believe this about ourselves.

The fact that you may have a few fair-weather friends that you've temporairly manipulated doesn't mean jack. They're just as pathetic and self-deluding as you, and have as little loyalty and integrity as you. One of my true friends is worth ten of your 'enablers'.

How many friends have I lost here, MCM? One? Two? For what reason? Not censoring someone else's speech when I had the means. I'll take that hit. The rest of my friends have been consistent. Don't believe yourself to be the only one getting emailed here. I probably have the biggest email list of people here outside of Randall.

The only thing that annoys me about you is that you give up. You never ever stick it out when your misguided opinion is attacked. It's hard to respect someone who doesn't think highly enough of his own opinion that he quickly excuses himself from ever having to defend it. What is this (Edit: now second to) last post of yours? It's you walking out on a conversation you were willing to put your two cents into, but apparently unwilling to defend.

You should change your name to mercuryconjunctneptune. Don't you agree that's a better fit?

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posted September 28, 2007 03:11 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually i've wanted to change my name for ages. I think MCM creates arguements. I wanted to change it to 'Exact Grand Trine in Fire'
Well if i use one of these asteroids everyone keeps bleeting on about, so they can make their chart more interesting, i have one at 19 degrees Aries, Moon 19 Leo, Venus 19 Sag.

Acoustic God - When counting your friends leave out the 98 members of WeightWatchers - how many have you got after that is subtracted?

4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K

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Posts: 33
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posted September 28, 2007 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Quote MCM:

"All i care about is that i mean what i say every time from the heart. And with all these topics i sincerely do. I get emails from people saying how much they like me despite what i say on here, and that i amuse them. I've also had one from someone who went into great detail to put me down and question the way i behave.
To be honest i think my behaviour is a subconcious attempt to alienate myself from the very people i would never mix with in real life - i.e, no Virgo Mooner etc. I guess i really shouldn't argue with them because it just increases how much i'm aware of their existence which is upsetting for me really and unpleasant. I shouldn't put myself through it but i do. I guess that's the Mars in Scorpio in me - the fact that i'm prepared to injure myself when combatting others verbally or otherwise. "

MCM, you portray yourself as some kind of spiritual warrior who exerts himself truthfully at the cost of injury to yourself. The whole concept is noble. However, the strength of such a concept comes from being able to understand others, to embrace differences and struggle with your own inner conflicts. Instead, you allow your own inner conflicts to misunderstand others, differentiate people into distinct classes, and judge them accordingly on subjective experience. Bitterness is a weapon a warrior rarely wields.

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posted September 28, 2007 03:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
...embrace differences...

Embrace differences my a$$.
...differentiate people into distinct classes...

Yep that's more like it.

4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K

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Posts: 33
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posted September 28, 2007 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Astrology serves you well then!

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Dulce Luna

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posted September 28, 2007 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dulce Luna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I couldn't care less about credibility

Credibility means everything you numbnut coz its the difference between whether you're worth listening to or whether you're just full of shiite. In your case, the latter applies which is why I have no respect for you.

To be honest i think my behaviour is a subconcious attempt to alienate myself from the very people i would never mix with in real life - i.e, no Virgo Mooner etc.

Don't get it twisted, your real issue is that no self-respecting virgo mooner would associate themselves with the likes of you.

Basically people either adore MCM or hate him, and i find it's always the dweebs that hate me, and the cool people that like me. So go ahead, categorise yourself people.
The people i can grow around and share like views are my future. The people who persistently pick petty fights with me, and disagree with me are pu$$ies and i make a game of pi$$ing them off. Which i do! Dulca Luna - i annoy you. Lard man mummies boy - i annoy you. All the other Moon in Virgo tw@ts - i annoy you too. Why? Because it's what you deserve, and you don't fool me. The fact that you may have a few fair-weather friends that you've temporairly manipulated doesn't mean jack. They're just as pathetic and self-deluding as you, and have as little loyalty and integrity as you. One of my true friends is worth ten of your 'enablers'.

I'm happy with my fanbase at the moment. Frankly too many would spoil it, and i prefer quality to quantity. There's no room for dweebs in it, sorry.

Enablers? I pay for most of the shiite I use and I hold a job even with a longtime boyfriend. More than I can say for you.

And what fanbase of yours are you speaking of? Belgz + her demented Libran stalker? Trick please. Me thinks MCM is suffering from Delusions grandeur; ie. he thinks he's actually important.

And if you're so keen on dissing AG's appearance instead of actually debating your false truth on Virgo moons then why don't post your own pic so we can see how smexy you are? Put up or shut up already.

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