Topic: Moon in Virgos are cheaters
aqua inferno unregistered
posted October 01, 2007 02:23 PM
quote: Eg: a boring taurus
omfg IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 01, 2007 02:41 PM
quote: omfg
Exactly! Soon they're gonna run out of signs that they actually like, lol!!! Then they'll be all alone - how sad!!!!!  IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted October 01, 2007 02:47 PM
They've gone lost their minds  So lets see, so far this is what they don't like Pisces (anywhere in the chart) Cancer Mars Scorpio Moons Taurus Suns soon they'll offend everyone and they'll be all alone IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 01, 2007 02:49 PM
YAY!!! Lets make a list!!!!!  And lets not forget how much they adore you virgo mooners!!!   IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted October 01, 2007 02:49 PM
I actually like tauruses short term theyre the best sign in bed no scorpio or aries is as good as them when it comes to sex but u need t find one with a lot of air or fire otherwise theyre way too boring and down to earth.I dont think aries and scorpio even live up to there reputation i think theyre just horny people but taurus has mastered sex. I think taurus is a really good sign but like i said i couldnt live with one forever. I dated one for a long long timeee------------------ ASC: Virgo Sun: Cancer Moon: Gemini Mars: Cancer Mercury: Cancer Venus: Leo IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted October 01, 2007 02:56 PM
omggggggggggggggggggg!!!! I'm such an idiot  yes, gotta add virgo moon OH!! and cappy venus!! I didn't bother with the penis thread, but I'm sure some signs got bashed there... so more to the list too late, no backtracking belgz  IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 01, 2007 03:09 PM
 And I have heard us Taureans are summink to write home about in the sack!!! I'm just gonna make a couple of hundred phonecalls.....  IP: Logged |
RainbowDay unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 05:44 AM
Cappy venus here, so I guess I'm on belgz hatelist like everybody else. Talk about black/white view on things.This... is not even worth discussing. Too funny IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2007 07:12 AM
I remember that he also hates pretty much anything in gemini so ontop of my virgo moon I'll add my gemini venus to the list.  IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 07:28 AM
'He'? Who? As a Sagittarian, Gemini's and i seem to attract eachother.------------------ 4th December 1974 18:00GMT Isle of Wight U.K IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 08:50 AM
bwahahahahahahahaha the list continues to grow Pisces Cancer Mars Scorpio Moons Taurus Suns Virgo Moon Capricorn Venus Gemini
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belgz unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 08:50 AM
No that was me babe. I saýd i dont like gemini women. Only sun in gemini though i have moon in gemini on my MC i still dont like theyre attitude problem. They have severe mood swings and can be really bitchy though i have one friend whos on the cusp of gemini and cancer and shes like an angel but like i said shes ona cusp 4 hours away from being a cancerian. ------------------ ASC: Virgo Sun: Cancer Moon: Gemini Mars: Cancer Mercury: Cancer Venus: Leo IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 10:53 AM
quote: theyre attitude problem. They have severe mood swings and can be really bitchy
You just described yourself. Self-knowledge is a good thing.IP: Logged |
MoonDreamer81 unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 11:16 AM
Add me to the "most-hated" list...Taurus Sun/Scorpio Moon/Gemini Venus(all I'm lacking is a Virgo Moon or Cancer Mars...sry to disappoint...)I actually like my placements  ------------------ S:Taurus ASC:Gemini M:Scorpio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Be Kinder Than Necessary,For Everyone You Meet Is Fighting Some Kind of Battle..." IP: Logged |
Aria unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 11:32 AM
Yeap! Gemini girl here! Yay, I made the list!  IP: Logged |
aqua inferno unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 12:39 PM
lol! welcome guys!! IP: Logged |
taurus/gemini cusp Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 02, 2007 12:45 PM
Don't forget Cancerian men and people who listen to grunge!!!  IP: Logged |
Xodian Moderator Posts: 275 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2007 12:48 PM
quote: They have severe mood swings and can be really bitchy though i have one friend whos on the cusp of gemini and cancer and shes like an angel but like i said shes ona cusp 4 hours away from being a cancerian.
Ok... Let me get this straight; You're saying that you don't like them for their attitude yet you kinda go around stating faults in certain placements as total generalizations. At the same time, you say that you don't like mood swings yet if I remember correctly you were all up in arms about your boyfriend's past. Uhhhh, aren't you kinda being a Hypocrite here? Lol! IP: Logged |
CrankyCap Newflake Posts: 0 From: Ohio Registered: May 2009
posted October 02, 2007 01:06 PM
Xodian, she established herself as a hypocrite the second she posted this thread. Bit*hing about a Virgo moon who cheated on her, yet on page 4 or 5 admitted to us all that she openly cheats on everyone she dates, especially "boring" Taureans.  IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2007 01:08 PM
I'm seriously wondering if she's really like 12 and jusr trying to pull all our legs here. Cuz her logic sounds like that of a preteen. Like wtf?IP: Logged |
Aria unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 01:25 PM
Nah, Dulce! I teach highschoolers, girlfriend and the majority of them could tear this chick UP and knock her into next week using nothing more than simple logic!  However, the BLATANT and constant postings meant to arouse discord would suggest a huge void in her personal life. So, I'm glad we can temporarily fill this gap and fulfill her need for attention - even if its only to laugh at her ignorance and banality!!!  IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2007 01:46 PM
Aria -- Well Said!!  to (almost) everyone who posted on this page  Laughing *AT* people, rather than *with* them, usually isn't my style, but persons who invade my favorite playground, poop & throw their garbage all over are NOT going to be the recipients of my usual consideration and compassion..... IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 02:33 PM
Im entitled to an opinion...And just the same way you have an opinion on me is the same way i have an opinion on certain placements. ------------------ ASC: Virgo Sun: Cancer Moon: Gemini Mars: Cancer Mercury: Cancer Venus: Leo IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 02:40 PM
So now you're a victim?very amusing.... IP: Logged |
Aria unregistered
posted October 02, 2007 02:53 PM
Unfortunately for you, Belgz, we've formed our opinions based on YOUR very own words and you've provided an ABUNDANCE of evidence! You are basing your opinion on a couple of individuals who share placements...Who's opinion carries the weight? IP: Logged |