Topic: why does pisces rule feet?
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 03, 2007 07:36 AM
i've never gotten this. mind you i have not studied the symbology. i get every other sign ruled body part, but not the feet. first of all, pisces are not feet on the ground types, nor particularily DOers, which feet might suggest. it isn't just fish fins or something, is it? what is the deeper, spiritual meaning, or traditional meaning? does anyone here know?IP: Logged |
CoralFrequency Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted December 03, 2007 08:36 AM
I'm not sure. I think it starts at Aries - head and moves down to Pisces - feet.Aries - head Taurus - neck Gemini - no idea Cancer - chest/stomach Leo - chest/back Virgo - can't remember Libra - hips? Scorpio -  Sagittarius - legs/thighs Capricorn - knees/bones Aquarius - God knows lol Pisces - feet IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 03, 2007 10:15 AM
yeah but i mean like symbolically, you know? i just found this weird website that sort of connects the physical to the symbolic meaning. i guess it sort of makes sense for pisces/feet. the pictures are pretty freaking hilarious. IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 03, 2007 10:04 PM
I do not know, either but I think this "symbolism" is bullcrap.I think it should be the other way around, if as per ancient astrology Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, the most "spiritual" sign, etc. I DO know, however, that I LOVE to have my feet massaged...tho, I love to have my head massaged as well, and anything else inbetween! (by the right person, ofcourse) I love the study of symbolistic astrology as pertaining to the signs and the symbols that represent the signs and the planets and god/goddess symbolism, and I think much can be learned from the basic study of the symbolism of the forementioned....however, never really did get the body thing.  (ps Aqua rules the calfs....funky calf stuff does nothing for my Aqua guy!) IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted December 04, 2007 01:30 AM
In my mind, it's always made sense b/c of how they say that since Pisces is the last sign it contains a piece of all the other signs. And then feet are said to be a microcosm of the entire body. So each contain all of everything else.IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 04, 2007 03:28 AM
hmm. yeah, i'm not sure that i agree totally with the body part rulership stuff all that much HOWEVER i do have very weak ankles and have sprained them numerous times because they tend to flip on their own while i'm walking once in a while. i also used to get shin splints when i would run track.. hmm.. AND i do have neck problems (taurus moon) as well.. ahhh, jane! that's true! and yeah, hippichick, i always thougth it was a bit strange that it's the reverse of the chakras, basically. IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted December 04, 2007 04:22 AM
Yes, like Jane said the feet are a microcosm of the body. This is the principle that reflexology works on. So the feet embody every other part of the body. Also I think of Pisces as being related to the nervous system, and I think of reflexology as being related to nerves that run through the whole body. heartcakes, do you see an osteopath? If not, sounds like you should. They're so awesome! The neck clicks feel weird, but it does work.  IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 04, 2007 09:08 AM
hey gemini lover! i was actually thinking of posting a picture of a reflexology chart too! i'm image-happy these days!i have seen an osteopath, yes.. i have, in their words, "too much elastin and not enough fibrin" in my ligaments. and according to physiotherapists and regular doctors, it is just good ol' hypermobility. there is not much that can actually be done about it except keeping the muscles strong to compensate! thanks for your response gemini lover! what are the neck clicks? i don't remember neck clicks..? IP: Logged |
Hermes28 unregistered
posted December 04, 2007 03:10 PM
quote: Aries - head Taurus - neck Gemini - no idea Cancer - chest/stomach Leo - chest/back Virgo - can't remember Libra - hips? Scorpio - Sagittarius - legs/thighs Capricorn - knees/bones Aquarius - God knows lol Pisces - feet
Aries - head Taurus - neck, throat Gemini - Arm, hands Cancer - chest, **** Leo - Heart, Spine Virgo - Stomach Libra - back Scorpio - Crotch Sagittarius - hips/thighs Capricorn - knees/bones Aquarius - Ankles, Achilles Pisces - Toes, feet IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted December 04, 2007 03:26 PM
Well I know that everytime I have a accident I end up hurting a part of my feet. Never fails and my Ankles too..Aqua rising..IP: Logged |
NeptuneLove unregistered
posted December 04, 2007 03:34 PM
i had my heart broken lately - Leo rising  ------------------ Leo rising, Sun in Virgo, Moon in Aries IP: Logged |
babeefoxx unregistered
posted December 04, 2007 03:37 PM
As an Aries, I always get headaches and I currently have some sort of painful knot at the back of my head (above my neck). I suffered migranes as a child and the cause was unknown. I also have a Libra rise and have pain in my kidneys all of the time as well as reacurring bladder infections (antibiotics never heal it ). All Ariens I know go though the same things.My boy is a Virgo and has a very sensitive stomach. He reacts to a couple meals at least twice a week. :/ Libra rules lower back, Kidneys, the Adrenal system and urinary tract.
------------------ I love my Virgo <3 S: Aries ASC: Libra M: Cancer V: Taurus M: Gemini IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted December 04, 2007 05:28 PM
Hi heart cakes, sounds like you have a lot to do just to make sure you don't hurt yourself! The neck clicks are when they take you by the head and twist your head so that the neck joints click into place. The same way as how they click your other vertebrae. IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 06, 2007 04:11 AM
hmm.. i went to my osteopath like 8 years ago and don't remember that.. i just remember him pushing down on me a lot and checking for something.. and then pulling out those dreaded giant elastics that they all do. ahh..IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted December 06, 2007 05:17 PM
Geminii - lungs Cancer also breasts, stomach Virgo - spleen Scorpio - sex organs (what else)IP: Logged |
alma_pisces Newflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 06, 2007 07:25 PM
I have mars, moon and venus in aries and I get the worst migraines ever! I have a pisces sun, I love getting feet massages. IP: Logged |
Hermes28 unregistered
posted December 07, 2007 12:26 AM
I have Venus & Mars in Taurus. Sore throat, hoarseness are my most chronic discomfort.Stomach is sensitive too. Especially to cold beverages too early in the morning. Virgo Rising. IP: Logged |
enchantress299 Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 08, 2007 12:18 AM
You know what I've noticed? A LOT of the Virgo women I know absolutely HATE feet. I'm a Virgo myself, and feet don't particularly bother me, but many of the Virgo girls I've known have thought that feet are weird or disgusting or gross and hate it when anyone else tries to make them touch feet. Pisces, which rules feet, is the sign that opposes Virgo, so in some ways it makes sense. I've never noticed it with any regularity in any other sign. IP: Logged |
SagSun unregistered
posted December 08, 2007 06:05 AM
quote: A LOT of the Virgo women I know absolutely HATE feet ... many of the Virgo girls I've known have thought that feet are weird or disgusting or gross and hate it when anyone else tries to make them touch feet.
You know, that's funny, cause I have Pisces rising and I *hate* touching other people's feet. I also don't like other people touching my own feet ... Actually the only person where I don't mind any of that is my special someone . Anyway, I have always had very sensitive feet. I get blisters *every* time I wear new shoes or when I have to walk for a couple of hours. Definitely a Pisces thing... I'm also having problems with my back (Leo Moon) ... but only when I have to sit for a long time (probably due to my stellium in Sagittarius). I'm also accident prone ... I hit my knee at least once a week and I tend to cut myself doing simple housework (again a Sagittarius thing). My special someone has a lot of Virgo in his chart ... he has a very sensitive stomach. Whenever he feels stressed or worried he gets a stomachache. He is also somewhat prone to having little accidents (Sagittarius rising) ... you know, like burning his fingers on a hot pot or something like that. And he has sensitive feet as well (Pisces Moon). IP: Logged |
enchantress299 Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 08, 2007 04:29 PM
Yeah... I'm a Virgo and I have a sensitive stomach too. Most of the Virgos I know do have sensitive stomachs. When I get really worried or upset I won't eat anything because it makes my stomach hurt. IP: Logged |