Topic: How important and what is venus return?
funnyface unregistered
posted December 15, 2007 07:24 PM
Go for it Vintry. I guess it might tell if both of you are on the same page, romance wise. From what I read venus return might give you an idea of your love life for the next year. So may show you possibilities.IP: Logged |
funnyface unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 12:36 AM
A quick Qs re. the synastry you did for me. What did you mean by " ideal man" and " ideal woman"? Something that we dream of but is not real? Like the Neptune induced illusion? Thanks a lot for your insights.IP: Logged |
Mystique Knowflake Posts: 180 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted December 16, 2007 08:02 AM
Hi everyoneas dd described above, Venus Return is when Venus returns to her natal position....and can be interpreted the way you would the Solar Return. The only difference in the case of Venus look to see which house natal Venus is in the return chart and that house together with the houses she rules will reveal the major areas of Venus related things Love, relationships, values, resources. As far as synastry goes compare your Venus Return with partner's natal and return chart and see where your planets rest in their chart Also if you are in a relationship do a composite to see what the major theme for the year+ will be in your relationship and compare that to your natals and returns individually Just some ideas...happy Venus trails  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 08:50 AM
Funny Face,"But from the synastry of you and your friend it seems it left you wiser but sadder. Why does that happen?How was he affected, he can't be indifferent to all the factors between you." No, he`s not my friend. I`ve only seen him on stage, on some open air concerts and so on. There has never been a meeting, where we actually would talk to each other. lol It`s just me crashing and burning everytime I see him. I guess this girl just never learns. However, there are strange coincidences at work, like when he was in hospital, I was told so by a friend, who had a friend working at that hospital. Or him coming into my village for the production of his cd, which took place only 200 metres or so from my parent`s house away, and my home-village certainly is not the first choice for cd-production. And sometimes, on concerts it`s almost funny, how he seems to react to whatever I am thinking. Example: last concert I noticed a strange glow around him, and I was wondering if it was only the spotlights or maybe his aura, and I thought if it was possible at all to see someone`s aura. I hadn`t even finished my thought properly, when he suddenly told - as an introduction to the next song- that young children often can see a person`s aura. And I was like: What the hell??? I could give you a lot more of these coincidences, which of course can only be that - coincidences. But there are really many of those. HOwever, this electricity I spoke of, I can feel it everytime, I am closer to him than a few metres, like when he`s on stage and I am in one of the first rows. It is enough to feel that electricity. And I feel it all, the Venus-Venus-conjunction, the Venus-Eros-conjunction, the Mars-Pluto-conjunction, the Venus-Mars-square, the Venus-Pluto-square, the Sun-Moon-trine, the Mars-Jupiter-trine, the Mars-DSC-trine, the Sun-Uranus-square (Oh boy do I feel THAT one!), the Sun-Saturn-square, the Uranus/PLuto-dr DSC-conjunction, the SAturn / Chiron - drASC-conjunction, the Moon-dr Venus-conjunction - the Lilith - dr ASC-conjunction. I guess this synastry is just there to make me go nuts. lol REgarding your synastry. The 7th house symbolizes what you are attracted to. If his Sun falls in your 7th house, his male self (Sun) seems to embody those qualities you find attractive (it depends on other aspects, too). If your Venus fall into his 7th house, your femininity (Venus) embodies qualities that he feels attracted to (his 7th house), that is what I meant with "ideal man / woman". Of course something like an ideal person doesn`t really exist, except for in our dreams, and even then if (s)he is too "ideal", it`s gonna get boring, I guess.
Oh btw I think it makes sense to use the current location for the VR. So I guess the first chart would be the more fitting one. AS I said I noticed that between the Venus-return-charts of that singer and me there are certain connections to the natals (haven`t compared the VR to the VR yet). HIs VR-Moon opposite my Karma and widely conjunct my NN his VR-ASC conjunct my Neptune and NN and widely conjunct my ASC his VR-Mars opposite my Sun / Mercury My Moon has a wide conjunction to his VR-Sun, Chiron and Neptune. his VR-Uranus/ Eros my Juno his VR-Vertex conjuncts my Vertex / Eros his VR-Karma opposite my Valentine his VR-Juno opposite my Karma his VR-Valentine exactly conjunct my IC my VR-Sun opposite his Juno my VR-Moon opposite his Moon my VR-DSC conjunct his Juno my VR-Chiron opposite his Juno my VR-Jupier conjunct his Venus my VR-Pluto exactly conjunct his Sun my VR-NN conjuncts his Sun-Moon-mp my VR-Amor conjuncts his Chiron, SAturn, Liilith Interesting thing between the Venus-Return-charts. THe MC of my VR-chart is 11°34 Sagittarius; the ASC of his VR-chart is 11°39 Sagittarius. the VR-Juno falls into my 10th house; and in his VR-chart Moon and Juno fall into his 1st VR-house. Also, the VR ASC / MC are conjunct his natal Isis, Mercury and Osiris and are conjunct my natal Neptune, NN and ASC.
But probably you can find interconnections like that in any kind of synastry. But it seems we are gonna experience similiar things relationship-wise in the next year. Both of us will make Sagittarius-experiences most probably; even more so, since both of us have a Venus-Jupiter-conjunction in the Venus-Return-chart (his in his 1st house of the VR-chart and the 9th/ 10th house in the natal chart; my Venus-Jupiter-conjunction falls into the 11th house of the VR-chart and into my natal 1st house). In both cases the ruler of the 1st house of the VR-chart is located in the 1st house (in his case conjunct Venus, in my case conjunct Eros) and in both cases the ruler of the 5th chart falls into the 1st house. DD
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funnyface unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 10:07 AM
hi DD, Your deep involvement shows through your words and through the stars. Girl, I wish you had some happy ending to this story. Life sure is funny, Are you supposed to be learning disappointment through this experience? I wish you happiness and everything good in the coming year. May all your dreams be merry and bright.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 10:36 AM
Thank you, Funny Face, for your nice words. They really warm my heart.Well, what can I say? This man is my Nemesis! I`ve even said that when I first laid eyes on him. The astrological irony is that my asteroid Nemesis falls into his 7th house and is actually exactly opposite his Moon and (probably conjunct his DSC) and my asteroid Nessus opposite his Sun. His asteroid Nemesis falls into my 1st house conjunct my Sun and Mercury (you know where there is such a strange unimportant thing like the Galactic Centre, and it`s purely coincidental that Jupiter and Pluto are currently residing there. lol) and his asteroid Nessus falls into my 7th house exactly conjunct my DSC and also opposite my Mars, Neptune and NN. Astrology sometimes is funny, isn`t it? LOL I don`t think he is in my life (well, in some way he is and has been for the last 15 years) to teach me "disappointment". I learned that lesson years ago. But in a way, without even talking to me, he is challenging me to look more deeply into my very own soul, to go where angels fear to tread, so to speak. You know look in all those dark corners that my cool detached Aquarius - Moon denies exist in my soul, those corners, where Mars rumbles from the depth of my 12th house, and Neptune hurries up to cover it up again with dreams and soothing illusions, so I don`t realize there`s a beast chained to the cellar-wall, rattling at the bars, howling and demanding, yearning, that is the Venus-Pluto-square and Mars in 12 I have natally I guess. And this man somehow manages to, well, just plunge me down the stairs, so to speak. This may sound overly dramatic or gushy but it feels sometimes as if he is my mirror, my truth, the fire that burns my soul, and of course it is painful if you get roasted like that, but in the ashes there`s always a pearl, an insight, an understanding that I gained, that makes me understand a little bit more. But of course the price is high. Don`t ask me about the burning marks on my soul. lol DD
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EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2007 10:54 AM
I posted this on another thread. A little more info from CafeAstro...Key Things to Look For in the Venus Return Chart: ~The position of Venus in the Return chart, by house and aspect. (The Venus sign will be the birth sign of Venus). ~Strong configurations (aspects) in the chart, especially when Venus is involved. ~Natal planets and points that conjunct Venus Return angles. Of course, you can go into as much detail as you want when you are studying a VR chart. The factors above point to the more remarkable aspects in a reading. An especially busy "Venus year" will be marked in the chart in a variety of ways. Venus might be on the Midheaven or Ascendant. Venus might be tightly conjunct the Sun and possibly another planet as well. The Return chart Vertex might be closely tied to the Nodes of the Moon (conjunct, opposite, or square) in a year when the native makes important social contacts. Note: In my research, the Moon's Nodes and the Vertex should not be overlooked when studying the Venus Return chart. These points are often activated and prominent in a year when the native meets a significant other (lover, marriage partner, or friend). An exceptionally sociable year is often indicated by Venus conjunct the Midheaven in the Venus Return chart. New opportunities to socialize, as well as a fresh new social image, are indicated. A planet in tight conjunction with the Ascendant in a Venus Return chart can suggest a meaningful year as well. For example, Pluto rising in the VR chart often points to a new romance that is life-changing. 8th IP: Logged |
Vintry Newflake Posts: 3 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 16, 2007 10:55 AM
FunnyFace,I did it :) synastry of his Venus Return and mine And guess what? My mars falls into his 1st house and his mars falls into my 1st :) I don't even know what to say.. Does this mean that we are on the same page in terms of romance then? IP: Logged |
funnyface unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 11:35 AM
Hi Eight moon, I am a bit confused by what you wrote. The venus in VR will be in the same house as the natal chart is it not? Else it would not be a VR. Plus if you have many planets in your natal chart conjunct venus they would all conjunct Transit venus. And this aspect will be the same each year. so why is one year different from another? I have Mercury conjunct venus in my natal. Plus neptune, pluto in the same house and MC abt 5 degrees from natal venus, so I should have them close to my transit venus? Please correct me if I am wrong.IP: Logged |
funnyface unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 11:42 AM
Hi Vintry, I am a complete novice, so not a good one to advise you. But zala, DD, alverella, eighthmoon, astralmuse and a lot of others, they really understand this stuff. They can help you, and they do, when they have the time. Sorry abt that.IP: Logged |
Mystique Knowflake Posts: 180 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted December 16, 2007 12:07 PM
funnyfaceVenus in VR will be in same degree as in natal chart as this is where she returns, however every other transiting planet on date of Venus' Return to her natal position will be different to natal. Venus in her Return chart will likely be in a different house. The important thing to remember here is the time Venus returns to her natal position every other planet, angle and asteroid will be in current time and current location Hope this helps IP: Logged |
funnyface unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 12:34 PM
Hi Mystique, Thanks for the info. My venus in natal is 21" 36 in Sag. So my VR will be 21"36 in Sag, right? Now if I plot the VR, Pluto is 29"43 Sag, my MC in natal is 26"07 Sag. So are they both conjunct to my Venus in vr? Sorry, confused and getting more confused by the minute.IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 01:59 PM
woah, i just did my venus return for next year (as of a month from now). i've got venus exactly conjunct pluto in the first, widely conjunct (8 deg) jupiter, also in the first. vertex on my jupiter. my DC is exacly on his moon too! looks like a powerful year ahead!how interesting! thanks for bringing this up! i'd never heard of the venus return before. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 03:17 PM
WEll, I think I`m basically doomed next year with Chiron conjunct the ASC of the VR.  Well, let`s see Venus falls into the 11th house conjunct Jupiter. Venus is also trine Saturn in 7th house. And exactly solstice opposite Mars in 4th house. Chiron is conjunct the ASC. ASC is conjunct Neptune, Neptu ne is conjunct Mercury, and Mercury is conjunct NN. Sun and Moon are in water-houses (12th and 8th). Eros / Uranus conjunct Antivertex. And my natal Moon falls exactly onto the ASC of the VR (17° Aquarius). Interestingly my natal Moon rules my 8th house and is located in the 2nd house. And in the VR there is a Libra-Moon in the 8th house. I`m just not sure what all of that means. Well, I guess, the fact that the VR has an Aquarius-ASC and Venus/ Jupiter are in the 11th house, might highlight friendships or at least some kind of unusual, surprising relationships and encounters. Venus rules the 8th house, so there might be some transformative stuff be going on (8th house) in friendships (11th house). Has anyone any more thoughts? DD oh btw Vintry, Mars in the 1st, seems you will become very "notable" to each other, very visible, much energy. And of course Mars is also passion. But which Mars and houses are we talking about, natal or VR? DD IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2007 03:20 PM
Hi mentioned using the epherimis on Astro to find the exact degree of your VR...right? I've gone through 4 or 5 years now and mine isn't coming up.My Venus is at 27.08 I doing this wrong? Thanks, 8th IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 03:42 PM
hi 8th!your next venus return will be on april 28 2008 probably in the morning. if you make a chart for that day and keep readjusting the time of birth for that day until you get the exact degrees based on where you currently live it should work. i am pretty sure that is how you get the venus return chart! if i am wrong, i hope someone will correct me. IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2007 03:45 PM
Hey - y Cakes!How are ya, girl? Thanks for figuring this out for me! How did you know how to narrow it down so that I can figure it out next time? Off to play... 8th IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 03:50 PM
i checked on my software program. it's a bit quicker than but i just went through the whole process on my own chart! have fun!! i'm totally fascinated by this venus return stuff. so far, last year's seems pretty accurate, so i'm hoping next year's will be too! also just figured out jupiter is exactly on my eros-psyche midpoint! yummy..! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 03:53 PM
8th,your natal Venus is very closely conjunct my draconic Venus, so I guess your Venus return is just one or two days after my draconic Venus-return, if we can calculate that. However, I used London as place, or where are you currently in the world? I get the 28th april next year at 6:57 a.m. So your VR (if the location is right) has an ASC on 7° Gemini (which is actually the exact degree of my dr Moon and tropical DSC), Sun in Taurus and Moon in AQuarius. Venus falls into the 12th house and makes a Grand trine with Saturn in 5th and Pluto in 8th. Oh, can you spell "intensity" and "serious transformation in relationships"? And Moon is conjunct MC, so I guess, emotionally a very important year. Moon comes rules the 3rd house and walks from there into the 10th house - so a communication (3rd house) that becomes official, visible, becomes the purpose (MC) of the social relations of that year (it is the Venus-return after all)? Somehow that reminds me of something.  But there is also a stuffed 12th house with Sun (ruler of IC), Venus (ruler of 12th and 6th) and Mercury (ruler of ASC and 5th). Something, some relation that you need to keep secret? Or that is highly spiritual? A secret affair? Or a dream come true? DD IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 04:08 PM
Well, Eighth Moon, your Venus-position gave me the idea to look at the Draconic Venus return, which falls just on the day previous to your Venus-return.And it`s so funny. Draconic MC Is on 18° Aquarius conjunct Chiron and it all conjuncts my natal Moon. It`s the same configuration like in the tropical one, just this time it`s MC and not ASC. ROFL I can`t escape it, can I? Venus still is in the 11th house, but this time involved in that Grand Trine with Saturn in 4th and Pluto in 7th. What does Pluto make in my 7th house there? Exact Moon-Jupiter-conjunction in 8th house, with Jupiter ruling my 7th house. The DSC of that draonic VR is almost exactly conjunct my natal Sun (1°) and exactly conjunct my natal Mercury, which rules my natal 7th house. That Moon-Jupiter-conjunction is opposite the Mars of the draconic REturn, and OF COURSE it overlays exactly my natal Vertex-Antivertex-axis with the exact conjunction of Eros and Sun-Moon-mp. And the NN of the dr VR is exactly conjunct Neptune, which is actually the exact degree of my natal Psyche, conjunct my natal Lilith and also exactly conjunct that VEnus/NN-conjunction I found in that progressed Composite with that singer (this degree somhow got stuck in my mind). Antivertex of that Return is also conjunct Sun in 12th house (and widely conjuncts the NN of that singer - why do I keep on finding those connections?) It sure looks interesting, especially if you see the similiarities of Venus-return and draconic Venus-return. DD IP: Logged |
Vintry Newflake Posts: 3 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 16, 2007 04:27 PM
Darkdreamer,I would like to ask you, if you're not too busy to help me interpret the synastry between our Venus Returns and natals, pleeease! I'm not sure I know how too :( I did my Venus Return to his Venus Return. I don't know if it's ok to do that. So, in that synastry both our Venus Return Marses fall in each other's 1st house. It's funny :) my Venus Return is on 5th of March and his - on 3rd of May so my Jupiter conjuncts his, and same goes for other slow-moving planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. I also did synastry: my natal to his Venus Return: His Node and Chiron conjunct my Venus His Neptune conjunct My Moon, Mars and Venus His Sun/Venus conjunction in my 7th house My Asc opposes his Moon And his natal to my Venus Return: His Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron in my 11th house His Moon/Mars conjunction in my 1st house My Mars in his 11th house My Sun/Uranus conjunction in his 8th house My Moon, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Chiron and Node in his 7th house His Asc opposes my Moon What do you think? Let me know please, any insight will be greatly appreciated! IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2007 04:30 PM
Hiya DD!You are such a sweetheart for doing that! Dang...sounded perfect. Now all I have to do is move to London! (Blimey!) I tried one for Los Angeles and came up with 4/27/08 at 10:50 pm. The other one for Florida (where I am now) is 4/28/08 at 1:50 am. (I e mailed you the exact location.) Don't know how to interp the I don't know if my living here or there will make a huge difference in whether or not the year will bring my llllloooveee.  Ya had my heart skipping a beat there. (Wonder if London is in need of teachers? LOL!) 8th IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2007 07:20 PM
DD...I'm sorry I missed your second post about the Draco Venus return. What do you think this might show? Possibly what love karma will be coming around at that time in your life? I think that Pluto in your 7th is spot on for what this is bringing you. You are definitely transforming your life and perspectives through this connection...don't cha think? 8th IP: Logged |
funnyface unregistered
posted December 16, 2007 10:45 PM
someone pls. verify my doubts? I confused myself asking the Qs earlier. Can y'all take a look and tell me if I shld be institutionalized?IP: Logged |
Mystique Knowflake Posts: 180 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted December 17, 2007 05:34 PM
funnyfacecorrect, your Venus will always return to the 21 deg Sagittarius.... looks like your natal MC and Venus are conjunct with transit Pluto conjuncting them now, yes. But set up your Venus Return chart and see where your Venus is located and her aspects to the rest of that chart and then compare those placements to you natal angles and planets. To generate your Venus Return go to Astrodienst find the date Venus returns to this degree in the current year (you will need to play around with a few dates)and set up the time as exact to the degree and minute of your natal Venus....once you have set all that info you have a new chart. This chart is now your Venus Return for this year.... hope this helps a little Mystique IP: Logged | |