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Author Topic:   Free romantic readings...............
posted January 08, 2008 11:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
November 13, 1964
3:26 am Fort Belviour VA (Fairfax County)usa

July 5, 1964
11:15 am Silver Spring MD usa

thank you so much

"In my end is my beginning"
Mary,Queen of Scots

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posted January 08, 2008 09:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much, writesomething!

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Autumn wind
posted January 09, 2008 09:02 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi there! could you do one for me? Thanks!

C - October 6 1970 3:47pm
Calgary, Alberta. Canada

L - July 10 1960 time unknown
Olds, Alberta. Canada

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posted January 14, 2008 04:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

would like a reading

leena 20 Jan 1967 10:17 am
sharad 17 Nov 1966 04:23 am

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posted January 14, 2008 04:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

tbone: July 19-1973 ..9:56pm vancouver,bc
manda: dec 31st-1981 ..10:05am.Williams lake,Bc Canada

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posted January 15, 2008 09:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

lynn's Sun trine michael's Sun:

Your basic life energies are in natural harmony with each other, making it easy to be supportive of
one another and feel at ease in each other's company.

lynn's Venus trine michael's Venus:

Your values and tastes in life are in harmony and this makes it easy to enjoy each other's company.
From music, to food, to love's sweet embrace, you find many ways to enjoy your life together.

lynn's Jupiter conjunct michael's Jupiter:

You will have plenty of opportunities to find mutually rewarding activities. Your philosophies about
living life support one another. Traveling, education, and spiritual explorations all provide avenues
of growth for the relationship.

lynn's Saturn conjunct michael's Saturn:

There are no dominance and submission issues between the two of you, because you have
absolutely equal power to stand up to each other. You will have to negotiate all issues between the
two of you, as neither of you will allow the other to get away with any power trips. You can be
very supportive and helpful toward each other in times of challenge, because your strategies of
dealing with difficult situations are right on track with each other.

lynn's North Node conjunct michael's North Node:

Your soul paths are on the same track--where you have been in previous lives and what is
growth-oriented for you in this life is the same for both of you. You have natural empathy for each
other's history, and a good sense of what is in each other's best interest.

lynn's Chiron conjunct michael's Chiron:

You are naturally empathic toward each other's deep sensitivities and support each other's efforts
toward healing.

lynn's Sun conjunct michael's Neptune:

There is something mystical and spiritual about your tie, although it can be equally mystifying as
mystical. It is best for couples involved with spiritual or artistic activities together, where the
imagination does some good. There can be a telepathic, psychic rapport if you allow it. You must
watch out for soap-bubble dreams and all types of illusions with imaginative Neptune activated in
the relationship.

lynn's Sun trine michael's Mercury:

Communication and a natural understanding of each other are favored. You "get" each other and
readily resolve the natural conflicts that arise in relationships. You stimulate each other's mental
activity and readily learn from each other.

michael's Sun trine lynn's Neptune:

There is a natural intuitive flow between the two of you that is quite comfortable. You can be
drawn to understand the subtle realms together through meditation and spiritual practices. You
empower each other's faith in listening to the "still quiet voice within."

lynn's Sun trine michael's Chiron:

You have natural empathy and support for each other's wounds, and in this gentleness, there is a

michael's Sun sextile lynn's Uranus:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality and put very few restraints
and expectations on each other. This allows your relationship to continue to grow and evolve.

michael's Sun sextile lynn's Pluto:

The relationship feels safe, as feelings of threat drop away when you are together. You are there
for each other when destiny calls to lend strength. You help each other stay on track with your
higher purpose in life.

lynn's Sun sextile michael's Ascendant:

You enjoy and support each other's outlook on life, making it enjoyable to spend time together.
Your personalities mix well.

lynn's Sun opposition michael's Moon:

michael has a difficult time being emotionally at ease around lynn. This dynamic tension can
manifest as rational arguments over emotional issues. lynn doesn't feel nurtured and michael doesn't
feel understood or at ease. The relationship functions best with some time apart in the daily

lynn's Sun opposition michael's Jupiter:

You can encourage excessiveness in each other, one way or another. michael may try to encourage
lynn to grow and expand in ways that are not appropriate. This is motivational for individuals who
do not want to settle for complacency and, instead, reach for more of what life has to offer, but
watch out for grasping.

michael's Sun square lynn's Venus:

Your tastes and values can clash, and yet this is not entirely bad. It creates a strong sexual
attraction, though not the comfortable type; this type of fascination comes from that which is
different. The strong sexual attraction is favorable for getting the relationship going, but difficulties
can arise over differences in basic life values, making it difficult to live with each other on a
day-to-day basis.

michael's Sun square lynn's Ascendant:

Tension exists in the way you each approach situations, and there can be a conflict of will unless
you allow for your differences. This combination is very favorable for natural magnetic attraction
between the two of you.

lynn's Moon conjunct michael's Saturn:

lynn feels the pressure of michael's expectations and judgments, and thus is extremely sensitive to
michael's approval and disapproval. If handled wisely, this creates a strong sense of responsibility
that binds the two of you together. If not handled wisely, lynn feels unsafe in emotional expression,
and close interaction can be blocked.

michael's Moon conjunct lynn's Jupiter:

lynn has a knack for uplifting michael's mood. michael, of course, enjoys this, so a positive, trusting
relationship develops. michael emotionally supports lynn's growth needs and philosophical and
religious interests.

michael's Moon trine lynn's Uranus:

This is an aspect that encourages evolutionary growth on both your parts. michael feels encouraged
and supported for breaking out of old emotional patterns, and lynn feels emotionally supported for
pursuing an authentic path of individuality.

michael's Moon trine lynn's Pluto:

You give each other the emotional strength to make important transformations in life. michael feels
safe and unthreatened by lynn's use of power. lynn feels comforted by michael's support.

lynn's Moon trine michael's North Node:

You both naturally support each other's soul growth. You feel familiar and comfortable with each

lynn's Moon opposition michael's Uranus:

lynn tends to feel threatened by michael's independence and need for freedom, while michael feels
encumbered by lynn's emotional needs.

michael's Moon opposition lynn's Neptune:

It is not likely that you see each other clearly. You can imagine qualities in each other that don't
exist, or pull each other into escapist behavior, or feed each other's fears. Absolute honesty,
including avoiding "dishonesty by omission," is required for a healthy relationship.

michael's Mercury trine lynn's Neptune:

You have a highly intuitive rapport with each other. This supports your communication, allowing
you get the subtle nuances. You help each other rise above petty issues and can encourage each
other's interests in spirituality and the arts.

michael's Mercury sextile lynn's Jupiter:

This aspect is very favorable for communication and mutual interests in continued learning. lynn's
philosophical outlook on life is expansive and uplifting to michael. michael engages lynn's
philosophical beliefs and helps plan movement toward goals.

lynn's Mercury opposition michael's Mars:

This aspect sets up arguments, because you tend to constantly trigger each other's defenses. The
way lynn thinks and makes decisions can irritate michael, while lynn constantly feels badgered and
provoked by michael's will. Learning how to avoid reacting to each other so quickly is a key.
When you feel hostility from each other, quiet it in yourself before you react, and you can avoid the
knee-jerk arguments that this aspect is known for.

lynn's Mercury square michael's Saturn:

This aspect creates a challenge in maintaining easy, flowing communication with each other,
because lynn feels intimidated by michael's judgments. This fear of disapproval restricts the natural
flow of conversation. There is a tendency to bring out each other's pessimistic and negative
attitudes. This can be compensated for, but there would have to be a rule: No criticizing each
other. Otherwise, this combination is a tough one.

lynn's Mercury square michael's Uranus:

A tension exists in your communications with each other. michael wants lynn to change the way
lynn thinks about something in a way that is inconceivable to lynn. lynn can feel michael is a
disruptive, unruly influence, and michael can view lynn as narrow-minded and stuck in conventional

lynn's Mercury square michael's Pluto:

Difficulties in communications with each other arise because of lynn's tendency to feel threatened
by michael's will. It is important not to allow manipulations of any sort to enter into your
communications with each other; no good can come from it. If either of you feels manipulated by
the other, name it for what it is, and refuse to take part in it.

michael's Venus conjunct lynn's North Node:

Your values and tastes are in harmony with one another, and you are naturally attracted to activities
that lead to mutual soul growth.

lynn's Venus trine michael's Mars:

There is very favorable magnetic flow between the two of you that could best be described as
delightful. This creates an energetic spark that is well received by both of you. You are skilled at
keeping this spark of magnetism alive long into your relationship.

michael's Venus square lynn's Uranus:

lynn feels constrained by michael's values and attitudes about relationships. michael's security is
threatened by lynn's need for freedom. There can be sexual magnetism that comes from the
fascination of something different, but your tastes being so different would be a test.

michael's Venus square lynn's Pluto:

Karmic patterns of manipulating each other in love, either through guilt or intimidation, must be
dealt with in your relationship. Strong passion can exist between the two of you, but intimacy will
elude you until you are both able to let go of control and surrender to the relationship.

michael's Venus square lynn's Chiron:

Your values concerning health and healing can be at odds with each other. michael's desires for
pleasurable activity can activate the wounds lynn is carrying from previous relationships.

lynn's Mars conjunct michael's Uranus:

michael's liberating influence on lynn makes all options available. Excitement comes from this. So
will unexpected flare-ups of wild, uncontrollable energy. There can be excitement in a sexual
relationship as you encourage each other's experimentation. If you can't handle the intensity, this
unrestrained energy can manifest as explosive fights between the two of you that scare you both
with the fierceness that comes over you. If handled well, you will give each other courage to act on
your most innovative ideas.

michael's Mars trine lynn's Ascendant:

Your energies flow well together, making it easy to work or play together. You rarely trigger each
other's defenses, allowing you feel safe with each other. Knowing you can count on each other's
support in any conflict gives you courage.

lynn's Mars sextile michael's North Node:

You keep each other current with the times and on track with your soul growth. You give each
other courage to move forward, away from the path of least resistance and toward growth.

lynn's Mars opposition michael's Saturn:

The potential for angry flare-ups is strong. lynn feels pressured and disapproved of by michael,
fueling anger and resentment. michael feels lynn is purposefully trying to be a source of aggravation
and irritation. To avoid the defensive reactions that are sure to be there otherwise, it is essential to
avoid correcting each other's behavior.

michael's Mars square lynn's Uranus:

This is another aspect that requires skill to avoid the danger. Wild, unexpected conflicts can rise up
between the two of you like spring thunderstorms, so you have to be careful not to set each other
off. You can encourage reckless behavior in each other unless you learn to handle these surges of
intense energy that flare up between the two of you.

michael's Mars square lynn's Pluto:

You are being tested with the right use of power in this relationship, and power conflicts erupt with
the slightest provocation on either of your parts. Taking martial arts training together would be a
good metaphor of your test. With this training you would learn that your power comes from staying
in your center, and not getting pulled into anger. This is no small trick in your relationship because
of the hair-trigger reactions you both have to conflict issues when either of you tries to change the
other in any way. You can bring out each other's shadow issues, and need to be willing to question
your motives in any plans you come up with together.

michael's Mars square lynn's Chiron:

lynn feels threatened by michael's insensitivity, and feels unsafe in revealing vulnerabilities. michael
feels lynn to be too sensitive, as if michael has to walk on eggshells not to arouse sensitivities. And
that is exactly the path that works best--treat the sensitivities of lynn with sensitivity.

michael's Jupiter trine lynn's Uranus:

This motivates the two of you to look for growth beyond your relationship together. You support
each other's independent views and opinions, encouraging each other to constantly expand on your
experiences and learn from life. Travel, education, and spiritual growth are all favored.

michael's Jupiter trine lynn's Pluto:

You can support and take part in mutual interests in travel, education, philosophy, and mysticism.
You encourage each other to reach for goals that benefit society as well as yourselves.

lynn's Jupiter trine michael's Ascendant:

This aspect is favorable for most relationships as the two of you share common philosophical,
political, and religious beliefs, as well as cultural interests. It simply feels uplifting to be in each
other's company.

lynn's Jupiter sextile michael's Chiron:

You learn from your relationship how important a person's philosophy and beliefs are in terms of
the creating and healing of wounds. Through this firsthand experience, you may be drawn to
teaching others how to liberate their relationships by changing their beliefs.

lynn's Jupiter opposition michael's Neptune:

You encourage each other into blind spots and plans based on false optimism. With this aspect, it
is always best to think things all the way through before heading off on a fantasy. You can
encourage indulgent behavior in each other, and this could be trouble if either of you has problems
with escapism or addictions.

lynn's Saturn trine michael's North Node:

You respect each other's path of soul growth and can help each other stay disciplined on the path.
You are able to be patient with each other and help each other get back on track when necessary.

lynn's Uranus conjunct michael's Pluto:

You are catalysts for each other to pursue interests beyond the ego. You could fuel each other's
interest in social/cultural change, or animate each other's spiritual interests. Your relationship may
take on a greater purpose and get pulled into some type of movement together, as in the
consciousness movement, the peace movement, or other important social causes.

lynn's Uranus conjunct michael's Ascendant:

This aspect is liberating and electric, though somewhat unpredictable, in its impact. lynn encourages
michael to break free from convention and become more individualistic in personal style. michael
encourages lynn to act on original ideas.

lynn's Uranus sextile michael's Neptune:

There is a creative flow between lynn's intuition and michael's ability to image. This sets up a
favorable flow of spiritual guidance that comes to the two of you spontaneously through
coincidences and sudden knowing.

lynn's Uranus opposition michael's Chiron:

Here, we have two rebels with two different causes. An example would be two people who both
rebelled against traditional health care and found their own, but different, alternative paths. Until
you can honor these differences, the tendency to look at each other's path as eccentric at best, and
as having little merit, will certainly be felt as challenging.

lynn's Neptune trine michael's Chiron:

You two have an intuitive awareness of the role of imagination in healing. You can work with each
other in the subtlest realms of spiritual and vibrational healing. You intuitively understand the power
of prayer in healing work with each other.

michael's Neptune sextile lynn's Pluto:

Your interactions with each other invariably help you both rise above the petty, lower currents of
reality. If you attempt to meditate together, you will feel as if you are being lifted up on unseen

lynn's Neptune sextile michael's Ascendant:

This is a favorable aspect that allows lynn to help michael rise above petty issues, and michael to
help lynn follow spiritual and creative vision. Involvements in the arts and spiritual activity together
are highly favored.

lynn's Pluto conjunct michael's Ascendant:

This is a powerful and transformative combination that, if used wisely, can help you both shed what
you are not, and become what you are meant to be. lynn 's will has a tremendous impact and
influence on michael's outlook on life. The low road would lead to manipulative behavior by lynn
with this influence.

lynn's Pluto opposition michael's Chiron:

With this aspect, it is as if you know secrets about each other that could be quite wounding if
publicly revealed. You are being tested with the right use of this power to wound each other. Will
you hold each other hostage with these secrets? Or will you pass the test and be able to be trusted
with each other's vulnerable secrets?

michael's Ascendant square lynn's North Node:

It is sometimes difficult to stay on a growth-oriented path together because personality conflicts
periodically pull each of you down into past behavior patterns.

michael's Ascendant opposition lynn's Chiron:

You have difficulty understanding each other's wounds and sensitivities, and thus tend to judge
each other as being indulgent and weak, where instead you could offer support and acceptance.

lynn's North Node square michael's Chiron:

lynn's path toward healing is at odds with michael's path of soul growth. You are being tested with
the ability to accept that what is growth-oriented for you is not a healthy path for your partner.

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posted January 15, 2008 09:57 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

C's Sun square L's Sun:

Your basic life energies are naturally at odds with each other. Therefore, you tend to compete and
fall into patterns of putting each other down, rather than supporting each other. To have a healthy
relationship, you both are forced to stretch your acceptance of the differences in each other.

C's Moon conjunct L's Moon:

Your emotional styles are compatible, allowing you both to feel you can be yourselves. Even the
way you experience "down time" is in harmony, so you can rejuvenate in each other's presence.
You speak the same emotional language and likely feel that you "get" each other at a deep level.

C's Venus trine L's Venus:

Your values and tastes in life are in harmony and this makes it easy to enjoy each other's company.
From music, to food, to love's sweet embrace, you find many ways to enjoy your life together.

C's Saturn trine L's Saturn:

You solve life's difficult situations in a supportive manner, allowing you to appreciate each other's
help and assistance. You are able to learn from life together, and thus can avoid making the same
mistakes over and over again.

C's Sun trine L's Moon:

A natural flow exists in the relationship with your energies naturally supporting one another. L feels
safe to drop defenses and be at ease around C's natural energy, allowing C to feel accepted and

L's Sun trine C's Venus:

This is one of the sweet ties in relationship astrology, leading to natural affection and simply
enjoying being in each other's company. If it's not a romantic relationship, the arts and cultural
opportunities are a few of a multitude of ways to share and enjoy life with each other. The natural
magnetic flow of attraction that exists between the two of you makes it easier to overlook each
other's shortcomings.

C's Sun sextile L's Uranus:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality and put very few restraints
and expectations on each other. This allows your relationship to continue to grow and evolve.

L's Sun sextile C's Saturn:

You have patience with each other and can work well together either professionally or when
sharing life's responsibilities. You can even be patient with each other's "bad" days. You learn from
your experiences together and typically don't make the same mistakes twice with each other.

C's Sun square L's Venus:

Your tastes and values can clash, and yet this is not entirely bad. It creates a strong sexual
attraction, though not the comfortable type; this type of fascination comes from that which is
different. The strong sexual attraction is favorable for getting the relationship going, but difficulties
can arise over differences in basic life values, making it difficult to live with each other on a
day-to-day basis.

C's Sun square L's Saturn:

C feels the hammer of L's disapproval always close at hand. L gets irritated with C's lack of
responsibility. Projections abound between the two of you, and the wise person sees the very
qualities you dislike in each other as projections of unclaimed parts of your own character. It takes
character strength to deal successfully with this one; otherwise C can feel disapproved of and L
feels unappreciated.

L's Moon conjunct C's Ascendant:

You are strongly impacted by each other's moods and emotional cycles. This gives you natural
empathy for each other, but makes it difficult for either of you to remain objective when emotions

C's Moon conjunct L's Chiron:

A natural empathy and sensitivity exists between the two of you over wounds that you experienced
in the past. You support each other's emotional healing from these wounds and nurture each other's
compassion for others.

L's Moon trine C's Uranus:

This is an aspect that encourages evolutionary growth on both your parts. L feels encouraged and
supported for breaking out of old emotional patterns, and C feels emotionally supported for
pursuing an authentic path of individuality.

C's Moon sextile L's Jupiter:

L has a knack for uplifting C's mood. C, of course, enjoys this, so a positive, trusting relationship
develops. C emotionally supports the growth needs and the philosophical and religious interests of

C's Moon opposition L's Uranus:

C tends to feel threatened by L's independence and need for freedom, while L feels encumbered
by C's emotional needs.

L's Moon square C's Venus:

Emotional issues are quite tricky to resolve. When one of you expresses emotional needs, the other
person's feelings get hurt. Or you get your feelings hurt when the other person is simply having a
bad day. It is hard not to take the other person's emotional issues personally, but that is exactly
what can improve your relationship.

L's Moon square C's Jupiter:

You tend to encourage each other's indulgent behavior. There can be excessive emotional
reactions over small issues that get blown way out of proportion.

L's Moon square C's Saturn:

This tie is usually considered unfavorable for emotional relationships, unless C is mindful of the
excessive sensitivity L has to any disapproval. L's needs are judged as weak by C and tend to go

C's Mercury conjunct L's Ascendant:

This aspect is very beneficial for communication. L feels free to express feelings and thoughts to C
like with no other. This greatly enhances the ability to communicate through difficulties.

L's Mercury trine C's Venus:

This creates a stimulating spark in your exchanges as you both enjoy each other's personality. L
communicates in a way that C enjoys, and thus friendship and romance are favored. Creative
outlets are also favored, although any relationship and any activity would benefit from this delightful

L's Mercury trine C's Neptune:

You have a highly intuitive rapport with each other. This supports your communication, allowing
you get the subtle nuances. You help each other rise above petty issues and can encourage each
other's interests in spirituality and the arts.

L's Mercury sextile C's Pluto:

This tie is favorable for pursuing mental activities together, and you feel safe with each other in
taking conversations to a deep, intimate level. You likely feel comfortable revealing personal
secrets to each other.

L's Venus trine C's Neptune:

This aspect brings a refined energy into your relationship, and you become sensitive to the subtle
realms of your energy with each other. A peaceful feeling flows between the two of you, and you
can enjoy the arts, music, and spiritual activities together.

L's Venus sextile C's Mars:

There is very favorable magnetic flow between the two of you that could best be described as
delightful. This creates an energetic spark that is well received by both of you. You are skilled at
keeping this spark of magnetism alive long into your relationship.

L's Venus sextile C's Saturn:

This aspect adds stability to your relationship because you have the patience and commitment it
takes to work through the rough spots. You complement each other's lives, as L brings out C's
personal side, and C helps L keeps it together in the world.

C's Venus square L's Uranus:

L feels constrained by C's values and attitudes about relationships. C's security is threatened by L's
need for freedom. There can be sexual magnetism that comes from the fascination of something
different, but your tastes being so different would be a test.

L's Mars conjunct C's Saturn:

C restricts and restrains the energy expression of L. This is typically frustrating for L who feels
blocked at every turn by C. This is best when C is a natural authority figure for L, such as coach,
parent, boss, or mentor, but even in these roles, trouble will erupt if there isn't mutual respect.

C's Mars conjunct L's North Node:

You keep each other current with the times and on track with your soul growth. You give each
other courage to move forward, away from the path of least resistance and toward growth.

L's Mars opposition C's Jupiter:

Although not a hostile aspect, you can provoke a competitive reaction in each other. You tend to
exacerbate each other's issues with impatience and rash behavior. Arguments could flare up over
differences in political and religious views. It would be helpful to weave some healthy, playful
competition into your relationship to vent this dynamic energy.

L's Mars square C's Ascendant:

Conflicts erupt when C feels picked on or badgered by L Conversely, L becomes irritated by C's
approach to situations.

C's Jupiter conjunct L's Neptune:

The best of this aspect can lead to providing each other with spiritual insights and bursts of pure
inspired creativity. The danger is looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, which is
always pleasant enough in the moment; but avoidance, denial, and escapism are also possible with
this combination.

L's Jupiter square C's Pluto:

There is an unconscious pattern of competition between the two of you, and you can goad each
other into grander and grander displays of one-upmanship. There can be a natural mistrust of each
other's moral and ethical values in how you approach goals.

C's Saturn trine L's North Node:

You respect each other's path of soul growth and can help each other stay disciplined on the path.
You are able to be patient with each other and help each other get back on track when necessary.

C's Saturn square L's Uranus:

There is tension from C wanting to maintain the status quo and L wanting change. C feels L is a
loose cannon and disruptive to what is going on. L becomes frustrated by C's narrow thinking.

C's Uranus conjunct L's Ascendant:

This aspect is liberating and electric, though somewhat unpredictable, in its impact. C encourages L
to break free from convention and become more individualistic in personal style. L encourages C
to act on original ideas.

L's Uranus opposition C's Ascendant:

This destabilizing aspect will keep your relationship from becoming stagnant, if nothing else. C feels
uncomfortable with, and even threatened by, the way L expresses individuality and independence.
L constantly hammers at C's conventionality.

L's Neptune trine C's North Node:

You can trust each other to provide spiritual guidance and insights as you have a natural empathy
for each other's soul needs.

C's Neptune square L's Pluto:

You are prone to promote each other's worst-case fears. You lead each other into the confusion of
the shadow world where it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and not real. The test is the
right use of your imagination, and the consequences are severe, as is always the case with Pluto
challenges. Can you anticipate the absolutely disastrous results that come when you feed each
other's fears, and instead train your imaginations not to go down that hellhole of fear? It usually
takes meditation training and spiritual practices to get a handle on this subtle, but insidiously
powerful, aspect.

L's Neptune square C's Ascendant:

A lack of clarity between the two of you can cloud the relationship. You likely misinterpret each
other, and difficulties arise over illusions that one or both of you have about each other and the
relationship. Honesty is essential, even if conflict erupts; better to deal with the issues and stay clear
than to pretend there aren't any issues and remain in illusion.

C's Neptune square L's Chiron:

You don't have faith in each other's path of health and healing. Since you don't really understand
each other in these matters, any advice you give tends to confuse rather than help. Your lack of
faith in each other translates as doubt and worry--all disempowering images to send to each other.
Learn how to send angels instead of worried images to each other--it does more good.

C's Pluto conjunct L's Ascendant:

This is a powerful and transformative combination that, if used wisely, can help you both shed what
you are not, and become what you are meant to be. C 's will has a tremendous impact and
influence on L's outlook on life. The low road would lead to manipulative behavior by C with this

L's Pluto opposition C's North Node:

Karmic patterns of control games worm their way into the relationship. It is as if L can't help but
dominate C, who can't help but submit to the will of L. This can bring out destructive behavior
patterns in the relationship until the power trips are put behind you. C is being tested to claim the
right to follow C's personal will, and L is being tested with the right use of power. The question is,
can this undeniable influence be directed in a way that is in everyone's best interest?

L's Ascendant opposition C's Chiron:

You have difficulty understanding each other's wounds and sensitivities, and thus tend to judge
each other as being indulgent and weak, where instead you could offer support and acceptance.

C's North Node conjunct L's Chiron:

This fortunate aspect leads to shared experiences that are healing for C and that lead to soul
growth for L. You two may come up with unique contributions in understanding the role of spiritual
practices in the healing process.

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posted January 15, 2008 09:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
leeann- i need cities of birth. resubmit all the info again(will not go back to check it).

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posted January 15, 2008 09:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

tbone's Mercury opposition manda's Mercury:

You both have to give each other space to come to your decisions in your own way. Your minds
aren't always on the same page--what each of you thinks is important, and how you communicate
this isn't always well received by the other. There are millions of great relationships with Mercury at
odds with each other, but these are always people who have learned how to avoid judging each
other's perceptions. That is the high road.

tbone's Jupiter square manda's Jupiter:

Since what each of you finds rewarding is at odds, you need to create enough space in your
relationship for both of you to take part in the separate activities that you each find rewarding.
There could be disagreements over each other's political, religious, or philosophical beliefs.

tbone's Ascendant conjunct manda's Ascendant:

Your approaches to life are perfectly aligned with each other. This similar attitude is echoed
through the other houses in your charts as well, enhancing your overall compatibility.

tbone's Sun conjunct manda's North Node:

tbone naturally supports a path for manda that is growth-oriented and food for the soul. It doesn't
mean you are always comfortable with each other; in fact, sometimes it can feel like a stretch into
the unfamiliar, but it is a healthy growth-oriented stretch that you encourage in each other.

tbone's Sun trine manda's Uranus:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality and put very few restraints
and expectations on each other. This allows your relationship to continue to grow and evolve.

tbone's Sun opposition manda's Mercury:

Communication difficulties arise because of the angular nature of your perspective on issues. You
see things differently and must allow for this if the relationship is to flourish. Otherwise, petty
arguments could arise over how things are said to each other.

tbone's Sun square manda's Saturn:

tbone feels the hammer of manda's disapproval always close at hand. manda gets irritated with
tbone's lack of responsibility. Projections abound between the two of you, and the wise person
sees the very qualities you dislike in each other as projections of unclaimed parts of your own
character. It takes character strength to deal successfully with this one; otherwise tbone can feel
disapproved of and manda feels unappreciated.

tbone's Sun square manda's Pluto:

Power struggles are likely to erupt unless both of you stay vigilant for any attempts by the other to
control the relationship in any way. tbone can feel that manda is always pulling strings trying to get
something. manda can feel as if tbone is always challenging manda's authority.

tbone's Moon trine manda's North Node:

You both naturally support each other's soul growth. You feel familiar and comfortable with each

tbone's Moon sextile manda's Mercury:

Communication over personal issues is favored. You can always depend on each other for
understanding when needed, and this brings clarity into your lives.

tbone's Moon sextile manda's Chiron:

A natural empathy and sensitivity exists between the two of you over wounds that you experienced
in the past. You support each other's emotional healing from these wounds and nurture each other's
compassion for others.

tbone's Moon square manda's Neptune:

It is not likely that you see each other clearly. You can imagine qualities in each other that don't
exist, or pull each other into escapist behavior, or feed each other's fears. Absolute honesty,
including avoiding "dishonesty by omission," is required for a healthy relationship.

tbone's Mercury conjunct manda's North Node:

Your conversations and mental pursuits together naturally lead to each other's soul growth. You
can draw on each other for support and understanding in spiritual issues.

tbone's Mercury trine manda's Uranus:

You two are excellent at looking at issues from a fresh perspective and coming up with innovative
ideas for dealing with situations. Your communications stay lively as you encourage a "discovery"
attitude in each other. The ideas that you come up with together most often have relevance and
application in your lives.

tbone's Mercury square manda's Saturn:

This aspect creates a challenge in maintaining easy, flowing communication with each other,
because tbone feels intimidated by manda's judgments. This fear of disapproval restricts the natural
flow of conversation. There is a tendency to bring out each other's pessimistic and negative
attitudes. This can be compensated for, but there would have to be a rule: No criticizing each
other. Otherwise, this combination is a tough one.

tbone's Mercury square manda's Pluto:

Difficulties in communications with each other arise because of tbone's tendency to feel threatened
by manda's will. It is important not to allow manipulations of any sort to enter into your
communications with each other; no good can come from it. If either of you feels manipulated by
the other, name it for what it is, and refuse to take part in it.

manda's Mercury square tbone's Mars:

This aspect sets up arguments, because you tend to constantly trigger each other's defenses. The
way manda thinks and makes decisions can irritate tbone, while manda constantly feels badgered
and provoked by tbone's will. Learning how to avoid reacting to each other so quickly is a key.
When you feel hostility from each other, quiet it in yourself before you react, and you can avoid the
knee-jerk arguments that this aspect is known for.

manda's Mercury square tbone's Uranus:

A tension exists in your communications with each other. tbone wants manda to change the way
manda thinks about something in a way that is inconceivable to manda. manda can feel tbone is a
disruptive, unruly influence, and tbone can view manda as narrow-minded and stuck in
conventional thinking.

manda's Mercury square tbone's Chiron:

You likely have different opinions and views concerning health issues. It is not easy to accept each
other's help, because your views about what would be helpful differ. Try not to convince each
other of the right way toward health and healing, and instead, acknowledge and allow for the
differences to help avoid difficulties.

manda's Venus conjunct tbone's Jupiter:

Fertile, abundant, and indulgent are all words that could describe this combination. Your love life is
upbeat and positive together, and it's easy to enjoy each other's company. It would be easy to fall
in love. The only danger with this extremely positive combination is the tendency toward excessive
indulgences and spending sprees together.

tbone's Venus trine manda's Neptune:

This aspect brings a refined energy into your relationship, and you become sensitive to the subtle
realms of your energy with each other. A peaceful feeling flows between the two of you, and you
can enjoy the arts, music, and spiritual activities together.

manda's Venus trine tbone's Pluto:

The current of sexual magnetism between the two of you runs deep. You both heal effectively from
wounding times together, giving your relationship strong regenerative abilities. Money and financial
dealings with each other are also favored.

tbone's Venus sextile manda's Saturn:

This aspect adds stability to your relationship because you have the patience and commitment it
takes to work through the rough spots. You complement each other's lives, as tbone brings out
manda's personal side, and manda helps tbone keeps it together in the world.

tbone's Venus opposition manda's Ascendant:

Your values and sensitivities to beauty clash with one another. manda's natural style of presentation
is a turn-off for tbone tbone can seem uptight to manda.

tbone's Venus square manda's Chiron:

Your values concerning health and healing can be at odds with each other. tbone's desires for
pleasurable activity can activate the wounds manda is carrying from previous relationships.

manda's Mars conjunct tbone's Pluto:

This is an extremely powerful aspect, for good or ill. The high road leads to an invincible will when
this power is focused in honorable directions together. Passion can top the charts in a healthy
sexual relationship. The saying "Power corrupts" describes the low road manifestations of this
combination. In worst-case scenarios, violence could erupt. Encouraging each other's attitude of
"Might makes right" could lead to all types of misuses of this energy. If you can't direct the energy
in healthy directions, all types of strange obsessions with each other could manifest.

manda's Mars trine tbone's Jupiter:

You bring out a confident and positive attitude in each other, allowing you to work and play well
together. You also travel well together and encourage each other to take part in the opportunities
life has to offer.

manda's Mars sextile tbone's Neptune:

This combination is excellent for romance as it brings the best of imagination into your passion. You
can inspire each other creatively in all types of ways, and the danger of the blind spot with Neptune
is minimized.

tbone's Mars sextile manda's Ascendant:

Your energies flow well together, making it easy to work or play together. You rarely trigger each
other's defenses, allowing you feel safe with each other. Knowing you can count on each other's
support in any conflict gives you courage.

tbone's Mars opposition manda's Saturn:

The potential for angry flare-ups is strong. tbone feels pressured and disapproved of by manda,
fueling anger and resentment. manda feels tbone is purposefully trying to be a source of aggravation
and irritation. To avoid the defensive reactions that are sure to be there otherwise, it is essential to
avoid correcting each other's behavior.

tbone's Mars square manda's North Node:

tbone's choices of activities are often off track for the path of soul growth for manda. You would
be advised to allow space in your relationship for your separate interests.

tbone's Jupiter conjunct manda's Ascendant:

This is a very uplifting combination. tbone helps manda maintain a positive perspective on life, and
feels appreciated by manda. Travel and educational pursuits together are favored.

manda's Jupiter sextile tbone's North Node:

You provide strong support for each other's spiritual growth and can actively pursue spiritual
studies together. Travel together can be related to your spiritual quest, and it will not be difficult to
find a path that is growth-oriented for both of you.

manda's Saturn conjunct tbone's Uranus:

The best of this aspect is when you help each other to be innovative in how you handle worldly
responsibilities. You can assist each other in adapting to changes in the world and evolving your
careers to stay in line with your needs for discovery. The low road manifests when manda resists
the innovative ideas of tbone, believing them to be unrealistic and irresponsible, and tbone judges
manda as being stuck in convention and unwilling to experiment in life.

tbone's Saturn trine manda's Pluto:

You give each other strength and support for tackling large projects, and the two of you together
are very effective when dealing with administrative authority. You can count on each other during
crunch time, when your back is against the wall.

manda's Saturn trine tbone's Ascendant:

This is a stabilizing aspect for all relationships. manda is patient with tbone and can be a source of
guidance without being heavy-handed. tbone helps manda stay focused on manifesting ambitions
and goals. This combination is excellent for being able to work through the difficult times together
on any type of commitment.

tbone's Saturn opposition manda's Neptune:

You tend to feed each other's doubts and fears, eroding each other's strength. When a cycle of
doubt comes over the two of you, it feeds on itself, and soon everything can look bad. This misuse
of the imagination needs to be addressed as if it were a test. Discipline needs to be developed to
block these negative wanderings of the imagination.

manda's Saturn opposition tbone's Chiron:

You tend to undermine each other's attempts to move beyond old wounds. You may make
judgments about each other's insecurities and fears, exacerbating the problem, rather than helping.
Be aware that advice you give is not likely to be well received; it is best to talk less and listen more
to each other's fears and insecurities.

tbone's Uranus conjunct manda's Pluto:

You are catalysts for each other to pursue interests beyond the ego. You could fuel each other's
interest in social/cultural change, or animate each other's spiritual interests. Your relationship may
take on a greater purpose and get pulled into some type of movement together, as in the
consciousness movement, the peace movement, or other important social causes.

manda's Uranus conjunct tbone's Neptune:

There is a creative flow between manda's intuition and tbone's ability to image. This sets up a
favorable flow of spiritual guidance that comes to the two of you spontaneously through
coincidences and sudden knowing.

tbone's Uranus trine manda's Ascendant:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality by giving each other
permission to be just who you are without pretension. You support each other's path of awakening
and evolution by encouraging each other to stay in an attitude of discovery.

manda's Uranus sextile tbone's Pluto:

You support each other's big picture view of what you stand for in life. You can be creative allies in
supporting each other's efforts at transforming society through social action, or transforming
yourselves through deep spiritual work.

tbone's Uranus square manda's North Node:

This aspect presents the challenge of accepting each other's decidedly different views on what
constitutes a growth-oriented path. manda views tbone as being totally unpredictable and
unreliable, while tbone thinks it important to shock manda into awakening from not seeing the big

manda's Neptune trine tbone's Chiron:

You two have an intuitive awareness of the role of imagination in healing. You can work with each
other in the subtlest realms of spiritual and vibrational healing. You intuitively understand the power
of prayer in healing work with each other.

manda's Neptune square tbone's Pluto:

You are prone to promote each other's worst-case fears. You lead each other into the confusion of
the shadow world where it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and not real. The test is the
right use of your imagination, and the consequences are severe, as is always the case with Pluto
challenges. Can you anticipate the absolutely disastrous results that come when you feed each
other's fears, and instead train your imaginations not to go down that hellhole of fear? It usually
takes meditation training and spiritual practices to get a handle on this subtle, but insidiously
powerful, aspect.

manda's Pluto opposition tbone's Chiron:

With this aspect, it is as if you know secrets about each other that could be quite wounding if
publicly revealed. You are being tested with the right use of this power to wound each other. Will
you hold each other hostage with these secrets? Or will you pass the test and be able to be trusted
with each other's vulnerable secrets?

tbone's Ascendant square manda's Chiron:

You have difficulty understanding each other's wounds and sensitivities, and thus tend to judge
each other as being indulgent and weak, where instead you could offer support and acceptance.

manda's North Node square tbone's Chiron:

manda's path toward healing is at odds with tbone's path of soul growth. You are being tested with
the ability to accept that what is growth-oriented for you is not a healthy path for your partner.

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posted January 15, 2008 11:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
writesomething - will you enter my info again w/ my guy, because i'm more sure on a birth time now. pretty pleeeeaaasse?

Dec 29 1986
3:33 am
McPherson, KS

July 8 1984
4:20 pm
Phoenix, AZ

Capricorn sun / Scorpio rising / Sagittarius moon

No man is free who is not master of himself.

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Posts: 0
From: Sacramento, CA, USA
Registered: Sep 2009

posted January 16, 2008 01:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cappadora     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi there writesomething,

I'd love it if you could shed some insight on this relationship.

Dec 21 1973, 10:37 am
Sacramento, CA


Dec 28 1977, 5:20 am (daylight saving time)
New Zealand

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posted January 16, 2008 05:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi there forgot to give you cities of brth when i last posted my request. here are all the details again:

L : 20 January 1967, 10:17 am Bombay, India
S: 17 November 1966, 04:23 am Nadiad, India

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Green Fairy
posted January 16, 2008 07:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If it isn't too much trouble

03:50 am
B.Aires, Arg.

10:40 am
Sheff. UK

Thank you in advance

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posted January 16, 2008 02:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 4
From: Falls Church, VA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 16, 2008 07:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for amowls     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Are you still doing these? If so, could you do mine Thanks

February 8, 1988
1:22 PM
Washington, DC

September 25, 1987
4:00 AM
Charlottesville, VA

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Posts: 150
Registered: May 2009

posted January 16, 2008 11:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for kfn327     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
May I ask for me and my man?

Queen Aries
12:24 PM
Watford City, ND

B. Rabbit
8:15 AM
Sidney, MT

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posted January 17, 2008 02:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you ..writesomething.
Very insightful!!! Thank s so much!

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posted January 17, 2008 03:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

nicole's Venus trine michael's Venus:

Your values and tastes in life are in harmony and this makes it easy to enjoy each other's company.
From music, to food, to love's sweet embrace, you find many ways to enjoy your life together.

nicole's Mars trine michael's Mars:

The way that you naturally go about doing things flows with one another. No matter how fired up
either of you gets, you still do not readily provoke each other's defenses. It seems to be easy to
avoid conflicts and resolve them when they arise.

nicole's Sun conjunct michael's Jupiter:

You encourage a positive outlook on life together and there is no end to the number of
growth-oriented activities that you could enjoy together. You both feel confident that it is safe to
trust each other. Shared experiences with travel, education, and philosophical pursuits are favored.

nicole's Sun conjunct michael's Neptune:

There is something mystical and spiritual about your tie, although it can be equally mystifying as
mystical. It is best for couples involved with spiritual or artistic activities together, where the
imagination does some good. There can be a telepathic, psychic rapport if you allow it. You must
watch out for soap-bubble dreams and all types of illusions with imaginative Neptune activated in
the relationship.

michael's Sun trine nicole's Venus:

This is one of the sweet ties in relationship astrology, leading to natural affection and simply
enjoying being in each other's company. If it's not a romantic relationship, the arts and cultural
opportunities are a few of a multitude of ways to share and enjoy life with each other. The natural
magnetic flow of attraction that exists between the two of you makes it easier to overlook each
other's shortcomings.

michael's Sun trine nicole's Mars:

You are able to work and play well together, because the way you do things doesn't get in each
other's way. You rarely have a conflict of wills and readily resolve issues when they arise. You
naturally empower each other's courage and your passions flow well together.

michael's Sun trine nicole's Jupiter:

You encourage a positive outlook on life together and there is no end to the number of
growth-oriented activities that you could enjoy together. You both feel confident that it is safe to
trust each other. Shared experiences with travel, education, and philosophical pursuits are favored.

michael's Sun trine nicole's Pluto:

The relationship feels safe, as feelings of threat drop away when you are together. You are there
for each other when destiny calls to lend strength. You help each other stay on track with your
higher purpose in life.

michael's Sun trine nicole's Ascendant:

You enjoy and support each other's outlook on life, making it enjoyable to spend time together.
Your personalities mix well.

michael's Sun sextile nicole's Moon:

A natural flow exists in the relationship with your energies naturally supporting one another. nicole
feels safe to drop defenses and be at ease around michael's natural energy, allowing michael to feel
accepted and appreciated.

michael's Sun square nicole's North Node:

The relationship goes through periods where growth seems to be stalled and you pull each other
into past patterns. Are you going to support each other's growth, or hold each other to the past?

michael's Moon conjunct nicole's Venus:

This aspect could be characterized as "sweet." It is easy to trust one another and romance is likely.
Simply spending time together is emotionally rewarding and even delightful. The personal side of
life is favored.

nicole's Moon sextile michael's Venus:

You can feel very natural and comfortable in each other's presence, making time spent together
enjoyable. You support and even take delight in each other's emotional responses to life. You can
become interested in the arts and socializing together.

michael's Mercury square nicole's Pluto:

Difficulties in communications with each other arise because of michael's tendency to feel
threatened by nicole's will. It is important not to allow manipulations of any sort to enter into your
communications with each other; no good can come from it. If either of you feels manipulated by
the other, name it for what it is, and refuse to take part in it.

michael's Mercury square nicole's Ascendant:

Misunderstandings are not uncommon with this aspect, as you both tend to misinterpret each
other's attempts at communication. Avoid this potential for misunderstanding by double-checking
important communications with each other.

nicole's Venus conjunct michael's Mars:

Strong sexual attraction is always present with this "cosmic glue" combination. Even when you're
upset with each other emotionally or mentally, your bodies would just as soon be hugging. The only
danger of this tie is taking this magnetism for granted and failing to cultivate the ongoing courtship
required to sustain the initial spark.

nicole's Venus conjunct michael's Saturn:

The best of this aspect is a serious, commitment-based relationship with a strong sense of
responsibility for each other. The worst of it is if nicole feels disapproval from michael, making the
flow of love difficult. When at odds with each other, nicole can feel michael is an oppressive
responsibility more than a joyful companion, and michael can view nicole as undisciplined and
indulgent, and needing to learn restraint.

michael's Venus trine nicole's Mars:

There is very favorable magnetic flow between the two of you that could best be described as
delightful. This creates an energetic spark that is well received by both of you. You are skilled at
keeping this spark of magnetism alive long into your relationship.

michael's Venus square nicole's North Node:

Your tastes, both in terms of pleasure and soul-growth activities, are not in synch with each other.
Since neither of you values the other person's taste in clothes, style, art, beauty, and social
activities, this aspect has a diminishing effect on the magnetism between you.

michael's Mars conjunct nicole's Pluto:

This is an extremely powerful aspect, for good or ill. The high road leads to an invincible will when
this power is focused in honorable directions together. Passion can top the charts in a healthy
sexual relationship. The saying "Power corrupts" describes the low road manifestations of this
combination. In worst-case scenarios, violence could erupt. Encouraging each other's attitude of
"Might makes right" could lead to all types of misuses of this energy. If you can't direct the energy
in healthy directions, all types of strange obsessions with each other could manifest.

michael's Mars conjunct nicole's Ascendant:

This is a hot, intense, and potentially sexual combination. michael is motivational, giving backbone
and courage to nicole. nicole admires the strength and courage of michael michael will have to be
careful not to be overly motivational/pushy. Shared physical activities are favored.

michael's Mars trine nicole's Jupiter:

You bring out a confident and positive attitude in each other, allowing you to work and play well
together. You also travel well together and encourage each other to take part in the opportunities
life has to offer.

michael's Jupiter conjunct nicole's Neptune:

The best of this aspect can lead to providing each other with spiritual insights and bursts of pure
inspired creativity. The danger is looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, which is
always pleasant enough in the moment; but avoidance, denial, and escapism are also possible with
this combination.

nicole's Jupiter trine michael's Saturn:

You work well together on career and professional matters, as well as all issues of handling
responsibility together. You are especially effective at planning together and follow a step-by-step
approach to getting to your shared goals.

michael's Jupiter sextile nicole's Pluto:

You can support and take part in mutual interests in travel, education, philosophy, and mysticism.
You encourage each other to reach for goals that benefit society as well as yourselves.

michael's Jupiter sextile nicole's Ascendant:

This aspect is favorable for most relationships as the two of you share common philosophical,
political, and religious beliefs, as well as cultural interests. It simply feels uplifting to be in each
other's company.

nicole's Jupiter square michael's Uranus:

Although this combination promotes a great deal of excitement, you too easily encourage each
other into rash and even reckless behavior. There is an unfounded feeling of luck that encourages
risk taking that can be disastrous. Arguments can flair up over political and religious issues that you
are not likely to see eye to eye on.

nicole's Saturn conjunct michael's Uranus:

The best of this aspect is when you help each other to be innovative in how you handle worldly
responsibilities. You can assist each other in adapting to changes in the world and evolving your
careers to stay in line with your needs for discovery. The low road manifests when nicole resists the
innovative ideas of michael, believing them to be unrealistic and irresponsible, and michael judges
nicole as being stuck in convention and unwilling to experiment in life.

michael's Saturn conjunct nicole's Pluto:

You two have considerable influence and power when you work together. Business and politics
would be natural arenas to express the huge power that comes from this combination, and artistic
and spiritual types with this aspect would need a huge project to pour this energy into as well. The
low road is when the shadow side of power takes over the relationship, leading to blind ambition,
corruption, and power conflicts.

michael's Saturn conjunct nicole's Ascendant:

michael is a natural authority for nicole; thus, this is a favorable tie for parent-child,
employer-employee, and teacher-student relationships, when michael is the authority. There is a
strong commitment and sense of loyalty that comes with this tie, but nicole can feel oppressed by
michael unless this authority is handled wisely and the hammer of disapproval is used sparingly.

nicole's Uranus conjunct michael's Neptune:

There is a creative flow between nicole's intuition and michael's ability to image. This sets up a
favorable flow of spiritual guidance that comes to the two of you spontaneously through
coincidences and sudden knowing.

michael's Uranus trine nicole's North Node:

This aspect is favorable for keeping each other excited about a path of evolving and discovering
life. You come away from discussions feeling excited about the fresh insights you give each other.

michael's Uranus opposition nicole's Chiron:

Here, we have two rebels with two different causes. An example would be two people who both
rebelled against traditional health care and found their own, but different, alternative paths. Until
you can honor these differences, the tendency to look at each other's path as eccentric at best, and
as having little merit, will certainly be felt as challenging.

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posted January 17, 2008 03:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

drew's Sun conjunct persephone's Sun:

This combination leads to a strong sense of recognition, a feeling of something deeply familiar. It is
one of the best ties for friendships and working relationships. However, for romantic relationships,
it is important not to take each other for granted--too much familiarity is a sure killer of magnetism.

drew's Moon trine persephone's Moon:

Your emotional styles are compatible, allowing you both to feel you can be yourselves. Even the
way you experience "down time" is in harmony, so you can rejuvenate in each other's presence.
You speak the same emotional language and likely feel that you "get" each other at a deep level.

drew's Mercury conjunct persephone's Mercury:

It is easy to understand each other, as your minds work in similar styles. Making decisions together
is supported, and when communication difficulties do arise, they are readily resolved when there is
the intention to do so.

drew's Saturn sextile persephone's Saturn:

You solve life's difficult situations in a supportive manner, allowing you to appreciate each other's
help and assistance. You are able to learn from life together, and thus can avoid making the same
mistakes over and over again.

drew's Ascendant sextile persephone's Ascendant:

Your approaches to life are in harmony with each other, making it enjoyable and easy to spend
time together. You both feel supported in your outlook on life.

drew's Sun conjunct persephone's Mercury:

Communication and a natural understanding of each other are favored. You "get" each other and
readily resolve the natural conflicts that arise in relationships. You stimulate each other's mental
activity and readily learn from each other.

drew's Sun conjunct persephone's Venus:

This is one of the sweet ties in relationship astrology, leading to natural affection and simply
enjoying being in each other's company. If it's not a romantic relationship, the arts and cultural
opportunities are a few of a multitude of ways to share and enjoy life with each other. The natural
magnetic flow of attraction that exists between the two of you makes it easier to overlook each
other's shortcomings.

drew's Sun conjunct persephone's Ascendant:

This is a very favorable "cosmic glue" tie between charts. You both feel more confident, even
physically stronger, when you are together. This can lead to a flowering of your personalities, as
you both find new ways to express yourselves.

persephone's Sun conjunct drew's North Node:

persephone naturally supports a path for drew that is growth-oriented and food for the soul. It
doesn't mean you are always comfortable with each other; in fact, sometimes it can feel like a
stretch into the unfamiliar, but it is a healthy growth-oriented stretch that you encourage in each

drew's Sun trine persephone's Saturn:

You have patience with each other and can work well together either professionally or when
sharing life's responsibilities. You can even be patient with each other's "bad" days. You learn from
your experiences together and typically don't make the same mistakes twice with each other.

persephone's Sun trine drew's Mars:

You are able to work and play well together, because the way you do things doesn't get in each
other's way. You rarely have a conflict of wills and readily resolve issues when they arise. You
naturally empower each other's courage and your passions flow well together.

drew's Sun trine persephone's Chiron:

You have natural empathy and support for each other's wounds, and in this gentleness, there is a

drew's Sun opposition persephone's Jupiter:

You can encourage excessiveness in each other, one way or another. persephone may try to
encourage drew to grow and expand in ways that are not appropriate. This is motivational for
individuals who do not want to settle for complacency and, instead, reach for more of what life has
to offer, but watch out for grasping.

persephone's Sun opposition drew's Saturn:

persephone feels the hammer of drew's disapproval always close at hand. drew gets irritated with
persephone's lack of responsibility. Projections abound between the two of you, and the wise
person sees the very qualities you dislike in each other as projections of unclaimed parts of your
own character. It takes character strength to deal successfully with this one; otherwise persephone
can feel disapproved of and drew feels unappreciated.

persephone's Sun square drew's Pluto:

Power struggles are likely to erupt unless both of you stay vigilant for any attempts by the other to
control the relationship in any way. persephone can feel that drew is always pulling strings trying to
get something. drew can feel as if persephone is always challenging drew's authority.

persephone's Moon opposition drew's Venus:

Emotional issues are quite tricky to resolve. When one of you expresses emotional needs, the other
person's feelings get hurt. Or you get your feelings hurt when the other person is simply having a
bad day. It is hard not to take the other person's emotional issues personally, but that is exactly
what can improve your relationship.

drew's Moon square persephone's Saturn:

This tie is usually considered unfavorable for emotional relationships, unless persephone is mindful
of the excessive sensitivity drew has to any disapproval. drew's needs are judged as weak by
persephone and tend to go unmet.

persephone's Moon square drew's Mars:

This aspect often leads to a stormy emotional tie. persephone is always on edge and feels
threatened by drew's energy. persephone's emotional responses irritate drew. Without restraint,
this can be a wounding combination.

persephone's Moon square drew's Uranus:

persephone tends to feel threatened by drew's independence and need for freedom, while drew
feels encumbered by persephone's emotional needs.

drew's Mercury conjunct persephone's Neptune:

This leads to a mystical, nearly psychic connection between the two of you. Mutual interests in
mysticism, spirituality, and artistic pursuits are favored. Worldly issues and practical concerns are
not so favored. In these issues, it is best to compensate for this imaginative combination by making
sure that you are not seeing potential that doesn't really exist.

drew's Mercury conjunct persephone's Ascendant:

This aspect is very beneficial for communication. persephone feels free to express feelings and
thoughts to drew like with no other. This greatly enhances the ability to communicate through

persephone's Mercury conjunct drew's North Node:

Your conversations and mental pursuits together naturally lead to each other's soul growth. You
can draw on each other for support and understanding in spiritual issues.

persephone's Mercury trine drew's Mars:

This tie is favorable for motivating you both to act on ideas. You rarely trigger each other's
defenses in communications, and can even work through difficult moments together without feeling
threatened by each other.

persephone's Mercury trine drew's Chiron:

You support each other's interests in alternative healing, and provide each other with insights into
the significance of your past wounds.

drew's Mercury sextile persephone's Pluto:

This tie is favorable for pursuing mental activities together, and you feel safe with each other in
taking conversations to a deep, intimate level. You likely feel comfortable revealing personal
secrets to each other.

persephone's Mercury sextile drew's Ascendant:

You have a natural understanding of each other and feel free to express yourselves to each other,
knowing you will be understood.

persephone's Venus conjunct drew's North Node:

Your values and tastes are in harmony with one another, and you are naturally attracted to activities
that lead to mutual soul growth.

persephone's Venus trine drew's Mars:

There is very favorable magnetic flow between the two of you that could best be described as
delightful. This creates an energetic spark that is well received by both of you. You are skilled at
keeping this spark of magnetism alive long into your relationship.

drew's Venus trine persephone's North Node:

Your values and tastes are in harmony with one another, and you are naturally attracted to activities
that lead to mutual soul growth.

persephone's Venus sextile drew's Uranus:

Your relationship will never be in danger of stagnating because you constantly find innovative ways
to explore life together. You are attracted to each other's uniqueness and allow each other
considerable freedom in the relationship.

drew's Venus opposition persephone's Mars:

There is a magnetic spark between you, without a doubt, but it is sometimes rough and has an
edge. This is good for passion, but is volatile because so many of your values about male/female
roles in a relationship clash.

persephone's Venus opposition drew's Saturn:

This aspect dampens the natural attraction and magnetism of the relationship. It is hard to avoid
judging one another. persephone sees drew as no fun, too harsh, and demanding, while drew
judges persephone's values as superficial, indulgent, and undisciplined.

drew's Venus square persephone's Uranus:

persephone feels constrained by drew's values and attitudes about relationships. drew's security is
threatened by persephone's need for freedom. There can be sexual magnetism that comes from the
fascination of something different, but your tastes being so different would be a test.

drew's Mars conjunct persephone's Chiron:

drew provides persephone with great motivation to get beyond old wounds, but not much
sympathy. persephone can alternately feel the courage to move toward healing from drew, and at
other times, can feel defenseless in stopping drew from aggravating old wounds.

drew's Mars trine persephone's Saturn:

This aspect is excellent for working on difficult projects together, or anything that requires patience
and determination. This gives strength and backbone to the relationship, allowing you to get
through the difficult times without falling apart.

persephone's Mars trine drew's Neptune:

This combination is excellent for romance as it brings the best of imagination into your passion. You
can inspire each other creatively in all types of ways, and the danger of the blind spot with Neptune
is minimized.

drew's Mars trine persephone's Ascendant:

Your energies flow well together, making it easy to work or play together. You rarely trigger each
other's defenses, allowing you feel safe with each other. Knowing you can count on each other's
support in any conflict gives you courage.

persephone's Mars trine drew's Chiron:

You give each other strength and courage to move toward healing old wounds. You provide strong
support for each other in your chosen directions of health care.

drew's Mars sextile persephone's Jupiter:

You bring out a confident and positive attitude in each other, allowing you to work and play well
together. You also travel well together and encourage each other to take part in the opportunities
life has to offer.

persephone's Mars sextile drew's Pluto:

You draw hidden strength from each other and thus are great allies for one another. You inspire
each other to the right use of will and power in ways that benefit everyone. You feel safe with each
other, from the physical activities of Mars, to the deep mysteries of Pluto's interests.

persephone's Mars opposition drew's Jupiter:

Although not a hostile aspect, you can provoke a competitive reaction in each other. You tend to
exacerbate each other's issues with impatience and rash behavior. Arguments could flare up over
differences in political and religious views. It would be helpful to weave some healthy, playful
competition into your relationship to vent this dynamic energy.

persephone's Jupiter conjunct drew's Saturn:

The best of this aspect leads to controlled growth in the relationship. drew provides the
appropriate structure and restraint for persephone to be successful in following through on plans.
persephone gives drew confidence to fulfill responsibilities. The low road leads to drew squelching
the goals and optimism of persephone.

drew's Jupiter trine persephone's Pluto:

You can support and take part in mutual interests in travel, education, philosophy, and mysticism.
You encourage each other to reach for goals that benefit society as well as yourselves.

persephone's Jupiter trine drew's Uranus:

This motivates the two of you to look for growth beyond your relationship together. You support
each other's independent views and opinions, encouraging each other to constantly expand on your
experiences and learn from life. Travel, education, and spiritual growth are all favored.

drew's Jupiter trine persephone's North Node:

You provide strong support for each other's spiritual growth and can actively pursue spiritual
studies together. Travel together can be related to your spiritual quest, and it will not be difficult to
find a path that is growth-oriented for both of you.

persephone's Jupiter opposition drew's North Node:

The past-life karma of this relationship is persephone having been a teacher or benefactor for drew
in a past life. When you first met each other, it was likely a positive experience, and getting to
know each other is facilitated by the trust that has already been established.

drew's Jupiter square persephone's Uranus:

Although this combination promotes a great deal of excitement, you too easily encourage each
other into rash and even reckless behavior. There is an unfounded feeling of luck that encourages
risk taking that can be disastrous. Arguments can flair up over political and religious issues that you
are not likely to see eye to eye on.

persephone's Jupiter square drew's Pluto:

There is an unconscious pattern of competition between the two of you, and you can goad each
other into grander and grander displays of one-upmanship. There can be a natural mistrust of each
other's moral and ethical values in how you approach goals.

persephone's Saturn trine drew's North Node:

You respect each other's path of soul growth and can help each other stay disciplined on the path.
You are able to be patient with each other and help each other get back on track when necessary.

persephone's Saturn sextile drew's Uranus:

This combination is favorable for working together to fulfill responsibilities of any kind. drew
encourages persephone to be innovative in career considerations, while persephone helps ground
drew's ideas.

drew's Saturn sextile persephone's Chiron:

There can be mutual interest in serious, scholarly studies and pursuits related to health and healing.
You have a steadying influence on each other's path of moving forward in the healing process, and
you are there for each other in times of need.

drew's Saturn opposition persephone's Ascendant:

persephone feels disempowered by drew 's disapproval. You can both feel disrespected for what
you stand for. The relationship feels strained unless you overcome your judgments of each other.

drew's Uranus sextile persephone's Ascendant:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality by giving each other
permission to be just who you are without pretension. You support each other's path of awakening
and evolution by encouraging each other to stay in an attitude of discovery.

drew's Uranus opposition persephone's Chiron:

Here, we have two rebels with two different causes. An example would be two people who both
rebelled against traditional health care and found their own, but different, alternative paths. Until
you can honor these differences, the tendency to look at each other's path as eccentric at best, and
as having little merit, will certainly be felt as challenging.

persephone's Uranus square drew's Ascendant:

This destabilizing aspect will keep your relationship from becoming stagnant, if nothing else. drew
feels uncomfortable with, and even threatened by, the way persephone expresses individuality and
independence. persephone constantly hammers at drew's conventionality.

persephone's Neptune trine drew's Chiron:

You two have an intuitive awareness of the role of imagination in healing. You can work with each
other in the subtlest realms of spiritual and vibrational healing. You intuitively understand the power
of prayer in healing work with each other.

drew's Neptune sextile persephone's North Node:

You can trust each other to provide spiritual guidance and insights as you have a natural empathy
for each other's soul needs.

persephone's Pluto trine drew's Ascendant:

You support the deepest type of spiritual transformation in each other and can be a source of
hidden strength for each other.

drew's Pluto conjunct persephone's North Node:

persephone's soul growth needs bring out the best of drew's energy. The prospects for taking part
in each other's deep spiritual transformation are strong. You can come to greater understandings of
the mystery of life by exploring the mystery of death. Practicing yoga, or some other
transformational science, would bring out the best of this combination.

persephone's Pluto opposition drew's Chiron:

With this aspect, it is as if you know secrets about each other that could be quite wounding if
publicly revealed. You are being tested with the right use of this power to wound each other. Will
you hold each other hostage with these secrets? Or will you pass the test and be able to be trusted
with each other's vulnerable secrets?

persephone's Ascendant conjunct drew's North Node:

This combination can lead to soul growth for both of you, although is doesn't always make for a
comfortable relationship because of the lack of familiarity with each other's orientation to life.
drew's natural way of approaching life merges with the path of soul growth for persephone creating
a fertile combination for continued spiritual growth for both of you.

drew's North Node trine persephone's Chiron:

You can out bring out the best in each other because you support life paths that are healing and
growth-oriented for both of you.

persephone's North Node opposition drew's Chiron:

You carry the past-life karma of persephone having been a healing force in drew's past life. You
may become interested in the healing traditions of ancient cultures, or awaken to healing abilities
through your relationship, as if you are bringing forward something that you knew from the past into
this life.

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posted January 17, 2008 03:24 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

L's Moon trine S's Moon:

Your emotional styles are compatible, allowing you both to feel you can be yourselves. Even the
way you experience "down time" is in harmony, so you can rejuvenate in each other's presence.
You speak the same emotional language and likely feel that you "get" each other at a deep level.

L's Jupiter conjunct S's Jupiter:

You will have plenty of opportunities to find mutually rewarding activities. Your philosophies about
living life support one another. Traveling, education, and spiritual explorations all provide avenues
of growth for the relationship.

L's Saturn conjunct S's Saturn:

There are no dominance and submission issues between the two of you, because you have
absolutely equal power to stand up to each other. You will have to negotiate all issues between the
two of you, as neither of you will allow the other to get away with any power trips. You can be
very supportive and helpful toward each other in times of challenge, because your strategies of
dealing with difficult situations are right on track with each other.

L's North Node conjunct S's North Node:

Your soul paths are on the same track--where you have been in previous lives and what is
growth-oriented for you in this life is the same for both of you. You have natural empathy for each
other's history, and a good sense of what is in each other's best interest.

L's Chiron conjunct S's Chiron:

You are naturally empathic toward each other's deep sensitivities and support each other's efforts
toward healing.

S's Sun conjunct L's Neptune:

There is something mystical and spiritual about your tie, although it can be equally mystifying as
mystical. It is best for couples involved with spiritual or artistic activities together, where the
imagination does some good. There can be a telepathic, psychic rapport if you allow it. You must
watch out for soap-bubble dreams and all types of illusions with imaginative Neptune activated in
the relationship.

L's Sun trine S's Uranus:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality and put very few restraints
and expectations on each other. This allows your relationship to continue to grow and evolve.

S's Sun trine L's Jupiter:

You encourage a positive outlook on life together and there is no end to the number of
growth-oriented activities that you could enjoy together. You both feel confident that it is safe to
trust each other. Shared experiences with travel, education, and philosophical pursuits are favored.

S's Sun trine L's Saturn:

You have patience with each other and can work well together either professionally or when
sharing life's responsibilities. You can even be patient with each other's "bad" days. You learn from
your experiences together and typically don't make the same mistakes twice with each other.

S's Sun trine L's Ascendant:

You enjoy and support each other's outlook on life, making it enjoyable to spend time together.
Your personalities mix well.

S's Sun trine L's Chiron:

You have natural empathy and support for each other's wounds, and in this gentleness, there is a

L's Sun sextile S's Venus:

This is one of the sweet ties in relationship astrology, leading to natural affection and simply
enjoying being in each other's company. If it's not a romantic relationship, the arts and cultural
opportunities are a few of a multitude of ways to share and enjoy life with each other. The natural
magnetic flow of attraction that exists between the two of you makes it easier to overlook each
other's shortcomings.

S's Sun sextile L's Pluto:

The relationship feels safe, as feelings of threat drop away when you are together. You are there
for each other when destiny calls to lend strength. You help each other stay on track with your
higher purpose in life.

L's Sun opposition S's Jupiter:

You can encourage excessiveness in each other, one way or another. S may try to encourage L to
grow and expand in ways that are not appropriate. This is motivational for individuals who do not
want to settle for complacency and, instead, reach for more of what life has to offer, but watch out
for grasping.

S's Sun opposition L's Moon:

L has a difficult time being emotionally at ease around S. This dynamic tension can manifest as
rational arguments over emotional issues. S doesn't feel nurtured and L doesn't feel understood or
at ease. The relationship functions best with some time apart in the daily schedule.

S's Sun square L's Venus:

Your tastes and values can clash, and yet this is not entirely bad. It creates a strong sexual
attraction, though not the comfortable type; this type of fascination comes from that which is
different. The strong sexual attraction is favorable for getting the relationship going, but difficulties
can arise over differences in basic life values, making it difficult to live with each other on a
day-to-day basis.

L's Moon conjunct S's North Node:

L's natural emotional responses to life are nurturing for the path of soul growth for S. This tie is not
particularly comfortable because it is a growth-oriented aspect, rather than one of familiarity.

L's Moon trine S's Mars:

L feels safe and protected by S's strength. S feels emotionally supported in choices of action. You
rarely trigger each other's defenses.

L's Moon trine S's Pluto:

You give each other the emotional strength to make important transformations in life. L feels safe
and unthreatened by S's use of power. S feels comforted by L's support.

S's Moon trine L's Uranus:

This is an aspect that encourages evolutionary growth on both your parts. S feels encouraged and
supported for breaking out of old emotional patterns, and L feels emotionally supported for
pursuing an authentic path of individuality.

S's Moon trine L's North Node:

You both naturally support each other's soul growth. You feel familiar and comfortable with each

S's Moon sextile L's Chiron:

A natural empathy and sensitivity exists between the two of you over wounds that you experienced
in the past. You support each other's emotional healing from these wounds and nurture each other's
compassion for others.

L's Moon opposition S's Neptune:

It is not likely that you see each other clearly. You can imagine qualities in each other that don't
exist, or pull each other into escapist behavior, or feed each other's fears. Absolute honesty,
including avoiding "dishonesty by omission," is required for a healthy relationship.

S's Moon square L's Mars:

This aspect often leads to a stormy emotional tie. S is always on edge and feels threatened by L's
energy. S's emotional responses irritate L. Without restraint, this can be a wounding combination.

S's Mercury conjunct L's Neptune:

This leads to a mystical, nearly psychic connection between the two of you. Mutual interests in
mysticism, spirituality, and artistic pursuits are favored. Worldly issues and practical concerns are
not so favored. In these issues, it is best to compensate for this imaginative combination by making
sure that you are not seeing potential that doesn't really exist.

S's Mercury trine L's Jupiter:

This aspect is very favorable for communication and mutual interests in continued learning. L's
philosophical outlook on life is expansive and uplifting to S. S engages L's philosophical beliefs and
helps plan movement toward goals.

S's Mercury trine L's Saturn:

You are able to handle responsibilities well together. You not only make plans well, you are able to
follow through on them with patience and commitment. When difficulties in your relationship do
arise, this combination facilitates an ability to work through the issues patiently.

S's Mercury trine L's Ascendant:

You have a natural understanding of each other and feel free to express yourselves to each other,
knowing you will be understood.

S's Mercury trine L's Chiron:

You support each other's interests in alternative healing, and provide each other with insights into
the significance of your past wounds.

S's Mercury sextile L's Uranus:

You two are excellent at looking at issues from a fresh perspective and coming up with innovative
ideas for dealing with situations. Your communications stay lively as you encourage a "discovery"
attitude in each other. The ideas that you come up with together most often have relevance and
application in your lives.

L's Mercury opposition S's Jupiter:

Your learning styles are different enough that it makes it difficult to carry out intellectual projects
together without getting exasperated with each other. S is interested in growth that doesn't interest
L. L can seem narrow-minded and picky to S. Give space for your different learning styles and
interests to avoid conflict.

S's Venus conjunct L's Neptune:

Here, two levels of love are linked together. Venus is personal, romantic love. Neptune is spiritual
love. At the highest level, there is the opportunity for sacred sexuality in your union. You will have
to watch out for illusions, however, as this can lead to falling in love with qualities that you only
imagine are there in the other person.

S's Venus trine L's Jupiter:

The friendship between the two of you flows naturally and you encourage movement toward
refinement in each other's life. The arts, culture, philosophy, and socializing together are all favored.

S's Venus trine L's Saturn:

This aspect adds stability to your relationship because you have the patience and commitment it
takes to work through the rough spots. You complement each other's lives, as S brings out L's
personal side, and L helps S keeps it together in the world.

L's Venus trine S's Ascendant:

This is a highly magnetic and sweet combination. L is very attracted to S's looks and style. It is
easy to love one another, and interests in the arts, entertainment, and culture are favored.

S's Venus trine L's Chiron:

S's values, appreciation for beauty, and capacity to receive love are fertile ground for healing for L.
The activities that you enjoy together naturally lead to soul growth for both of you. You can be
drawn to the arts and creative expression as a method for healing.

S's Venus sextile L's Uranus:

Your relationship will never be in danger of stagnating because you constantly find innovative ways
to explore life together. You are attracted to each other's uniqueness and allow each other
considerable freedom in the relationship.

L's Venus square S's Neptune:

There can be a mystical attraction between the two of you, but there is the danger of illusions and
deception with this combination. Fantasy can be delightful in love when it is a seasoning, but when
it is the main course, disillusionment is the ultimate result when the fantasy can't be sustained in

L's Venus square S's North Node:

Your tastes, both in terms of pleasure and soul-growth activities, are not in synch with each other.
Since neither of you values the other person's taste in clothes, style, art, beauty, and social
activities, this aspect has a diminishing effect on the magnetism between you.

S's Mars conjunct L's Uranus:

L's liberating influence on S makes all options available. Excitement comes from this. So will
unexpected flare-ups of wild, uncontrollable energy. There can be excitement in a sexual
relationship as you encourage each other's experimentation. If you can't handle the intensity, this
unrestrained energy can manifest as explosive fights between the two of you that scare you both
with the fierceness that comes over you. If handled well, you will give each other courage to act on
your most innovative ideas.

S's Mars conjunct L's Pluto:

This is an extremely powerful aspect, for good or ill. The high road leads to an invincible will when
this power is focused in honorable directions together. Passion can top the charts in a healthy
sexual relationship. The saying "Power corrupts" describes the low road manifestations of this
combination. In worst-case scenarios, violence could erupt. Encouraging each other's attitude of
"Might makes right" could lead to all types of misuses of this energy. If you can't direct the energy
in healthy directions, all types of strange obsessions with each other could manifest.

L's Mars conjunct S's Ascendant:

This is a hot, intense, and potentially sexual combination. L is motivational, giving backbone and
courage to S. S admires the strength and courage of L L will have to be careful not to be overly
motivational/pushy. Shared physical activities are favored.

S's Mars sextile L's Neptune:

This combination is excellent for romance as it brings the best of imagination into your passion. You
can inspire each other creatively in all types of ways, and the danger of the blind spot with Neptune
is minimized.

S's Mars opposition L's Saturn:

The potential for angry flare-ups is strong. S feels pressured and disapproved of by L, fueling anger
and resentment. L feels S is purposefully trying to be a source of aggravation and irritation. To
avoid the defensive reactions that are sure to be there otherwise, it is essential to avoid correcting
each other's behavior.

S's Mars opposition L's Ascendant:

Conflicts erupt when L feels picked on or badgered by S Conversely, S becomes irritated by L's
approach to situations.

S's Mars opposition L's Chiron:

L feels threatened by S's insensitivity, and feels unsafe in revealing vulnerabilities. S feels L to be
too sensitive, as if S has to walk on eggshells not to arouse sensitivities. And that is exactly the path
that works best--treat the sensitivities of L with sensitivity.

L's Jupiter trine S's Saturn:

You work well together on career and professional matters, as well as all issues of handling
responsibility together. You are especially effective at planning together and follow a step-by-step
approach to getting to your shared goals.

S's Saturn conjunct L's Ascendant:

S is a natural authority for L; thus, this is a favorable tie for parent-child, employer-employee, and
teacher-student relationships, when S is the authority. There is a strong commitment and sense of
loyalty that comes with this tie, but L can feel oppressed by S unless this authority is handled wisely
and the hammer of disapproval is used sparingly.

L's Saturn conjunct S's Chiron:

This combination works best when L is a natural authority for S concerning health and healing
concerns, and if S willingly surrenders to the mentoring of L. If mutual respect is not present, L can
inadvertently hold S in S's wounds, restricting movement toward healing.

L's Saturn trine S's Neptune:

This aspect allows the two of you to handle worldly responsibilities with a sense of grace. L helps
bring form and structure to S's vision, and S inspires L to bring vision into L's career. You can
work well together in creative and spiritual pursuits with this combination.

L's Saturn opposition S's Uranus:

There is tension from L wanting to maintain the status quo and S wanting change. L feels S is a
loose cannon and disruptive to what is going on. S becomes frustrated by L's narrow thinking.

L's Saturn opposition S's Pluto:

With this aspect, there can be a deep mistrust of each other that will have to be addressed before
the relationship can proceed. L resents S's way of taking control of power. S feels L is attempting
to sabotage situations by resistance. Until you work through these issues of mistrust, the threatening
feelings you both have may sabotage your attempts to have a healthy relationship.

L's Uranus conjunct S's Pluto:

You are catalysts for each other to pursue interests beyond the ego. You could fuel each other's
interest in social/cultural change, or animate each other's spiritual interests. Your relationship may
take on a greater purpose and get pulled into some type of movement together, as in the
consciousness movement, the peace movement, or other important social causes.

L's Uranus sextile S's Neptune:

There is a creative flow between L's intuition and S's ability to image. This sets up a favorable flow
of spiritual guidance that comes to the two of you spontaneously through coincidences and sudden

S's Uranus opposition L's Ascendant:

This destabilizing aspect will keep your relationship from becoming stagnant, if nothing else. L feels
uncomfortable with, and even threatened by, the way S expresses individuality and independence.
S constantly hammers at L's conventionality.

L's Uranus opposition S's Chiron:

Here, we have two rebels with two different causes. An example would be two people who both
rebelled against traditional health care and found their own, but different, alternative paths. Until
you can honor these differences, the tendency to look at each other's path as eccentric at best, and
as having little merit, will certainly be felt as challenging.

S's Neptune trine L's Ascendant:

This is a favorable aspect that allows S to help L rise above petty issues, and L to help S follow
spiritual and creative vision. Involvements in the arts and spiritual activity together are highly

L's Neptune trine S's Chiron:

You two have an intuitive awareness of the role of imagination in healing. You can work with each
other in the subtlest realms of spiritual and vibrational healing. You intuitively understand the power
of prayer in healing work with each other.

L's Neptune sextile S's Pluto:

Your interactions with each other invariably help you both rise above the petty, lower currents of
reality. If you attempt to meditate together, you will feel as if you are being lifted up on unseen

S's Pluto opposition L's Ascendant:

L can feel intimidated by S because of something that neither of you is conscious of. This makes it
difficult to have a relationship until trust is established. You see each other's idiosyncrasies and
subconscious behavior patterns. It takes great sensitivity of delivery to discuss such issues without
arousing your partner's defenses.

L's Pluto trine S's North Node:

Your relationship constantly brings you back to the high road of your individual soul paths. You
support each other's deep work and draw hidden strength to stay open to transformational work.
There is a feeling that you are part of the same soul family, a deeply supportive and strangely
familiar tie.

L's Pluto opposition S's Chiron:

With this aspect, it is as if you know secrets about each other that could be quite wounding if
publicly revealed. You are being tested with the right use of this power to wound each other. Will
you hold each other hostage with these secrets? Or will you pass the test and be able to be trusted
with each other's vulnerable secrets?

L's Ascendant conjunct S's Chiron:

You have a natural, unspoken empathy for the trials and tribulations you both have endured. In this
quiet acceptance, a healing occurs, and you help each other move beyond the wounds of the past.

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posted January 17, 2008 03:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

An's Moon sextile Miles's Moon:

Your emotional styles are compatible, allowing you both to feel you can be yourselves. Even the
way you experience "down time" is in harmony, so you can rejuvenate in each other's presence.
You speak the same emotional language and likely feel that you "get" each other at a deep level.

An's Mars square Miles's Mars:

This is one of the red flags to watch out for in comparing charts. Your energies tend to conflict,
particularly if either of you attempts to correct the other's actions. This is a passionate aspect,
which is wonderful in certain arenas, but can also lead to passionate arguments. You can only be at
ease with each other to the degree that you can accept the differences in how you both go about
doing things. Otherwise, there tends to be conflict over everything. Learning to avoid expressing
yourself to each other when your solar plexus is tight would help immensely. When your solar
plexus is tight, your partner hears whatever you are saying as a punch. Harness the power, and
great things can be accomplished with your combined energy; otherwise, petty arguments and
disagreements rule the day.

An's Ascendant square Miles's Ascendant:

Your attitudes about approaching most everything conflict with each other. To have a healthy
relationship, you both are forced to stretch your acceptance of these differences to offset the
tendency to get irritated with each other.

An's North Node trine Miles's North Node:

Your paths for soul growth in this life naturally support one another. Your histories also lead to a
sense of familiarity with each other. You are interested in each other's stories from the past and
ideas for future growth.

An's Sun conjunct Miles's Pluto:

This is an extremely powerful aspect that has to be handled wisely. Miles's will has a subconscious
impact on An. The relationship can facilitate major transformation; rarely would it be casual. There
can seem to be something fated or karmic about this tie, unleashing a tremendous amount of power
and passion between the two of you. If this is healthy, bravo, this can be an extremely profound
relationship. If either person feels threatened in any way by the other, not much good can come
from the tie.

Miles's Sun conjunct An's Moon:

This is one of the more favorable and fertile aspects for a relationship. Miles projects energy in the
same way An naturally responds--a perfect fit. I call this "cosmic glue," as there is something that
just feels right about the overall relationship.

Miles's Sun trine An's Saturn:

You have patience with each other and can work well together either professionally or when
sharing life's responsibilities. You can even be patient with each other's "bad" days. You learn from
your experiences together and typically don't make the same mistakes twice with each other.

Miles's Sun trine An's Chiron:

You have natural empathy and support for each other's wounds, and in this gentleness, there is a

An's Sun sextile Miles's Mercury:

Communication and a natural understanding of each other are favored. You "get" each other and
readily resolve the natural conflicts that arise in relationships. You stimulate each other's mental
activity and readily learn from each other.

An's Sun sextile Miles's Neptune:

There is a natural intuitive flow between the two of you that is quite comfortable. You can be
drawn to understand the subtle realms together through meditation and spiritual practices. You
empower each other's faith in listening to the "still quiet voice within."

An's Sun opposition Miles's Ascendant:

Tension exists in the way you each approach situations, and there can be a conflict of will unless
you allow for your differences. This combination is very favorable for natural magnetic attraction
between the two of you.

An's Sun opposition Miles's North Node:

There can be something deeply familiar about each other when you first meet, as if you are picking
up where you left off. Although the familiarity leads to the likelihood of some type of relationship, if
you don't encourage new growth in each other, the relationship can wither from its own

Miles's Sun square An's Pluto:

Power struggles are likely to erupt unless both of you stay vigilant for any attempts by the other to
control the relationship in any way. Miles can feel that An is always pulling strings trying to get
something. An can feel as if Miles is always challenging An's authority.

An's Moon conjunct Miles's Venus:

This aspect could be characterized as "sweet." It is easy to trust one another and romance is likely.
Simply spending time together is emotionally rewarding and even delightful. The personal side of
life is favored.

Miles's Moon conjunct An's Mercury:

You two can communicate about the most personal of issues, because An's communication style
allows Miles to feel totally comfortable sharing feelings. Miles helps An get in touch with the
emotional considerations of important issues, and An helps Miles see the objective perspective to
emotional issues.

Miles's Moon conjunct An's Uranus:

This tie could be described as exciting and electric, but not comfortable. An liberates Miles from
the confines of past behavior patterns, but it is hard for Miles to ever feel fully comfortable and
secure around unpredictable An.

Miles's Moon sextile An's Saturn:

You work well together on both the personal and professional fronts. An gives steadiness and
patience to the relationship. Miles adds emotional support to An's efforts in the world of

Miles's Moon opposition An's Chiron:

An's attempts to help Miles get through difficult times are not well received. Past wounds make it
difficult to establish emotionally close ties, until you both stretch your ability to be compassionate
for each other's issues.

Miles's Moon square An's Mars:

This aspect often leads to a stormy emotional tie. Miles is always on edge and feels threatened by
An's energy. Miles's emotional responses irritate An. Without restraint, this can be a wounding

Miles's Mercury trine An's Jupiter:

This aspect is very favorable for communication and mutual interests in continued learning. An's
philosophical outlook on life is expansive and uplifting to Miles. Miles engages An's philosophical
beliefs and helps plan movement toward goals.

Miles's Mercury trine An's North Node:

Your conversations and mental pursuits together naturally lead to each other's soul growth. You
can draw on each other for support and understanding in spiritual issues.

An's Venus conjunct Miles's Mars:

Strong sexual attraction is always present with this "cosmic glue" combination. Even when you're
upset with each other emotionally or mentally, your bodies would just as soon be hugging. The only
danger of this tie is taking this magnetism for granted and failing to cultivate the ongoing courtship
required to sustain the initial spark.

Miles's Venus trine An's Chiron:

Miles's values, appreciation for beauty, and capacity to receive love are fertile ground for healing
for An. The activities that you enjoy together naturally lead to soul growth for both of you. You can
be drawn to the arts and creative expression as a method for healing.

An's Venus square Miles's Jupiter:

It is not always easy to find ways to socialize together. What one of you considers a
growth-oriented activity, the other might not value at all. When you do get together, there is the risk
of encouraging each other's excessive behavior.

Miles's Venus square An's Pluto:

Karmic patterns of manipulating each other in love, either through guilt or intimidation, must be
dealt with in your relationship. Strong passion can exist between the two of you, but intimacy will
elude you until you are both able to let go of control and surrender to the relationship.

Miles's Mars conjunct An's Uranus:

An's liberating influence on Miles makes all options available. Excitement comes from this. So will
unexpected flare-ups of wild, uncontrollable energy. There can be excitement in a sexual
relationship as you encourage each other's experimentation. If you can't handle the intensity, this
unrestrained energy can manifest as explosive fights between the two of you that scare you both
with the fierceness that comes over you. If handled well, you will give each other courage to act on
your most innovative ideas.

An's Mars trine Miles's Uranus:

You encourage each other's independence and have marvelous improvisational skills together. In
romance, you take delight in each other's exploratory and innovative sexual style.

An's Mars opposition Miles's Jupiter:

Although not a hostile aspect, you can provoke a competitive reaction in each other. You tend to
exacerbate each other's issues with impatience and rash behavior. Arguments could flare up over
differences in political and religious views. It would be helpful to weave some healthy, playful
competition into your relationship to vent this dynamic energy.

Miles's Mars opposition An's Chiron:

An feels threatened by Miles's insensitivity, and feels unsafe in revealing vulnerabilities. Miles feels
An to be too sensitive, as if Miles has to walk on eggshells not to arouse sensitivities. And that is
exactly the path that works best--treat the sensitivities of An with sensitivity.

An's Jupiter trine Miles's Neptune:

Mysticism and philosophical exchanges are favored with this combination, and your discussions
help you both rise above the petty issues in life to gain a more inspired view.

Miles's Jupiter trine An's Pluto:

You can support and take part in mutual interests in travel, education, philosophy, and mysticism.
You encourage each other to reach for goals that benefit society as well as yourselves.

An's Jupiter trine Miles's Ascendant:

This aspect is favorable for most relationships as the two of you share common philosophical,
political, and religious beliefs, as well as cultural interests. It simply feels uplifting to be in each
other's company.

An's Jupiter trine Miles's North Node:

You provide strong support for each other's spiritual growth and can actively pursue spiritual
studies together. Travel together can be related to your spiritual quest, and it will not be difficult to
find a path that is growth-oriented for both of you.

An's Jupiter square Miles's Saturn:

Your sense of timing is not likely to be in synch with each other; when one of you wants to expand,
the other wants to hold back. You may have many conflicting views about politics, religion,
business ethics, and the like, making it difficult to support each other's plans.

Miles's Jupiter square An's Uranus:

Although this combination promotes a great deal of excitement, you too easily encourage each
other into rash and even reckless behavior. There is an unfounded feeling of luck that encourages
risk taking that can be disastrous. Arguments can flair up over political and religious issues that you
are not likely to see eye to eye on.

An's Jupiter square Miles's Chiron:

Your beliefs and philosophical views clash with each other concerning health and healing issues.
Although not with malicious indent, An can encourage directions that hinder, rather than help,
Miles's healing process.

Miles's Saturn sextile An's Ascendant:

This is a stabilizing aspect for all relationships. Miles is patient with An and can be a source of
guidance without being heavy-handed. An helps Miles stay focused on manifesting ambitions and
goals. This combination is excellent for being able to work through the difficult times together on
any type of commitment.

An's Saturn square Miles's Uranus:

There is tension from An wanting to maintain the status quo and Miles wanting change. An feels
Miles is a loose cannon and disruptive to what is going on. Miles becomes frustrated by An's
narrow thinking.

Miles's Saturn square An's North Node:

You have a difficult time supporting each other's chosen path for soul growth. Until you develop
respect for the differences in your paths toward soul growth, you tend to pull each other down
more than build each other up.

Miles's Uranus conjunct An's Neptune:

There is a creative flow between Miles's intuition and An's ability to image. This sets up a favorable
flow of spiritual guidance that comes to the two of you spontaneously through coincidences and
sudden knowing.

Miles's Uranus sextile An's Pluto:

You support each other's big picture view of what you stand for in life. You can be creative allies in
supporting each other's efforts at transforming society through social action, or transforming
yourselves through deep spiritual work.

Miles's Neptune trine An's North Node:

You can trust each other to provide spiritual guidance and insights as you have a natural empathy
for each other's soul needs.

Miles's Pluto square An's Ascendant:

An can feel intimidated by Miles because of something that neither of you is conscious of. This
makes it difficult to have a relationship until trust is established. You see each other's idiosyncrasies
and subconscious behavior patterns. It takes great sensitivity of delivery to discuss such issues
without arousing your partner's defenses.

Miles's Pluto sextile An's North Node:

Your relationship constantly brings you back to the high road of your individual soul paths. You
support each other's deep work and draw hidden strength to stay open to transformational work.
There is a feeling that you are part of the same soul family, a deeply supportive and strangely
familiar tie.

Miles's Pluto opposition An's Chiron:

With this aspect, it is as if you know secrets about each other that could be quite wounding if
publicly revealed. You are being tested with the right use of this power to wound each other. Will
you hold each other hostage with these secrets? Or will you pass the test and be able to be trusted
with each other's vulnerable secrets?

Miles's Ascendant trine An's North Node:

This allows for an easy, growth-oriented approach to life together. Your natural pursuits and
interests support each other's soul growth.

An's Ascendant square Miles's North Node:

It is sometimes difficult to stay on a growth-oriented path together because personality conflicts
periodically pull each of you down into past behavior patterns.

Miles's Ascendant conjunct An's Chiron:

You have a natural, unspoken empathy for the trials and tribulations you both have endured. In this
quiet acceptance, a healing occurs, and you help each other move beyond the wounds of the past.

An's Ascendant trine Miles's Chiron:

You have a natural, unspoken empathy for the trials and tribulations you both have endured. In this
quiet acceptance, a healing occurs, and you help each other move beyond the wounds of the past.

Miles's North Node conjunct An's Chiron:

This fortunate aspect leads to shared experiences that are healing for Miles and that lead to soul
growth for An. You two may come up with unique contributions in understanding the role of
spiritual practices in the healing process.

An's North Node square Miles's Chiron:

An's path toward healing is at odds with Miles's path of soul growth. You are being tested with the
ability to accept that what is growth-oriented for you is not a healthy path for your partner.

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posted January 17, 2008 03:27 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

georgia's Moon conjunct edward's Moon:

Your emotional styles are compatible, allowing you both to feel you can be yourselves. Even the
way you experience "down time" is in harmony, so you can rejuvenate in each other's presence.
You speak the same emotional language and likely feel that you "get" each other at a deep level.

georgia's Mercury trine edward's Mercury:

It is easy to understand each other, as your minds work in similar styles. Making decisions together
is supported, and when communication difficulties do arise, they are readily resolved when there is
the intention to do so.

georgia's Mars square edward's Mars:

This is one of the red flags to watch out for in comparing charts. Your energies tend to conflict,
particularly if either of you attempts to correct the other's actions. This is a passionate aspect,
which is wonderful in certain arenas, but can also lead to passionate arguments. You can only be at
ease with each other to the degree that you can accept the differences in how you both go about
doing things. Otherwise, there tends to be conflict over everything. Learning to avoid expressing
yourself to each other when your solar plexus is tight would help immensely. When your solar
plexus is tight, your partner hears whatever you are saying as a punch. Harness the power, and
great things can be accomplished with your combined energy; otherwise, petty arguments and
disagreements rule the day.

georgia's Jupiter conjunct edward's Jupiter:

You will have plenty of opportunities to find mutually rewarding activities. Your philosophies about
living life support one another. Traveling, education, and spiritual explorations all provide avenues
of growth for the relationship.

georgia's Ascendant sextile edward's Ascendant:

Your approaches to life are in harmony with each other, making it enjoyable and easy to spend
time together. You both feel supported in your outlook on life.

georgia's North Node conjunct edward's North Node:

Your soul paths are on the same track--where you have been in previous lives and what is
growth-oriented for you in this life is the same for both of you. You have natural empathy for each
other's history, and a good sense of what is in each other's best interest.

georgia's Chiron conjunct edward's Chiron:

You are naturally empathic toward each other's deep sensitivities and support each other's efforts
toward healing.

georgia's Sun trine edward's Mercury:

Communication and a natural understanding of each other are favored. You "get" each other and
readily resolve the natural conflicts that arise in relationships. You stimulate each other's mental
activity and readily learn from each other.

georgia's Sun sextile edward's Saturn:

You have patience with each other and can work well together either professionally or when
sharing life's responsibilities. You can even be patient with each other's "bad" days. You learn from
your experiences together and typically don't make the same mistakes twice with each other.

georgia's Sun sextile edward's Uranus:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality and put very few restraints
and expectations on each other. This allows your relationship to continue to grow and evolve.

edward's Sun opposition georgia's Venus:

Your tastes and values can clash, and yet this is not entirely bad. It creates a strong sexual
attraction, though not the comfortable type; this type of fascination comes from that which is
different. The strong sexual attraction is favorable for getting the relationship going, but difficulties
can arise over differences in basic life values, making it difficult to live with each other on a
day-to-day basis.

georgia's Sun opposition edward's Ascendant:

Tension exists in the way you each approach situations, and there can be a conflict of will unless
you allow for your differences. This combination is very favorable for natural magnetic attraction
between the two of you.

edward's Sun opposition georgia's North Node:

There can be something deeply familiar about each other when you first meet, as if you are picking
up where you left off. Although the familiarity leads to the likelihood of some type of relationship, if
you don't encourage new growth in each other, the relationship can wither from its own

edward's Sun square georgia's Saturn:

edward feels the hammer of georgia's disapproval always close at hand. georgia gets irritated with
edward's lack of responsibility. Projections abound between the two of you, and the wise person
sees the very qualities you dislike in each other as projections of unclaimed parts of your own
character. It takes character strength to deal successfully with this one; otherwise edward can feel
disapproved of and georgia feels unappreciated.

edward's Sun square georgia's Uranus:

This tie creates a strong fascination, but is considered unstable. Your wills can clash over the
slightest of issues, as you both absolutely resist either of your attempts to take charge in the
relationship. The relationship requires a great deal of freedom to make room for this aspect.

edward's Sun square georgia's Neptune:

It is not likely that you see each other clearly. Neptune is the blind spot, and when challenging the
Sun, you can lead each other into illusions. georgia sees qualities that may, or may not, be in
edward. edward can look at georgia as being totally ungrounded in reality.

georgia's Moon conjunct edward's Mercury:

You two can communicate about the most personal of issues, because edward's communication
style allows georgia to feel totally comfortable sharing feelings. georgia helps edward get in touch
with the emotional considerations of important issues, and edward helps georgia see the objective
perspective to emotional issues.

edward's Moon trine georgia's Mercury:

Communication over personal issues is favored. You can always depend on each other for
understanding when needed, and this brings clarity into your lives.

edward's Moon trine georgia's Ascendant:

You feel at ease and comfortable in each other's presence. This relaxed flow between the two of
you allows you to spend considerable time with each other.

georgia's Moon trine edward's Chiron:

A natural empathy and sensitivity exists between the two of you over wounds that you experienced
in the past. You support each other's emotional healing from these wounds and nurture each other's
compassion for others.

georgia's Moon sextile edward's Uranus:

This is an aspect that encourages evolutionary growth on both your parts. georgia feels encouraged
and supported for breaking out of old emotional patterns, and edward feels emotionally supported
for pursuing an authentic path of individuality.

edward's Moon sextile georgia's Saturn:

You work well together on both the personal and professional fronts. georgia gives steadiness and
patience to the relationship. edward adds emotional support to georgia's efforts in the world of

georgia's Moon opposition edward's Jupiter:

You tend to encourage each other's indulgent behavior. There can be excessive emotional
reactions over small issues that get blown way out of proportion.

edward's Mercury trine georgia's Ascendant:

You have a natural understanding of each other and feel free to express yourselves to each other,
knowing you will be understood.

georgia's Mercury trine edward's Chiron:

You support each other's interests in alternative healing, and provide each other with insights into
the significance of your past wounds.

georgia's Mercury sextile edward's Jupiter:

This aspect is very favorable for communication and mutual interests in continued learning.
edward's philosophical outlook on life is expansive and uplifting to georgia. georgia engages
edward's philosophical beliefs and helps plan movement toward goals.

georgia's Mercury sextile edward's Uranus:

You two are excellent at looking at issues from a fresh perspective and coming up with innovative
ideas for dealing with situations. Your communications stay lively as you encourage a "discovery"
attitude in each other. The ideas that you come up with together most often have relevance and
application in your lives.

edward's Mercury sextile georgia's Saturn:

You are able to handle responsibilities well together. You not only make plans well, you are able to
follow through on them with patience and commitment. When difficulties in your relationship do
arise, this combination facilitates an ability to work through the issues patiently.

edward's Mercury opposition georgia's Jupiter:

Your learning styles are different enough that it makes it difficult to carry out intellectual projects
together without getting exasperated with each other. georgia is interested in growth that doesn't
interest edward. edward can seem narrow-minded and picky to georgia. Give space for your
different learning styles and interests to avoid conflict.

georgia's Mercury opposition edward's Ascendant:

Misunderstandings are not uncommon with this aspect, as you both tend to misinterpret each
other's attempts at communication. Avoid this potential for misunderstanding by double-checking
important communications with each other.

georgia's Venus conjunct edward's North Node:

Your values and tastes are in harmony with one another, and you are naturally attracted to activities
that lead to mutual soul growth.

georgia's Venus opposition edward's Mars:

There is a magnetic spark between you, without a doubt, but it is sometimes rough and has an
edge. This is good for passion, but is volatile because so many of your values about male/female
roles in a relationship clash.

georgia's Venus square edward's Uranus:

edward feels constrained by georgia's values and attitudes about relationships. georgia's security is
threatened by edward's need for freedom. There can be sexual magnetism that comes from the
fascination of something different, but your tastes being so different would be a test.

georgia's Venus square edward's Neptune:

There can be a mystical attraction between the two of you, but there is the danger of illusions and
deception with this combination. Fantasy can be delightful in love when it is a seasoning, but when
it is the main course, disillusionment is the ultimate result when the fantasy can't be sustained in

georgia's Venus square edward's Chiron:

Your values concerning health and healing can be at odds with each other. georgia's desires for
pleasurable activity can activate the wounds edward is carrying from previous relationships.

georgia's Mars conjunct edward's Saturn:

edward restricts and restrains the energy expression of georgia. This is typically frustrating for
georgia who feels blocked at every turn by edward. This is best when edward is a natural authority
figure for georgia, such as coach, parent, boss, or mentor, but even in these roles, trouble will erupt
if there isn't mutual respect.

georgia's Mars conjunct edward's Uranus:

edward's liberating influence on georgia makes all options available. Excitement comes from this.
So will unexpected flare-ups of wild, uncontrollable energy. There can be excitement in a sexual
relationship as you encourage each other's experimentation. If you can't handle the intensity, this
unrestrained energy can manifest as explosive fights between the two of you that scare you both
with the fierceness that comes over you. If handled well, you will give each other courage to act on
your most innovative ideas.

georgia's Mars trine edward's Jupiter:

You bring out a confident and positive attitude in each other, allowing you to work and play well
together. You also travel well together and encourage each other to take part in the opportunities
life has to offer.

georgia's Mars trine edward's Ascendant:

Your energies flow well together, making it easy to work or play together. You rarely trigger each
other's defenses, allowing you feel safe with each other. Knowing you can count on each other's
support in any conflict gives you courage.

edward's Mars opposition georgia's North Node:

Your relationship brings the past-life karma of edward having been a strong male in georgia's past
life. Lover? Combative adversary? Source of courage? You will know if the connection is
favorable or not. If there is underlying anger that periodically worms its way into your current
relationship, it might very well be residual past-life karma between the two of you. It would take
deep forgiveness on both of your parts for all past wounds, known and unknown, complete
amnesty, to clear the slate and have an honest go of it in this life.

georgia's Mars opposition edward's Chiron:

edward feels threatened by georgia's insensitivity, and feels unsafe in revealing vulnerabilities.
georgia feels edward to be too sensitive, as if georgia has to walk on eggshells not to arouse
sensitivities. And that is exactly the path that works best--treat the sensitivities of edward with

edward's Mars square georgia's Ascendant:

Conflicts erupt when georgia feels picked on or badgered by edward Conversely, edward
becomes irritated by georgia's approach to situations.

georgia's Jupiter trine edward's Uranus:

This motivates the two of you to look for growth beyond your relationship together. You support
each other's independent views and opinions, encouraging each other to constantly expand on your
experiences and learn from life. Travel, education, and spiritual growth are all favored.

edward's Jupiter trine georgia's Saturn:

You work well together on career and professional matters, as well as all issues of handling
responsibility together. You are especially effective at planning together and follow a step-by-step
approach to getting to your shared goals.

georgia's Jupiter trine edward's Ascendant:

This aspect is favorable for most relationships as the two of you share common philosophical,
political, and religious beliefs, as well as cultural interests. It simply feels uplifting to be in each
other's company.

georgia's Saturn conjunct edward's Uranus:

The best of this aspect is when you help each other to be innovative in how you handle worldly
responsibilities. You can assist each other in adapting to changes in the world and evolving your
careers to stay in line with your needs for discovery. The low road manifests when georgia resists
the innovative ideas of edward, believing them to be unrealistic and irresponsible, and edward
judges georgia as being stuck in convention and unwilling to experiment in life.

georgia's Saturn conjunct edward's Neptune:

The best of this combination is when georgia grounds edward's imagination and helps find ways of
manifesting this in the world. It is also favorable when edward inspires georgia to open to a reality
beyond worldly responsibilities. The low road is when georgia doubts and disapproves of edward's
imagination, or when edward erodes georgia's strength to carry out responsibilities through guilt or

georgia's Saturn trine edward's Ascendant:

This is a stabilizing aspect for all relationships. georgia is patient with edward and can be a source
of guidance without being heavy-handed. edward helps georgia stay focused on manifesting
ambitions and goals. This combination is excellent for being able to work through the difficult times
together on any type of commitment.

georgia's Saturn opposition edward's Chiron:

You tend to undermine each other's attempts to move beyond old wounds. You may make
judgments about each other's insecurities and fears, exacerbating the problem, rather than helping.
Be aware that advice you give is not likely to be well received; it is best to talk less and listen more
to each other's fears and insecurities.

georgia's Saturn square edward's North Node:

You have a difficult time supporting each other's chosen path for soul growth. Until you develop
respect for the differences in your paths toward soul growth, you tend to pull each other down
more than build each other up.

georgia's Uranus conjunct edward's Neptune:

There is a creative flow between georgia's intuition and edward's ability to image. This sets up a
favorable flow of spiritual guidance that comes to the two of you spontaneously through
coincidences and sudden knowing.

georgia's Uranus trine edward's Ascendant:

You encourage and support each other's uniqueness and individuality by giving each other
permission to be just who you are without pretension. You support each other's path of awakening
and evolution by encouraging each other to stay in an attitude of discovery.

edward's Uranus opposition georgia's Ascendant:

This destabilizing aspect will keep your relationship from becoming stagnant, if nothing else. georgia
feels uncomfortable with, and even threatened by, the way edward expresses individuality and
independence. edward constantly hammers at georgia's conventionality.

georgia's Uranus opposition edward's Chiron:

Here, we have two rebels with two different causes. An example would be two people who both
rebelled against traditional health care and found their own, but different, alternative paths. Until
you can honor these differences, the tendency to look at each other's path as eccentric at best, and
as having little merit, will certainly be felt as challenging.

georgia's Uranus square edward's North Node:

This aspect presents the challenge of accepting each other's decidedly different views on what
constitutes a growth-oriented path. edward views georgia as being totally unpredictable and
unreliable, while georgia thinks it important to shock edward into awakening from not seeing the
big picture.

georgia's Neptune sextile edward's Pluto:

Your interactions with each other invariably help you both rise above the petty, lower currents of
reality. If you attempt to meditate together, you will feel as if you are being lifted up on unseen

edward's Neptune opposition georgia's Ascendant:

A lack of clarity between the two of you can cloud the relationship. You likely misinterpret each
other, and difficulties arise over illusions that one or both of you have about each other and the
relationship. Honesty is essential, even if conflict erupts; better to deal with the issues and stay clear
than to pretend there aren't any issues and remain in illusion.

georgia's Neptune square edward's North Node:

You are working through karmic patterns of deception and the tendency to lead each other down
paths that ultimately lead to disillusionment. It is important for both of you to compensate for this
potential blind spot in your relationship by checking within your own heart of hearts for clarity
before following each other's lead.

georgia's Ascendant square edward's North Node:

It is sometimes difficult to stay on a growth-oriented path together because personality conflicts
periodically pull each of you down into past behavior patterns.

georgia's Ascendant conjunct edward's Chiron:

You have a natural, unspoken empathy for the trials and tribulations you both have endured. In this
quiet acceptance, a healing occurs, and you help each other move beyond the wounds of the past.

edward's Ascendant sextile georgia's Chiron:

You have a natural, unspoken empathy for the trials and tribulations you both have endured. In this
quiet acceptance, a healing occurs, and you help each other move beyond the wounds of the past.

georgia's North Node square edward's Chiron:

georgia's path toward healing is at odds with edward's path of soul growth. You are being tested
with the ability to accept that what is growth-oriented for you is not a healthy path for your partner.

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heart cakes
posted January 17, 2008 03:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oops double..

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posted January 17, 2008 03:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
KFN-none of those cities worked, for both of you. give me the info again with different cities. resubmit the birth info again because i wont go back and search for it.

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heart cakes
posted January 17, 2008 03:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi write something! thanks SO much for this offer and doing this for so many people!! i didn't want to take up more of your time, but now i am giving in to temptation!

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