Topic: which sign are you in aztec astrology?
praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 05:36 PM
jtrask:aguila / de la sequia : practical intelligence designed for reflexion and adjustment (ponderacion). a lot of ambition, the native doesn't doubt in his ability and his courage (daring). great creativity and dynamism that will be combined perfectly with his intellectual talent to achieve all his undertakings. IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 05:48 PM
node:silex / de la sequia : personality serene and stable. looking for the conventional and conformism and to avoid everything complicated and divisive (arguments). a sensitivity that he'll know how to transmit to others and that the native will use to lighten up his peaceful life. IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 05:53 PM
rubina:ocelote / de las fiestas : charming personality, passionate and sensitive. admire people that appreciate and want to be admired. the native needs to see himself as a bit of a heroe, superior to others. capacity to govern (give order), and thus to submit his environment to his desires.
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praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 05:59 PM
mars446: cana / del retorno de los dioses : attractive personality, with goodwill but some complexity. great emotivity and sensitivity that can confuse him on his path to find balance and harmony. a firm and organized intelligence that will help him to find again the path if it's been lost. IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 06:06 PM
Seeing Stars 7.21:casa / de las fiestas : door half opened, windows wide open. temperament idealist and tireless, but varies like the moon, sometimes vibrant and pasionate, sometimes susceptible and repressed. capacity of analysis. realist attachment to his own conclusions.
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praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 06:11 PM
Planet_Soul:aguila / de la lluvia : great and exceptional personality; pleasant, generous, open, has a sense that he has to live things in a grand scale. sense of duty that doesn't let him do things halfway. finishing everything started with a huge dosis of determination and dedication.
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praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 06:25 PM
sinderlou: (first let me tell you i'm glad to see you around, and i hope you're doing better)  flor / de la primavera : exceptional personality, full of action, dynamism and agitation, that oblige the native to leave some business unfinished. more than mere tiredness, here it's mainly due to a need to escaspe from reality. great sense of reponsability that will help the native to focus on and achieve his projects. your Bf: cana / del maiz : vivid and skillful intelligence; exploiting every options (ressources) of dialogue and communication and finds beauty in everyone. intellectual curiosity and imagination extremely developed, with a great creative spirit. IP: Logged |
sinderlou unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 07:26 PM
praecipua Yea, I am back....Thanks for your concern! I have been really busy. Hope all is going well with you and your guy!  Thanks soooo much for doing the reading. This is really interesting...............
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 07:44 PM
Thanks a lot Praepicuaseems that me and bf are more alike in the axtec astrology than in the western one hihihi - but yeah it s very clost to my Virgo Sun my De la Tierra Madre. IP: Logged |
Pixiecake Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 21, 2008 08:03 PM
Thanks, Praepicua! That does sound an awful lot like me...especially about the bit about languages.And thanks for the welcome, yourfriendinspirit!  IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 11:49 PM
cana de los alimentos a temperament uncontrollably passionate and very ebullient. also an excessively exagerated nervosity that can engender some unexpected setbacks. an intuition quasi demoniac and an unusual power of divination making the native somehow intimidating. has a taste for goji berries and aromatic teas .. also known to devour chocolate mice head first ..IP: Logged |
SattvicMoon unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 11:55 PM
Thank you praecipuaIP: Logged |
enchantress299 Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 22, 2008 12:43 AM
Thanks Praecipua!  I think it's funny it says "open doors closed windows" for mine. Does that mean when god closes a door for me he doesn't open a window? lol. Ok maybe not. I agree with it for the most part. Passionate but shy and cordial but selective is very true. Thanks again! ------------------ Virgo Sun/Aries Moon/Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
yourfriendinspirit unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 12:58 AM
enchantress299, Open Doors, Closed Windows.To me, means... The opportunities are there ei: "Open Doors" You cannot or do not see them ei: "Closed Windows" First thing that popped to mind while reading the original definition posted. I hope this helps... ------------------ Sendin' love your way, "your friend in spirit" IP: Logged |
enchantress299 Knowflake Posts: 188 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 22, 2008 01:49 AM
That very well could be, yourfriendinspirit. Thanks for that insight. ------------------ Virgo Sun/Aries Moon/Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
SagSun unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 03:39 AM
quote: sagsun:aguila / de las plumas : contradictory caracter, sensitive but aggressive. his exagerated susceptibility and reactions intimidate others. he doesn't try to understand others. capacity of self-control that he puts into action when he got too impassioned. so others continue to see him as attractive and admirable
Thanks a lot praecipua!!!! That was so sweet of you!!!! It sounds kinda like me ... except for the "doesn't try to understand others" bit ... but the rest sounds dead spot on . ------------------ Sagittarius Sun - Leo Moon - Pisces Ascendant IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted January 22, 2008 07:27 AM
Hello Praecipua Can you tell me what de la montana (mountain) and corzo (deer) means please?IP: Logged |
Atlenta unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 08:40 AM
Thanks, praecipua  
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praecipua unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 09:41 AM
wheelsofcheese:corzo / de la montana : unusual but attractive personality. others feel attracted to the native's magnetism without knowing why.his instinctive and subtle intelligence will know how to make the best of lucky breaks. goodwill and sense of altruism and solidarity, that other will be grateful for. IP: Logged |
Vintry Newflake Posts: 3 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted January 22, 2008 11:35 AM
praecipua, thank you!Could you also do this guy for me please: de la sequia (month of drought) may 5th, aguila (eagle) this stuff is great! IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 02:30 PM
vintry: aguila / de la sequia : practical intelligence designed for reflexion and adjustment (ponderacion). a lot of ambition, the native doesn't doubt in his ability and his courage (daring). great creativity and dynamism that will be combined perfectly with his intellectual talent to achieve all his undertakings. IP: Logged |
Vintry Newflake Posts: 3 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted January 22, 2008 06:11 PM
Yes, that's him :) thank youIP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2008 06:36 PM
October 29th de la caza oceloteCould I please have an interpretation? Thanks Raymond IP: Logged |
Planet_Soul unregistered
posted January 24, 2008 09:39 PM
Thank you! Have a good one,
P IP: Logged |
mars446 unregistered
posted January 25, 2008 08:50 PM
Thanks a lot!!! Bull's eye interp!IP: Logged |