Topic: What is a "mystical triangle"?
ListensToTrees unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 06:01 PM
Astrologers- what is a mystical triangle? I have looked at a few links but I'm still not sure. Can it, for example be seen on the following (composite relationship) chart: (By the way I saw elsewhere that Chiron here sits between the Sun and Venus). IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2008 06:27 PM
No, that's a t-square. T-Square The T-Square consists of three planets in the same modality, and includes two squares and one opposition. A T-Square is simply a Grand Cross with a missing planet. A T-Square functions quite differently than a Grand Cross, however. Instead of forming a potentially stable structure, a T-Square is far less stable; all of the pressure is placed on the planet that receives the two squares, the apex planet. T-Squares then have a built-in focus that the Grand Cross lacks, and they can often become extremely productive and a key motivating force for an individual. The apex planet of a T-Square is the key. This is the planet that is both the driving force, and also the planet that is under the most pressure. Squares, remember, are action aspects; the apex planet, receiving two simultaneous squares, is under a great deal of pressure to act. In order for this planet to act in a focused and productive manner, however, it still needs an anchor. The "empty leg" of the T-Square is where this anchor is found. Some astrologers consider this point (the point opposite the apex planet) to be the 'release point' of the T-Square. I don't consider this to be an accurate description. A T-Square is about moving forward, taking action with the apex planet, not about diffusing or redirecting that action. What an awareness of the opposing point offers is an anchor of sorts, and a reference point to insure that the path and direction of the action taken is true. When a planet transits this point, creating a temporary Grand Cross, it often indicates an opportunity to unleash the power and energy of the T-Square in a very focused and directed manner because the transiting planet provides the awareness of balance for the Apex planet, and at the same time triggers the two squares. When considering a T-Square, pay close attention to the element of the sign that the Apex planet occupies. This will help describe the kind of action that the T-Square will tend to generate (Fire = physical, tangible, identity-oriented; Earth = material, practical; Air = mental, social; Water = emotional, spiritual). The House positions of the planets, and of the Apex planet in particular are also extremely important. This will show where the stress will tend to come from (the house axis that contains the opposing planets) and where it will tend to manifest and need to be addressed (the house of the Apex planet). A T-Square forms a right triangle, and in sacred geometry, right triangles operate on the level of what the Greeks called "nous" which is the realm of the spirit and of the higher self and higher guidance. Because it is also an isosceles triangle, T-Squares also operate on the mental/emotional level (what the Greeks called the "soul" level) and therefore can be quite challenging and stressful configurations. The key to working with a T-Square is to learn how to tap into the higher levels of guidance and to discover different and more supportive ways of releasing the stress and pressure of the squares through taking action with the apex planet. CARDINAL. As with the Cardinal Cross, the Cardinal T-Square is concerned with the question of identity. The sign of the Apex Planet will indicate where the point of focus and integration will be (Aries = individual identity; Cancer = emotional identity; Libra = social identity; Capricorn = accomplishments and tangible, material expressions of identity). And also as with the Cardinal Cross, impulsiveness is a very prominent concern with a Cardinal T-Square. Planets in Cardinal signs need to take immediate action. They do not like to be told to wait, and they will do their own thing rather than wait to be lead by someone else. The Cardinal T-Square is by far the most active of the T-Squares, but it is not necessarily the most productive. The challenge with this pattern is to get the three planets to work together rather than each going off and doing their own thing (which inevitably conflicts with what the other two planets want to be doing). An awareness of the empty leg and house can provide some much needed balance and guidance for a Cardinal T-Square. Once all of the planets are pointed in the right direction, as it were, taking action and moving forward is automatic. The hardest part is learning to control the impulsiveness of the Cardinal planets long enough to get them to work together. FIXED. The Apex planet in a Fixed T-Square, being under the greatest pressure, will also tend to be the planet and area of life in which the individual is the least flexible and has the most resistance to change. Opposing planets in Fixed signs tend to find a certain amount of stability if only because neither planet is willing to budge, but as they butt heads, they tend to discover some common ground and will usually come to some sort of a cease-fire agreement. With a Fixed T-Square, however, this cease-fire between the Opposing planets may seem only to exist because each planet has decided to confront the apex planet as a common enemy. Fixed signs, remember, are all concerned with self-worth, with maintaining and sustaining who we are. Ultimately, the Apex planet of a Fixed T-Square will need to take action, and to change something that Fixed signs are perfectly happy to do so long as they feel that the action or the change was their idea and not something that is prompted by any outside influence. The lesson of the Fixed T-Square is one of flexibility, particularly with respect to the planet, sign and house that makes up the Apex of the T-Square. MUTABLE. With a Mutable T-Square, as with a Mutable Grand Cross, the challenge is focus and coherence. All three planets are concerned with healing and completion, and all three planets will tend to adapt and avoid direct confrontation. The Apex planet in a Mutable T-Square is the one that will tend to scatter the most, because this is the planet that is under the most pressure. Oppositions are more passive aspects, and planets in Opposition in mutable signs, because of their natural tendency to adapt, are the most likely to find the point of balance and harmony and therefore be the most comfortable with the Opposition aspect. Working with the opposing point, and maintaining an awareness of the energy and lessons of the opposing sign is particularly important with a Mutable T-Square because this can provide a sense of focus and direction for the Apex planet. Mystic Rectangle A Mystic Rectangle is formed when two pairs of oppositions are sextile each other. The result is an aspect pattern that includes two sextiles, two trines and two oppositions. A Mystic Rectangle will always be in the same polarity, either masculine (Air and Fire) or feminine (Earth and Water). This is another "soft" aspect pattern in that it does not generate friction, discomfort or a need to take action. What a Mystic Rectangle does offer, however, is an extremely strong sense of balance and structure, of harmony between the four planets involved. Finding this balance is not a given it will still take conscious effort and awareness. However, working with the Trines and the Sextiles will help to make more sense of and find the point of integration for the two oppositions. Working with a Mystic Rectangle takes some practice because in order for it to hold up, all four planets must be working together and supporting each other. It is common for individuals with Mystic Rectangles to struggle with the two Oppositions, see-sawing back and forth between the opposing planets. Once the point of balance has been found, however, it becomes increasingly easy to maintain, and a well integrated Mystic Rectangle can be the most unflappable of aspect patterns. Once an individual has integrated a Mystic Rectangle, it represents a core of strength for them, and a solid foundation that can be a great gift in handling whatever else life throws at them. IP: Logged |
LeoCat unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 06:33 PM
Yeah, I've got one of those T-square bad boys, they're a whole lot of fun. Mine is cardinal and when I studied it up I was shocked how accurate it was. It feels like I'm on a neverending quest to find my real identity, as if I'm not really doing what I'm supposed to be doing with my life.BLUEMOON: Is the Mystic rectangle the same thing as a grand cross? IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 06:48 PM
Bluemoon, do you know which planets are involved by glancing at the chart? I can't make it out. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2008 07:02 PM
Venus Conjunct Mercury in Taurus (Green) are in Opposition to Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in Scorpio (Blue). All Square Moon Conjunct Saturn in Leo (Red). IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2008 07:05 PM
Mystic Rectangle is different to the Grand Cross ~ that is two oppositions crossed and 4 squares. Like 2 T-Squares overlapping. Grand Cross A Grand Cross consists of four planets in the same modality (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable), which form four squares and two pairs of oppositions. The Grand Cross is a 4th Harmonic aspect pattern. The number four relates to the cross of matter; it is the number of form, and of structure, and of the physical world. A Grand Cross includes one planet in each of the elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Because the Grand Cross is composed of Squares and Oppositions, it is an aspect pattern that is concerned with both action (Squares) and perspective and balance (Oppositions). A Grand Cross is classified by its modality, and each type of Grand Cross has its own very specific feel and interpretation. One thing that all three types of Grand Cross share, however, is that they are all fundamentally stressful configurations. Squares generate action because they are uncomfortable aspects; the tension builds, and once it reaches a certain point, we do something, we take action in order to release some of the pressure. Squares can be either constructive or destructive, but because they are a 4th harmonic aspect and related to the world of form and structure, squares usually require some sort of physical, external act of expression. Squares, particularly very tight squares, are very difficult aspects to ignore. A Grand Cross does offer a solid foundation, a core structure and strength that can be a tremendous resource. However, finding the point of integration and balance to be able to take advantage of this gift can be quite challenging. The key, of course comes from working with the two oppositions. When the Opposing planets are balanced, then they are exerting the same amount of pressure on the planets that they Square, creating a solid foundation. When the Oppositions are out of balance, however, the structure can not hold, and the Squares take center stage again. Focusing on what the core issue of each modality is (Cardinal signs are concerned with identity, Fixed signs with self worth, Mutable signs with healing and completion) can also help to discover what all four of the signs in the Grand Cross have in common, and therefore to also discover the point of balance and strength. CARDINAL. Cardinal signs are all concerned with the question of identity, whether it be the ability to impulsively express ourselves (Aries), our emotional identity (Cancer), our social and intellectual identity (Libra) or the tangible manifestation of our identity (Capricorn). The Cardinal Cross, then, is essentially an identity crisis. The four planets involved each are trying to define and express a facet of who we are, except each of them is operating on a different level and from a different perspective. Cardinal signs are about taking action; they are initiating and often very impulsive. The challenge with a Cardinal Grand Cross is that whenever it is triggered, all four planets want to take action simultaneously, and each in their own direction. This can lead to the individual either feeling pulled apart and overextended, or else to feeling a building sense of frustration because of an overwhelming need to take action and no clear direction or understanding of what type of action they need to take. The key with the Cardinal Grand Cross is to maintain an awareness that whatever the stress and pressure seems to be about, that at the core, the question is one of identity. When we stay focused on who we are, and understand that the need to take action relates to a need to further define, express and experience our sense of individuality and identity, we will have an easier time of choosing how to channel the energy. FIXED. The Fixed signs are all concerned with the question of self-worth. Fixed signs follow the Cardinal signs, and their purpose is to sustain and maintain what the Cardinal signs created and initiated. Because of this, Fixed signs tend to resist all outside efforts to initiate change. When the Fixed Cross is triggered, the first inclination is for each of the four planets to dig in their heels as it were, take a stand, and resist every external influence. The energy of the Fixed Grand Cross tends to be initially focused on resistance, on maintaining things exactly as they are, rather than on taking action and initiating any kind of change. However, once the Fixed Cross starts taking action, it is very hard to stop or to convince to change its course. The Fixed Cross is like a steamroller: when it's stopped, it's hard to get it moving, but once it's moving, it's very hard to stop. Because the Fixed signs are so fundamentally concerned with self-worth, individuals with a Fixed Grand Cross may tend to take all affairs related to the planets and houses in their Fixed Cross very personally, and on an unconscious level equate any external triggers with attacks on their sense of self. Actually giving in and taking action, or making any kind of a change can be experienced as a fundamentally demoralizing act, one that to a certain extent lessens their sense of self-esteem. Individuals with a Fixed Grand Cross must learn how to become more flexible and less resistant to change, particularly when the suggestion to change comes from others. MUTABLE. Mutable signs are concerned with healing and completion. When placed under pressure, planets in Mutable signs tend to scatter, dissociate, and disburse. The biggest challenge for individuals with a Mutable Grand Cross tends to be maintaining their focus and their coherence, and learning how to maintain a sense of balance and coordination. Individuals with a Mutable Grand Cross must learn how to juggle, how to keep all of the balls in the air at all times with respect to the planets in the Grand Cross, and the houses where these planets reside. Mutable signs are extremely flexible and adaptable. What tends to happen, however, with a Mutable Grand Cross is that whenever it is triggered, the first response of each of the planets involved is to change, to adapt, and to avoid whatever obstacle has just been presented. While it may certainly be appropriate to respond by adjusting the energy and approach of one of the four planets, when all four planets simultaneously adjust, it's very much like the juggler dropping all of the balls at once. IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 07:30 PM
Which is the "apex planet" and how do I know whether it is a "cardinal" or "mutable" T-Square?  IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted January 21, 2008 09:44 PM
LTT .. that will be a 'fixed' T - Square in the chart you posted .. you figure it via the signs involved ..goes like this .. one sign in each of the 'elements' left to right they are .. earth .. water .. fire .. air .. taurus .. scorpio .. leo .. aquarius .. are 'fixed' capricorn .. cancer .. aries .. libra .. are 'cardinal' virgo .. pisces .. sagittarius .. gemini .. are 'mutable' and the apex planet in a T - Square will be the one at the bottom of the "T" .. i.e. where saturn and the moon in leo are positioned in that chart .. just turn that chart around so that the sign leo is at the bottom .. you can then imagine a capital T text character and if you were to add another planet .. in aquarius .. directly opposite that saturn/moon in leo position .. then it would look like a cross .. and would be known as a 'grand cross' configuration .. i.e. a 'fixed' grand cross in the case of that chart .. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2008 10:07 PM
150 + 120 + 90, apparently..... Here's a thread with some other lesser triangles: Here's the Mystic Rectangle -- four planets opposing each other in pairs, where the arc of their oppositions is 60 and 120. Or you could say, two parallel trines, each in its own hemisphere, whose end-points are joined by a distance/aspect of +/- 60 degrees IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2008 11:43 PM
I have one with Moon in Pisces in 6th trine Sun in Scorpio in 2nd with retrograde Saturn in Gemini in 9th squaring Moon and quincunx Sun IP: Logged |
yourfriendinspirit unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 02:55 AM
A Mystical Triangle is formed by three planets where one side is a trine, one side is a square, and the third side is a quincunx. A mystical Triangle in a CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) is very powerful and creates a very high level of mutual attraction. In Magi Astrology, the Mystical Triangle that is the most powerful in creating love and romantic attraction is the one that is formed by the three Magi Romance Planets. There are three Magi Romance Planets and they are Chiron, Venus and Neptune. So when it comes to love, a Mystical Triangle formed by Chiron, Venus, and Neptune is the most powerful of all possible Mystical Triangles and they are signs of nearly irresistible mutual romantic attraction. Such Mystical Triangles are so powerful and important that we give them a special name - we call them Romantic Mystical Triangles. A Romantic Mystical Triangle is a Mystical Triangle formed by the three Romance Planets (Chiron, Venus, and Neptune). A Romantic Mystical Triangle is extremely rare. The average woman or man never gets a chance to date anyone with whom she or he forms a romantic Mystical Triangle. For more information Click Here Flying Eagle: The Flying Eagle Formation is comprised of "Two Mystical Triangles": We already have learned a little about how powerful a single Mystical Triangle is. The Flying Eagle has two Mystical Triangles working together in unison. One reason the Flying Eagle is so powerful is that there are four Magical Angles in the Flying Eagle: two trines and two quincunxes. Golden Flying Eagle: When the aspects that create a Flying Eagle include a Cinderella Aspect, then the entire Flying Eagle formation really flies like an eagle when it comes to making money and we call it a Golden Flying Eagle. For more information,Click Here So LTT here for your entertainment are the following MAGI ASTROLOGY LINKS: Magi Aspects Magi Basics
Special Note: Magi astrology only allows a 3 degree orb or less. Enjoy  *Zala was on the right track with posting a MAGI chart wheel...  The rest of ya' all bombed with answering the posters original question: What is a "mystical triangle"? *Giggles
------------------ Sendin' love your way, "your friend in spirit" IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 06:13 AM
YFIS, you're so kind.  (Thanks for sending me those links earlier in your message). Glaucas, that's a fantastic chart!  IP: Logged |
yourfriendinspirit unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 06:17 AM
Your welcome  IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 10:10 AM
YFS yUP I WAS goin to talk about that one of Magi hihihi Me and my bf have two Romantic Mystical Triangle in sinastry - so i guess it can form the one you talked about the Flying Eagle? Ive never heard of that one -seems great! As far as irresistible attraction is concerned..definately is a Yes! His Kiron skuares my Venus(0º);my Venus trine my Neptune(2º);my neptune kikunkx his Kiron(0º) - comprise the Cinderella Aspect And with his other planets theres also another Romantic Mystical Triangle so we have a golden Flying Eagle  IP: Logged |
Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2008 12:05 PM
Uh Oh....I...have...a...{{{GOLDEN FLYING EAGLE}}}...with a friend I met on the internet.  We also have one of (what Magi calls) the major Saturn clashes. My Saturn conjuncts his Chiron. OK, serious ouch. I am one of those astrologers who is intrigued by some of the Magi theories, but I still don't like their delivery of the information. They tend to bash any astrology that isn't theirs. But that doesn't mean that some of their findings aren't true. With that being said, I'm in complete shock with this Golden Flying Eagle thing. We have some beautiful classic synastry connections and our only classic Saturn connections are Saturn sextile Moon with a 4 degree orb, which I consider loose. His Uranus opposes my Saturn, talk about Rock & Roll. He definitely shakes my sense of conservatism, it's very uncomfortable, but I'm very attracted to him. We live in different countries, we've never met in person and there are no plans to meet. I think I'll rant a little bit so please take this with a grain of salt or join the party. I feel like astrology is influencing some of my thoughts here. This man has a tremendous amount of issues, when you look at his chart it clearly shows that he has great difficulty with relationships. Mars rules his 7th house and it is squared by Saturn. But his Mars is also squared by Venus. Yes, he has a T-Square of Saturn opposite Venus square Mars. This reflects tremendous pain that he's experienced in his life but also suggests his incredible artistic skills in many realms. So far, my free will choice has been not to meet him and unless the universe joins in to make it happen, if somehow I am dragged across the Atlantic Ocean, or he comes here, I don't think I'll meet him. I guess I'm ranting about free will. The last thing is that, we are both musicians and if that Golden Eagle would really make us money together, well, my free will choice might change. Who knows what the future will bring. Maybe it's a good thing that I'm poor right now. Geocosmic Valentine Professional Astrologer : ------------------ "Everybody is a star!" Sly & The Family Stone IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2008 12:24 PM
[Q= but I still don't like their delivery of the information. They tend to bash any astrology that isn't theirs. But that doesn't mean that some of their findings aren't trueI find the writing irritating too. That word "linkages" is like pumice on my brain. And the "Cinderella" ...yuk. It sounds like a 16 year old girl with a crush. - Do they have a good point?
Absolutely, and too many examples to not take it seriously. I have found a few site spin offs but they too have adopted that Cinderella with an attitude tone Words are just that, words but like GV said it comes with a tone as well.-- That Saturn! What a taskmaster, both the glue and the antichrist rolled into one. LaughsIP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2008 01:35 PM
In my synastry with my girlfriendI have Mars quincunx Juno, a sexual aspect Her Chiron trines my Juno and squares my Mars to form a mystic triangle. her Mars sextiles my Mars,and quincunxes my Juno to form a Sexual Dragon Yod. I don't believe in Magi Astrology. They come up with so many things....that you can find an answer for almost anything. They use heliocentric charts and midpoints. Therefore,you find anything to explain why a couple doesn't work out or why they are in love. They also use marriage charts, and they even believe that a marriage chart can make or break your relationship.
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Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2008 01:35 PM
They even tried to make a point that Napoleon was great military strategist because of his marriage chart.
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tara19 unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 02:15 PM
Glaucus, like life, astrology is complex. There are MANY reasons as to why a relationship may or may not work. I don't think it's fair to blame the Magi or any type of astrology's proclivity to find so-called caveats or reasons for what may or may not work. Traditional astrology has done this as well, if you think about it. to the OP: a Mystical Triangle is when there is a trine, a square, and a quincunx between three planets. When imagining this shape, just work with the 0 degree point of the signs. So think of the sun at 0 degrees Aries, the moon at 0 degrees Cancer, and Jupiter at 0 degrees Sagittarius. Cheers, Tara. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2008 02:51 PM
I know there are many reasons a relationship may or may not work out. I am not putting blame on Magi I know that a lot of astrologers in different systems do the same thing.I don't need to think about it. The Magi Astrologers definitely do have a fatalistic view in Astrology. I have read their books and their sites since 2000. I used to be into Magi Astrology. They put a lot of fatalism in their Astrology. Just the interpretations of their aspects show that. Vedic Astrology is even more fatalistic than Magi Astrology. I don't believe in cause and effect in Astrology. I don't believe an aspect makes a person nor relationship a certain way. I always stress that free will is the ultimate factor too.
There are so many things that Magi Astrologers can look at to show why or something doesn't work out. They even say that certain things don't work out because of planetary alignments. So they do blame things on planetary aspects. They have a strong cause and effect approach when it comes to Astrology. There is no talk about synchronicity.
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tara19 unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 03:27 PM
Hello Glaucus, Two points: 1) Unlike what most western students of astrology think, Vedic astrology is not fatalistic. It emphasizes the fluidity of the dasha system AND the transits and also prescribes remedies. I have studied it for 35years and am a practicing Vedic astrologer, btw. 2) If you did read through all the Magi sites and books, then you surely know that they do emphasize "free will", especially via the 70/30 rule. It's right there on one of their main site frames. To simplify the rule, something may or may not happen 30 percent of the time, especially if free will is taken into consideration. I do understand that (and this is not meant for you, personally but in general) that most people do not have the time or the inclination or perhaps the training to do the necessary research. I have met a few people who have come across Magi or Vedic astrology and gotten really elated or really scared depending on what they found out. Dangerous stuff, that. Again, that is because they take everything they read and apply it to the their own lives and relationships. So effectively, what they are doing is using both the systems via ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE. However, both systems are complex (and IMO Vedic is MUCH more complex AND time-tested than any other astrological system in the entire world) and leave room for exceptions. That is basically the reason you brought up helio, the declinations, Marriage charts etc in the first place, you know. So my point is don't demonize the Magi (or any other system) for providing research tools and data for a certain outcome just because 1) it does not relate to YOUR personal situation that accurately, or 2) it does not give you a "yes or no" answer, or 3) it gives you too much of a "yes or no" answer. That, to me, is what I am hearing from people who have not studied either system deeply enough to really test things out. The knee-jerk reaction keeps them from investigating further. And frankly, on this board, the one person who HAS studied Magi Astrology (Darkdreamer) deeply enough to do independent research on her own does realize that it is not fatalistic; it is just another system to understand our lives, our loves, and our choices by. Hokkay... off my soapbox...  Cheers, Tara. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2008 03:42 PM
The Magi Astrologers contradict themselves the statements they make even though they acknowledge free will. They do make statements about certain relationships don't work out because of planetary alignments. Yes..I did read about their acknowledgement of free will. I read about the 70/30 rule,and I don't agree with that because I don't believe that life is about a numbers game. In their book,LOVE AND MONEY, they put emphasis on Prince Charles Saturn in hard aspect to Princess Diana's Jupiter and Chiron as nuclear and heartbreak clashes. They didn't mention that Princess Diana has a fixed t-square of Moon in Aquarius,Venus in Taurus,and Uranus in Leo, and that Prince Charles's Sun in Scorpio formed a fixed grand cross with it. Grand Cross is most challenging aspect configuration,but they didn't mention anything about it. That configuration included Sun square Moon which is a very challenging aspect in Synastry. none of that was mentioned. They didn't mention about the Sun square Moon. They focused only on the heartbreak clash and nuclear clash. Of course, they talked about their lack of sexual linkages and that Prince Charles formed numerous sexual linkages with Camilla. "So my point is don't demonize the Magi (or any other system) for providing research tools and data for a certain outcome just because 1) it does not relate to YOUR personal situation that accurately, or 2) it does not give you a "yes or no" answer, or 3) it gives you too much of a "yes or no" answer."
Good grief.....nobody can express their opinions about something without being accused of demonizing. I am not demonizing anything BTW.....It has NOTHING to do with the 3 things that you listed either Also I am not ignorant. I am definitely not stupid. Therefore,no lectures were needed. Just because somebody has different opinions,views,and beliefs from you doesn't mean they don't understand things nor have looked into them. Also if somebody has different opinions,views,beliefs about a subject, it doesn't mean that somebody is demonizing. Its like talking about like talking about religion and politics. A whole lot of people on our planet disagree about those things,and they fight each other about that stuff. the same old stuff. I am moving away from traditional Astrology to focus more on actual constellations and not tropical zodiac signs. I just don't think using a northern hemisphere based zodiac is useful for people born in southern hemisphere. I focus more on the planetary geometry and declinations like Magi Astrologers. So there are things that I agree with Magi Astrologers. I am also into midpoints like them too, but that's because I like cosmobiology. I am just going to agree to disagree. I never said that Magi Astrology nor any other system was bad either. I just expressed my views,opinions,and beliefs. There is no crime in doing that. It certainly doesn't call for being patronized and condescending to.
I will just leave it at that.
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tara19 unregistered
posted January 22, 2008 11:29 PM
Glaucus, You know, you CAN address me by my name -- Tara -- when you are replying to one of my posts. Some would say NOT to do so is condescending, and insulting to boot. Anyway, yes, shall we agree to disagree? It's too late in the day for me to get all fired up  I apologize. I did not mean to patronize you. But it seems to me that you were guilty of the same crime many here (and elsewhere on the various astrology boards) are: berating a group or thought process without adequate research. And I think that because nothing you have said so far tells me that you HAVE done the research, just that you have read their books and the sites. Not the same thing. As for Charles and Diana: sure, they are trying to prove a point, THEIR point incidentally, about the Heartbreak Aspect. As such, they are under no obligation to point out that the two had that extremely legitimate and lethal Grand Cross between them. But why is that such a crime? Does traditional, Western Astrology point out that there is a "Vasya Kuta" (denoting a magnetic, often fatal, attraction according to Vedic Astrology) between Diana's and Charles' nakshatras? No. And why is that? Because traditional, Western Astrology does not DEAL WITH NAKSHATRAS AND VASYA KUTAS. It's not its job to point out aspects and dynamics that belong in another system, even if they may prove the point they are trying to make. I do not understand why that is so hard for everyone to understand. To each her/his own, Glaucus: one arm of astrology does not need to prove another's point, they should be left alone to prove ONLY THEIR OWN, not someone else's. Oh, and that does not mean you or I cannot use it ALL, btw.  Thanks, Tara. IP: Logged | |