Topic: New Thoughts on Orbs for Aspects
Bucketrider unregistered
posted February 08, 2008 10:28 AM
Several recent experiences with transits and synastry have illutrated to me that an orb of 12 for a conjunction is not too high. According to harmonic theory - aspects have definite relationships to each other and come from families which share similarities. We are all familiar with the trine/sextile/novile family and the opposition/square/semisquare family. It makes sense to me theoretically that the orb for these aspects is also related. If an opposition is half of a conjunction - its orb should be half as well. If a square is one quarter of a conjunction - its orb should be one quarter. I have seen a conjunction orb of 12 be significant - especially to the sun or moon. Also, if the semi-sextile is the smallest basic significant aspect of the circle, and is widely seen to have a 1 degree orb, it follows that the conjunction is 12 x that as it is 1/12 of the circle. Everything else would fall as a division of the circle and its orb would correspond to its division of 12. Following this line of thinking, the following orbs become apparent: Hard Aspects
conjunction - 12 opposition - 6 square - 3 semisquare, sesquiquadrate - 1.5 Easy Aspects
Conunction - 12 Trine - 4 Quintile - 2.4 Sextile - 2 Minor Aspects
Septile - 1.7 Semisquare/Sesquiquadrate - 1.5 Novile - 1.3 Decile - 1.2 Undecile - 1.1 Semi-sextile - 1 After much thought and re-analysis of many charts, I think these orbs make sense. I never really felt the sextile more than 2 degrees and I think the quintile is the most underrated aspect and needs to be better understood. It makes sense to me that it is at least as strong as the sextile and probably stronger because it is a smaller division of the circle. I am not sure where the quincunx fits on this list theoretically as it is kind of in its own family mathematically but an orb of 2 seems to work. IP: Logged |
dj unregistered
posted February 08, 2008 10:47 AM
Personally, after 15 years study, I am now getting to the point where i dont give orbs to aspects at all. I am starting to see its planets that have orbs, not aspects, with the Sun and Moon having the greatest orb of influence. I suspect that astrological orbs are related to different frequencies and brightness of light. If this holds water, then orbs may actually vary even for single entities, for example, the orbs of Mars may widen slightly when it approaches Earth, and those of Pluto when it slips into Neptunes orbit, the orbs of Venus may narrow when it moves behind the Sun, and so on. There is still a lot of research to do in this area. IP: Logged |
Bucketrider unregistered
posted February 08, 2008 10:55 AM
Very interesting, DJ. I agree with you - the sun and moon have a significantly larger orb than other planets but I do think the aspects have orbs. It is complicated and definitely requires much more rigorous research than has been done. Chart rulers may also get wider orbs as would heavily aspected planets. IP: Logged |
triplecancer Knowflake Posts: 34 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 12:00 PM
An astrologer once told me that my sun and moon where conjunct (12 degree orb), so that maks sense with what you are saying. But, do those orbs work for all planets? What about outer planets. For example, in synastry, would mars conjunct jupiter (orb 8 degrees) really be a conjunction? Or does that work with personal planets only? IP: Logged |
Bucketrider unregistered
posted February 08, 2008 12:32 PM
I am entertaining the notion that a conjunction works with an orb of 12 for all planets. The other orbs make alot of sense to me and everything is based on the scale of its division of the circle. There are many astrologers who will agree with a 6 degree orb for an opposition and a 3 deg orb for square. 4 for trine is also reasonable. I agree that the most difficult aspect to concur with would be the 12 for the conjunction. I think that is only bec those of us used to dealing with tighter orbs never even look at a conjunction at 12 degrees. I think we should, based on this model because everything else makes sense. I have definitely seen a conjunction between the sun and moon at around 10 degrees be significant. I have seen a 7 degree orb work for a conjunction to an MC and I have seen a moon around 10 degrees into the first house be very evident as up front in the person's personality more than once. The question is how well this works for other planets and points. More research needs to be done but as a model this makes alot of sense and so far I find it to work. Orbs like 6 degrees for a sextile are fantasy IMO. As are 7 degrees for a square. Harmonics are based on this basic idea, in order of strength: Conjunction, representing unity, includes all aspects - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Opposition includes - 2,4,6,8,12 Trine includes - 3,6,9,12 Square includes - 4,8,12 Quintile includes - 5,10 Sextile includes - 6,12 Aspects 7 - 12 only include one harmonic and are more abstract and spiritual. Which doesnt make them weak or less present - just harder to understand and speak tangibly about for many people.
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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8743 From: Dublin, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 01:57 PM
I've been told that I have Sun conjunct Jupiter before, and they're 11 degrees apart. I've read the interpretation for that, and it seems fairly true.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 01:58 PM
I prefer tighter orbs.....after all the tighter the orb,the stronger the effect....the most exact aspects,tend to raise a lot of to speak.I also prefer to give much tighter orbs in synastry for outerplanets because they are so generational, slow moving. I definitely would give tighter orbs for the nodes of jupiter and objects beyond Jupiter because they are about the collective. another thing too.....some astrologers use orbs in relation to the harmonic......those are the harmonic astrologers. They use other harmonic charts any way. I was reading HARMONIC ASTROLOGY By David Hamblin. He uses half of the orb for natal aspects for synastry aspects. I have a more geometric approach to Astrology,and so orbs matter a great deal to me......especially with midpoints.
I also use planetary nodes......the orbs for them are much more than 2 degrees for more than 1 degree for synastry.
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Bucketrider unregistered
posted February 08, 2008 04:02 PM
I am coming from a place of using very tight orbs. I used to use no more than 6 for a conjunction. That has been proven wrong in my experience many times. Aside from a 12 orb for the conjunction, all other aspects in this model are tight. 3 deg orb for a square would be considered very conservative by most astrologers. If all the other orbs make sense - and I believe they do - 12 for a conjunction is not far fetched. In our drive to be more scientific about orbs - keeping things "tight" - we lose important parts of the picture. Aspects are part of a system - they are not random. They relate to each other. Using similar orbs for all major aspects is not scientific. It ignores their fundamental harmonic relationship - oppositions being half of conjunctions, squares being half of oppositions, etc. Orbs should reflect that.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 04:13 PM
I wouldn't use 12 degree orb for synastry though....especially not with the outerplanets.A lot time ago,astrologers use aspects by sign........but the discovery of outerplanets complicated matters. also wide orbs can be valid, but they still much weaker than orbs with close aspects even major aspects with wide orbs can be weaker than minor aspects with very tight orbs. Robert Hand made that point in his book,HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS another thing too is that some astrologers might find wide orbed aspects working because there is a declination that enhances them. Also a midpoint picture involving those planets could be involved
for example....maybe I can relate to a 10 degree Venus conjunct Neptune,but my Venus parallels Neptune less than 1 degree. furher more, my Mars squares Venus/Neptune midpoint less than 1 degree. maybe I can relate to Mercury conjunct Neptune with 13 degrees, but I have Mercury parallel Neptune less than 1 degree. I also have Mercury conjunct Sun/Neptune less than 1 degree. I also have Neptune in 3rd house. also.....planetary nodes and perigree/apogee,perihelion/aphelion could be taken into consideration. After all,they are astronomical points.
another thing too is that some people get away with wide orbed aspects involving Pluto because they have strong aspects involving other kuiper belt objects....especially Eris which is larger than Pluto.......or the the plutinos which have 3:2 resonance with Neptune like Pluto,...plutinos like Ixion,Orcus
I have Sun conjunct Ixion with 4 minutes of arc, parallel Orcus with 1 minute of arc maybe that's why I can relate to plutonian energy with my Sun in Scorpio. I do have Sun contraparallel Pluto though. there are so many factors why some astrologers can get away with wide orbs.
of course,there are the harmonic charts that can be considered too. things get more complicated when you get into Vedic Astrology which don't even use the outerplanets and don't use aspects in a way that we do.
for instance all planets aspect the opposite houses additionally Jupiter aspects 5th,9th houses from itself Mars aspects 4th,8th houses from itself Saturn aspects 3rd,10th houses from itself also..outerplanet influences are attributed to Rahu(North Lunar Node) and Ketu(South Lunar Node) The vedic astrologers also use harmonic charts..especially the navamsha,9th harmonic chart as a 2nd main chart,determine overall strength of planets,and used as a marriage chart. Classical Astrologers don't use the outer planets either. another thing too is 3D true body aspects (that's measuring aspects along the great circle) because of the far off latitude,kuiper objects like Eris,Pluto,Ixion,Varuna,and others don't appear as conjunctions and oppositions and can even form other aspects that you don't see with regular aspects.
Cosmobiologists use different orbs too. but they focus more on hard aspects and not the soft aspects.......especially with midpoints. Astrology is so many different ways to do Astrology. The diversity in Astrology is cool. I feel that orbs are something that are very subjective and depends on what astrologer feels is comfortable. That's why orbs are hotly debated among astrologers. IP: Logged |
Bucketrider unregistered
posted February 08, 2008 04:36 PM
I think looking at objects beyond pluto overcomplicates things. As does working with 3 dozen midpoint pictures. The basic signs, planets and houses are more than enough. I am aware of mitigating factors involving wide orbs - despite all that, wide orbs seem to work most with the conjunction. The fundamental problem with modern notions of interpreting asteroids, kuiper belt objects and every planets nodes and midpoints is the complete loss of a coherent system. At any given time or in any given chart there can be 15 things contributing to the same outcome. Which amounts to saying everything which means saying nothing. I only count planets which have clear astrological sigificance - the kind that has been demonstrated over decades and which make sense within the system as it is. There are 12 signs, 12 houses, 12 aspects and a planetary scheme which fits that system. I look for unity and a larger picture that is consistent and has integrity. Not every collection of dust, methane and frozen nitrogen floating in space is significant. Similarly, not every possible calculation and combination of planetary pictures is significant. I have found again and again the most important astrological points are in the basic elements of the chart - the sun, moon, signs, nodal axis, houses and aspects. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 04:43 PM
if we use the dwarf planet,Pluto, then why not the dwarf planets,Ceres and Erisif we use the kuiper belt object,Pluto, then why not use the other kuiper belt objects like Eris,Varuna,Ixion,Quaoar some astrologers use Chiron which is a centaur, but there are so many other centaurs too and a lot of them have names like Chariklo,Asbolus,Nessus,Hylonome,Cyllarus,Okyrhoe the view of complete loss of a coherent system is very relative and subjective
some classical astrologers would argue against the use of the outerplanets because they are not visible. the same with the Vedic astrologers.
different strokes for different folks
to each,his or her own. that's why there are so many astrological systems even heliocentric astrology. even galactic astrology like some astrologers use black holes,quasars,pulsars,xrays Philip Sedgwick has solar fire add on called Galastro that calculates those points. I have that too. some astrologers use fixed stars. Some project stars onto the ecliptic like Diana Rosenberg. Some astrologers use fixed star parans like Bernadette Brady. I leaning more towards fixed star parans myself. I have fixed star paran report program too. some astrologers use hypothetical transneptunian planets like Cupido,Poseidon,Hades,Admetos,Apollon,Vulkanus,and Zeus. Those are the uranian astrologers.
some esoteric astrologers use Vulcan some astrologers even use Transpluto. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8743 From: Dublin, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 04:44 PM
I agree, BR.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 04:52 PM
Astrology is like a religion.....there are so many different beliefs,practices. A lot of astrologers disagree about what is valid and what is not valid just like people of different religions. Many astrologers even point out other astrologers are wrong and that they are right. Of course,majority astronomers point out that all the astrologers are wrong. Heck..majority of scientists and mental health practitioners do the same thing. A lot of mainstream astrologers are patronizing and condescending to eclectic astrologers like for their use of minor planets and telling them that what they are doing is not Astrology. It's no different from astronomers telling astrologers that what they do is bunk. There are psychological astrologers who criticize evolutionary astrologers or other karmic astrologers for their beliefs/practices of using Astrology for karmic pastlife insights. There is discord not among astronomers but also astrologers.
Astrological skeptics or should I say cynics even use the argument that astrologers disagree about how astrology works,what in astrology works,and the many different astrological systems,what constellations are valid, even some of the sidereal astrologers disagree about the difference of degrees between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs, classical astrologers criticizing psychological astrology,many vedic astrologers saying that the western astrology is not accurate and wrong, astrologers disagree whether cause and effect or synchronicity are the operating mechanisms in Astrology. Astrologers disagree if composite or davison charts are better for looking at relationships. I feel that Eris might even be a co-ruler of Astrology because of the discord,diversity in the field of Astrology. IP: Logged |
Purple_Chick_71 unregistered
posted February 08, 2008 08:28 PM
Me feel dumb.I guess the bottom line is that, ultimately, astrology is not just a science but an intuitive "artform". So, if looking at just the planets out to pluto will get you a good interpretation, then that's what you do. Or if you can get a feel for a chart using midpoints, then THAT'S what you do. However, I do think that there should be some consensus on how to interpret a chart WITHIN each of these techniques, and these "rules" should have some logical/astrological/mathematical basis. Otherwise, we may as well break out the crystal ball.  BR - I think having a wider orb for the conjunction is pretty sound, especially based on the way you came to the conclusion of the 12 degree orb. I also think that Dj makes an excellent point about the possibility that certain planets can have a stronger orb of influence. (I think it's widely accepted that the sun and moon DO.) And, Glaucus...I didn't understand most of what you said (it's not you, it's me! lol) but, I can see how the parallels and contraparallels come into play. The cool thing for me is that all of these techniques may, quite possibly, lead to the same or similar interpretations. Does it occur to anyone that this is because, regardless of HOW you look at them, from whatever angle or perspective, we are all standing under the same sky and looking at the same stars???  ------------------ Sun - Capricorn (10th House) Moon - Gemini (2nd House) Mercury - Sagittarius (9th House) Venus - Aquarius (11th House) Mars - Aries (12th House) ASC - Aries IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2008 08:34 PM
" Does it occur to anyone that this is because, regardless of HOW you look at them, from whatever angle or perspective, we are all standing under the same sky and looking at the same stars??? "Of course! I believe that,and that's the points that I was trying to make. Definitely Steven Forrest thinks so. That's why I posted Future of Astrology by Steven Forrest. I am leaning more towards evolutionary astrology as well as astronomically oriented astrology.
I am trying to move away from tropical zodiac signs Cosmobiologists don't even use houses and put very little emphasis on signs.....Cosmobiology influenced me in that regards. They focus mainly on planetary geometry. They don't see squares and oppositions as necessarily bad either..they focus more on the nature of the bodies,points that are in studies in Cosmobiology influenced me about that. IP: Logged |
triplecancer Knowflake Posts: 34 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 10, 2008 07:15 PM
I have one more question. Do these orbs work for planets in different signs? For example: ascendant cancer 23 degrees and mars in leo 1 degree (in synastry). IP: Logged |
Mystic_Cat Knowflake Posts: 428 From: Tibet Registered: Jan 2014
posted April 14, 2014 07:13 AM
12 Degree's is a massive distance for a conjunction, defiantly possible with larger bodies such as the Sun, but not sure about the smaller.As it's the planets themselves that have these orbs, the aspects orbs are going to be reflections or parralell vibrations, so imo the aspect orbs are much smaller. For a conjunction to be up to 12 degree's is very unrealistic for bodies like Pluto, that are smaller than our own Moon, they would need a humongously powerful atmosphere to give off an orbit that strong. If you think about how large the space of 10-12 degree's is in our actual solar system, then bring in two of the smaller planetary bodies the space seems unfathomable, but at the same time we don't know what it is that connects them, if it's magnetics etc it could be quite easiy possible. The light and heat of the Sun is the possible connector, obviously as it's the central star it is possible of holding a giant orb due to the light, but with a body like Jupiter that doesn't have it's own source of outgoing light energy it's a different matter.. Imo i'd say 10 degree's for all bodies. I guess you could work it out realisticly, by finding how large a degree is in terms of space then calculating how close in anothers proximity a planet to get another before having effects on the other, as its going to be similar to how the astrological influence works IP: Logged |
Kannon McAfee Knowflake Posts: 1210 From: Portland, OR - USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted August 14, 2014 08:04 PM
deleted. IP: Logged |
KarmicMoon Knowflake Posts: 611 From: Moon, Milky Way Registered: Feb 2014
posted August 15, 2014 10:30 AM
Interesting thread. I'm always frustrated by orbs and what to use. Everyone has different theories. I like the idea of planets having orbs rather then aspects. In synastry, I have a Sun oppose Sun with 12 orb but most people would say that is too wide. I see on here a lot a max orb of 3 in synastry, which seems too small in my opinion. Any thoughts on asteriods? IP: Logged |
Kannon McAfee Knowflake Posts: 1210 From: Portland, OR - USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted August 16, 2014 06:35 PM
Bucketrider,My experience does not support the orbs you suggest here. dj makes a good and very essential point, that orbs are as much functions of the planets involved as the aspects. My experience does support this. In fact, it is written into the very language of 'orb.' The original concept was 'moiety of orbs', that is "each of two parts into which a thing is or can be divided." That means take the width of one planet (in geocentric appearance) and how far it casts its light (aura) and come to a mean with the same of the other planet. There was wide, loose agreement on this. Orbs were not applied strictly. The aspect factor has more to do with how close the aspect is to stepping on the next harmonic in series. So with the 60-degree sextile, you've got a lot more room than you do with say the 144-degree BQ that quickly becomes a 150-degree quincunx. In addition - and this is just as important a factor to include - is that very often orbs are stretched for longitude aspects because an aspect is in effect, but in declination. Parallels happen simultaneously or nearly so with conjunctions. Contra-parallels the same with oppositions. ------------------ Expert rectification, professional astrology consults IP: Logged |
soren Knowflake Posts: 560 From: vancouver, bc, canada Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 19, 2014 04:36 AM
Keep in mind each angle has its own tension and brings out different characteristics in a personality. Every angle. The major angles are noticibly strong and powerful though.Every angle that is a multiple of 18 degrees is in the 1/20th family which is related to 1/10 Deciles and 1/5th quintiles. But much less powerful. Every angle that is a multiple of 15 are more minor aspects than the twelve 30 degree major aspects. The quindecile (165 degrees) is an example. If we use the quindecile, then why not others? Multiples of 1/18th are another very minor aspect. Along with 1/11 (a bit more major). So really nearly every angle is associated with a certain aspect. 160 is quadnovile, 162 is related to 1/18th, 163 is quinundecile, 165 is quindecile. So as you can see there are a lot of minor aspects. That's why when dealing with minor aspects a tight orb is important. Hm as for your orb theory, then I dont know. Because the biseptile is 2/7th. (12/7)2 = 3.4. I assume that biseptiles are just as powerful as septiles so they shouldn't have a bigger orb. I just believe the more powerful the aspect, the bigger the orb it should have. Ah but nevermind. I see that you would just apply the same orb to all multiples of the base aspect, which would be a septile. This may be a good method then
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yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 1631 From: red river valley Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 24, 2015 07:57 PM
I am feeling like since the novile is a conjunction in the 9th harmonic chart a higher orb is appropriate... At least 2 degrees, I would say.IP: Logged |
NYCdodger Knowflake Posts: 1579 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted July 24, 2015 11:28 PM
I personally don't even care for orbs any more. i've discovered so many times that two planets in the same sign or certain sign will still impact the other planet in a major way.Maybe a quincunx or other minor aspects can be interpreted with an orb. But conjunction, opposite, square, trine and sextile can, and still will be felt whether its an exact, or if its several degrees apart. just my experience IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23479 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 25, 2015 04:03 AM
My experience is different. While personal planets in signs alone will of course colour the personality and hence influence how you get along with each other basically, the tight orbed aspects are activated simultaneously by transits or progressions and seem more "acute" at that time, showing some action and instinctive response, that almost feels automatic. Like a very focused flashlight being directed on a certain spot and illuminating it.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 61115 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2015 02:57 PM
Good seeing different opinions.IP: Logged | |