Topic: Men with Venus in Aquarius
NeptunianFire unregistered
posted February 20, 2008 11:24 PM
quote: Regarding the Aqua Sun/Cappy Rising/Scorpio Moon/Aqua Venus man I recently dated...He is so emotionless
I doubt this. No Scorpio Moon is emotionless, regardless of the Sun or Venus sign. They sure do a good job of hiding their emotions and with Cappy rising and all that Aqua he is for sure great at hiding his sensitivity. But it's there.  IP: Logged |
Sarai unregistered
posted February 21, 2008 03:45 PM
I'm a Scorpio moon and I am very good at "poker faces". I like people who are willing to see beyond facades and dig around for something interesting. I don't like opening up for just anyone... they have to be willing to put some work into getting to know me.That said, with Scorpio Moons that I know, it's the same deal. The men are especially intense without really doing anything but a lot of air could make that hard to see. Doesn't mean it's not there. IP: Logged |
bluegreyeyes Knowflake Posts: 168 From: NC Registered: May 2009
posted February 26, 2008 04:05 PM
I felt the need to throw in my experience... as I'm a female Aquarius (sun) with venus in aquarius (12th). In relationships, I think the "friend" description is on the money. I have never been able to date someone from strictly a "romantic" perspective... I must relate to them at first platonically, and that will usually override the romance and love aspect. I can understand for some, they prefer love over friendship in relationships... but I've always preferred the intimacy of friendships because they are not as clouded with sexual undertones, expectations, commitment, and I think there is more honesty when the other person is not focused on titles, etc. I do not flip flop... I love all of my friends, I'm not detached, I'm not insensitive, I'm not casual or uncommitted... in fact, loyalty is my first and foremost priority in friendships, it is 100% vital that I trust someone's loyalty as a friend before taking any other steps. In sex and physical affection, I can be somewhat detached... not cold... but just a little bit more weary and hesitant... I've also got a bit of a trust issue, so it tends to go with the territory. ------------------ *Christina* Aquarius SUN Gemini MOON Aries ASC IP: Logged |
Annepisces unregistered
posted July 10, 2008 06:10 PM
So how does one know when a Venus Aquarius person is truly interested romantically?
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Dooza unregistered
posted July 11, 2008 04:45 AM
Alvarella - oh yes, it's me again!!! I have Juno in Aquarius!!!! Who were you thinking of?  I am incredibly attracted to a Venus in Aqua, and OMG, there is nothing I can do. There is eye-contact, then there's not and then there is with a smile, and then there is not, all over again  Anyway, I live in a hope and dream that one day we can develop a friendship (at least), because I am utterly fascinated!!! IP: Logged |
Lana29865 unregistered
posted July 11, 2008 05:02 AM
I have Juno (and Descendant) in Aqua and my Aqua man's Mercury conjuncts my Juno spot on (he is Aqua Sun, ASC, Mercury). IP: Logged |
bluegreyeyes Knowflake Posts: 168 From: NC Registered: May 2009
posted July 11, 2008 10:27 AM
I think BlueRoamer is on the money with his description of Venus in Aqua relationships.I am Aqua Sun, and Aqua Venus (in the 12th!) and I've never been comfortable with romantic relationships unless they've evolved from a serious friendship. My exboyfriend was kind of like a buddy to me, but with the added bonus of sexual chemistry. I've also had a best friend who I would have NEVER thought of as anything but platonic, but after a few months I realized I was crazy about him... I don't think it's "detachment" or being "unemotional" as much as it's just not the typical romantic "flowers, love poems and constant affection" relationship... I look at couples that enjoy romantic candlelit dinners and walks on the beach and think "eh", whereas I think hanging out with your beau, watching a football game at a bar and chatting with all the patrons would be great... To each their own though. ------------------ *Christina* Aquarius SUN Gemini MOON Aries ASC IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted July 11, 2008 01:21 PM
i have had two relationships with venus aqua men. and now, my new crush also has venus aqua! he told me the other day that friendship is THE most important part of a relationship! so there you go! it's hard to distinguish exactly what is the venus aqua part of my exes, but based on what i've read here, i think i've boiled it down. yes, both were very into just hanging out, talking about stuff, being buddies. there wasn't a lot of romancing to be had and i can see, thinking about both of them, that they want that kind of mental connection, of frienship, and that having that made them feel more desirous. i still don't know a lot about the placement myself, but this time around his venus conjuncts my mars and mercury (and widely, my sun) in aquarius, so it feels a little more heated and like we get eachother a bit more. but it definitely has that let's be REALLY good FRIENDS vibe, which i love! oh i might also add that my new crush is a scorpio moon and he definitely has a lot of feelings! it's in the 3rd though, so he communicates them easily! but i can see how aqua venus can make them seem more aloof than they feel at times, especially with a scorpio moon! IP: Logged |
bullhead unregistered
posted July 13, 2008 12:10 PM
im having a secret love affair relationship with a venus in aqua man, i was in trouble, he expressed he couldnt sleep much @ nite, thinkin how to pull me out of it, then he did exactly that, he used his time, energy, money to help me and keep continuing it. He then told me if a couple months down the road, your situation got better, if you want to be with me you choose, i want u to be with someone because you want him not needing him. So there, venus in aqua, they will show their true feelings but just not, i miss you or i love you, he never said i love you. they are determinded once they found you are the one, its a fixed sign after all. He claims we are good friends. It takes one to know one, my venus is in aqua as well, so i understand him.IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 13, 2008 01:03 PM
interesting thread  I'm left wondering if mars in Aquarius is similar?
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Starry Eyes unregistered
posted November 06, 2008 09:12 AM
WoW so mch information Thank You blue moonIP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 06, 2008 09:52 AM
You're welcome. I particularly enjoyed Blue Roamer's wise contribution to this thread. IP: Logged |
matildaAtWar unregistered
posted January 21, 2009 07:29 PM
I'm new to this forum so... hi everybody  I really love this thread because it gives me so much insight on my current situation. I've been friends with my venus in aquarius man for a few months now. We've met under the most unusual circumstances and only have spent so much time together because I enjoy his company so much and constantly invites him to events. His sun is in Sag and I think a moon in Virgo. He is the most wonderfully logical and intelligent gentleman. Extremely devoted to his studies and can seem perfectly asexual brainiac at first acquaintance. We've been on many date-like outings alone, and would sometimes hold hands. However, our conversations would be strictly intellectual and hardly ever about personal romantic relationships, or feelings in general. This suits me pretty well, since I'm a scorpio with rising aquarius, libra in venus and scorpio in mercury- I thrive on harmonious intellectual conversations. However, just when I sensed that things are going quite well and begin to be a bit more flirtatious with him. he disappeared for a month. this came completely without warning and I was quite devastated. Then just when I was ready to move on, he re-appeared with a thousand apologies and excuses like "I wasn't prepared to respond to you then I was too busy.". Usually he is the most considerate and caring friend, so this is completely out of character. After establishing a truce, we went out again. This time, he confessed a lot about himself to me, things that could seem a bit private, which is very unlike his normal self because our conversations hardly gets personal. About how he sometimes feel like he cannot relate to the rest of the world and therefore is very awkward with socializing. Then the strange thing is... he is now very flirtatious with me in his own bizarre and awkward way. He would tease me, a lot. Call me nicknames and pat me on the head. And sometimes blurt out that he thinks I'm cute. Before he seems very physically detached and not fond of physical contact at all. Now he would put his arm around my shoulder when I said I'm cold or rub my hand with his to warm me up. I am confused as to..whether or not is this just an venus in aqua trait to be very very good friends with someone or if he really is flirtatious, and I wonder how his sag sun plays into this.
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wheelsofcheese Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted January 22, 2009 06:16 AM
Hey! Welcome to Lindaland. I think maybe your man retreated to have a think about things, and when he had thought about things enough - he came back to you. It seems to me from what you've described that he likes you very much. I like this thread. My SO has Venus is Aqua, he's a funny onion but once you get to know how he prefers to express love then it's easier. Agree, I love Blue Roamer's intelligent comments  IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 22, 2009 11:17 AM
"I look at couples that enjoy romantic candlelit dinners and walks on the beach and think "eh", whereas I think hanging out with your beau, watching a football game at a bar and chatting with all the patrons would be great..."Well bc of my Pisces Sun and Aqua Venus I can do both..I find shooting ball with my man romantic its that whole physical thing..But the most important thing is we are friends and he loves me for who I am.. IP: Logged |
Green Fairy unregistered
posted January 23, 2009 02:29 PM
quote: he told me the other day that friendship is THE most important part of a relationship! so there you go!
I agree! [that's my Venus/Uranus opp. talking] IP: Logged |
matildaAtWar unregistered
posted January 23, 2009 03:47 PM
Coming from a more impulsive point of view (aries moon talking), it seems like from what I've read in this post, a romantic relationship with Venus in Aquarius takes ages to develop, and who knows if it will ever turn into a romantic one, for all I know it could remain platonic for eons. Do they tend to be the one to erase the barrier between platonic and romantic? IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted January 23, 2009 04:51 PM
My Aries best friend as Venus in Aquarius and she is adventurous,playful,loving, and outgoing in her relationships.I think from personal experience she needs someone to be outgoing, someone who is not afraid to try new things, spontaneous, caring, not clingy, gives her a sense of freedom, and most of all understanding.
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Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 23, 2009 10:34 PM
be independent and get your cuddles from someone else  IP: Logged |
Nyah Knowflake Posts: 221 From: Europe Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 26, 2009 04:13 PM
I had a 10 year long relationship with an Aqua Venus, but I must say that his soft Pisces Sun was more visible in his close relationships. Ok, he absolutely needed his space sometimes, and he always had his own life going on. One thing I noticed about him that feels a bit "Aqua-ish" is that I think you need to be his BEST friend or his lover/roommate to really be close to him. He didn't like phones, he rarely answered when people tried to reach him and he was a bit flaky, hard to reach if you will. But when he felt like seeing people he was the best friend ever, very devoted, loyal and fun. Now that we're not together anymore but still good friends I understand what his friends sometimes got annoyed by haha! You can reach him when he wants to be reached, just accept it Also, he has air Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars so it's understandable that he is a bit aloof  I grew up with an Aqua Moon/Venus brother and an Aqua Sun/Mercury dad so I guess I've learned to be chill about it ------------------ Ascendant: Gemini Sun: Pisces Moon: Capricorn Mercury: Pisces Venus: Capricorn Mars: Aquarius IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 26, 2009 05:12 PM
Nyah, your Pisces friend sounds alot like me, minus the flakyness..I am not flaky and if I say its on its on and if things change I will let ppl know..But usually its on.. IP: Logged |
Camus unregistered
posted February 18, 2009 10:23 PM
This is a piece of meSun Aquarius 10° 0' Moon Libra 1° 36' Mercury Aquarius 8° 42' Venus Aquarius 12° Mars Scorpio 28° 11' Jupiter Aquarius 24° 52' Pluto Scorpio 7° 20' I'm a guy btw.. She doesn't need to be really attractive..But something that catch the eye would be nice..for some passion XD
Rawr! Easy going is a plus+active once a while  Mature/playfull She needs to be herself Something to talk about besides daily stuff and knowing what ur saying and at least be able to back it up with something...Otherwise i think u judge too fast wich i don't do/like..and it create a wall between people..wich is not what we are born for..we're born to break those crap worthless ideas/judgements and statements. So basically we are builders of a new world or dream..and if u are a breaker..well won't hate u but u will just be friends then, we do forgivea lot don't worry but too much is too much. Well for me its serious stuff..lemme tell a story about my last relation. Relationship lasted 3y, one day she came home and was mad and telling a story that a customer was rude and threw something at her cuz she didn't ordered that or didn't wanted anymore..well my ex spitted in her food..well i like honesty(saggi) but that is a BIG NO..couldn't love her anymore even though i tried IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201680 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 06, 2009 09:40 AM
I'm one! And I find what Atlenta said to be very true. Also, I like it when a girl is not-so-subtle in expressing interest. In other words, if you like me, let me know. Make the first move. Then I'll reciprocate. But you don't want to overdo it. I want to see you as an adventure, not smothering. Make the first move, but then let me lead. Just my two copper pennies (well, actually zinc). Carry on. ------------------ "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz IP: Logged |
Jounia Knowflake Posts: 752 From: United Kingdom Registered: May 2011
posted May 24, 2011 03:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by LibraChickety: Regarding the Aqua Sun/Cappy Rising/Scorpio Moon/Aqua Venus man I recently dated...THERE IS NO HOPE FOR HIM! I honestly mean this. He is so emotionless, I can't fathom who'd understand it, never mind put up with it. I actually feel terribly sorry for this man. I doubt he'll ever find anyone. PLUS, he's terribly selfish.
I'm a Cancer sun/Cappy rising/Scorpio moon/Gemini Venus and I'm over clingy You'd never call me selfish though. IP: Logged |
Jounia Knowflake Posts: 752 From: United Kingdom Registered: May 2011
posted May 24, 2011 03:45 AM
PS - I'm kind of involved with a Picses man with a venus in aqua and let me tell you he doesn't even seem to want to know anything about me so the 'best friends first' thing is def not coming from this guy! But he is interested. Could it be he is scared to find out ore about me because he has a fear of falling in love? I cannot sus him at all!! His Moon is either Gemini or Taurus....IP: Logged | |