  Men with Venus in Aquarius (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Men with Venus in Aquarius
posted February 16, 2008 08:02 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know Venus in a man's chart is just one part of the whole but does anyone know what kind of woman a guy with this placement goes for?

You can talk about anything: looks, personality, likes, dislikes, so on adn on...

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posted February 16, 2008 08:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hippichick     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have known a couple of em.

They like out there chicks, freaky, liberal, free, nonconventional in relationships.

One of the guys I knew was into bi ladies as well, he wanted them both at the same time, course this was a 62Aqua with not only Venus in Aqua, but Mars, Merc, Jup and Saturn and of course the sun as well!

I do not think it will describe, necessarially, the type of look the guy is after, more like the relationship quality.

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posted February 16, 2008 08:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh boy, Venus is Aquarius men, are very detached in love. They prefer the friendship level and are a little bit commitment phobic.
As such, relationships that attract them are usually turbulent ones, where the woman is very independent. Clinginess scares them and makes them uncomfortable.

They can blow hot and cold, and alot of partners get confused and see this as lack of interest. They can shut their feelings off in an instant, after a warm, and intense projection of caring.

They are attracted to women who are eccentric, independent, basically the archetype of Aquarius.

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posted February 16, 2008 08:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemGemGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My ex-husband had venus in Aquarius.

He was VERY detached from his emotions. It was almost like he was a robot with no feelings whatsoever. No warmth...very cold and lonely to be living with him.

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posted February 16, 2008 08:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Did your ex-husband have many other Aqua placements or was it just VEnus?

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posted February 16, 2008 10:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemGemGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His rising sign was also in Aquarius.

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posted February 16, 2008 11:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlueRoamer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Everything said here about venus in aquarius is mostly off mark.

Not to be rude, but venus aquarius doens't necessarily indicate detachment, this is an aquarian quality, but specifically is much stronger in a sun or moon aquarius, not necessarily venus. The only time one might see extreme detachment in a venus aquarius is if their rising sign is libra or taurus, thus making venus their chart ruler and more imporant.


Venus aquarius are the "friend" dating sign. They aren't detached but they often see people as friends, and they often prefer to develop a platonic relationship first. They aren't commitment phobes, they just need freedom when they relate to others. They are attracted to offbeat people in general, and like underdogs or counterculture people. They want someone outisde the mainstream, someone who is an individual. Venus aquarius is a very charming position, they are good at relating to the public and groups in general.

When dating a venus aquarius just don't try to box them in, but don't be so aloof that you seem uninterested either. Venus in air indicates that communication is important to these people, so this is an important area for them.

I have this position and I am not detached in love. I do have a lot of friends that probably wish they were my lovers but they aren't. But I know that platonic relationships can become romantic, and romantic can become platonic.

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posted February 16, 2008 11:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

So interesting. Thanks for replying to my thread.

So how does one know when a Venus Aquarius person is truly interested romantically? Do you sort of "flip flop" (for lack of a better word) between romance and friendship even when you're in a romantic relationship? How would one know, or what indications would there be on your part that you do actually love someone?

Are you male or female? Doesn't matter, I'm just curious.


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posted February 17, 2008 07:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hippichick     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As far as being "off mark" I only go by what I have seen, and the 2 instances I mentioned are men...

Women express their Venusian qualities alot differently than men.

I think, when studying natal charts, one first must consider gender, then how the gender is colored by particular placements.

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posted February 17, 2008 08:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my closest friends growing up had venus in aqua; though they arent necessarily this way, it is how i experienced them. so, hey! in love they are erratic, but not to say unexciting.

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posted February 17, 2008 09:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for kindjali     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I have Venus in Aquarius, and what I can tell is that I cannot be detached from my emotions, because of Piscies Moon.
Venus in Aqua reflects in finding a right One; She must be special, different from others, she must have something in the eyes, thats why I never commit if I don't find person like that.
She has to be person I can talk about everything, friend and lover.


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posted February 17, 2008 09:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemGemGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am not saying this will be true for ALL people with Venus in Aqua, but this is the experience with my ex-husband who had venus in Aqua and his rising sign in Aqua...

The way I knew he loved me was that he TOLD me verbally, and every once in a while I would catch a glimpse of it in his eyes when he looked at me a certain way. He expressed his love verbally, but not very emotionally or physically.

It was difficult for me to take after a while, because I express love very physically, and in tangible ways.

If he cares about you, you will know it. They are not without feeling, they just don't show it readily.

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posted February 17, 2008 10:06 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my Pisces boyfriend has his venus in Aquarius, and he's very caring one day, but also very detached the next. this can easily frustrate my venus in Scorpio because i constantly want to have that closeness with him, but his mars in Taurus sees that and grounds him enough to be not so flighty and light with his feelings.

he's EXTREMELY humourous, and can be very uplifting to be around. just that he needs plenty of space, which although i don't really feel comfortable with, i have learned to accept.

once they are in love with you, you will know, because they treat you as a close friend, and share their thoughts and feelings specifically to you and only you.

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posted February 17, 2008 10:37 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok what's left to add...
I got Venus in Aqua (in 12) and what is sad above is true.
I don't give my "I love you"s for granted, and I need a lot of space. And my lovers did find me to be detached (there is a bit of my Sag nature to this). But that doesn't mean that I don't feel anything. It's quite opposite- my emotions do run deeply, but I just don't express them so practically..
The one I love does know that. If he really loves me to.

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posted February 17, 2008 11:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlueRoamer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Be careful about applying certain attributes of a person to a single position in their chart.

Be careful about applying traits that maybe 2 or 3 people had to all people with that position.

Remember people are a blend of their entire chart, and those are just tendencies, not law. It's good to start to take note of things, but just because one person is one sign and one way does not mean all people will be that way.

Venus usually doesn't tell you much about that persons general personality, it simply tells you about the way they relate to others and their preferences.

Kaira I think a lot of men are really affectionate one day then detached the next. But I dont' think the way you are using the word detached is correct. A piscean is almost never detached, they simply don't have that ability.

People in astrology often use the word detached to describe aquarian influenced people. I'm wondering if they mean the traditional definition of detached which is "aloof or uncaring," or emotionally detached, which is more like they aren't really there emotionally, feeling what everyone else is. I believe that aquarius dominated people tend to take on the later, it's definitely not that they don't care.

Now with your pisces man, most men do this routine where they're super interested and then they're not. This is male behavior. It has to do with them having the freedom to sow their oats freely, and it might also have to do with pisces natural need for a lot of alone time. It's not that he doesn't like you, its just that he dones't want to be around any girlfriend at the moment, I wouldn't take it personally, but since you're a woman you probably will.

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posted February 17, 2008 03:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think kindjali and BlueRoamer are hitting this one on the head. I'm a female with venus in Aquarius, but I think it's similar regardless of gender. I don't think it's accurate when people say that venus in Aquarius is cold or aloof. I'm not that way! Maybe when they're less mature, they will appear this way because they're unsure of themselves. It's almost like they'll be LESS friendly to you because they don't want you to know how they truly feel. I think the mature expression of it is, like others have said, wanting someone who is a friend first and foremost, but also someone who is their own person, a unique individual. And that's not so bad, right?

So, it's not that they don't FEEL emotions, they just express them differently. Think of the opposite sign of Leo and how they express themselves... then go in the other direction! lol

Good luck!

Sun - Capricorn (10th House)
Moon - Gemini (2nd House)
Mercury - Sagittarius (9th House)
Venus - Aquarius (11th House)
Mars - Aries (12th House)
ASC - Aries

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posted February 17, 2008 03:45 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
To everyone, thank you so much for sharing and being so open with your experiences. I feel I've learned so much just by being here on this forum than I have in the year or two I've studied astrology.

And I do like what BlueRoamer and kindjali wrote about Venus in Aquarius. I think it sums up what Venus in Aquarius is really like deep down below all the astrology jargon about "aloofness."

Venus in Aqua is a very interesting aspect of a chart's whole. I've personally known many people (mostly men) with this aspect so I was curious to find out more. I'd love to keep this discussion going and get more indepth!


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posted February 17, 2008 04:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
of course it will make a huge diff if he has cap/aqua/pisces sun, and the moon too - this is what kind of woman he seeks, and probably attracts, not necessarily descriptive of his responses at all. so many people seem to find aquarius absent but perhaps they just "weren't that into you" - aqua is a fixed sign and when committed...

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Mama Mia

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posted February 18, 2008 09:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mama Mia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"When dating a venus aquarius just don't try to box them in, but don't be so aloof that you seem uninterested either"


Venus in Aqua seek friendship FIRST once we get that down to a science with a person its on we can love deeply..Men and women..

I have Moon,Merc,Venus and rising in Aqua, but they all take a back seat to my Pisces Sun..When I love a man he does not even have to think twice he knows..Remember friends First..

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Mama Mia

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posted February 18, 2008 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mama Mia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venus Enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius today, ushering in a sense of the unorthodox when it comes to love. How does that translate? It's time to set your own rules about dating and relating. During this influence especially, "three day" rules and the like simply don't apply! You may also find yourself feeling the urge for some space or "me" time, whether you're alone or paired up. If you do, then take it! Just be sure that your partner doesn't interpret your needs as being aloof or disinterested, as that can be how it comes off. People born under this influence tend to embody all these qualities when it comes to romance - most of all, they aren't afraid to be themselves, even if that means being unique.

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posted February 18, 2008 01:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for amowls     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My best friend has her Venus in Aquarius. She is a married lesbian lol. She got married to this Russian guy when she was 17. They are still not divorced, however she does not see him.

She is not afraid of commitment, but her love life is pretty unconventional.

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posted February 18, 2008 01:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My man has a venus in, a fine coupling pair with me, I have a venus in taurus...sense the sarcasm. He is NOT cold at all, but at times wherein we are having a discussion, most especially when I am getting into my dramatic scenes for the week (believe me, he is very used to this), he pulls on detached mode and blocks me off for a couple of hours, because as he says when he is upset he doesnt want to say something he doesnt mean...But thats really the only time i ever see him detached. Then again, he has a scorpio rising and is a double pisces so Im dealing with a tamer version of the venus in aqua since its mixed with watery combos of luminaries.

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posted February 19, 2008 01:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for starrym     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
im a venus in scorpio and a venus in aqaurius once feel for me. i couldnt be any further from detached so they apparently werent looking for that in their lives. we started out as very good friends and thats how we became romantically interested

i think venus in aquarius just wants to be able to say "you are my lover and my best friend"

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posted February 20, 2008 01:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wonder how JUNO in AQUA could work out then ... ? How would that "aloof/detached" priciple translate to the matters of JUNO (partnerships/passion/bonding vs. deceiving)? Maybe anyone with VENUS in AQUA has an idea?

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posted February 20, 2008 06:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Regarding the Aqua Sun/Cappy Rising/Scorpio Moon/Aqua Venus man I recently dated...


I honestly mean this.

He is so emotionless, I can't fathom who'd understand it, never mind put up with it.

I actually feel terribly sorry for this man. I doubt he'll ever find anyone. PLUS, he's terribly selfish.

Sun in Libra
Asc. in Sagittarius
Moon in Virgo
Mercury in Libra
Venus in Scorpio
Mars in Leo
Jupiter in Libra
Saturn in Libra
Uranus in Scorpio
Pluto in Libra

Stellium in the 10th
I feel so naked

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