Topic: Theodor Landscheidt's Golden Aspects
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 17, 2008 03:21 PM
I was reading Theodor Landscheidt's article on the Planetary Nodes which inspired Zipporah Dobyns to research them and write the Node Book. In his article,he mentioned Golden aspects. He mentioned that Golden aspects were 85'00 132'30,and 68.8 (68'48). It seems that he uses a 1 degree orb for them. He also mentions 137.5°, 68.8°, 47.5° and 34.4°. as part of golden divisionsMy 85 degree golden aspects are: Jupiter-Ascendant-'09(already have Jupiter square Ascendant within 6 degree orb) Moon-Jupiter - '06 (already have Moon square Jupiter with a 6 degree orb Mars-Neptune - '55 (already have Mars square Neptune within 7 degrees) My 137.5 degree golden aspects are: Moon-Uranus - '23 (already have a wide Moon sesquiquadrate Uranus) My 68.8 degree golden aspects are: Venus-Ascendant - '28 My 47.5 degree golden divison aspects are Mercury-Pluto - '00 (I already have Mercury in Scorpio,Mercury sextile South Pluto Node) Uranus-Neptune - 1'00 (I already have a wide orbed semisquare) My 34.4 degree golden division aspects are Sun-Pluto - '05 (I already have Sun in Scorpio and Sun contraparallel Pluto) IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 17, 2008 03:54 PM
Here is some more Golden aspects.Golden Aspects The golden section divisions within cycles formed by the rotating earth may be considered a set of astrological aspects. The complete set emerges when we superimpose the two schematic diagrams in Figures 19 and 23, related to minor and major of the golden section, and compare all of those angles we find on the right and on the left of the origin 0°. Imagine that you are standing at the rising point R, or 0°, of the diurnal circle and are looking over to the setting point at 180°. Then the superimposed golden section divisions on your right form the set 21.25°, 42.49°, 47.51°, 68.75°, 111.25°, 132.49°, 137.51° and 158.75°. The angles 338.75°, 317.51°, 312.49° and so forth, on your left repeat the set on your right when subtracted from 360°. If we extend the fractal beyond the semicircle and include the quarter circle, the golden section operation generates the additional angles 34.38°, 55.62°, 124.38° and 145.62°. It is not an arbitrary procedure to divide cycles in halves and quarters. Observation shows that spectral peaks can appear at twice and four times the driving frequency, or at half or a quarter of it (Burroughs, 1992). Statistical tests indicate that the twelve golden aspects in the complete set are reliable. 111.25 degree golden aspects: Sun-Mars - '41 124.38 degree golden aspects: Uranus-Midheaven - '19 Jupiter-Eris - '24 145.62 degree golden aspects: Mars-Pluto - '34 IP: Logged |
Sarai unregistered
posted February 17, 2008 04:01 PM
Glaucus are you a professional astrologer? I can't even imagine beginning to understand this level of astrology! Wow I'm impressed.  IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 17, 2008 04:05 PM
No, but I have been studying Astrology since 1998, and I have been reading charts for others for years.I am very fascinated with numerous methods of Astrology. I really like the scientific approaches like Theodor Landscheidt's IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 6027 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 17, 2008 04:07 PM
but what do they signify?IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 17, 2008 04:47 PM
It's very complexed,and so it's hard for me to explain. Therefore,it's better that you read the article. This isn't traditional Astrology. It's more scientific. Dr. Theodor Landscheidt was a scientist and not just an astrologer.I have been trying to move away from zodiac signs,houses in Astrology and more on planetary geometry. That's why I am into Cosmobiology. he said - the "Golden Ratio" is a number that crops up everywhere in nature (it's equal to about 1.618034), and has a certain "fiveness" about it. It seems to be inherently pleasing to the human eye - many public buildings demonstrate this ratio and it just "looks right".
It's tied in with the "Fibonacci sequence" - 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21... - where each number is derived by adding the previous two. The Fibonacci sequence crops up everywhere in nature - count the number of petals on a flower, and it's probably a Fibonacci number. The ratio between one Fibonacci number and the next gets closer and closer to the Golden Ratio. Bernard Eccles saw them as something potentially very creative, but based this on the symbolism. Leonardo da Vinci used them in his art and design.
They could be useful in synastry and give a whole new meaning to golden linkages is a concept which Magi Society talks about. I will be posting about people with their golden aspects.
I will use this thread as a continuing thread to post about Golden aspects. other people in this forum can post about Golden aspects too. the interpretations will be from Robert Hand's HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS. I am very investigative,but I am awfully nosy - My exact Mercury-Pluto golden aspect. hahahaha IP: Logged |
Sarai unregistered
posted February 17, 2008 05:03 PM
Can't wait!IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2008 07:43 PM
bumpIP: Logged | |