Topic: 0 degree
starrym Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted February 22, 2008 05:47 AM
" The zero degree of any sign is very interesting. It usually denotes a feeling of lack associated with the planet at that degree. Often the person will overcompensate to fill the sense of void."from discussion? agree/disagree? IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 06:09 AM
Problem here. My chart has the Moon at 0* Libra 07'. That's based on my dad's memory. Maybe it is really Virgo? But I think it is Libra. I associate with that as a Moon sign. Lazy, people-pleasing, that kind of thing. Some people say 0* gives you an extra dose of the sign. That's more my way of thinking - or should that be feeling.
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hippichick Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Registered: May 2009
posted February 22, 2008 06:13 AM
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lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5150 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 10:54 AM
good stuff starrym  0 degrees cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Cap.) is also called the Aries Point The Aries Point There is an additional factor, which figures prominently into the formula for fame. That is the Aries Point. If your Moon was in the first degree of one of the cardinal signs, this shows a great involvement with the larger world. This would be 0º Aries, 0º Cancer, 0º Libra, or 0º Capricorn. If another planet is in one of these degrees and makes a link to the Moon, the qualities of that planet can give clues to how you might utilize your popularity potential.
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Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 11:22 AM
I don't see a Libra Moon as lazy, especially at the Aries Point. A Libra Moon wants to be popular and pleasing and that takes lots of work, nothing lazy about it. Remember that it drags in the opposite energies of Aries at the same time to accomplish it's goals.Geocosmic Valentine ------------------ "Everybody is a star!" Sly & The Family Stone IP: Logged |
mblover Knowflake Posts: 128 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 12:12 PM
I have been having problems in understanding this as well. 0 degree seems to be way more complicated than 29 degree or 1 my view 29 degree moment of truth, impulsive but relates to that sign only and not the next one 0 degree - always on the fence.. really hard to predict which way it will go 1 degree - high focus and impulses of the new sign and no relationship with previous sign IP: Logged |
Beka Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2010
posted February 22, 2008 12:25 PM
interesting.IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 12:35 PM
Wished I'd had that line as a kid for my mother's 'bone idle' speech. It sure was hard work trying to keep her happy. But my highly tuned skills at sitting doing nothing were put to great use later on when I got to hosptial sit rather a lot, including six weeks in isolation. In that kind of situation you've got to be able to spend hours sitting in quiet contemplation. I'm also sh!t hot at Su-Duko (or was when match fit). A top tip there for those with hours to kill, sitting still. The fiendish ones can take up a decent chunk out of a day. IP: Logged |
Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 12:43 PM
Hi Blue Moon,I wonder if you have any Jupiter-Neptune connections. We are the champs of The International Lazy Olympics completely beating out any Mars-Saturn conjunction or square lazy bums. See, with the Mars-Saturn laziness team, you never know when Mars is gonna get a good kick in with Saturn and then they both jump up and start climbing a mountain or building a house or something. With Jupiter-Neptune connections, we can just sit in bliss and float away on a cloud, or a wave, or a helium balloon or have someone else do all the work for us. I could sit in bliss forever.... Do you have one of these by any chance? IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 01:01 PM
You know your onions. 1st house within one degree - sextile the Moon. Jupiter 0* Sagittarius Neptune 1* Sagittarius Saturn 28* Taurus MC 1* Virgo Pluto 27* Virgo Moon 0* Libra Mars 13* Aquarius When called upon I get my arse in gear and can be useful. I put effort into paid employ. I've got a degree in Philosophy, if that isn't maximising time spent sat around thinking, what is? lol.
"while someone else does all the work" - that was part of the lecture. Can't remember the rest of it. But in a rare positive moment she said she considered it one of her successes in life that as a cleaner with no education she raised a daughter with 2 degrees. So at least I did something right, lol. She's a right character, my mother.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1008 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 01:55 PM
POF at the AP (0 Aries) -- hmmmm.....IP: Logged |
Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 02:13 PM
WOW BLUE MOON!! That's awesome LOL!! Not only that, Neptune opposes your Saturn and the negative side of that aspect is that it wipes out your ambition - DING! More laziness, YEAH!. I think I'll let you join the team. Get your Universal Remote Control at the ready, I'm sure you know where it is. Any self-respecting Jupiter-Neptune aspected member of the laziness team will always know where the remote control is when no one else does....'s under my butt on the couch.  I still have yet to finish a degree, but my 9th house of education is soooo stressed and my 8th house of other people's money is highly stressed as well. For some reason I get scholarships, but then my brain cramps up at the thought of "crafting" essays and kissing the professors @ss, etc. I've had several psychics tell me that I've already got what I keep trying to learn in University, that I should just get on with life. I'm finally beginning to listen. I've also heard and read in astrological circles that Jupiter-Neptune aspects are supposed to be "The Millionaire Aspect". Well, I don't have a million dollars, however, I find myself living in a neighborhood full of multi-million dollar homes in a million dollar house. I've had some strange luck. Have you had any interesting opportunities like that or had a million dollars or the equivalent thrown your way ever? IP: Logged |
berryberry unregistered
posted February 22, 2008 02:56 PM
Truth is, I can't really say whether I agree or disagree with that statement because I'm still trying to figure out what my unaspected 0 degree Jupiter in Gemini in the 12th house actually does. But I'm enjoying the discussion of laziness!  IP: Logged |
Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 03:06 PM
Hi BerryBerry,Do you speak, teach or write about law, religion, education, publishing in a large organization of some sort? Do you have any secret writings? Do you write under a secret name? Anything having to do with diversity and internationalism, different languages? How about secret recordings, do you have the John Dean tapes?  Does any of that ring even a teeny tiny bell? Because this 12th house Sun wants to know all of your BIG JUPITER SECRETS. IP: Logged |
berryberry unregistered
posted February 22, 2008 03:22 PM
Well, Geocosmic, if I shared them with you, they wouldn't be secrets, now would they?  When put in that way, I guess my answer to starrym's discussion would have to be a zero degree plays a major role in my life. I currently study comparative law, with an emphasis on Islamic law and parallel legal systems, at a well-known university far away from my home, and am working on fluency in my fourth language. And I am debating on becoming a professor. But nothing really secret about what I do. No pseudonyms. Just me. Would it necessarily have to be secret, though? IP: Logged |
Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 03:36 PM
WOW!! What's your Midheaven? Sagittarius?Is your Jupiter in your 10th house? Does Jupiter aspect your Midheaven? It doesn't have to be secret, 12th house suggests large organizations like hospitals, universities, etc. Jupiter is the professor, the judge, internationalism, publishing, and religion. When you mix it with Gemini you get the communication and language. I don't know if it's residence at the 0 degree makes it anymore special, only if it was at 0 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. That's the Aries Point cross. It thrusts the issues of that planet or point out into the world. IP: Logged |
berryberry unregistered
posted February 22, 2008 03:45 PM
Geocosmic: Midheaven Pisces, conjunct Mars. Jupiter in the 12, and unaspected unless you count a biquintile and a sesiquintile (I think I'm making those two up---but it is something like that). But thanks for clearing up my confusion---everything I've found on the internet (my only source at this present moment) is often incomplete, or contradictory, or I don't even know what.
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Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 03:57 PM
That's interesting about your Pisces MC, Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, but I can't wrap my brain around that in any clever way right now. I think I've blown my circuits with the Jupiter 12th house stuff, although Pisces is the natural 12th house of the zodiac. But you may find yourself with more than one career in your life time.All I can say about my knowing this stuff is this. I met the same guy on the flaming pie that gave John Lennon the name for the group. What John never said is that the flaming pie guy told him to name the group "The Cartouches".  IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 04:14 PM
Here's a whacky thought - I have a tattoo of a little devil lying in a hammock. Why'd I pick that one? Maybe it wasn't so random. I'm really starting to work out this Jupiter/Neptune gig.  Not rich as in millionaire G.V, but I don't live in poverty. Saturn's in the 7th. What is in the middle of that Jupiter/Neptune OPP Saturn configuration? Not just my MC/IC but my parents Mars opposition. Nitpicking Virgo on the MC, guess which one, lol. But I like Mars in Virgo people, they often seem to be very artistic and cultured. Yes, she is too.
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Geocosmic Valentine Newflake Posts: 0 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2008 04:29 PM
Mom's Mars is on your Virgo MC. Wow, we sure do pick our parents well, don't we? My father has Saturn opposite his Sun. He is Mr. Responsibility, Mr. Heat Miser and Darth Vader all rolled into one. He was also a cleaning freak, although it wasn't his profession.I know it's your Mom's Mars on the MC because Neptune opposite Saturn can suggest that your father vanished or was very weak in his paternal role, Mom took over, but then you already mentioned that in so many ways. But that's amazing that you have Jupiter-Neptune-Saturn=MC/IC Axis. I'm trying to think of your career as either a teacher, an artist, photographer, writer, something having to do with the details and yet the details can be blurred sometimes. Hey, where's your Mercury and what does it relate to? IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2008 09:24 AM
It's never occured to me before but my family are all over my chart kicking my butt:Mother's Mars on the MC - "You're always sitting around with your nose in a book". I'm a librarian! Thanks for the inspiration, Ma. My father has a group of 6 planets between 19* Taurus and 8* Gemini (Sun 25*, Uranus 26*, Jupiter 27*, etc.). So there is plenty of paternal anchorage at the Saturn end of the configuration. Even my kids are having a go - one has the Sun/Venus on my MC, the other his Moon/MC on Jupiter/Neptune. Mercury on my chart is at 21* Taurus 57' - conjunct Venus at 18* 24'. I'm getting the feeling there was a message for me in the eclipse.
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Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2008 10:41 AM
Here are my 0 degree points and aspects (within a 2-3 degree orb):0 Aries: Moon/Jupiter midpoint at the 0 degree point conjunct my ASC/Saturn midpoint and Draconic Sun/Jupiter midpoint within 2 degrees; trine my Sun/ASC midpoint and Juno by 0 degrees; trine my Mars/Chiron midpoint, Solstice IC, Spirit, Plato, and Draconic Destinn within 2 degrees; trine my Draconic MC/ASC midpoint, Draconic Saturn/Venus midpoint, and Draconic Aura within 3 degrees. 0 Libra: Draconic Moon, Moon/Jupiter midpoint, and Solstice Cupido at the 0 degree point conjunct my ASC/Saturn midpoint, Draconic Sun/Jupiter midpoint, and Draconic Musa (artistic/musical asteroid) within 2 degrees; conjunct my Uranus within 3-4 degrees; trine my Draconic Parvati by 0 degrees; trine my Karma, Varuna, Solstice Neptune, Solstice MC, Hathor (Goddess of Music), and Draconic Panacea within 2 degrees; trine my Draconic ASC/MC midpoint and Draconic Venus/Saturn midpoint within 3 degrees. 0 Capricorn: Valentine at the 0 degree point trine Sun/ASC midpoint, Juno, Atlantis, and Juno/Valentine midpoint by 0 degrees; trine Kaali, Draconic Siva, Draconic Sun/Venus midpoint, Draconic Soma, Draconic Asbolus, Venus/Vertex midpoint, ASC/Mercury midpoint, MC/Uranus midpoint, and Sedna within 2 degrees; trine my Moon and South Node within 3 degrees; sextile my North Node within 3 degrees. IP: Logged |
starrym Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted February 23, 2008 01:37 PM
"29 degree moment of truth, impulsive but relates to that sign only and not the next one0 degree - always on the fence.. really hard to predict which way it will go 1 degree - high focus and impulses of the new sign and no relationship with previous sign" really like that mblover IP: Logged |
enchantress299 Knowflake Posts: 737 From: Registered: May 2009
posted February 23, 2008 05:32 PM
quote: " The zero degree of any sign is very interesting. It usually denotes a feeling of lack associated with the planet at that degree. Often the person will overcompensate to fill the sense of void."
Hmmm... I could see that maybe, though it's hard to tell, because of the planets that I have at 0 degrees. I have retrograde Venus at 0 degrees of Virgo and it squares my Chiron 2' Gemini in the 7th house (and also Jupiter at 2' Sag in the 1st), making it, quite possibly, the worst Venus placing ever. I also have Saturn at 0' of Scorpio so it also sextiles my Venus. I think that yes, I do have a feeling of lack associated with Venus, but is it due to the fact that it's at 0 degrees? I don't know. There's plenty more aspects there that completely inhibit my Venus. As for my Saturn... I really don't know that I could say there either, since Saturn automatically denotes restraint. However, what I have always felt with the 0 degree is that it makes it a more pure expression of the sign, if that makes any sense. I am majorly Virgo in the way I express my love and affection for others, and am quite picky, perfectionistic, idealistic, etc. Oddly, I think that my Venus is more Virgo-like than my Sun is (which is at 2'). I don't know what other way to describe it than that. When I look at the sabian symbols for the 1st degree of the signs, the way I often interpret them is as the most pure, ideally expressed version of the sign. Kind of like what that sign stands for. But I don't know... That's just the way I've always seen the 0 degree of the signs. ------------------ Virgo Sun/Aries Moon/Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 714 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2008 06:51 PM
Speaking of laziness though, its really interesting that this was all raised. I oscillate between extreme laziness (jup trine nep, lib moon, Tau SN) and workaholic (pluto in 6th, Aries AC, Cap AC, Aqu sun/merc 10th)IP: Logged | |