Topic: Venus Square Saturn
Kal_El Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Rainy City Registered: Nov 2009
posted March 08, 2008 01:20 AM
Venus Square Saturn is this a negative aspect? How would my Venus Trine Pluto and Venus Sextile Neptune effect it? any input is welcomed and appreciated.  IP: Logged |
LeoCat unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 01:39 AM
Never had this aspect, but I've had a few mars/saturn hard aspects, me being the mars and all the descriptions of this aspect rang very true. I guess I'm saying believe what you read about venus/saturn. It's eerie. IP: Logged |
Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 06:08 AM
I have all of them aspects you have mentioned ! freaky !I have the Venus square Saturn angle but both planets are in earth signs. I think the Venus square Saturn is to do with shyness and having a low self opinion for no reason. Certainly when I was younger that was the case with the opposite sex. IP: Logged |
Kal_El Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Rainy City Registered: Nov 2009
posted March 08, 2008 07:33 AM
VenusTrinePluto: This is the description gave me:This aspect is often difficult to handle in that the demands of the world always seem to get in the way of having fun and receiving love and affection from others. You often feel that persons or circumstances are forcing you to do things that you do not want to do. Sometimes this aspect means that you feel lonely, usually because you believe you are not worthy of love. That is not true, but once this idea is fixed in your mind, it is difficult for anyone to talk you out of it. You may suffer from extreme shyness, because you are afraid of being rejected. . Some people will not like you no matter how nice you are, and it does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. That is just the way it is. More than anything else, you need to have confidence in yourself. It does seem to apply in some instances. ------------------ "You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants." Stephen King IP: Logged |
Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 07:54 AM
Yeah that sounds about right for Venus square Saturn. I have Venus in the 12th as well. Sooper shyness. lolBut you grow out of it. IP: Logged |
Kal_El Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Rainy City Registered: Nov 2009
posted March 08, 2008 08:45 AM
My venus is in the 7th. and yeah. hopefully it grows out soon...------------------ "You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants." Stephen King IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 12:00 PM
Liz.Greenes take on it .. ~ ~1/27/1929 .. d.o.b. for mr .. harrods boss .. his saturn venus aspect is at 2 degrees orb aprox. his behaviour at the recent inquest into his princess di's and his son's death .. be an example of 'fault finding in others' .. 'judging others harshly' .. that can be a manifestation of those two planets in aspect .. the 'strength' of the aspect will depend on the aspect orb .. but even with a wide-ish orb .. *the native will probably feel it when a transiting planet aspects one planet .. then the other .. in sequence this pic ( link below ) shows a wide-ish cross configuration .. it's when a transiting planet aspects one of those lines .. then proceeds to traverse the small space between .. before aspecting the final natal planet ... is what i mean by the *above ~ ~ i sometimes think folk with sat 'n venus in aspect can intentionaly take the 'difficult road' when it comes to venusian aspirations .. IP: Logged |
Kal_El Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Rainy City Registered: Nov 2009
posted March 08, 2008 01:25 PM
Happy Dragon, thank you for the informative page. some parts accurate (scarily accurate). I just want to say thank you again. it was very enlightening. and a different take on it from what i have read (which isn't much).------------------ "You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants." Stephen King IP: Logged |
starrym unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 02:36 PM
i was in love with a saturn square venus fellow - yes incredibly shy. i tried so hard to go out of my way and make all the right advances and make myself trustable and make him certain that i liked him, but it never seemed to work. he was inhibited and that was where he felt safe and he didnt want it any other way. he doesnt have a lack of luck in love - ive seen plenty of girls really like him, but he's never been with anyone and hes very very afraid of commitment. he also has a moon in scorpio conjunct plutoIP: Logged |
starrym unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 02:57 PM
happy dragon do you have an info from liz greene on Venus-Pluto or Moon-Pluto contacts? i have both. thank youIP: Logged |
Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 03:15 PM
Basically, you rain on your own parade when it comes to chances in love due to shyness,low self-esteem (even if attractive), and fear of risking rejection as it is acutely painful. Fear freezes you. Inhibition about showing your feelings. A certain "aloofness" and prickly attitude. Why would someone love me etc Resentment about being forced to declare your feelings (bit of a problem being a male in a society where men are expected to make the first move). Mistrust of women. An intensely disappointing love experience early in your life which kind of colours and blights future happiness.Don't underestimate that for people who suffer from shyness (which I did when I was in my teens) - it is an intensely painful experience. Heck I have been on my own for ages now and women friends I have say I am good looking and don't understand why I don't have a girlfriend. It's because I dont ask any out !
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Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 03:27 PM
StarrymDid you ask the Venus-Saturn fella out tho ? Or did you just try to get him to make a move first with your right advances ? I would bet he would have been relieved if you had took that pressure off him. IP: Logged |
Kal_El Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Rainy City Registered: Nov 2009
posted March 08, 2008 03:34 PM
Starrym, this might help you out in the Pluto section.. ------------------ "You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants." Stephen King IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted March 08, 2008 04:25 PM
~ starrym ~ re **do you have an info from liz greene on Venus-Pluto or Moon-Pluto contacts?** i don't think so .. :-/ .. but i'll have a look see topic .. from the cafeastrology site .. "Some Famous People with Venus conjunct Saturn: Hank Aaron, Ian Scott Anderson, Ray Bradbury, Edgar Cayce, Richard Chamberlain, Bill Gates, Steffi Graf, Lena Horne, Ashley Judd, Julianne Moore, Kim Novak, Yoko Ono, James Spader, Gloria Steinem, Donald Trump." and frank sinatra .. with venus opposite saturn ~ ~ ~ Kal_El ~ re ** thank you for the informative page. ** cheers .. am glad it was informative .. and btw .. it's not all doom and gloom .. ;-))) .. maybe saturn venus aspects are a bit like having to go university first .. think i'd rather have to earn self esteem .. than be born with the notion of being the lords gift to mankind .. all the signs and natal aspects are double sided coins .. take any astro sign at random .. hhhhmmmm .. sagittarius for example .. it can manifest as a bringer of joy and optimism .. or a judgemental preaching bible bashing bully .. ( edited to add ) .. 'easy' aspects versus 'hard' aspects .. an 'easy' aspect .. eg the sextile .. can manifest as an 'easy' path to self destruction .. whereas with a hard aspect .. the native might find it so challenging as to end up avoiding the same .. here's an example .. december 4th 1975 05.04 am .. 01.45 west .. 53.48 north the chart native at the time of the 'reading' was a drug addict .. ( at the time trying to kick the habit ) the astrolger noted an 'easy' aspect that could easily lead them back into that way of life .. although exactly which aspect it was escapes my memory .. other things that chart native found ever so easy to do .. was .. lie .. con .. defraud .. control other people .. more than anything else was it conning themselves into thinking 'every thing will be ok' and that no one would see thru the lies and con-tricks .. same person ended up in court .. and was found guilty .. when t.saturn squared natal saturn in 1999 i think the aspect was very close to 'exact' at their court appearance .. i seem to remember the excuse of .. " i held the knife by the blade .. 'n jabbed him with the handle " and thinking " you don't seriously expect the magistrate to believe that one .. do you ?? " IP: Logged |
starrym unregistered
posted March 12, 2008 05:24 AM
whoops- sorry for getting back to the replies late..Venus trine Pluto.. yes.. well, we were physically involved for a while. i never directly said i wanted more, but i was really in love with him. then we lived together for a while and it was an awful experience - he would just neglect my presence and essentially ignore me. it took me a long time to stop trying to solve his problem for him. i felt like i always made the advances. he still tries to come back into my life every once in a while- for example now by attempting to be best friends with my current boyfriend (who is oblivious to the whole thing) and its more confusing than anything. just very strange. on the whole, he is extremely shy. but he makes it uncomfortable for you when you try to bridge the gap. i really resonated with that article when it says that they cling to the people that treat them the worst and i feel like i would agree with what i observe. thanks kai ei and happy dragon
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Happy Dragon unregistered
posted March 12, 2008 10:41 AM
~ starrym ~ re ** info from liz greene on Venus-Pluto or Moon-Pluto contacts?** i've no info here .. but her writings regarding pluto can be found in her book 'The Astrology of Fate' ..IP: Logged |
Kal_El Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Rainy City Registered: Nov 2009
posted March 13, 2008 04:28 AM
Happy Dragon," you don't seriously expect the magistrate to believe that one .. do you ?? " bahaha. My thoughts exactly. ------------------ "You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants." Stephen King IP: Logged |
annaf Knowflake Posts: 60 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted March 13, 2008 11:35 AM
Venus trin Pluto,you said you've always had problems making the first move. (I can relate to that with my venus in capricorn.) But have you ever been ambivalent/hesitant when a woman did make the first move and invited you for a drink for instance? I'm asking because I'm very much interested in a man who has venus in capricorn, venus opposite saturn, saturn in the 5th house. In the first couple of months of knowing each other we've had lots of misunderstandings and he always seemed tense/inhibited around me. Although I did have the intuition numerous times that the attraction was mutual, I now have come to the conclusion I must have been mistaken. He didnt even respond to my email suggesting drinks.... Something you can relate to or would you have always responded in such instances IF you had been the sligthest bit interested? Many thanks! IP: Logged |
starrym unregistered
posted March 13, 2008 01:10 PM
annf, in my experience, Venus-Saturn people will create their own barriers and obstacles before receiving the advances of the ones they like. i think its a mix of things- yes fear of rejection and fear of intimacy - but on the other hand, i feel like they feel like they need to earn their way in sometimes and don't like it when its too easy. if the other person likes them right away, it will feel confusing for the Venus-Saturn person. they like some difficulty in teh formation of the relationship and they like distance to feel comfortable. if you made the first move and he isnt responding, then he likes you.  IP: Logged |
Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 13, 2008 07:08 PM
annafLol. In answer to your question. Yes I always respond if someone makes an effort with me. It's just rude to ignore someone. I can understand the shyness with liking someone and not knowing how they feel about you. It kind of makes you wary and sensitive to things. Just a tip for you from a blokes perspective. If we ignore you and pretend we are not interested it probably means the exact opposite. It means you got to him and he is confused about how he feels. Hang on in there if he is worth it. But as for ignoring msgs. I would give him some slack and patience to start with. If he doesn't get the msg then I would let it go. I have only been with forward women ?! That's probably because I need to know I am appreciated and desired beforehand. But the trap alot of women fall in is thinking that all blokes are the same. Or they think that a bloke is not interested as they are not doing what alot of other blokes they have known before do. Give him a slap and scare him. lol. If he doesnt get the msg then move on to someone who wants to know IP: Logged |
Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 13, 2008 07:23 PM
StarrymBut you didn't treat him bad tho ? Why do you think he comes back to you ? Why is he still part of your life when you have found someone else ? Bin him off. He wants a mother type figure. You can't carry someone else all the time. Why isn't he trying to find someone free now ? You his mum or something ? He realises he missed out. ps I am glad you ladies can talk honestly with me. Maybe I might make a real good husband one of these days. But nice guys don't get the gal IP: Logged |
T-gemini unregistered
posted March 13, 2008 07:27 PM
An interesting interpretation from square Saturn The beauty and harmony of Venus enhanced by Saturn's depth and structure-but also possibly restrained by them. Venus-Saturn: not a bad cocktail at all! Possible drawbacks of Venus are a certain superficiality andinconstancy. Saturn is welcome here, adding depth, density andstructure. Conversely, the values of Venus embellish, soften and ‘lubricate’ the dry, rough sides of Saturn, and highlight the harmony which is inherent in Saturnian structures. The flow of Venus mitigates the sometimes harsh and rigid limitations that go with Saturn. The dedicated, loyal friend character Venus likes to relate to people. Combined with Saturnian values, thiscan lead to friendships with all the good sides of Saturn: lasting, reliable, sincere. The person is trustworthy and will stick with you in times of adversity, standing up and defending you if need be. The loyal friend character has its roots in the depth of feelings which is inherent in the Venus-Saturn association, as well as in the lover of integrity character. The Venus-Saturn depth of feeling Venus is the planet of feeling but by herself can be light and easy-a flibberty-gibbet. Saturn adds depth. In the emotional sphere, this means feelings will be lasting, deep and sincere. This can be related to the earth element of Saturn. But Saturn is not all earth; it is also air-structure. This can lead to much more elaborate, or even complicated, feelings and emotions-not as in a confused mess but as in a refined, sophisticated inner environment, which can only add to the charm of Venus. The combination can also give a great capacity to appreciate artistic works. The Venus-Saturn character has depth and structure, and therefore will not just be swayed by superficial likes and dislikes. The person has taste and can discern true refinement from superficial, kitsch forms of art. The lover of integrity character Combining with high Venusian ideals, the straightness of Saturn can bring a great sense of integrity, honesty and fidelity-a love of truth and a deep dislike for deceit or crooked practices of any kind. Inhibited feelings Saturn, the planet of limits, may impede the Venusian flow of feelings. This can be just a touch of reserve and caution-as in the tactful side of a traditional Anglo-Saxon education. A step further and it could well be a ‘keep a stiff upper lip’, as in the not-so-good side of a traditional Anglo-Saxon education. One step further again and it can be a major difficulty for the person to express their feelings, and to communicate the warmth they feel inside to the people around them. There can also be a certain degree of inhibition in sexual expression. In a mild form, it can just be a certain sense of shame around sexuality; in a more pronounced form, suppression of the flowing side of the sexual nature. When working on yourself, even if you are experiencing your Venus-Saturn aspect on a very positive mode, you will benefit from a thorough exploration of possible restraint in the flow of feeling. Inhibitions may be subtle, but this does not mean they are not powerful. A good idea could be to take a good look at all the human relationships you are involved in, assess the level of warmth in each of them, and ask yourself if this corresponds to what, deep inside, you aspire to.
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T-gemini unregistered
posted March 13, 2008 07:33 PM
I have Venus square Saturn and for me it isn't a low self-esteem or fear of rejection or even inhibition about showing my feelings. It is about a seriousness in relationship, a refusal to waste time on relationship that are not worthy... In other words I tend to consider love and relationship a seroius matter.IP: Logged |
Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 13, 2008 07:52 PM
Interesting T-Gem. Is it an over seriousness then ? Like deploring superficialty ?IP: Logged |
Venus trine Pluto unregistered
posted March 13, 2008 07:57 PM
Hey guys. I am going to bed. I am knackered.IP: Logged |