Topic: Difference between square and opposition
Bucketrider unregistered
posted March 09, 2008 03:10 PM
There are a few ways to characterize the dif between these aspects although they are often lumped together. Recently I have been seeing them more and more as distinct. The opposition seems in a sense to be more neutral and about balancing polarity. The zodiacal pairs are natural oppositions which complement each other when they are in balance. So the challenge of an opposition is balance. The right amount of a given quality or trait in a given situation. Not the rejection of one side in favor of the other. The nodal axis would seem to work that way - it is about the right balance more than an overemphasis of the north node vs the south node. The square seems to me to be more about appropriate use of a quality in a given area. Looking at the zodiac, aries squares cancer and capricorn. Broadly, these quadrants represent the different areas of life - self, family, and society. These always require work to balance and the tension is a more tangible and external one than with the opposition which is more essential and internal to the modes of being in the opposing signs. Going with this idea, the square would represent the wrong use of the given traits of a sign or planet for a given area. For instance, with a couple who has venus square venus - cancer square libra. Using a canceresque maternal, nurturing approach with a partner who has fundamentally libra relationship needs would result in some tension and a need to work something out. The libra person is looking for balance and equality which does not suit the close, emotional nurturing style of the cancer person. The cancer person may need to confine that style of nurturing to children for instance (for the purposes of this example) where its expression is most natural. The needs are out of sync and need to be acknowledged and worked on/compromised, etc. The issue with the square is one of domain and appropriate use of a mode/skill/style in an appropriate area of life. I think the opposition is more difficult in the sense that it requires more internal discipline and awareness. However, once a balance is achieved - it offers more of an advantage than the square. The square is more straightforward and confrontational. The areas are pretty easily understood and less internal discipline and awareness is necessary. It is more external - more about how something is used, when and where. So maybe we can boil these aspects down to just this: opposition - right amount square - right situation IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1008 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2008 03:28 PM
That's a very perceptive observation, bucketrider. I'm bookmarking this for future reference. Zala IP: Logged |
Sarai unregistered
posted March 09, 2008 09:45 PM
Brilliant!!IP: Logged |
Kal_El Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Rainy City Registered: Nov 2009
posted March 09, 2008 09:53 PM
Thank you. I was curious about the square aspect.  ------------------ "You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants." Stephen King IP: Logged |
Ranti Newflake Posts: 4 From: Chiang Mai THAILAND Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2008 04:01 AM
this is very insightful thanks, bookmarked.IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 714 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2008 04:41 AM
Er "no" to a few things that you have said:1. aries, cancer, capricorn may have qualities that you suggest but it seems that maybe you are maybe talking more along the lines of planets falling in "corresponding" houses of these signs (some people might even dispute this!) and thus there is the square. However of course, there are clashes between the signs themselves; eg the independence of aries v clinginess of cancer. The clashes occur because they express what they want in the same way (eg here cardinal) but maybe what they want varies. 2. The opposition does not lead necessarily to a resolution and maybe balance is achieved sometimes and often it is out of kilter. Compared to the square where, yes, there is direct confrontation and in general things are pretty much always forced to be sorted. The opposition is more like a tip-toe compromise if it can be reached, otherwise, its this horrible seesawing feeling. Squares when resolved release much more positive energy and are greatly relieving when dealt with and thus, people with a lot of squares are able to be energetic and just get through things. Oppositions however are this dull uncertainty that occasionally give some relief, trust me, my chart is full of them!! But the right situation v right amount is a good maxim! IP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 194 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2008 05:23 AM
that doesnt make much sense. I think oppositions are better to have then squares.. usually in squares the two planets dont work together at all and nothing is achieved. just frustration. atleast in oppositions many times you see one planet coming out dominantly with traits from the opposed planet but working to the dominant planets advantage.
signs of the same quality always have things in common. with the square its more mellow. some things in common but not much and enough to not get along. with opposition I think there is more understanding and likeness, but also key difference that to which neither can empathize with. which also makes an opposition more significant. think of the attraction or opposites. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2008 05:52 AM
I am in somewhat agreement with SeeingStars its mainly about oppositions to the angles oppositions to the Ascendant aren't necessarily challenging for they are conjunctions to the Descendant. oppositions to the Midheaven aren't necessarily challenging for they are conjunctions to the Imum Coeli however,they can be difficult if they involve Mars,Saturn,and the outerplanets Oppositions resonate with Libra just like Conjunctions resonate with Aries. So they can be relationship-oriented. Even Robert Hand said that they are not only about strife and conflict but also partnership and cooperation. 7th house is not the house of partnership,relationship, but also the house of open enemies. Just think of married couples who divorced...they can be very bitter enemies....especially when it comes to custody battles and deciding who takes what. Those tend to be legal matters. The assets tend to be split that Libra or what??? hahahahaha
Opposition indicates a need to have balance. They can also be important for awareness. Oppositions have to do with others. Sometimes..a person doesn't "own" their energy and they project it onto others. Or they play one role and then play another. for instance, I have Saturn in Gemini oppose Jupiter-Neptune in Sagittarius I can be a skeptic when it comes to certain mystical stuff and think that it's too far out there for me like channeling 20,000 year old space beings or using hypothetical planets in Astrology. I can be too out there for skeptics of Astrology and people who think that I am dream up my ideas. I even think that my opposition is playing out now in that I have been starting to have my doubts about zodiac signs and houses in Astrology and want to work with a more scientific type of Astrology and focus on geometry,harmonics,golden ratio. so its the skeptic vs mystic that fights inside I try to balance them out by having a grounded mystical nature which can be seen as too mystical to skeptics and too skeptical to mystics. in my relationship, I have acted Jupiter-Neptunian,and my girlfriend acted Saturnian. I have acted Saturnian,and she has acted Jupiter-Neptunian. some schools of Astrology like Uranian Astrology and Cosmobiology believe that the angle of the aspect is not that important but the combination of the planetary energies are....especially with midpoints they view the aspects as having to do with concrete events. however....they do view Saturn and the outerplanets as more challenging
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starrym Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted March 10, 2008 01:11 PM
i agree with you bucketrider - but i think "oppositions are harder or squares are harder" is a dumb generalization. i know the one opposition in my chart is the hardest for me. but everyone is different.i personally dont think that oppositions have anything to do with a seesaw effect. that just sounds like Gemini or an air sign feeling. being in fixed signs, my opposition is very stable- and difficult. i think you overgeneralized for the keywords associated w libra and cancer etc, and that wont work so easily for the other axises - esp the Mutable Axis which doesnt have set associations i like your idea that the opposition is internal and the square external IP: Logged |
Poupoupidou Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Oct 2015
posted May 11, 2016 04:09 PM
Squares are maximizing the energy by combining that of both planets. Opposition do not increase the energy, they indicate a lack of balance, something unstable, something dynamic. It's also about projections, idealism with does not take reality into account. It's also perpetual motion.IP: Logged |
DrewMann Knowflake Posts: 172 From: Registered: May 2012
posted May 19, 2016 08:51 AM
I can't relate much to squares, but I do have mares opposition sun and Jupiter. The sun and mars is very tight. That must be the reason for my temper outbursts.IP: Logged |