posted March 16, 2008 03:07 AM
I checked out golden section aspects in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks.
9-11 Attacks - Natal Chart
Sep 11 2001, 8:46 am, EDT +4:00
New York NY 40°N42'51'' 074°W00'23''
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
Whole Signs Houses, True Node
Aspect Set: Standard Aspects - General Purpose
Aspects of Longitude
Abbr Angle
1 +21°15'
2 +42°29'
3 +47°30'
4 +68°45'
5 +111°15'
6 +132°29'
7 +137°30'
8 +158°45'
A +34°22'
B +55°37'
C +124°22'
D +145°37'
a +132°30'
b +85°00'
c +132°30'
d +137°30'
e +68°48'
f +47°30'
g +34°24'
The Following are Golden Section Aspects. The Intepretations are from Ruth Brummond's Rulebook of Planetary Pictures. Originator of the use of Golden Section Aspects and Geocentric Planetary Nodes in Astrology,Theodor Landscheidt used the interpetations from Reinhold Ebertin's COSI(Combination of Stellar Influences)for the Golden Section Aspects and Planetary Node Aspects in his Planetary Node article.
Ebertin's Interpretations are based on Alfred Witte's Rulebook of Planetary Pictures which is what Ruth Brummond's Rulebook is based on. Therefore,I thought it would make sense to use Ruth Brummond's Rulebook.
Because it was a horrific event, I only listed the negative interpretations
Sorted by Orb - Maximum Aspect Orb 1°00'
Sun 7 Nep 0°00' S
- touchy. deluded. easily swayed. secretive. elusive. dishonest. deceitful. has a poor sense of direction. unrealistic. vulnerable. feeble. frail. dissatisfied. self-deluding.
Inner uncertainty; Instability. Lack of clarity. Deceit. Sacrifice. Unexciting circumstances. Physical weakness or vulnerability. The non-material aspects of a body or object. Disappointing day. Years of uncertainty. Loss or rejection of the husband.
Ven B Asc 0°19' S
Love of the partner. Harmonious partnership. To experience sympathy. Enjoyment due to others. To make a pleasant acquaintance. To experience attraction or affection. Pleasurable interaction. Beautiful place. Art at the location.
- moody.
(I am not all sure about this one....Ruth Brummond only listed moody as the only negative intepretation.....I think the Venus-Ascendant golden section aspects reflects the terrorists working together well that they were in successful in pulling off the terrorist attack)
Ven 6 Mar 0°33' A
- carnal. emotionally impulsive. flirtatious. sexually obsessed.
(I am not sure about this one either......that's just what Ruth Brummond interpreted)
Ura D MC 0°45' A
- impulsive. self willed. tense; stressed. restless. unstable. fidgety. off-balance; erratic. unpredictable. easily upset. aggressive.
To be exposed to great tension. Unrest.
Mer B Ven 0°16' S
- self-indulgent. smug. pretentious. vain.
Ura 4 Plu 0°27' A
- impulsive. restless. tense. easily upset. hectic. agitated. stressed. explosive. unsettled. turbulent. unstable. vacillating. [abusive when unevolved.]
Growing tensions. Increasing stress. Upsetting readjustment.
Plu D MC 0°19' A
The current minute. Personal metamorphosis.
- unreliable. unstable. [exploitive or abusive when unevolved.]
Mar A Nep 0°31' A
- acts secretively. deluded. unrealistic. contrary. weak-willed. resistant to work. dependent on others in one's work. negative. refusing. lacking in energy or will to carry things through. performs faulty work. fearful. cunning. wily. spiteful if unevolved. treacherous. deceptive. has misguided or poorly directed energies. irritable.
Manipulation. Uncertainty in or about work. Rejection of a job. Inactivity. Mistake. Failure. Passivity. Labor strike. To deceive. To exterminate. Infection.
Nep 5 Asc 0°44' A
- touchy. secretive. deluded. uncertain. easily swayed. vulnerable. needful of protection. evasive. unrealistic. undependable. impersonal. self-disparaging.
Secretive partner. Ambiguity in the environment. Others' uncertainty. Unrecognized or unknown person. Lax relationships. Disillusionment due to a partner. Loss of partnership. Rejection of the partner. Others' weakness.
Mer 5 Nep 0°48' A
- self-deceiving. deluded. deceptive. unreliable. absent-minded. forgetful. prone to misjudge.
Unclear ideas. Deceit in a discussion. Disillusionment due to a conversation. Uncertainty or unreliability in connection with communications. Confusion. To be resigned to fate.
Mon 4 Eri 0°34' A
Sat B Eri 0°46' A
(Eris is recently me, it seems like it has to do with controversy,ideology,diversity,divergence,considerate/inconsiderate of viewpoints/opinions/beliefs/values,bigotry,terrorism, redefining boundaries)......Honestly, I think that it not only fits with any belief system but also even Astrology.........I even think that Eris might even be a co-ruler of Astrology
even its discoverer, Dr. Michael Brown said
“She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Brown said. “It really is just perfect.” )
Uranus,Pluto,Midheaven Golden Triangle
(Midheaven oppose Uranus/Pluto midpoint - '32)
- impulsive. easily upset. tense. unsettled. turbulent. restless. hypertense. unstable. vacillates. [sometimes abusive.]
Sudden reversal. Upsetting change. Tension-filled developments. Increasing tension or stress. To be carried away by impulses.
A golden triangle is an isosceles triangle in which the two longer sides have equal lengths and in which the ratio of this length to that of the third, smaller side is the golden ratio