Topic: Guys with MARS IN LIBRA: How do go after the girls?
alvarella777 unregistered
posted March 16, 2008 10:52 PM
How do you pursue a woman whom you are interested in? What are your flirting/seducing techniques? How can one detrace whether you are "in love" (serioulsy) or just "kinky"? What kind of erotic games do you thrive on? And: What kind of (female) behaviour scares you, threatens you or turns you off? Tell me ALL ABOUT it, please - thanks a lot in advance! ;-)P.S.; If you happen to have a FIRE-MOON besides that LIBRA-MARS, tell me even more! ;-) IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 17, 2008 06:36 AM
Had a friend who was Mars in Libra. Big lad, very affable, I liked him. But my husband was his boss, so nothing doing, sorry, can't help you on that one.  IP: Logged |
T-gemini unregistered
posted March 18, 2008 02:00 PM
Mars is in exil there, in the ruler sign of Venus. It can be even said that is in "disgrace" All the qualties of Mars, the archietype of masculinity (action, agresivity, etc) in a Venus-ruled sign... so it would appear that a person (male) with this placement will be effeminate, with little masculine drive, a very developped sense of fairness and a easy-going person/nature... this is not the best position of Mars in a male's chart.IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 95 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 18, 2008 02:25 PM
T-gemini oh NO YOU DIDN'T.I'm a man with mars libra. Believe you me I've got plenty of sex drive! More than enough, I could run a power plant. I think this is a great position, it gives a balanced, controlled energy, charming social manners and a person who works well with others!!! No shriveled testes here!!! IP: Logged |
T-gemini unregistered
posted March 18, 2008 03:27 PM
Oh,... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone  This information was gathered from 2 charts I've analised, so I was talking about something I've encountered in readings. I'm sure that it's not a rule, 2 examples is never a rule. I wasn't reffering to sex drive either, I was talking about assertion/agresivity/action in general, according to this aspect only, not the whole chart. IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 95 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 18, 2008 03:53 PM
You didn't offend me T-gemini, I was just being cheeky!I appreciate your observations. IP: Logged |
Ranti Newflake Posts: 4 From: Chiang Mai THAILAND Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 19, 2008 05:24 AM
Take a look at this thread: IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted March 19, 2008 06:14 AM
How do you run a power plant with just your testicles Blue Roamer? *is impressed*IP: Logged |
SparklingSag Knowflake Posts: 192 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 19, 2008 05:49 PM
heyI'm a female with mars AND venus in libra with a leo moon. love, im interested in a fair partnership. I like equality but at the same time, i like a man to be a "man's" man but also to look good, a great communicator and be charming. But if you are gentle too then i'll fall for you. BUT then my leo moon demands attention. I'm not sure if its a great thing to have venus and mars in same sign??? I also constantly become confused between love and friendship, perhaps because for me the two are forever interwined. (This may be the saggie sun here.) I have fallen for a guy who has both his venus and mars in pisces.I find we kinda do things differently, in our expression of love and affection. But, he has saggie moon and cappie sun so i feel it balances it out. Whilst i can be fiery at times, it can be nice to have a calming influence. so thats my input, hope it was helpful a little.... Sparkling IP: Logged |
alvarella777 unregistered
posted March 19, 2008 08:35 PM
Thanks for your replies so far! Okay, I understood that LIBRA-Mars would chose a "gentle" and "intellectual" way to flirt -and likes beauty, style, aesthetics and all ... (?) (Personally I also got the impression of a certain degree of indecisiveness.... which might be attributed to MARS's weakened position in that sign ...?)Maybe I can specify my question a bit more: What would TURN YOU OFF then? Or: What kind of behaviour (by another person/ a woman) would bring out the AGGRESSIVENESS in you? Mars is a fighter ... sometimes used for self-defense or aggressive action as well. When does your Mars feel offended/threatened ... and how would you go about that? For instance: If you had MARS SQUARE MARS in a Synastry-Chart, your MARS square the other person's MARS .. what could you imagine brings up the RAGE in you, again and again? And would you "fight for your rights" then? Have an "open talk" ... ??? I don't think so, to be honest ... (that's at least my experience with Mars in Libra-people...) Please - educate me more, LIBRAs! ;-) IP: Logged |
deuxantares Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 24, 2008 04:04 PM
this might help: IP: Logged |
writesomething unregistered
posted August 22, 2008 01:06 AM
Ive noticed with Libra mars, theyre insanely nice when they like you.IP: Logged |
winky_winky unregistered
posted August 22, 2008 11:45 AM
GULP! feminine, really? this gemini i like has mars in libra,,,,,,,,, and hmmmmmm well he is very nice but maybe too soft? As in not very straightforward and GOSH feminine?hm give me mars in aries or conj pluto then... IP: Logged |
GemGemGem Knowflake Posts: 160 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2008 11:51 AM
I dated a Mars Libra for 7 years. They do have a couteous, feminine, gentle quality to them. In my experience, the way he courted me was very romantic, he wrote me a lot of love letters, and was a great listener. He was always the one I turned to when I had any problems. But there was never any ravenous "throw down" sex. it was always gentle and nice. The attraction kind of wore off. He was more like a friend. I like my men earthy!  IP: Logged |
alvarella777 unregistered
posted August 22, 2008 12:41 PM
GemGemGem, you wrote: "The attraction kind of wore off." That matches my impression very well! I just noticed that not only my ex-BF, but also a current light crush of mine and another guy who seems to be after me (on-and-off again) .. that they all have their Mars in Libra. I seem to meet these Libra-Mars guys on a regular basis now, haha - not deliberately, but: coincidentally. And my impression is ... : They are vague. Inconsistent. Sometimes even a bit ... cautios or coward-esque. Volatile, fickle. Have no stamina. Not at all persistent. And ... get boring soon. Well packed wet blankets - I'd say! ;-) All in all: Not very "masculine" (in a classical sense). Need to be pampered in a way, sometimes "touchy", not very playful - HESITANT! VAGUENESS that can make me very tired and turns me off quite quickly. Hm. (My own Mars is in Cancer, btw - so: squaring the Libra-Mars... I always got the impression: I am much, much more courageous, playful and adventurous than they are, even though they have that "cardinal" quality too.) I get the feeling that - for me, personally - the Libra-Mars in a man's chart is often that decisive piece that's missing with a man, the thing that ... makes my attraction vanish, quickly - it is just a lack of ... action and courage and straightforwardness in them. Too harsh, my judgement? IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2008 12:56 PM
My ex has Venus AND Mars in Libra and although he is charming and Venusian in many ways, his Uranus exactly conjuncts his Mars and Pluto closely conjuncts his Venus. He was, in no way, lacking in action, straightforwardness, or any way. I suppose Uranus and Pluto modify his Venus and Mars, but they're also all in the 7th house. But, he's also a Scorpio. Anyhow, it really depends on the aspects Mars is making. He was romantic with me and chose his words carefully, but he could bring the hammer down if he was mad. And honesty was more important to him than sugarcoating. And, most unfortunately, I've never stopped being attracted to him. IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted August 22, 2008 01:17 PM
with a pair of scales?  IP: Logged |
swirl-kitt Knowflake Posts: 245 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2008 08:25 PM
The 2 guys I knew who had Mars in Libra.. They were not that kind with words, they were very outspoken, upfront people and they always brought up the opposite of what everyone said, they weren't too picky when it came to relationships but they loved pointng out to people's flaws, especially girls', they preferred hanging out with people who didn't necessarily have the same intellectual tastes with them but rather people who were quite confident and very chatty- I think they liked it when the other person sort of controlled the conversations. So they preferred 'real' girls who were kind of bossy, self-confident and controlled the relationship by adding in little fits of jealousy.However, they hated arguing and were good, fair, very social people in general. And not aggressive but very responsive lovers. You couldn't impress them too long by being too nice, kind or secretive. They wanted real relationships and people of all kinds. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 23, 2008 07:53 AM
This mornings conversation with my partner:Me (Mars in Libra): I'm going down to the Post Office. Want anything picked up for lunch? GF (Mars in Taurus): Yeah, get what you want. Me (Mars in Libra): What? No, you choose. What would you like? GF (Mars in Taurus): Anything. Whadday feel like? Me (Mars in Libra): I dunno. You choose. GF (Mars in Taurus): Anything - a custard tart. Me (Mars in Libra): Phew - that was easy. Then came the afternoon to sit down and enjoy custard tart...... GF (Mars in Taurus): Let's sit in the sun. Which position do you want your chair? Me (Mars in Libra): I dunno, anywhere. GF (Mars in Taurus): You you want it facing the sun? Me (Mars in Libra): I dunno. Anywhere will do. GF (Mars in Taurus): Do you want your back to the sun? Me (Mars in Libra): Yeah, nah... maybe. Nah.... Then came the last mouthful of custard tart.... GF (Mars in Taurus): Whaddya wanna do this afternoon? Me (Mars in Libra): I dunno. GF (Mars in Taurus): Do you wanna go out? Me (Mars in Libra): Ah... yeah. GF (Mars in Taurus): Where? Me (Mars in Libra): I dunno. Ah... we could go to the hardware store, or get groceries, or pick up some plants. What do you wanna do? Okay, my point is...... Mars in Libra probably don't do so well with little decisions - but are fantastic on real BIG IMPORTANT questions.........try testing my theory 
btw.... what aspect makes ones partner ask A LOT OF QUESTIONS????  IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted August 23, 2008 07:57 AM
LOL Koiflower!!!Being Mars in Taurus myself, l can be indecisive sometimes! IP: Logged |
sunshine_lion unregistered
posted August 23, 2008 08:31 AM
I think my mars in libra and my venus in virgo definately balances me out from my sun, moon, merc in leo. I can be very very accomodating also to the object of my affections. kinda like koiflower in a motherly loving way trying to make sure the significant other feels comfortable and is well fed at all times.Swirl...I would geuss there is fire in that persons chart too and possibly a venus in virgo. that makes for some picky people when it comes to lovers. IP: Logged | |