Topic: Asteroids -- Inner to Outer Planetary Octaves... Amazing
venusdeindia unregistered
posted March 20, 2008 07:41 AM
guys, just found this page, its really mind blowing, i m posting the info.. The Asteroids are like Octaves The Asteroids are symbolic transformers between the lower octave planet and the higher octave planet. The Table below shows how the asteroids can transform the lower octave vibrations into their higher octavecorrespondences. Each ASTEROID PAIR contains a MASCULINE and FEMININE body, each of which represents one POLE of the BI-POLAR principle. The asteroids act as a BRIDGE between lower and higher octave functions ... thereby transforming them. As defined in MUSIC THEORY ... octaves are two notes that possess the identical harmonic structure but differ in pitch. A lower octave such as a "low C" contains a certain number of vibrations per second, the higher octave such as “high C” contains exactly twice the vibrations as the lower octave note. Astrology, the systematic study of the music of the spheres, likewise contains its version of the octave principle ... These planetary pairs are lower and higher octaves examples ... MERCURY-URANUS ... VENUS-NEPTUNE ... MARS-PLUTO all have similar energy patterns, but they express themselves at different vibrational levels. Lower octave planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars represent the forces that govern personal growth and awareness. Higher octave planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto — denote a more rapid, finely tuned vibration and symbolize cosmic energy that affects humanity as a whole. Their primary meaning is a speeding up of the evolutionary process of the solar system.
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted March 20, 2008 07:42 AM
MERCURY represents the lower octave of wisdom or mind. The lower mind uses ICARUS to escape conventional thinking which society has programmed you from birth in order to keep the status quo a reality. This allows you to risk thinking outside the box. This change is brought about by the curiosity of PANDORA who has the reputation of being curious as in the story of Pandora's Box. This is the curiosity which initiates change. Once you are free from Conventional Thought and Curious to learn the truth ... next comes URANIA which usesher metaphysical abilities of inspired knowledge such as astrology, music, symbol logic, numerology to complete the bridge to URANUS which represents the higher mind or wisdom principle.VENUS represents the lower octave of Love or Passion such as the love of a man or woman. This octave is raised by using PSYCHE which is the capacity to be psychically sensitive to "others" this makes you come out of "ego" ... Utilizing SAPPHO from the Isle of Lesbos which has the capacity for romantic sensitivity and the ability to love both men and women equally, this represents the end of duality ... or the beginning of WHOLENESS ... Once you are able to love both half's of yourself you no longer label humans as men or women. Now that you are whole you can use AMOR which gives the capacity for spiritual or brotherly love and compassion. This completes the bridge to NEPTUNE which represents the higher octave of LOVE ... which is the type of LOVE that GOD has for mankind. MARS represents the lower octave of Raw Power, of Instinctive Desire ... EROS was able to refine and transform Mars' unconscious, instinctual sexual drive into erotic love as a path to spiritual illumination through his romance with Psyche ... LILITH is the Female Warrior who tames the wild beast, Lilith represents the Woman who demands to be treated equally in Relationships. If Lilith is not treated equally in personal relationships, her response will range from complete withdrawal to bickering and sexual manipulation to skillful negotiation and compromise. On the positive side, Lilith teaches us the art of consensus by which the transformative energy of MARS-PLUTO can be used to fuse rather than destroy the relationship ... TORO represents the principle of boundless strength and power and how we handle the power ... TORO describes how we confront and handle the onslaught of violent or negative influences that we experience either from without or from within our own minds ... Knowing how to turn one’s enemyinto an ally is indeed a potent power, especially when the “enemy” lies within your own being! Thus, TORO’ssecret teaching involves taming the inner power of the bull that resides in each of us and directing it for constructive purposes ... THUS completing the BRIDGE that transforms the raw, instinctive desire of MARS into the controlled, focused, and penetrating power of PLUTO. Now that MARS knows how to LOVE he is able to transform his PASSION into COMPASSION ... Now add a dash of Female DIANA who is the protector of small animals and the weak and add a dash of Male HIDALGO who is the protector of the downtrodden and poor we now have a compassionate MARS who uses his power to protect others ... through these two protectors MARS is able to TRANSFORM into the Higher Octave of JUPITER ... SATURN represents the STATUS QUO and usually only changes by FORCE kicking and screaming "WHY ME?" ... but when you add a HEALING DOSE of CHIRON to WHERE EVER your INITIAL WOUND is ... CHIRON will make you WHOLE again, this is the end of DUALITY ... This magically transforms SATURN into a person who changes happily because he cannow SEE that the CHANGE is a natural progression and is NECESSARY ... This is how you TRANSFORM Lowly SATURN into the HIGHER VIBRATIONAL OCTAVE of .... URANUS, NEPTUNE and PLUTO — these planets denote amore rapid, finely tuned principle of KNOWLEGE ... and symbolize the COSMIC ENERGY that affects HUMANITY as a WHOLE. Their primary meaning is a speeding up of the evolutionary process of the solar system. IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted March 20, 2008 07:44 AM
As portrayed in the table below, each asteroid pair contains a masculine and a feminine body, each of which represents one pole of the bipolar principle. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted March 20, 2008 08:17 AM
Venus de India,that is a great page!  It kind of ties in in what I was trying to do, sorting the asteroids in group. But that system was way more ... system-like.  However, I found Sappho interesting. And I thought, somehow it should figure strongly in my synastry with those two singers. Because they really inspired me. singer P: his Sappho exactly conjunct my Moon (only 7 minutes of arc) in Aquarius (and conjunct his own SN) his Sappho also closely trines my Karma my Sappho: opposes his Sun my Sappho also is the Apex-planet of a yod with his Mars in Pisces and his MOon / Juno in Taurus. singer A: his Sappho falls into CAncer into my 8th house and makes an awful lot of aspects:
His Sappho: conjuncts my Saturn conjuncts my Eros conjuncts my Vertex opposite my Sun-Moon-mp trines my Juno squares my own Sappho My Sappho: doesn`t make any important aspects to his chart oh btw in my own chart Sappho is in Libra in 10th house, conjunct DNA and opposing Chiron, also squaring Eros / Saturn / Vertex / Pan / Destinn in Cancer and square the Sun/Moon-mp in Capricorn and trines Psyche.
Maybe I should start writing my poetry again.  DD IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted March 20, 2008 10:31 AM
DD, i didnt initially buy IQ's zest for asteroids, since there was the matter of size when compared to planets, gravity etc. . But this piece really explains the octave principlke very well, and off my head i have a lot of case studies that prove this " Octave theory " is right. i hope the other members have experiences to post.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted March 20, 2008 10:55 AM
I didn`t really believe in the effect of asteroids, either, at first. But one of their good qualities is that they move rather quickly, at least compared to the outer planets, and therefore you can really see the difference in different charts.Regarding this octave theory I looked up the placements and aspects of my asteroids and planets: WISDOM: Mercury in Sagittarius in 1st house: conjunct Sun Icarus in Capricorn in 2nd house: no aspects to other planets, but it exactly conjuncts Anubis, whatever that means Pandora in Virgo in 9th house: sextile Saturn opposite Juno quinkunx Moon Urania in Aquarius in 2nd house: conjunct Psyche trine Sappho LOVE
Venus in CApricorn in 1st house: square Pluto / MC solstice point Sun and Mercury Psyche in Aquarius in 2nd house: conjunct Urania sextile Sun and Mercury trine Sappho Sappho in Libra in 10th house: square Saturn / Eros / Vertex square Sun-Moon-mp trine Psyche trine Urania Amor in Sagittarius in 12th house: conjunct Mars (conjunct Valentine) sextile Icarus
POWER. Mars in Sagittarius in 12th house: conjunct Amor, ASC, NN and Neptune sextile MC square Lilith
Eros in Cancer in 8th house: conjunct Saturn and Vertex opposite Sun-Moon-mp square Sappho square Chiron Lilith in Virgo in 9th house: exactly trine Venus square Mars and ASC Toro in Scorpio in 11th house: sextile Diana trine Jupiter PROTECTION:
Diana in Capricorn in 2nd house sextile Jupiter opposite Saturn trine Pandora Hidalgo in Aquarius in 2nd house widely conjunct Icarus trine Pluto square Uranus sextile Amor and Mars KNOWLEDGE: Saturn in Cancer in 8th house: conjunct Eros and Vertex sextile Pandora opposite Diana trine Juno quinkunx Moon
Chiron in Aries in 4th house: opposite Sappho sextile Moon and Urania Well, the thing that I noticed is that a lot of these asteroids seem to occupy my 2nd house (Diana, Icarus, Hidalgo, Urania).
They also seem to figure strongly in the synastry chart with P:
His Icarus conjunct my Psyche HIs Icarus conjunct my Urania His Sappho conjunct my Moon His Eros conjunct my IC His Eros opposite my Pluto His Diana conjunct his name in my cchart His Amor conjunct my Juno His Amor opposite my Pandora (0°04) His Toro conjunct my Toro My Sappho opposite his Sun My Lilith conjunct his Pluto My Lilith opposite his Chiron My Lilith opposite my name in his chart Well, I always had a soft spot for poor misunderstood Lilith.  Oh and now I understand - I just calculated the DRaconics placements. Tropical Lilith conjuncts my draco nameasteroid exactly. (10 minutes) Draco Lilith conjuncts my Sun exactly (32 minutes) and also my Mercury, which is ruler of my DSC. Hmmm..... Just looked the Sabian for my Lilith and dr name asteroid up:
PHASE 157 (VIRGO 7°): A HAREM WHAT? This definitely is so not me, and it certainly isn`t what Lilith would want. LOL However, the explanation seems to be more fitting. DD
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mars446 unregistered
posted March 20, 2008 01:04 PM
WOW! I actually wrapped my head around asteroids, now that I read this piece. Thanks for posting it up. It makes soooo much sense, and more symbolism to consider in life  IP: Logged |
Mhax Newflake Posts: 3 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted March 20, 2008 04:13 PM
Very good!IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 986 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 21, 2008 12:05 AM
What a great find!! Thanks for posting it, VDI  IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted March 21, 2008 02:28 AM
thanx all u guys....i was thinking an aspect between a inner planet and an asteroid could actually trigger a larger aspect. like for eg. Aphrodite/ psyche/ amor in aspect to pluto in synastry can lead to a venus pluto interaction.
or like i said in my Lilith thread, lilith aspects with inner planets could involve Plutonian obsessions... IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 03, 2008 01:13 AM
heres some updates, i have found on other asteroid sites.thing is the Archetype behind the planet Venus is as strong in an asteroid like Aphrodite which is Greek name for Venus. from my research so far it is clear that Archetypes like Venus and pluto work thru asteroids as strongly...heres a list of asteroids that can be substitutes for planets. (3811)- Karma - Karmic connection --- Substitute for Saturn (37452)- Spirit - spiritual connection Substitute for Neptune Juno - committed relationships .. a higher octave of venus leading to neptune (103) Hera - Greek counterpart of Juno (77) Frigga - Norse counterpart of Juno (42) Isis - Egyptian archetypal wife and mother. Ceres - nurturing , substitute for moon (1108) Demeter - Greek version of Ceres (433) Eros - Greek God of Love (1221) Amor (16) Psyche - Eros' wife (763) Cupido - Eros's Roman counterpart Venus, archetype for Love, beauty, harmony, (499) Venusia Aphrodite - Venus' Greek counterpart (76) Freia - Venus' Norse counterpart (7088) Ishtar - Venus' Babylonian counterpart (672) Astarte - Venus' Assyrian counterpart others (1487) Boda - Spanish for Wedding (4386) Lust (4950) House - like for living together 1585) Union (306) Unitas - latin for United (868) Lova (73511) Lovas (61342) Lovejoy (74) Galatea (statue that Pygmalion made, he fell in love with it, Aphrodite brought it to life and made his wish come true) - object of one's affection (1387 Kama) - Indian god of sexual desire i think the below asteroids are like Valentine in synastry becoz of the myths involved. and from the charts io have looked in.... they do work 
Greek versions of Romeo and Juliet: (,) Pyramus (88) Thisbe (an aspect between these 2 in a composite or synastry) Adulterous Lovers in Arthurian Legends: (1966) Tristan (211) Isolda (an aspect between these 2 in a composite or synastry)
(2041) Lancelot (2483) Guinevere (an aspect between these 2 in a composite or synastry) IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 03, 2008 02:44 AM
this is from another site 'Comparing Mars in one's astro chart & how it relates to certain asteroids or mini planetsgives greater definition as to how Hot & exy you are, in the mating & relating game. Also if any of these asteroids are in high profile in your chart by house/sign or aspect to venus or mars, this will contribute to relating also.This also works for composite charts. CERES: Very sensual & passionate in lovemaking, with a strong desire to satisfy both desire for oneself & the other. The heat is high & many aids may be important ie, food, oils & luxurious settings. Attachment to one partner is commen, for security & safety, yet extras could be optional. This asteroid can bring jealousy, co-dependency & often controlling behaviour( if one is insecure). VESTA: mild force of sexual expression, tends toi be focused on the inner & more mental spiritual experience of relating, rather than physical. A strong independant streak, so long as the relationship is not too distant, this could work, yet the attraction could be to one with a similar mission or path in life. Learning the Karma sutra or tantra workshops could appeal. JUNO: A passionate focus on the partner, with the urge to protect each others vulnerabilities, & a drive for equality in sexual expression. Marriage can be important for these people, due to the need for a guideline or structure& a safe long term solution, for the sexual relationship. This position is great for marriage as the sex life kepps on keeping on, no matter how long they r together. Mutual love is important for them, even betrayals & other partners may not signal the end for these. PSYCHE: The Physical expression for desire is strong here, yet of a more spiritual nature, which often relates to sexual interplay. This desire instigates relationships, & once connected continues to drive insights & growth throught the sexual relationship. Personal feelings are strongly felt & expressed physically & therefore important to have some kind of committment. Tantric sex, or sharing personal growth training or therapy could be stimulating & life transforming. SAPPHO: Strong sexual libido, accompanied by poetry, music or dirty talk. Movement or transportation could turn these on, with the back seats of cars not just for teenagers.Sexual expression of fantasies & ideals that are important for each partner, as could a need for variety, with possible experimentation with same sex genders, this placing however does not suggest identity confusuin, just versitality. EROS: Intense sexual heat & vitality. Any thing which stimulates desire, or touches on fantasy, is easily integrated, such as erotica or other sex aids. This is a regenerating asteroid, when playing the relating game. Overindulgence is possible tho, as the drive of desire can satifaction before other priorities. CUPIDO: Highly charged sexual tension in one or between two. The drive & attraction so strong that it may be uncontrollable, if not tempered with softer , more loving connections, it could drive one or two to disaster. Overall intense feelings, great, fullfilling sex. Be care about jealousy or envy, & a disregard for partners feelings. AMOR: This ones has imagination, & subtle innuedos, with romantic aids, producing a deires for physical gratification. One needs to clarify & honour boundaries with this one tho, one maybe exciting or mysterious, rather than just an extension of the self. Soft & gentle lovemaking & fantasies. APHRODITE: A dynamic drive to mate, & to consummate sexual desire with a specific partner @ certain times. If one has a magnetic or receptive partner, this can be intensly emotonal sex. There is a strong desire to connect with others even if the person is a loner. BLACK MOON LILITH: A darker & more hidden sexuality, a promise of high levels of sexual satisfactionby allowing hidden self/ fantasies to emerge in sexual expression. This one can take you to the best sex you have ever had, yet vereing toward the more positive energy of this is advised, so treat each other with respect. CHIRON: Good & comforting sex. Instinctive need to relateto others, due to ones own humanity & vulnerabilities. It can foster safety & promise trust. Tentative exploration of sexuality, authenticity & wholeness can be achieved.The emotional aspect is triggered here, so provides a very wholistic sexual experience. HYGIEA: Radiates a creative, loving & warm sexualitythat makes you feel better in the long run. Physical touch is very important, & responding to pertners nedds. Driven in the pursuit to make one feel better, regular opportunites for sexual play, consistency & regularity is important to these. Imagination & fantasy is important to, telling one what one needs is importnat, as a hesitancy is noted about speaking or asserting one's need. One needs a significant other with whom one really cares. PALLAS: Extremely sexual & responsive & sexually caing to partners. Sex is deeply transformative & regenerative & can go through certain cycles. Honour & respect is number one here. Sex & lust could take over in spontaneous busy days & nights. Profundity in sex, & sometimes sexual obsession. Both partners need to contribute, as control dampens the enthusiasm. ASTRAEA: Balanced sexuality. A time & a place for sex, & part of life with a partner. Imagination brings variety & differenceto sexual play. Make sure this creativity is used & routine is varied, as routine can be where one ends up. DIANA: Free-flowing, sensitive sexuality, with a strong need for individual expression & freedom. Making love in sheltered natural places in the open will suit diana. Initial shyness, so imagination & sensitivity to understand & cater to physical & emotional vulnerabilities will help. Music or wordscan also be halpful, & ensuring safety.
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belgz unregistered
posted April 03, 2008 03:10 AM
I dont get anyting at all! So are them interpretations for synastry when theyre making an aspect to your partners planets? Whats the interpretations for? Can someone explain it in simple form pleassssee lol Im interested but just dont get it.. Its sounds complicated ------------------ ASC: Virgo Sun: Cancer Moon: Gemini Mars: Cancer Mercury: Cancer Venus: Leo IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 03, 2008 04:10 PM
Venus de India,"i think the below asteroids are like Valentine in synastry becoz of the myths involved." What do you mean by that? And how would you interprete them? Interestingly there is a really strong theme on Tristan and Isolde in my chart, Musicman`s chart, our Synastry and composite.
My Natal: Tristan: conjunct Venus (2) square IC (1) square Isolde (0) opposite dr Juno (4) dr Tristan: conjunct Chiron (3) Isolde: square Venus (3) trine Mars (2) conjunct IC (1,5) opposite dr Karma (3) dr Isolde: conjunct Vertex (1,5) conjunct Eros (2) His Natal:
Tristan: square Venus (3) quinkunx Isolde (1) dr Tristan: conjunct Amor (1) widely conjunct Mars (5) Isolde: trine Venus (2) dr Isolde: conjunct NN (0) So, each of us has in the Natals: - a close Tristan-Isolde - aspect - a Tristan- Venus-aspect - an Isolde - Venus - aspect SYNASTRY:
my Tristan: trine his Venus (0) trine his Karma (3) quinkunx his Tristan (0) conjunct his Isolde (1) conjunct his dr Moon (0) conjunct his dr Juno (2) my dr Tristan: conjunct his ATlantis (1) conjunct his dr Pluto (1) (and my dr Venus of course) opposite his dr Chiron (0) his Tristan: trine my Amor (1) trine my Isolde (2) opposite my dr Pluto (2) his dr Tristan: conjunct my Juno (2) conjunct my dr Valentine (2) my Isolde: squrae his Isolde (1)
his Isolde: conjunct my Venus (3,5) square my IC (2,5) his dr Isolde: opposite my Moon (0) sextile my Karma (0) So, we have dw`s on: - Tristan / Isolde - Tristan / Juno - Tristan / Pluto Additionally: - my Tristan trine his Venus - his Isolde conjunct my Venus This seems to emphasize the pattern, that is already there in the natals. COMPOSITE:
Tristan trine Isolde (0) - with only 3 minutes of arc!  Tristan trine Atlantis (1,5) Tristan opposite Juno (1,5) Tristan conjunct dr Saturn 82) dr Tristan conjunct Moon (0) dr Tristan conjunct Chiron (3,5) Isolde conjunct Sun (3,5) Isolde conjunct Atlantis (1,5) Isolde sextile Juno (1,5) Isolde conjunct dr Venus (4) COMPOSITE - MY NATAL
Composite Tristan: trine my Moon (0) trine my Karma (1,5) opposite my Chiron (2,5) opposite my dr Sun (1,5) Composite dr Tristan: conjunct my IC (0) conjunct my Isolde (0)! opposite my dr Karma (2) Composite Isolde: conjunct my Moon (0) trine my Karma (1,5) my Natal dr Tristan: conjunct Composite Juno 83,5)
COMPOSITE - HIS NATAL Tristan: opposite his Sun (0) dr Tristan: conjunct his Mercury (3) conjunct his Eros (3) Isolde: trine his Sun (0) conjunct his SN (1,5) opposite his dr Isolde (1) dr Isolde: conjunct his Tristan (3,5) his natal Tristan: opposite Composite Mars (3) opposite dr Composite Atlantis (2) his dr Isolde: opposite Composite Isolde (1,5) opposite Composite Atlantis (1) opposite dr composite Valentine (3) Isn`t it interesting that composite Isolde is conjunct my natal Moon, while composite Tristan is opposite his natal Sun, and that Isolde and Tristan are trine in the composite? Or that composite dr Tristan conjuncts my Isolde? And that composite dr Isolde conjuncts his Tristan?
What do you say to this comparision? How would you interprete it? DD IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 04, 2008 09:51 AM
Belz, for the asteroid goddesses, they are all like a higher octave of venus so u can interpret an aspect involving them as a venus aspect to the for the interpretations of the asteroids, they are for natal as well as synastry, like vesta conjunct mars could lead to an interest in Tantric sex, same for lilith. in synastry again, u have to blend the -planet and the asteroid.its like blending planets. DD whoa, man.  basically i think IF u were a couple, ur relationship would have Isolde and Tristan theme, namely adultery. i think keeping the legend in mund that either in the past or present life there is a chance of forbidden, adulterous love. what do u think ??
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Taurus80 Newflake Posts: 10 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 04, 2008 12:12 PM
This is really cool venusdeindia! Just looking very quickly at some I've never used, I saw:A-Pyramus sextile Venus B-Thisbe conjunct Venus Boda conjunct Boda (I'm of spanish heritage) Composite House conjunct Eros/Juno exact. I think they look good  Wow looking at the composite chart for your parents, they have House conjunct Sun/trine Jupiter 
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 04, 2008 04:13 PM
Venus de India,Forbidden love you say? Well, he is gay, so my affection for him is kinda forbidden, isn`t it? However, I remember being on that concert, where he was, while his ex-partner (or again-partner, who knows?) was on stage, and there was actually a moment, where he, A, the partner, came from stage and was standing before him (and me, of course). Actually if you had drawn lines of our positions, sitting and standing, you would have gotten a triangle. lol I`ve had a very strange feeling that moment, not so much emotionally, but more spiritually. The weird thing is, I have had that crush on P, and of course I thought, that I would kinda "dislike" A, because he ws together with him and all that. But as much as it was painful to accept, I never disliked A. I was actually absolutely fascinated by him. THAT is irony, isn`t it? Almost like I was under some kind of spell. It`s a strange strange thing, my emotions surrounding those two men. However, I looked at the asteroids for Tristan-Isolde-Marc and Lancelot-Guinevere-Arthur for all of us. Found some interesting aspects. Me - P: my Tristan conjunct his Isolde my Tristan trine his Venus and Karma my Tristan conjunct his dr Moon my Tristan conjunct his dr Juno my dr Tristan conjunct his Marc my dr Tristan conjunct his Atlantis his Tristan trine my Amor his Tristan trine my Isolde his dr Tristan conjunct my Juno and dr Valentine
my Isolde squre his Isolde my Isolde trine his Tristan his Isolde conjunct my Venus his Isolde square my IC his Isolde conjunct my Tristan his Isolde square my Isolde his dr Isolde opposite my Moon my Marc conjunct his his Venus and Karma my Marc opposite his dr Mars his Marc conjunct my dr Venus his Marc conjunct my dr Tristan his dr Marc conjunct my Mars his dr Mars conjunct my NN his dr Marc conjunct my AC his dr Marc conjunct my Atlantis his dr Marc opposite my dr Moon A-p: P`s Tristan conjunct A`s Karma P`s Tristan trine A`s Amor P`s dr Tristan conjunct A`s dr Moon
A`s dr Tristan opposite P`s Atlantis A`s dr Tristan conjunct P`s dr Amor P`s Isolde conjunct A`s Sun P`s dr Isolde conjunct A`s Juno A`s Isolde trine P`s Mars A`s Isolde opposite P`s Valentine and Juno P`s dr Marc conjunct A`s Amor
A`s Marc opposite P`s dr Venus and dr Karma #A`s dr Marc conjunct P`s Venus and Karma A`s dr Marc opposite p`s Mars me - A: my Tristan conjunct A`s Sun my dr Tristan opposite A`s dr Tristan
A`s Tristan conjunct my NN A`s dr Tristan opposite my dr Venus my Isolde square A`s Sun my Isolde trine A´s Karma my Isolde trine A`s Amor
A`s Isolde trine my Vertex A`s Isolde conjunct my VAlentine A`s dr Isolde conjunct my MC A`s dr Isolde conjunct my dr Karma my Marc trine A`s Venus my dr Marc conjunct A`s dr Mars A`s Marc conjunct my Karma A`s dr Marc conjunct my Marc
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 04, 2008 04:24 PM
NOw for the Lancelot-Guinevere-Arthur triangle:A - P: P`s Lancelot: conjunct A`s Karma trine A`s Amor P`s dr Lancelot: conjunct A`s dr Moon A`s Lancelot: conjunct P`s Moon conjunct P`s Juno P`s Guinevere: no aspects A`s Guinevere: trine P`s Karma trine P`s Arthur conjunct P`s dr Valentine A`s dr Guinevere opposite P`s dr Valentine P`s ARthur: trine A`s Venus trine A`s NN conjunct A`s Arthur opposite A`s dr MOon
P`s dr ARthur: conjunct A`s Moon A`s Arthur: opposite P`s Chiron trine P`s Karma
A`s dr Arthur: opposite p`s dr Guinevere ME - P: my Lancelot: opposite his Moon trine his Mars trine his Amor my dr Lancelot: conjunct his Chiron P`s Lancelot: trine my Amor P`s dr Lancelot: conjunct my Juno conjunct my dr Valentine my Guinevere: trine his Karma trine his ARthur conjunct his dr Valentine
my dr Guinevere: conjunct his Venus# opposite his dr Amor conjunct his dr Arthur P´s Guinevere: trine my Moon conjunct my Karma
my Arthur: trine his Moon trine his Juno trine his Valentine my dr Arthur: conjunct his Karma
P`s dr ARthur: conjunct my dr Venus conjunct my dr Guinevere
ME - A:
my Lancelot: conjunct his SN opposite his Lancelot conjunct his dr Sun A`s Lancelot: square my Moon A`s dr Lancelot: conjunct my IC opposite my dr Karma my Guinevere: conjunct his Venus square his Mars conjunct his Guinevere exactly trine his Arthur exactly
my dr Guinevere: conjunct his Moon (and probably ASC) his Guinevere: conjunct my Venus opposite my dr Juno his dr Guinevere: conjunct my VAlentine my Arthur: trine his Lancelot trine his Atlantis opposite his dr Arthur (widely) my dr ARthur: conjunct his NN conjunct his dr Sun his Arthur: trine my Guinevere
his dr Arthur: conjunct my Vertex conjunct my dr IC So, what do you say? Who was I? Who were them?
DD IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 05, 2008 06:12 AM
DD, i duuno what to make of it, wow, u really have a thing for archetypes dont u ?IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 05, 2008 06:12 AM
DD, i duuno what to make of it, wow, u really have a thing for archetypes dont u ?IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 05, 2008 06:24 AM
LOL, VDI, jip I guess I have. Especially surrounding those men. But do I dare to mention that Jude Law`s Lancelot is exactly opposite my Guinevere? or his Guinvevere exactly conjuncts my Valentine? or my Guinevere conjuncts his Sun? or his Tristan opposite my Valentine and my Tristan opposite his Valentine? or my Tristan conjuncts his Marc exactly and also conjuncts his Sun? or his Marc conjuncts my Venus? or my Marc trine his Sun? or his Isolde exactly conjuncts my Sun? (his Isolde also is solstice conjunct my Tristan *Sighs*) or my Isolde exactly squares his Marc? I really don`t do that intentionally. I just happen to see all these archetypes in these synastries. Did you see that Jude`s Isolde is conjunct my Sun, while my Tristan is conjunct his Sun? Along with a Tristan-VAlentine-dw?  In any other synastry I knew how to interprete that, but I refuse to even think about it in this case. lol
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 11398 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 11, 2011 11:30 PM
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