Topic: Planet Vulcan
BiBi DeAngelo Knowflake Posts: 847 From: Los Angeles, CA, USA Registered: Jun 2007
posted April 02, 2008 03:32 PM
A dear friend has asked me if anyone on the site can come up with information on the possibility of a Planet named Vulcan? This planet was suppose to be located between the Sun and the planet Mercury. Not a moon to the planet Mercury, however, an actual planet.I know Linda mentioned it briefly in Star Notes.. however, does anyone else know of any other information concerning this? Thank you!  IP: Logged |
fieryscales Moderator Posts: 1136 From: My own private world Registered: Jan 2008
posted April 02, 2008 03:51 PM
If I remember correctly, Vulcan is the TRUE ruler of Virgo. IP: Logged |
dj Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Earth Registered: Sep 2007
posted April 02, 2008 04:05 PM
from wikipedia:Vulcan was a small planet proposed to exist in an orbit between Mercury and the Sun in a 19th-century hypothesis. This hypothesis has now been rendered obsolete by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. Argument for Vulcan's existence In 1840, François Arago, the director of the Paris Observatory, suggested to the French mathematician Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier that he work on the topic of the planet Mercury's orbital motion around the Sun. The goal of this study was to construct a model based on Sir Issac Newton's laws of motion and gravitation. By 1843, Le Verrier published his provisional theory on the subject, which would be tested during a transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun in 1843. Unfortunately there was not a close match between his theory and the observations.[1] Le Verrier renewed his work and in 1859 published a more thorough study of Mercury's motion. This was based on a series of meridian observations of the planet as well as 14 transits. The rigor of this study meant that any differences from observation would be caused by some unknown factor. Indeed, there still remained some discrepancy.[1] During Mercury's orbit, its perihelion advances by a small amount each orbit, technically called perihelion precession. The phenomenon is predicted by classical mechanics, but the observed value differed from the predicted value by the small amount of 43 arcseconds per century. Le Verrier postulated that the excess precession could be explained by the presence of a small planet inside the orbit of Mercury, and he proposed the name "Vulcan" for this object. In Roman mythology, Vulcan was the god of beneficial and hindering fire,[2] including the fire of volcanoes, making it an apt name for a planet so close to the Sun. Le Verrier's recent success in discovering the planet Neptune[3] using the same techniques led veracity to his claim, and astronomers around the world attempted to prove the existence of this hypothetical planet. The search for Vulcan In December 1859, Le Verrier received a letter from a French physician and amateur astronomer called Edmond Modeste Lescarbault, who claimed to have witnessed a transit of the hypothetical planet earlier in the year. Le Verrier took the next train to the village of Orgčres-en-Beauce, some 70 kilometres southwest of Paris, where Lescarbault had built himself a small observatory. Le Verrier arrived unannounced and proceeded to interrogate the shy physician. Lescarbault described in detail how, on 26 March 1859, he noticed a small black dot on the face of the Sun, which he was studying with his modest 3.75 inch (95 mm) refractor. Thinking it to be a sunspot, Lescarbault was not at first surprised, but after some time had passed he realized that it was moving. Having observed the transit of Mercury in 1845, he assumed that what he was observing was another transit, but of a previously undiscovered body. He took some hasty measurements of its position and direction of motion, and using an old clock and a pendulum with which he took his patients’ pulse, he estimated the duration of the transit at 1 hour, 17 minutes and 9 seconds. Le Verrier was satisfied that Lescarbault had indeed witnessed the transit of a previously unknown planet. On 2 January 1860 he announced the discovery of Vulcan to a meeting of the Académie des Sciences in Paris. Lescarbault, for his part, was awarded the Légion d'honneur and invited to appear before numerous learned societies. Not everyone accepted the veracity of Lescarbault’s "discovery", however. An eminent French astronomer, Emmanuel Liais, who was working for the Brazilian government in Rio de Janeiro in 1859, claimed to have been studying the surface of the Sun with a telescope twice as powerful as Lescarbault’s at the very moment that Lescarbault said he witnessed his mysterious transit. Liais, therefore, was "in a condition to deny, in the most positive manner, the passage of a planet over the sun at the time indicated" (Popular Science, Volume 13, pages 732-735, 1878). Based on Lescarbault’s "transit", Le Verrier computed Vulcan’s orbit: it revolved about the Sun in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 21 million kilometres, or 0.14 astronomical units. The period of revolution was 19 days and 17 hours, and the orbit was inclined to the ecliptic by 12 degrees and 10 minutes. As seen from the Earth, Vulcan’s greatest elongation from the Sun was 8 degrees. Numerous reports — most of them unreliable — began to reach Le Verrier from other amateurs who claimed to have witnessed unexplained transits. Some of these reports referred to observations made many years earlier, and many could not be properly dated. Nevertheless, Le Verrier continued to tinker with Vulcan’s orbital parameters as each new reported sighting reached him. He frequently announced dates of future Vulcan transits, and when these failed to materialize, he tinkered with the parameters some more. Among the earlier alleged observers of Vulcan, the following are the most noteworthy (Astronomical Register, 1869): * Gruithuisen, on 26 June 1819, reported seeing "two small spots … on the Sun, round, black and unequal in size" * Pastorff, on 23 October 1822, 24 and 25 July 1823, six times in 1834, on 18 October 1836, 1 November 1836 and on 16 February 1837, also claimed to have seen two spots; the larger was 3 arcseconds across, and the smaller 1.25 arcseconds. Shortly after eight o’clock on the morning of 29 January 1860, F A R Russell and three other people witnessed an alleged transit of an intra-Mercurial planet from London (Nature, 5 October 1876). An American observer, Richard Covington, many years later claimed to have seen a well defined black spot progress across the Sun’s disk around 1860, when he was stationed in Washington Territory (Scientific American, 25 November 1876). No successful observations of Vulcan were made in 1861. Then, on the morning of 22 March 1862, between eight and nine o’clock, another amateur astronomer, a Mr Lummis of Manchester, England, witnessed a transit. A colleague whom he alerted also witnessed the event. Based on these gentlemen’s reports, two French astronomers, Benjamin Valz and Rodolphe Radau, independently calculated the object’s orbital period, Valz deriving a figure of 17 days and 13 hours, and Radau a figure of 19 days and 22 hours. On 8 May 1865 another French astronomer, Aristide Coumbrary observed an unexpected transit from Constantinople. Between 1866 and 1878 no reliable observations of the hypothetical planet were made. Then, during the total solar eclipse of 29 July 1878, two experienced astronomers, Professor James Craig Watson, director of the Ann Arbor Observatory in Michigan, and Lewis Swift, an amateur from Rochester, New York, both claimed to have seen a Vulcan-type planet close to the Sun. Watson, observing from Separation, Wyoming, placed the planet about 2.5 degrees southwest of the Sun, and estimated its magnitude at 4.5. Swift, who was observing the eclipse from a location near Denver, Colorado, saw what he took to be an intra-Mercurial planet about 3 degrees southwest of the Sun. He estimated its brightness to be the same as that of Theta Cancri, a fifth-magnitude star which was also visible during totality, about 6 or 7 minutes from the "planet". Theta Cancri and the planet were very nearly in line with the centre of the Sun. Watson and Swift were excellent observers. Watson had already discovered more than twenty asteroids, while Swift had several comets named after him. Both described the colour of their hypothetical intra-Mercurial planet as "red". Watson reported that it had a definite disk – unlike stars, which appear in telescopes as mere points of light – and that its phase indicated that it was approaching superior conjunction. These are merely the more reliable observations of alleged intra-Mercurial planets. For half a century or more, many other observers tried to find the hypothetical Vulcan. Many false alarms were triggered by round sunspots, that closely resembled planets in transit. During solar eclipses, stars close to the Sun were mistaken for planets. At one point, to reconcile different observations, at least two intra-Mercurial planets were postulated. Search conclusion In 1877 Le Verrier died, still convinced of having discovered another planet. With the loss of its principal proponent, the search for Vulcan abated. After many years of searching, astronomers were seriously doubting the planet's existence. The final act came in 1915, when Einstein's theory of relativity explained the perturbations of Mercury as a mere byproduct of the Sun's gravitational field. His equations predicted slightly different results than classical mechanics, and exactly in the right amount to explain Mercury's actual orbit. The difference applies to the orbits of all planets, but the magnitude of the effect diminishes as one gets farther out from the Sun. Also, Mercury's fairly eccentric orbit makes it much easier to detect the perihelion shift than is the case for the nearly circular orbits of Venus and Earth. Vulcan revived Observing a planet inside the orbit of Mercury would be extremely difficult, since the telescope must be pointed very close to the Sun, where the sky is never black. Also, an error in pointing the telescope can result in damage for the optics, and injury to the observer. The huge amount of light present even quite away from the Sun can produce false reflections inside the optics, thus fooling the observer into seeing things that do not exist. The best strategy for observations would be to wait for the planet's transit of the Sun's disk. A small, round dark spot might be seen moving, as happens regularly with Mercury and Venus. In 1915, when Einstein successfully explained the apparent anomaly in Mercury's orbit, most astronomers abandoned the search for Vulcan. A few, however, remained convinced that not all the alleged observations of Vulcan were bogus. Among these was Henry C Courten, of Dowling College, New York. Studying photographic plates of the 1970 eclipse of the Sun, he and his associates detected several objects which appeared to be in orbits close to the Sun (Miami Herald, 15 June 1970). Even accounting for artifacts, Courten felt that at least seven of the objects were real. The appearance of some of these objects was confirmed by another observer in North Carolina, while a third observer in Virginia saw one of them. Courten believed that an intra-Mercurial planetoid between 130 and 800 kilometres in diameter was orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 0.1 astronomical unit. Other images on his eclipse plates led him to postulate the existence of an asteroid belt between Mercury and the Sun. None of these claims has ever been substantiated after more than thirty years of observation. It has been surmised, however, that some of these objects - and other alleged intra-Mercurial planets - may exist, being nothing more than previously unknown comets or small asteroids. Today, the search continues for these so-called Vulcanoid asteroids, which are thought to exist in the region where Vulcan was once sought. None have been found yet and searches have ruled out any such asteroids larger than about 60 km. References 1. a b Hsu, Jong-Ping; Fine, Dana (2005). 100 Years of Gravity and Accelerated Frames: The Deepest Insights of Einstein and Yang-Mills. World Scientific. ISBN 9812563350. 2. Dumézil, Georges [1966] (1996). Archaic Roman Religion: Volume One, trans. Philip Krapp, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 320–321. ISBN 0-8018-5482-2. 3. Galle, J. G. (November 13, 1846). "Account of the discovery of the planet of Le Verrier at Berlin". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 7: 153. Blackwell Publishing. Retrieved on 2008-02-18. * Richard Baum, William Sheehan (1997). In Search of Planet Vulcan, The Ghost in Newton's Clockwork Machine. ISBN 0-306-45567-6. IP: Logged |
yourfriendinspirit Knowflake Posts: 2789 From: California, USA Registered: Oct 2006
posted April 02, 2008 04:36 PM
Complete Ephemeris of Vulcan for the years 1800-2099 - Komplet Vulcan Ephemeride You can also download a nice pdf article entitled: VULCAN - ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY by Virginia Reyer, ASA member by clicking here. One should note that the position of Vulcan in the natal chart is always conjunct the Sun and very often conjunct Mercury as well. It is within 8 degrees 20 minutes of the position of the Sun. One should also be aware that Vulcan is not always in the same sign as the Sun. Esoteric Ruler of Taurus When a person is leaving the Mutable Cross and is about to mount the Fixed, the effects of Vulcan are very noticeable. Vulcan rules that process which ~breaks the chains~ to form.. As the ~Blacksmith of the Gods~ Vulcan forges new tools for the expression of consciousness. Past patterns of behaviour are dissolved in favour of a growing awareness, which leads ultimately to detachment from the desires and compulsion of form. We can summarise the effects of this particularly small but esoterically powerful planet by liking its effects to the earth element and the First Ray of Will Power. It is the stimulating effect of Vulcan which creates the need to penetrate thorough our material existence in order to detach ourselves from identification with the form life. The Soul centred individual can then utilise matter in order to shape those tools necessary for the externalisation of the Soul force. For example when there is a war matter is all too often used against humankind, and the power of this planet is inverted through the improper use of will. On a higher level of manifestation Vulcan’s establishes the link between humanity and the Plan. This is due to Vulcan’s First Ray energy, manifesting through it’s Fourth Ray ruler Taurus, and the relationship that the latter has to the Fourth Kingdom of Nature. Although Vulcan has an effect of the mass consciousness, through its function as a tool to unfetter humanity from its attachment to material forms, its purpose in terms of the evolutionary process is more specific, which is the primary use as a vehicle of transfer from the Mutable to the Fixed Cross. When on the Mutable Cross, the totally personality centred individual is not aware of the unconscious influence of Vulcan working to create detachment through the loss of visible objects and relationships. But when the evolving person is consciously beginning to put together the relationships existing between essence and form the perception of Vulcan’s effects changes accordingly. At this point one is actively cultivating the first stages of conscious detachment of the form life, therefore in this respect Vulcan now serves as the agent which assists us in this transition of values. Once Vulcan has done its work and the individual is firmly anchored on the Fixed Cross of Discipleship, we can then say that for all intents and purposes, Vulcan becomes a ~dead planet~. Its primary function in the reorientation of consciousness has been completed and one would then tend to move more into the domain and influence of Uranus as also discussed under the Moon section. The Soul centred individual can now utilise the energies of the crisis producing presence of Vulcan in order to effect this necessary transformation, and would be carried out within the greater context undertaken by such a Soul centred person. The effects of Vulcan are only experienced by those who have mounted the Fixed Cross or who are very close to doing so. The conscious application of Vulcan’s energy can only said to be utilised by one firmly anchored on the Path, and who is spiritually active in the service of humanity. It can also been seen that, due to Vulcan’s proximity to the Sun and/or Mercury, the unfolding evolutionary process of a Son or Daughter of Mind is very much associated with the positive destructive force of this tiny planet. Once Vulcan has done its work, the energies of Uranus (in the creation of new archetypes for the expression of the Loving Will/Power of Creation) will supersede in the life. source Please note: The following four sections are devoted to a discussion of the honor and dishonor of Vulcan, a planet located within 8 degrees of the natal position of the Sun in the horoscope. Vulcan is only used in esoteric, soul-centered astrology, for its function on the level of the purely personality-centered individual is non-existent. By this I mean, that the purpose of Vulcan is to serve as a transformer and catalyst, destroying those physical, emotional, and mental forms of life that no longer serve the achievement of higher consciousness. If the reader is interested in learning more about this planet, please consult Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey and/or my book, Soul-Centered Astrology. Vulcan in Taurus (dignity): As one enters the Spiritual Path in earnest, one is faced by many deep challenges. This often manifests in part as the loss of one’s attachment to certain people, as well as to material objects and objectives. The purpose of these crises is to break down one’s attachment to the desire nature as it is expressed in form. This testing ground is at its best when in the most earthy and material of all the signs, Taurus. Once such detachment has been completed, the individual is left free to be of service and to follow the soul’s intent in life. Vulcan in Scorpio (detriment): So much of the soul-centered influence of Pluto, Scorpio, Mars, and the Eighth House of the horoscope is geared to the death and regeneration of the desire nature, that Vulcan’s efforts seem almost superfluous when in this sign. Vulcan’s purpose is much more focused in the destruction of form than it is in its resurrection of redemption. That is the job as I mentioned above of its more “Scorpionic cousins”. Perhaps Vulcan’s placement in Scorpio is equivalent to a karmic “coup de grace”, a final thrust of the sword just to make sure that what had to be killed off is truly and thoroughly dead. Vulcan in Pisces (exaltation): The universal, loving focus of the soul and the ultimate death of anything that is not useful to the higher life are very much at the heart of the esoteric significance of Pisces. In this respect, the reader should recall that Pluto is the soul-centered ruler of the Fish. As such, the harmonious combination of the energies of Vulcan and Pluto work together to produce the total extinction of any impediment in the personality to the resurrection and externalization of the soul. The Path stands open and clear. The Pathwalker ascends to the task and serves the World Server. Vulcan in Virgo (fall): Virgo is very attached to its devotion to the higher life. When in this earthy sign, such devotion must “fall” and enter into all things large and small. On the soul level this attachment reaches out into all areas of life as the Virgo Disciple attempts to bring nurturing and healing to every one of Life’s creations. The Moon is after all the esoteric ruler of the Virgin, and thus the urge to bring forth the highest good (The Christed Self) in oneself, all and everyone else is of ultimate importance. As the attachment to the nurturing process is so intense, when Vulcan is in Virgo, the life lesson is one of continuous detachment.from the results of one’s work and efforts. source Vulcan through the Signs in Esoteric Astrology
VULCAN IN ARIES This is a very potent position leading to the right use of will as the First Ray energies of sign and planet unite. When in the transitional state, this position of Vulcan often indicates a person with a very strong but highly self-righteous mind. The ~tools~ which Vulcan serves to fashion in this sign allow for the mind {Mercury’s esoteric rulership of Aries} to align itself with the will of the Plan. This requires a detachment of the mind from its service to the ego. Once the transition to the Fixed Cross is accomplished, the mind of the individual is then focused on service to humanity, as Mercury connects with Taurus (and hence with Vulcan) through the Fourth Ray. A person who can consciously utilise Vulcan in Aries can help to break down other people’s resistance to higher consciousness, through the de-crystallisation of non-regenerative thought forms. VULCAN IN TAURUS Esoteric Ruler In the transitional phase, the individual is presented with main, often painful, tests of detachment. This may manifest as loss of either objects of people. The purpose is to aid the individual in breaking his thralldom with the desire nature as it centers in form. Once the Fixed Cross is mounted, the natural magnetism and power of Vulcan in Taurus allows the person to create a vital channel for the expression of the Will and Power of the First Ray. The soul-centered individual then becomes a vehicle for the ~redemption~ of matter, so that is (as well as the individual) may serve some larger, impersonal function. The area in the life in which this higher purpose may be found can be ascertained through Vulcan’s placement in the natal chart. VULCAN IN GEMINI In its initial phase, Vulcan in this position gives rise to a very critical mind, ever seeking to destroy those opinions that contest ones own. Yet once a person secures them self on the Fixed Cross, a very intimate relationship is created for the positive use of Vulcan’s energies. Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini, is also the exoteric ruler of Taurus. A person with this position can thus utilise Vulcan’s function to forge a link between the First and the Fifth Rays. This would lead them to create those interventions and scientific discoveries that evoke the hidden Light contained within matter. The externalisation of this inner design could then be used for the benefit of humanity. VULCAN IN CANCER This is a very important position on the collective level, as it is here that Vulcan is confronted with the energies of the mass consciousness. Its primary function (to instil detachment from form) presents itself quite distinctly. When on the transitional stages of the Crosses, Vulcan’s placement in this sign points to those tests of release from past patterns of attachment, especially relative to the expressions of the emotions and the astral body. The will/Power of the First Ray must be free to create, without being hampered by the nurturing energies of Cancer. Nurturing, in this respect, means the matrix which forms itself around the impulse of the Will, aiding its descent into the lower planes and kingdoms. Yet if this matrix becomes too solidified, through patterns of repeated desires, the movement of the Will becomes impeded. When on the Fixed Cross, this position would tend to stimulate the creation of those mental and physical channels and structures (Cancer’s relationship to the Third and Seventh Rays) that would be most appropriate to the unfolding of the Plan. VULCAN IN LEO When moving off the Mutable Cross, Vulcan in Leo indicates those tests which serve to free the individual from a self-centered attachment to the creative potentials of the lower self. Egocentricity now must yield to a focus of group consciousness. Once this re-polarisation takes place and Vulcan is externalising through the Fixed Cross, all the potency of the Will and the Concrete Mind (Leo’s association with the First and Fifth Rays) can be utilised as expressions of group consciousness and channels for the Second Ray energy of the Sun. VULCAN IN VIRGO The detachment from form seems to be particularly difficult when one is making the transition to the Fixed Cross with Vulcan in this sign. As the Moon, Mother of All Forms, is the ruler, this placement of Vulcan creates a great conflict, because the attachment to the nurturing process is quite intense. The individual would have to allow the healing and cohesive life force of the Universal Mother to sustain the objects of her caring. This means releasing oneself from the strong personal emotional expressions of the Second, Fourth and Sixth Ray energies in this position, (Virgo and the Moon) so that the focus of Will can be externalised, unimpeded by the lower self. When the Fixed Cross has been mounted, the individual with Vulcan in Virgo is aligned with the Mother, and can then be a conscious vehicle, co-creating the force for any necessary healing. VULCAN IN LIBRA This position of Vulcan is very ~Will-focused~. There is a very close affinity with the First and Seventh Rays as they relate to the inherent relationship between Spirit/Will and Matter/manifestation. During the transition from the Mutable to the Fixed Cross, a person with Vulcan in Libra is apt to experience a deep change in the scope of his personal relationships. Even if he is on the Path of world Service at the time, the nature of his social aspirations and his interaction within a group context in order to externalise some collective purpose is bound to undergo a major shift. Will cannot be sustained by the lesser self for the purpose of structuring collective human energies according to his personal, mental image of same, now matter how idealistic. A merger must be made with the Higher Self/Mind (third Ray) so that he is acting in concert with an unfolding group process. The latter is firmly placed in motion once the individual has made the necessary transition to life on the Fixed Cross. Uranus then overshadows Vulcan, and group will and purpose emerge. VULCAN IN SCORPIO The primary function of Vulcan is to break attachment to outmoded forms so that new tools of consciousness may be forged for the liberation of the Soul’s presence in the outer life. The energies of Mars, Scorpio and Pluto work so effectively at this task that the need for Vulcan’s effects I this position is diminished. One could say that in Scorpio, those situations necessary to bring forth the required results for mounting the Fixed Cross are intensified. The First and Fourth Rays are brought into play through Scorpio, Pluto, Vulcan and Taurus, while Mars and the Sixth Ray lead to the cultivation of the one-pointedness required for maintaining one’s focus of soul orientation (Discipleship) on the Fixed Cross. VULCAN IN SAGITTARIUS As the teacher, Sagittarius has to be ~armed~ with those concepts which serve to widen humanity’s horizons, so that a greater universitality of thought is achieved. The individual leaving the Mutable Cross (and his attachments to the personality} must undergo those transmutations which serve to harmonise and blend the degree of understanding he has achieved through the experiences of the personality life with the collective wisdom stored by the Soul. Vulcan in this position breaks those attachments to the personal mental body, allowing the Third Ray influence of Sagittarius’s ruler, the Earth (and hence also the influence of the other third Ray planet, Saturn), to function from the level of the Higher Self. This position may indicate that in the present incarnation, the individual may encounter some crisis of disillusionment with his previous belief systems. This leads to the acceptance of those higher concepts and broader ideas that can be communicated to others for the benefit of all. VULCAN IN CAPRICORN This is a very strong and powerful placement for Vulcan. It strengthens the influence of the First and Third Rays, as it calls forth an interplay between this planet and Saturn. Non-regenerative thought processes are challenged and broken down as the lesser self finds that it can no longer maintain its place or status in the outer world. The individual begins to lose their attachment to whatever influence has been achieved over others, and a direct movement is made toward mounting the Fixed Cross. Initially this may be perceived as a loss of power or strength. Such a transition requires a person to restructure their will and broaden their awareness so that new mental patterns are created. These structures are aligned to the needs of the collective, and serve to anchor the evolutionary Plan for humanity that much more concretely in the material world. (Seventh Ray influence of Capricorn and Uranus). VULCAN IN AQUARIUS In esoteric astrology one can look at Uranus as the higher octave of Vulcan (as well as Mercury) as once Vulcan has helped to destroy the attachments and adherence to the forms created by the lower self, Uranus can then work as the channel for the birthing of new archetypes for the evolution of the individual and humanity. The connection between Vulcan and Uranus is therefore very strong when Vulcan is placed in Aquarius. (a little ~side note~ here {smile}: As Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, there is a blending of Rays One {Vulcan}, Five {Aquarius}, Seven {Uranus} and Two {Jupiter}. (The fourth Ray of Vulcan’s sign, Taurus, influences all placements of this planet, and its connection with the fourth Kingdom of Humanity should be kept in mind when studying Vulcan’s effects. We can say that all ~vulcanic~ crises are particularly human in their effects, especially in relation to a person’s transition from the Mutable to the Fixed Cross.} The function of Vulcan in Aquarius is to shatter all human attachments that do not serve the purpose of the Higher Self, and hence the needs of the collective. In initial phases, the individual with this placement may find that there is a crisis in the life brought about by gradual detachment from friends and associations. They begin to look for~brothers and sisters of like minds~ with whom they can interact with loving impersonality. This differs widely from associations that fulfil personal emotional needs or are maintained due to purely social obligations or status. When the Fixed Cross has been mounted, the motivation for relationships becomesincreasingly centered in the urge for World Service. VULCAN IN PISCES The first Ray energies of this sign combine with those of Pluto and express themselves through the Second and Sixth Rays. The universal, loving focus and the ultimate death of anything that is not useful to the soul are very much at the heart of the function of Pisces. An individual with this placement would experience a crisis of releasing any blocks to the power of Love as it seeks to express in the outer world. Personal prejudices would thus ~go the way of all things~ and be replaced by a gradual expansion of loving devotion to the Plan, and thus once mounted on the Fixed Cross by the urge to be of service to the expansion of Love/Wisdom in the world of humanity. source
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mblover Knowflake Posts: 508 From: Registered: Nov 2007
posted April 02, 2008 05:50 PM
We really do need Vulcan in Charts to understand Virgos better - especially to understand those Virgos who cheat and manage multiple relationships with equal priorities. The mythological description of Mercury (Messenger) doesn't fit well for methodical and detailed oriented Virgos. IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 1130 From: Honolulu,HI Registered: Apr 2004
posted April 02, 2008 09:06 PM
Thanks yfd, As a Virgo,I can't wait for Vulcan's mentioned it in it's 8/4/2000 article.Very interesting!.mblover, You're right,Mercury's not suitable.Linda mentioned in her old website years ago that Mercury gives Virgo that tick-tock sensation when making decisions.Perhaps Vulcan will put our Virgo minds at ease. IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 3823 From: nevada Registered: Jun 2005
posted April 02, 2008 09:10 PM
great info  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 13873 From: CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted April 02, 2008 09:43 PM
I think Mercury's fine for Virgo.IP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 1301 From: New York Registered: Dec 2006
posted April 03, 2008 01:13 AM
Yea I dont know about the whole hypothetical thing. I think I would choose chiron as the ruler of virgo before vulcan. vulcan would always be right next to your sun, no fun. Im not understanding the interps either.IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 1130 From: Honolulu,HI Registered: Apr 2004
posted April 03, 2008 03:56 AM
Seeing Stars, Maybe Chiron the Wounded/Healer) plays a role in world peace.
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Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 1301 From: New York Registered: Dec 2006
posted April 03, 2008 05:41 AM
lol, perhaps it does peace.its kinda off topic but is that what you think? I think world peace will be associated with alot more besides chiron but yea I could see it. I just think Chiron has more significance with virgo then a hypothetical planet does. I have a Virgo ascendant so whatever rules virgo could have much importance in my chart being my chart ruler, so its frustrating not knowing for sure. I have already expressed my outlook on not being able to comprehend how exactly people can just proclaim a new ruler for virgo then what? everything changes all the interps and what people thought is wrong? If mercury isnt the true ruler of virgo then all the virgo influenced people thinking they have so much to do with the planet mercury are living a lie. lol. and everything in the chart is misconstrued. because of my ASC I can say I feel more like a wounded healer having been wounded emotionally and scarred for life. but I feel I am a healer being deeply sympathetic and compassionate. but this is just one avenue of my persona not everyone sees this. but I hope one day they will. I could see some ways Virgo could be associated with Chiron. Virgo - critical, analytical, perfectionist, practical, diligent, intelligent, worrier, pays much attention to health (mind and body) and detail. and Chiron the creature a centaur "was a great teacher of music, medicine, hunting and prophecy. He taught heroes to be brave and audacious - one might say his motto should have been 'He who dares, Wins' - and he was also a bit of a joker, very irreverent and somewhat disrespectful. there was a battle between the cantaurs and their neighbors a greek tribe called the Lapiths eventully they were pushed from their land and all died out except for chiron who was hit with a poisoned arrow from Heracles. He was in much pain and returned to his cave wishing to live no longer. he couldnt die due to being immortal so Zeus put him in the stars. Astrologers have adopted him as the Wounded Healer , It is an approach that makes a great deal of sense, for it is through Chirons influence, according to these astrologers that we learn to heal our respective wounds - be they pschological injuries inflicted on us be insensitive parents or authority figures, or those emotions that prevent us from taking action or moving forward in ours lives" I can see some avenues of how they are similar. but I guess you should ask yourself if you know any virgos that seem chironish. I have also read things about the relation and similarity of the moon and virgo. perhaps there is another moon that holds significance with virgo.
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EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 1400 From: Registered: May 2007
posted April 03, 2008 05:48 AM
Excellent info, YFIS.I'm with SS on the Chiron/Virgo theory... 8th IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1193 From: on a chair beside a window Registered: Jul 2002
posted April 03, 2008 05:53 AM Here is a link to thread posted by Aselzion that might be of interest to you. IP: Logged |
Mhax Knowflake Posts: 57 From: Registered: Oct 2007
posted April 03, 2008 05:56 AM
mblover Knowflake Posts: 508 From: Registered: Nov 2007
posted April 04, 2008 03:25 PM
No planet description has addressed two major traits of Virgos yet.. Self Criticism and Martyr Dom after a break up... IP: Logged |
silverstone Moderator Posts: 3251 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 06, 2008 12:54 AM
I do not think that Mercury fits well with Virgo. Geminis are completely different than Virgos...Bibi... here's something on Linda and her thoughts on Vulcan: ------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
silverstone Moderator Posts: 3251 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 06, 2008 12:57 AM
Also, Aselzion had an interesting thread going in his forum: ------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 13873 From: CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted April 06, 2008 03:01 AM
quote: Self Criticism and Martyr Dom
All Mutables share these traits to a certain degree. Martyrdom is probably a bit strong of a term to use. quote: Geminis are completely different than Virgos
Sharing both Mercury and their Mutable-ness I would have to disagree. They're not the same obviously, but they share a good deal in common. Ask some Geminis and Virgos who are into astrology. IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 1130 From: Honolulu,HI Registered: Apr 2004
posted April 06, 2008 08:55 PM
AG, So that explains why I'm attracted to Gems.IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 1456 From: North Andover, MA Registered: Nov 2002
posted April 06, 2008 11:44 PM
Greetings...Hey Silver: quote: Also, Aselzion had an interesting thread going in her forum:
For the record... Aselzion is a he! So that would be HIS forum!  In the Light... A 
------------------ "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion IP: Logged |
silverstone Moderator Posts: 3251 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 07, 2008 12:17 AM
Sorry, Aselzion, I apologize; I fixed itIP: Logged |
BiBi DeAngelo Knowflake Posts: 847 From: Los Angeles, CA, USA Registered: Jun 2007
posted April 12, 2008 06:02 PM
I past on all the information to the person who was asking for info on Vulcan... he says...thank you!
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