Topic: Fingers of Fate/God/Yod
wheelsofcheese Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: UK Registered: Jan 2008
posted May 06, 2008 05:02 AM
I was reading Judy Hall's Astrology Bible on the weekend and it mentions a Finger of Fate aspect configuration. Here's a definition: "Finger of FateSee Finger of God. Finger of God Also called the Finger of Fate or Yod. Comprises two planets in sextile (60°) aspect to each other, each making a 150° aspect focused on the same third planet (opposing their midpoint)." It looks like I may have six of these fingers on my chart (the green lines making up a five-pointed star). I'm not sure what to make of all that. Any ideas? I have done a little bit of research on these this morning and it says to pay attention to the planet on the apex. One I could manage, but six??? Where do I start? Eep! Any ideas? Anyone else with this configuration? IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted May 06, 2008 05:08 AM
I asked my trusty Uncle Bob and he said: .....The “energy” of the two planets making the sextile seems directed to the house and sign containing that third planet. The effect of a Yod is said to be “fated” or show some special destiny. Oh sure, it sounds really impressive when you tell a client “Hey, you have a special destiny!” However, that’s nothing more than a “Barnum statement” and really says nothing. All that is really going on is an emphasis on one particular area of the life. Nonetheless, this focus frequently seems driven, compelling.
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wheelsofcheese Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: UK Registered: Jan 2008
posted May 06, 2008 05:14 AM
Thank you BM! (hope you had a nice bank holiday - wasn't the weather perfect?)I like that Bob site. I see there's a book dedicated to Yods. I may check that out. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted May 06, 2008 05:17 AM
The weather is perfect today!! IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: UK Registered: Jan 2008
posted May 06, 2008 05:19 AM
Hey Lara! Stunning isn't it? I feel so happy!IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted May 06, 2008 05:27 AM
Too right, we deserve Sun after last year's dismal efforts. I was in France for the bank holiday snoozing in the garden. But I'm not starting off with a natural sun tan like my offspring, and my nose is looking a little bit pinked. BOO! It happens ever year, a reminder that my skin is best suited to the Irish climate and that the unused high factor baby sunblock should be applied to my face at frequent intervals. Some more stuff here: Your Venus/Neptune is a focus of drive ~ in Sag ~ sounds highly creative and also caring in a non-suffocating manner.
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Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted May 06, 2008 05:28 AM
Hey! Yes l feel full of joy too. Off out to the garden with my son now to try to make myself look less like a grecian marble sculpture IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted May 06, 2008 05:31 AM
My skin tone options are Celtic bluey/white, warning salmon, or lobster red. IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: UK Registered: Jan 2008
posted May 06, 2008 07:49 AM
Thanks for the link BM, fab! Interesting about the Venus/Neptune thing. I suffer from a condition called 'Corned Beef Legs'. IP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 1301 From: New York Registered: Dec 2006
posted May 06, 2008 01:22 PM
Ive been doing some reading up on yods lately. These configurations are somewhat still a mystery but people still try to find the answer to them. there is no doubt they are stressful and dynamic being good and then bad again at different times. Ive read individual interps from other people about the father being connected with the yod in that he could have been unpredictable going from bad to good at unexpected times. I feel this is very true for me and i believe it was detrimental. besides that I believe I can feel my yod very strongly at times. I believe a yod is a blessing and at times I certainly do feel like god has layed a special purpose on me. I just struggle into questioning if his purpose matches up with the purpose or plan I want. but I suppose time will tell and if it doesnt then I suppose my own choice does in fact match up with his. I dont believe in the church or the bible but I do believe in God. At the same time I feel it could be a curse. the amount of stress and problems it causes sometimes feels unbearable atleast for me. My yod is very personal, the apex being a scource of much affliction from other planets and being placed in the house ruled by my sun wheels of cheese. I think you only have two yods with the apex being conjunction of venus and neptune in sag in the 4th same sign and house of my conjunction apex. how do you feel about yours?
anybody wondering about yod just think of mission impossible your mission if you choose to accept is blank and you dont exactly know what it is. actually its more like : your mission wether you choose to accept or not is blank! here are some links:
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Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7410 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted May 06, 2008 01:22 PM
Granted I do love the topic of Weather/Season vs Skin Pigments But yods are one of my interests (behind the pasty winter-white tones of my skin).....I own two of the buggers myself -- there's links to a bunch more info here: With Mars, Saturn and Venus/Neptune all as apex planets, relating to experiences in the 4th, 9th & 11th houses, I wouldn't know where to begin Perhaps an appointment with the Cloning-people -- this is way too much for one lifetime!! Zala IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: UK Registered: Jan 2008
posted May 07, 2008 11:12 AM
quote: wheels of cheese. I think you only have two yods with the apex being conjunction of venus and neptune in sag in the 4th same sign and house of my conjunction apex. how do you feel about yours?
Thanks very much SeeingStars. I don't really know how I feel about it, I'm new to this game! I'll put the question back to you! Crikey Zala, I'm glad to discover I only have the two, something of a relief!! IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7410 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted May 07, 2008 01:45 PM
wheelie ~I'm not an expert and certainly don't have the last word on the issue, but I still think you have six yods. A yod by definition is THREE planets, two quincunxes and a sextile. I don't think two conjunct planets count as one corner of the formation. I have two yods -- not one: Moon apex 26Pis22 8th house Neptune 23Lib44 3rd house Pluto 24Leo24 12th house ~ and ~ Moon Sun 26Lib42 3rd house Pluto The base planets (depending on who they are) generally like each other (the sextile) while they're both at odds with the apex planet (the inconjunct aspect). But they have to learn to work with the apex planet as that one has the reins and holds the key to carrying out The Mission successfully. I don't think the quincunx is a "bad" aspect, even though most classify it as a hard aspect. It just means that both planets involved in the aspect have to make compromises to work together, but the payoff can be wonderful!! I have Sun quincunx Moon only 20' from exact. The trick is to use these energies in tandem, rather than letting them argue with each other about who's going to drive the bus, or come to the compromise of taking turns. The key is to actually get them to work *together*. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted May 07, 2008 01:53 PM
wow l think l have a yod or two, too!!Pluto/Uranus in 1st sextile neptune in 3rd quincunx moon/venus in 8th! They seem quite spiritual or there is something mystical about these yods? IP: Logged |