Topic: The significance of the 12th House...
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted June 03, 2008 01:05 PM
Howdy y'allI have a very busy 1st and 12th house, but right now I am interested in the 12th House. What does it do to a person? So far it sounds similar to what I do, which is think deeply, mostly about my subconscious, the collective conscious about hidden things - thus making me one of those people who have no illusions about how messed up I am. Basically, although I would love to be a romantic, I have no illusions on the world's and my "darkness". My 12th House is ruled by my dear friend Virgo (Mercury) and the tenants are the big serious guys Libra Saturn, Libra Pluto and Libra Mercury (being the small dog). I won't mention the asteroids there. These three planets square my Moon in Cancer in the 10th House, my Moon being smack dab on the MC. Saturn and Pluto are trine my Neptune in Sagittarius in the 2nd House. I would like to know your thoughts on these 12th House placements and their aspects and also what happens when the generational planets transit this place, because quite frankly, it sounds dark and devious. I can post a chart if you need it. Thank you in advance, Unmoved. IP: Logged |
Got Gemini? Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Mercury Registered: Jul 2007
posted June 03, 2008 01:28 PM
I'd like to know as well. I've got Mars and Saturn both in Leo there so the Sun rules my twelfh. My Saturn sextiles my Sun and Merc while my Mars, wait a sec... My Mars is in 0 degrees Virgo. Hmmm.... I wonder what that means and could I also interpret that as 29 degrees Leo.------------------ Virgo Asc & Mars Gemini Sun Libra Moon (conjunct Pluto 0º in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted June 03, 2008 01:38 PM
Great! This is what I have just read: quote: The Twelfth House has a terrible reputation. It is here that astrologers look to find restrictions, hidden enemies (as opposed to open enemies, shown by the seventh house), psychological problems, and of course the killer --- self undoing, the tendency to do ourselves in. Any planet in this house represents something we are hiding from the world, and, frequently, from ourselves as well. Of course knowing about a problem is the first step to deal with it. The vast majority of horoscopes that I’ve seen with several planets in the twelfth house belong to sensitive, caring people who put up with a lot garbage from others. The rest are horoscopes of serial killers and mass murderers. IP: Logged |
plutomaki Knowflake Posts: 73 From: Puruuto Registered: Apr 2008
posted June 03, 2008 01:41 PM
![]( quote: The Twelfth House by Eleanor A. Buckwalter The first house is I, me, mine; who I am, what I do. The twelfth is frequently what I am not, what I do not do. Traditionally, it is described as self-undoing, hidden enemies, including karma, bondage, prisons, hospitals, ashrams, monasteries, institutions, places of research. In Vedic astrology, one of its meanings is final liberation, or total freedom from ego and karma. It is the most important of the moksha or spiritual houses. The 7th, the 12th, or more precisely, the qualities of the sign on the cusp and energies of any tenanting planets are likely to be projected onto others and the environment. Both houses seven and twelve correspond to the times of the day when the Sun is close to the horizon. One can be blinded by the light and deceived by the long, deep shadows thrown at those hours - dawn and sunset. Planets in the 12th are not weak or weakened. It is the house of the risen Sun. They are very powerful, although the person may be strangely oblivious to the strength of the influence. An example was a young man with Uranus in Leo in the 12th. He had a very charismatic manner; his style of dress and haircut were distinctly different. He once asked me if he looked weird because he wanted to appear normal and fit in, or so he thought. I suggested he take a good, hard, long look in the mirror and then think about getting a new hair cut and different clothes. He gave all sorts of rationalizations why that would not work and continued to look weird while convincing himself he looked just like anybody else. Had Uranus been in his first house, he would have put much conscious attention on cultivating a dramatically different personality image. He would have wanted to look weird. The seat of the collective unconscious is the 12th. It is from there that the archetypes can enter and overtake the personality. Archetypes are universal principles or energies. As mythic figures, they reveal inherent psychological processes embedded deeply in the collective psycho-mythology and work throughout the human species. They are neutral, yet to the degree an individual or a society represses, suppresses, or denies them, they become good or evil, angelic or diabolic. The material we store in the 12th, the unconscious, may be unacceptable because of trauma or conditioning and because it threatens the persona. It is the underside, the dark side, and the hidden part of the person. What we try to hide and deny to ourselves is often apparent to everybody else - like the emperor’s new clothes. Our hidden enemy, obvious to everyone but ourselves, is, more often than not, ourselves. The house of dreams and imagination is the 12th. This is where we become aware of the contents of our own subconscious as well as that of the social and collective world. As the opposite of the 6th house of work, health and service, the 12th is retreat, respite, isolation, and withdrawal, long term or chronic health concerns. During the month that the Sun transits our 12th house we may want to hole up, sleep more, read, work alone on creative projects, or commune with nature. As Saturn and the other slow moving planets go through the 12th, we have the opportunity for long periods of introspection and communion. When we do not consciously choose to go inward as the rhythms of our nature dictate, we run the risk of becoming ill, of being forced to take time out. Perhaps one of the more interesting facets of the 12th house to metaphysically inclined people is that it provides clues about our past lives. When we synthesize the meanings of an individual's twelfth house, its ruler, and the ruler's position by sign and house, planet(s) tenanting the 12th, along with the Moon and Saturn, we can make some interesting speculations about past life scenarios. On one occasion, I did that at the request of a client with Saturn and Pluto in his 12th house. I sketched several scenarios, all with similar themes. He then told me he had past life regressions under hypnosis and had come up with almost identical scripts. His reason for consulting a hypnotherapist and an astrologer was to try to find some explanation for his chronic health problems. Planets in the 12th indicate prenatal conditions. Usually this can be verified by talking to the parents, other close relatives, and the attending physician. In the case of the above-mentioned client, Saturn in the 12th indicated a long labor, a labor induced by his mother's rage during an argument with her own mother (Pluto was square the Moon in his chart). Neptune here indicates the use of anesthetic during delivery. In one ease, the mother had gone to a party and gotten drunk and was under the influence during labor. Mars can indicate unusual bleeding, either of the mother or from injury to the infant. Additionally, it can indicate minor head trauma, which can result in minimal brain damage syndrome, resulting in later learning difficulties. An astrologer can look at an infants chart and suggest what health areas the pediatrician needs to concentrate on and check out carefully if the child is having problems of any kind, and especially if he or she has one or more planets in the 12th house. Charts with three or more planets in the 12th house, or one of the lights and an angular house ruler posited in this house, are frequently found among physicians, nurses, professors and others who work in hospitals or universities. A well-tenanted 12th house is also common among writers who must spend time alone working with their imagination and their mind, tuning into the muses. Very talented, very tragic people, like Judy Garland and Janis Joplin, and the notorious propagandist, Tokyo Rose, had many planets in their 12th houses. Pierre Teillard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest and monk, achieved distinction in paleontology and geology. He was acclaimed for his scientific and genetic research, and wrote spiritually philosophical works. The title of one of the best known of these was To Build the Earth. He had a stellium in Taurus, including the Sun and Moon in Gemini, all in the 12th house.[/quote]
quote: The Mysteries of the 12th House The astrological 12th house is the repository of the unconscious, the subconscious and the superconscious. In an astrology chart the 12th house is the slice of the pie directly above the horizontal line that divides the wheel on the left side. The sign which rules this house and any planets in it, have a large, but mostly hidden influence on our psyche. The natural ruler of the 12th house is the planet Neptune. Neptune is a watery planet, fluidic and foggy. When we are feeling foggy or confused, frequently this is the activity of Neptune and/or the 12th house. What happens when you try to see through fog or water? Images are distorted, if they can be viewed at all. An apparent end to the view can simply be another layer of fog and it can seem endless. For those of us with a strong Neptune or 12th house, these images are very familiar. Without knowing something about the person, it can be very difficult for an astrologer to make a decent interpretation of the condition because it can vary wildly. The same configuration can mean an enlightened guru or an inmate of a mental institution. In my opinion, this occurs because the power of this area is more than some can take. Essentially, the person's own mind overwhelms them. For those who are capable of maintaining some balance, they have a rich inner life, with things going on which are utterly unrevealed to the world. The 12th house is a repository of secrets. Those which we keep from others and those we keep from ourselves. Denial and illusion are characteristic of this area and I have never worked with a client, no matter how evolved who didn't have their share of these. How does this happen? Primarily during childhood, some aspect of the person's psyche was severely repressed. Since the Self doesn't respond well to this, it finds another outlet, ie., the unconscious, the subconscious or the superconscious. The individual may "act out" certain behavior patterns, creating isolation or confinement for themselves, completely helpless to control the outcome. Or, they may resolve to rise above these patterns and find solace in spirituality. Depending on the planet(s) involved they may have extraordinary powers of perception such as ESP. Almost always, they will find relief in selflessly serving others. This creates a positive outlet of expression As an astrologer I pay very close attention to the conditions surrounding the 12th house or Neptune. In my experience, a client with strong aspects here always has more to offer or more to gain from life than they'd previously believed. Unleashing the power of the 12th house can lead to unimaginable beauty, insights and deep inner wholeness.[/quote] quote:
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order." Carl Jung "Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?” Lao-Tzu Matters of the 12th House (With affinities to Pisces and Neptune) Yep! I'm the first to admit that in traditional astrology, the mysterious 12th house has had a rather gloomy and downright nefarious reputation. Planets in the birth chart placed in this house were thought to be hopelessly lost and in a nebulous, impenetrable fog. The 12th house has traditionally been associated with addictions, secret enemies, prisons, and other institutions where one is "hidden away." So having Saturn in the 12th house (for example) might be traditionally associated with an irrational fear of going to prison and/or of being institutionalized at your local Mental Health Institute. But Here's the Low Down The 12th house is also our connection with what the renowned Swiss psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung monikered as the "collective unconscious." As such... the 12th house can be our connection with dreams, visions, fantasy, romance, illusions, and redemption. There's No Escaping It... Further, according to archetypal astrologer, Dr. Karen Hamaker-Zondag, the 12th house may also likely refer to events and emotions we experienced while still in our mother's womb and/or during the first year or so of our life. These are experiences which occurred so early in life that we're virtually unable to consciously remember them happening. But the images and emotions connected with 12th house events remain active within our psyche and continue to unconsciously affect us in our everyday life and in our relationships with other people. The effects and results (i.e. the baggage) of the 12th house may in some ways seem very similar to the experiences of the 8th house (discussed in another section of this web site). But generally speaking our 12th house experiences took place and were formed at a time so early in our development that we were not able to be active participants in the events. Family Issues - Unlived Life The 12th house may also likely have connections with "family life issues" or "gifts" that our parents (and perhaps our parents' parents) were given... but they refused or were emotionally unable to give expression to and/or resolve these "family life issues" during their own lifetime. And now it's been left up to the child (you) to experience and resolve these energies for the parents. "Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent." Jung - from The Development of Personality Soaking it all up... As very young children, we were literally "psychic sponges" actively soaking up the images, emotions, and events in our environment. Thus... the 12th house irrational feelings and fears we're left with as adults are often quite vague, unclear, and "foggy." We're never able to put our finger on and/or pinpoint the source of these irrational feelings and fears. As a result, our 12th house feelings and fears may leave us with the uneasy feeling of somehow being "victimized" and "violated" by life without ever knowing just exactly why. To target 12th house issues that remain active in your life? Look first for any planets located in the 12th house. Also look for the planetary ruler of the 12th house and any planets which aspect the planetary ruler. For example, if your birth chart Moon is located in the 12th house - then look for experiences and needs surrounding the issues of emotional security, the need for nurturing, and possible crippling, irrational fears of abandonment. Plain English...? Putting this in plain terms - if your birth Moon is in the 12th house, then there's a strong chance that your birth mother (Moon) may have been going through some very emotionally difficult times just prior to or after your birth... or... becoming a wee bit foggy, again... there may be some of sort hidden sacrifice surrounding the archetypal image of "The Mother." But if Mom was going through some hard times - then don't even try to kid yourself... it will be something you'll eventually have to deal with in your own life and in your own fears... Sign on the Cusp? If, for instance, Taurus is located on the cusp of the birth chart's 12th house, then look to see where Venus (the ruler of Taurus) is in your chart and which other planets aspect Venus. (Cusp is just a fancy word for the very beginning of a house.) Any Hope? Okay, I figure you're wondering at this point, if the 12th house has any redeeming value at all? Good golly, yes! Absolutely! Most assuredly, the 12th house has many extraordinarily priceless gifts to bestow upon an individual. The 12th house is all about redemption! I'm a strong advocate for the many hidden riches contained within the various life experiences of the 12th house! But be forewarned that the riches of the 12th house may be an "enrichment" that the average person in our "modern scientific world" may not be exactly thrilled or (for that matter) comfortable with... 12th House Gifts As mentioned on the previous page, the 12th house is our potential "connection" with the vast "collective unconscious." As such... the 12th house is the house of imagination, fantasy, mysticism, romance, and illusion... the 12th house is a house of spirituality, but it's an introverted, mystical, spirituality, and faith that is quite unlike the more extroverted, Jupiterian, 9th house religiosity so popular in today's society. Karen Hamaker-Zondag on the 12th house: "Responding to the rhythm of life, and going to meet life in an open and expectant frame of mind, with a willingness to be fructified by the moment and to experience joy and sorrow to the full without a sense of guilt, is a yin quality that has been lost in our culture. Another attitude to life is required, an attitude of openness to things as they are, and acceptance of life as it comes. In other words, what is required is some surrender to life, without being governed by the impulse to control life in all its facets. We should learn how to flow with the stream while remaining fully aware. For centuries, this attitude has been laid under a ban in our Western culture. If the 12th house symbolizes anything, then it is this very process, this complete receptivity and readiness to take what comes your way... to integrate it... and to use it as the germ of a new creation process, whether this takes shape in music, art, science or your daily life. By this means, wisdom and inner wealth can be our portion, and when we need help - doors can be unexpectedly opened for us. Deep down, in spite of pain and sorrow, life will be worth living." Trusting Who's trying to kid who here? Trusting in "the natural process and unfolding of life" can at times be incredibly difficult. The 12th house is asking us to accept the times of sorrow as an equal partner in the creation process. The 12th house is asking us to give up our sense of needing absolute, complete control over our life course, journey, and destiny. If, during moments of crisis, we can remain "quiet"... allowing ourselves to flow with the natural process and unfolding of life events (while remaining fully aware) - then, as Dr. Hamaker-Zondag has pointed out, very often the questions we need answered and the doors we need opened will, in turn, be miraculously and unexpectedly brought to us without "conscious" effort on our part. Speaking as someone who has explored and is continuing to learn lessons of the 12th house, Pisces, and Neptune - remaining "quiet" and accepting moments of sorrow as an equal partner with moments of joy is so, so much easier said than done. Quoting again from Dr. Hamaker-Zondag: "By daring to take things as they come, we find that in spite of their unpredictability, they often turn out well for us. If we interfere and try to control things, the very reverse frequently seems to happen! It is disconcerting to the conscious mind not to be able to foresee the course of events. But the unconscious finds ways to experience things that belong to us, that have a healing effect and can even support us socially." Imagination There's a famous quote (usually seen on bumper stickers) of Sun Sign Pisces, Albert Einstein: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." However, what's truly fascinating is that the full quote goes on to say: "Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Reportedly, one of Einstein's methods of "getting in touch" with his immense inner source of creativity was to imagine - in his mind's eye - the numbers with which he was working. He, then, allowed the numbers to "dance freely" within his imagination. (I don't know about you, but I figure I'm doing pretty good to manage a shaky two-step when I'm dealing with numbers in my head.) Einstein's experience falls much in line with the response of the physicist, Prof. C.F. Weizsacker, of the Max Planck Institute in Gottengen - when asked the question: "Do dreams or pictorial ideas or memories play any part in the creative process?" (From The Twelfth House by Karen Hamaker-Zondag) "When I know that I have to work on a certain problem in a certain field, I realize that a great deal of conscious work and concentration is required; as likely as not exceeding my own strength. My own efforts never produce a breakthrough, but only a certain amount of spadework along conventional lines. By concentrating hard, I slowly burn myself out, like a small fire. But if I can then manage to relax properly (for a few minutes or, if necessary, for days or months), I find that in certain circumstances at an unexpected moment, such as in the morning when I wake, I get an inspiration that more or less answers the problems concerned. Afterward, I have to concentrate again; this time on interpreting the inspiration for the understanding... Occasionally, an inspiration of this sort formulates or announces itself in a dream. Now and then, too, it takes the form of images, although not predominately so." Summing it up... In the Crash Course, while discussing the "elements" and the "modes of reaction," I illustrate by giving the example of what might happen if you "threw a feeling" at a Pisces. The "feeling, mutable" reaction of Pisces was to absorb and synthesize the feeling, and then re-fashion the feeling into their own creation and make it a part of themselves. This, in a nutshell, is both the blessing and the curse of the 12th house (Pisces and Neptune). "All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination." Carl Jung "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls" - Joseph Campbell Suggested reading: For those seeking a deeper understanding of their birth planets located in the 12th house The Twelfth House written by Karen Hamaker-Zondag
quote: Reading from Tracy Marks, _Your Secret Self': Illuminating the mysteries of the Twelfth House_.Your twelfth house moon suggests that you are a private person, hesitant to reveal your feelings and needs. Often, fearful of your vulnerability, you block awareness of your feelings; you seek refuge from your inner world in habitual activities which you may perform in an automatic manner. Contacting your hidden emotional self may be difficult for you, because you have developed a lifetime of defenses against primitive levels of need and dependency which frighten you. You may feel intense shame in regard to the child-self which is buried within you. Repressed for a long time, your sadness and longing may sometimes burst forth as infantile tears, which seem regressive and inappropriate. Like Alice in Wonderland drowning in the flood of her tears, you feel overwhelmed, and seek to squelch future displays of feeling. "Be strong;don't cry" may be your motto. You are afraid not only of drowning in your feelings and your needs, but also of revealing your vulnerability to others, then being rejected or abandoned. Perhaps because of traumatic experiences as a child, in which you experienced unbearable helplessness, need, and dependency in relationship to a parent who could not sensitively respond, you learned to turn to yourself early in life and to establish your self-sufficiency. "I must do it alone; I don't need anyone," you decided, as you withheld yourself emotionally in relationships, and learned how to engage with people without full involvement. Emotionally self-contained and insulated, you became a capable survivor, and learned how to effectively play the roles required of you. But often, as a result of your repression, you feel empty and depleted, out of contact with your source of inner sustenance. If your moon is deeply buried, you may struggle against fear of the primitive infant locked within you, and against a desire to return to the womb or to escape into fantasies of total nurturance. Fearful of your passivity and your desire for motherly love, you compensate through cultivating your adult competencies and by becoming a caregiver. But although you are independent in the external world, you hold onto your established patterns of behavior and to whatever internal sources of security you have developed. Forced to turn to yourself early in life, you learned how to take care of yourself, and how to substitute behaviors and activities for the nurturing from others you did not receive. You may as a result be compulsive about your self-caretaking rituals, particularly in regard to food. Tendencies toward anorexia, adherence to strict diets, preoccupation with cooking, and fear of eating in restaurants are all manifestations of a twelfth house moon. Sometimes, you become ill as a means of resting from the demands of your adult self, and in order to allow yourself to receive the caretaking that you seek. Your twelfth house moon suggests that you never felt allowed to be a child. Perhaps your mother was emotionally a child herself, and wanted you to cater to her needs rather than become capable of responding to yours. She may have been deeply troubled, psychologically or physically unavailable; she may have sacrificed herself to involvements in the outer world at the expense of her family life. Whatever your situation, her negative responses to your needs and feelings, and her messages of "don't cry" "be strong" or "do it yourself" led you to believe that you had no right to have feelings. The hurt or trauma you experienced then may have resulted in a deep-seated decision never to make yourself vulnerable again. "I'd rather die than need you," you may have inwardly said to your mother, "because if I need you I will have to bear the intolerable pain of your failure to meet my needs." As you grew older, fearing the re-stimulation and opening of earlier wounds, you may have said to yourself, " I will not be dependent upon anyone ever again." Often a twelfth house moon signifies a failure in the early attachment bond with the mother, although a deep inner bond with her exists. Such a bond ( accompanied by idealization) persists in part because you need to hold on to her psychically, as a result of not having received adequate nurturing. Frequently, a twelfth house moon suggests problems in the oral or suckling stage or lack of adequate physical nurturance. If your mother was unable to rspond to your nonverbal (and verbal) signals, you learned to distrust closeness to other persons, and failed to develop a healthy degree of trust. Because of childhood trauma, you may have repressed your early experiences, and remember little of your family life; you may also have developed a lifestyle which involves minimal family contact. Perhaps because you neer had a secure home, or because you fear experiencing your need for a home and family life, you may avoid creating a home that could be truly nurturing for you. Sometimes, people who have Twelfth house moons never develop roots anywhere; they move frequently, unable to settle down, afraid of sinking into the feelings and needswhich they associate with attachment to home and family. Another influence of a twelfth house moon is confusion in regard to female identity and to relationships with woman. Lacking an adequate female role model, you may have distorted ideas about womanhood and motherhood. If you are female, you may be insecure about your identity as a woman, and inclined to equate female role behavior with self-sacrifice; you might then, in reaction, reject the traditionally feminine, and seek refuge in "male" values. Sometimes, woman with twelfth house moons deny the desire for motherhood; or, in contrast, allow themselves to become pregnant in order to recreate them mother/infant bond. If you are male, you may feel insecure about the hidden female within you, which at times feels like overwhelming need and passivity. You may devalue the "feminine" realms of life, while simultaneously idealizing women, falling in love with inner images and fantasies, yearning for the perfect woman/mother/mate, or attracting clinging, dependent women who force you to make contact with the energies you project. To the extent to which you fear your vulnerability and hunger for nurturance, you attract people who need you and become dependent upon you. Fleeing from relationships which awaken your own need, you are nevertheless quite capable of responding to need in others. In fact, you may even respond with a sensitivity and sympathy which you are incapable of giving to yourself. Psychically sensitive to others, you are attuned to their feelings and intuitively know what to say and do. Because you are a natural caretaker, you are probably drawn to work in the service professions, where you can meet the needs of wounded or troubled humanity. Identifying with the troubled, ill or weak, you demonstrate your talent as a nurse, healer, or counselor. Having sacrificed your personal mother to the world, you may also sacrifice your personal mothering needs in order to mother humanity as a whole. You seek to give to others what you always wanted to receive. Such giving may not fill the empty space within you, but it does provide vicarious satisfaction and the experience of having made a significant social contribution. Another advantage of your twelfth house moon is your keen intuition an innate spirituality. Because of your sensitivity, you need to spend a considerable amount of time alone, reflecting upon aspects of your personal life which you do not share with others, and clearing yourself of the psychic overload you have accumulated as a result of too much contact. Your solitude may also be important to you because it helps you to regain contact with yourself, to connect with your feeling nature, and through meditation, music, or other pursuits, to let go of the walls you have created and surrender to forces greater than yourself. Because you have preserved your true child self deep within you, in a form that is largely untouched by the world, you are capable of contacting and drawing from rich sources of inner nourishment which reside with that child. Because its boundaries are thin, it is capable of openness to spiritual realms. The more you are able to honor that archaic child within you, the more you will become attuned to your divine nature and be able to enrich yourself with the openness to higher energies which it can offer you. You need to contact, accept, and embrace the child within you, to tolerate its terror of abandonment and its primitive feelings and needs, and to learn to soothe and reassure it. Feeling-oriented therapy, re-birthing, self-psychology, primal therapy, and past-lives therapy all may facilitate this process. As you begin to acknowledge and honor your inner child, you may also choose to create for yourself a home which is truly nourishing, and which helps you to feel warm, safe, and emotionally secure. Once you begin to hear, accept, and meet the real needs of your inner child, you will experience a sense of realness and wholeness which previously was inaccessible to you; you will also be able to give to others more effectively, to meet their real needs, rather than vicariously using them as a means for recovering your lost self.
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plutomaki Knowflake Posts: 73 From: Puruuto Registered: Apr 2008
posted June 03, 2008 01:42 PM
quote: The Twelfth HouseI am an eclectic reader and from time to time, I happen by some material that concurs with my own belief systems and I feel reassured that I am in good company. A case in point ... my personal belief concerning this matter of channeling/mediumship activities ... are not only shared by others whose wisdom have been clearly recognized and embraced by lots of people all over the world but also expounded in books such as The Astrologer's Handbook by Frances Sakoian (the head of the New England School of Astrology) and Louis S. Acker (who together with Ms Sakoian, also wrote The Astrology of Human Relationships). These two experienced astrologers redefine classic astrology while their interpretations of the aspects open doors to the esoteric. The following are passages I quote from the book with the wish that dear readers like you shall benefit from other people's awakening, and I also hope sharing these material will precipitate or deepen your own awakening ... Under the heading The Twelfth House, the text reads: "The Twelfth House and the factors affecting it in the native's horoscope show a great deal about the native's characteristic emotional responses and habit patterns. The Twelfth House rules the subconscious mind -- the accumulation of unconscious memories and emotional experiences and attitudes. The special pitfall of the Twelfth House is the possibility of emotional blocks, addiction to unconscious habit patterns, and automatic responses that may not be suitable to a given situation. (These patterns are based on irrational, unconscious, pleasure-seeking or pain-avoiding responses.) The tendency to escape into the past is another Twelfth House pitfall and can result in an illusionary existence. Often the native's mental world and perception of reality do not correspond to physical reality (a common definition of mental illness or insanity). The Twelfth House reveals that department of life in which individuals are most likely to deceive themselves. The Twelfth House, ruling the unconscious memory, is the house most closely associated with karma. It contains the memory of all our past deeds and misdeeds and links us with all that has a similar rate of vibration, whether or not we are consciously aware of it. It rules secret enemies, because of the unconscious memory patterns and unconscious telepathy with people whom we have harmed in the past or those by whom we have been harmed. The individual can overcome the limitations of the Twelfth House only by consciously facing the restrictions imposed on him/her by his/her karma. We can only tune in to those states of consciousness and circumstances whose seed lies within us. Thus, we are our own jailers. Only by consciously facing and accepting these conditions and correcting them in ourselves will we pass beyond the limitations of the Twelfth House. The task of the Twelfth House is to make conscious the contents of the unconscious mind so the individual can draw upon deeper levels of inspiration and clairvoyant visualization and channelship, learning to discriminate between those unconscious impulses which are constructive and those which are not." -- unquote. Under the heading Mars in the Twelfth House, the text reads: "Mars in the Twelfth House indicates desires and actions that are strongly influenced by the unconscious mind. Work and other activities will be carried on in secret or seclusion. There can be a tendency to act in secret to avoid the open opposition of others. Natives tend to be secretive about their desires and purposes; they may have secret sexual involvements. Often, they work in large institutions where they can disguise or lose their personal identities." -- unquote. Under the heading Saturn in the Twelfth House, the text reads: "Saturn in the Twelfth House indicates that much time will be spent in seclusion or working behind the scenes in such large institutions as hospitals, universities, corporations, and government agencies. Work may be carried out in psychology or in charitable institutions. Saturn afflicted in the Twelfth House means loneliness and depression. If it is badly afflicted, there can be mental illness and confinement in hospitals, prisons, or other places of detention. An afflicted Saturn here often gives secret enemies who contribute to the native's downfall. However, in many cases these enemies are more imaginary than real. (Here, I wish to suggest that some latitude be given to the interpretation of the word "imaginary".) People with this position need to get away from their own psychological problems by serving others and by energizing themselves in practical, constructive work." -- unquote. Under the heading Pluto in the Twelfth House, the text reads: "Pluto in the Twelfth House indicates a need to regenerate the unconscious mind by bringing its contents into consciousness. This can be manifested as an interest in psychology, occultism, or mysticism. People with this position are capable of deep meditation and of understanding occult mysteries, an ability that is evidenced in highly developed intuitive powers. They have an unconscious telepathic sensitivity to the thoughts, feelings, and motives of others, but it may cause them to withdraw into privacy and seclusion or to take secretive action against those they dislike. Mental preoccupation with their own problems, causing them to ignore the ideas and moral viewpoints of others, often results in an inability to get along at work. An afflicted Pluto in this house can indicate treacherous secret enemies (and here too, I suggest some latitude be given to the interpretation of "secret enemies"), neurotic problems, and danger of involvement with destructive psychic forces. These people should avoid contact with seances, drugs, and other circumstances that are likely to involve them with lower astral phenomena." -- unquote. Don't these above examples make you wonder just how much planetary influence IS responsible for seemingly "unenlightened behavior"?
quote: The Twelfth House House of the Subconscious The Twelfth House is commonly referred to as the House of the Unconscious. The unconscious state can help engender our successes, as well as assist us in coping with our failures. Success vs. failure: do we consciously confront our lives or subconsciously sweep things under the proverbial rug? This House might more aptly be called the House of Reckoning, since it is in the Twelfth that we review what we have been (and done) and decide where we go from there. Along with these unconscious musings, we also deliberate on strengths and weaknesses which are hidden from public view. Our subconscious works hard on our behalf, trying to make sense of our lives. This shadow play is slow and long, and often fraught with fear and pain. It is in this context that we are confronted with our sorrows, suffering and the secrets we keep from ourselves and from others. Ultimately, we are also confronted with our fate: karma. Here we meet up with the results of everything we have done. This further puts the focus on repressed agendas and restraint. What have we wrought with in our lives? This is a key question of the Twelfth House, and we will deal with it both consciously and unconsciously. Will the answers compel us to be transformed or reborn? This is another cornerstone of the Twelfth House -- the manner in which we move forward. We can learn much from the unconscious. In its most noble manifestation, we will be prompted to be charitable. If we learn our lessons, both past and present, we are also better equipped to move forward. The Twelfth House compels us to seek closure in a spiritual way as an aid to positive growth. The last House of the zodiac also recognizes that we can feel bound in life -- stuck and confined. For this reason, this House rules jails, hospitals, institutions, asylums and any space that inhibits freedom. More gloominess in the Twelfth comes in the form of danger, secret enemies and clandestine affairs. Beware! While some may decry the Twelfth House as the garbage bin of the zodiac, it's really an unfair term. Ultimately, this House is the champion of positive transformations. It is here that we stand on the precipice and determine how we will proceed. By visiting the unconscious and meeting with the past, we begin to glean what the future will bring.
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Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted June 03, 2008 01:44 PM
Wow! Thank you. Lemme start reading. Much appreciated. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted June 03, 2008 01:48 PM
...........Saturn in the 12th indicated a long labor............. My second child has Saturn in the 12th. He was born in 10 minutes.
The 12th is the natural house of Neptune and Pisces. So thinking of those influences attached to planets situated here helps a bit. Pluto in the 12th is likely to be a person tuned in to the environment around them. My husband has this, and also Uranus in this house, Trine Moon in the 8th. He is a lot more perceptive than most people realise.
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Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted June 03, 2008 02:30 PM
GGThis explains why our lives have been so hard and cr@ppy! IP: Logged |
plutomaki Knowflake Posts: 73 From: Puruuto Registered: Apr 2008
posted June 03, 2008 02:34 PM
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Got Gemini? Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Mercury Registered: Jul 2007
posted June 03, 2008 02:54 PM
Im gonna read this and see what they say. I'm gonna report back soon LOL!------------------ Virgo Asc & Mars Gemini Sun Libra Moon (conjunct Pluto 0º in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted June 03, 2008 02:55 PM
Well... Secret enemies... I am not surprised. But, they aren't all secret. As for the silver lining... I think it might come upon us and we wouldn't see it. Let me go check out what Magi Astrology says about this... it will probably say, "You're gonna die a painful death too on top of the painful life you have had. A slow death being eaten by vultures in the desert, alive and aware of each little tear they make upon your flesh, until they get to the brain. Only after the vultures break the skull will you find peace." LOL IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted June 03, 2008 04:04 PM
I didn't even have the heart to read verdic astrology sections - but manic depression and loony behavior is apparently associated with 4th and 5th House, and/or Cancer and Leo and Moon and mercury afflictions or aspects. Who knows?IP: Logged |
plutomaki Knowflake Posts: 73 From: Puruuto Registered: Apr 2008
posted June 03, 2008 04:17 PM
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