Topic: Archetypes of lovers / couples in synastry
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 02:13 PM
Since we are so deep in asteroids now, I thought it could be interesting to look at the archetypes of lovers or couples of mythological figures in synastry and composite.So far I have a list of these archetypes: Eros / Psyche Pyramus / Thisbe (like romeo and juliet) Tristan / Isolde Lancelot / Guinevere Siva / Kaali Siva / Parvati Rudra / Kaali Isis / Osiris Seth/ Nephtys (they were married) Osiris / Nephtys (they had an affair) Ptah / Sekhmet I`m eager to learn which mythological couples figure in your synastries and composite.
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 02:28 PM
I only had a short peek at the composite between Paul and me, this is what came up: Eros opposite Psyche: 0° Tristan trine Isolda: 0° Lancelot opposite Guinevere: 3^ Siva quinkunx Parvati: 0° Kaali sextile Rudra: 3° Isis conjunct Osiris: 2° Ptah conjunct Sekhmet: 0°
![]( NOW I am really curious to see how many pairings in your composite appear. ![](
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Lara unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 02:32 PM
in the composite? ok, you know me... i'm game. BRB ![]( IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 02:48 PM
eros square psyche (9) pyramus sextile thisbe (4) lancelot quincunx guinevere (2) siva sesquirdrate parvati (1) rudra semi square kaali (2) osiris square nephtys (0) is seth, sethos? IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 235 From: Durham, NC, US Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2008 02:49 PM
I'd like to play too! I'll be back a bit later with what I find.. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 03:22 PM
Lara,yes I used Sethos as Seth. Mmph, you included the other minor aspects, too, and larger orbs, I wanna try this, too. Eros opposite Psyche (0) Tristan trine Isolda (0) Lancelot opposite Guinvere (3) Pyramus sextile Thisbe (7) - but I really think 7° are much tooooo wide. Siva biseptile Kaali (1,5) Siva quinkunx Parvati (0) Kaali sextile Rudra (3) Parvati septile Rudra (0) Isis conjunct Osiris (2) Nephtys sesisquare seth (0) SEkhmet conjunct Ptah (0)
ROFL ![]( Sunshine, I can`t wait to read your list. ![]( IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 05:22 PM
synastryeros trine psyche (2) eros semi square psyche (2) pyramus opposes thisbe (4) pyramus sextile thisbe (3) siva quincunx kaali (2) siva sextile parvati (2) rudra conjunct kaali (2) siva quincunx kaali (2) isis opposes osiris (5) osiris sextile nephtys (5) ptah conjunct sekhmet (2)
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 06:41 PM
Lara,you have some strong aspects there. ![]( Ptah conjunct Sekhmet - sounds like a good match. Kaali - rudra, this one could be rather intense, I guess.
I`ve been looking at my own synastry:
his Tristan trine my Isolda (1,5) his Isolda conjunt my Tristan (1,5) his Guinevere quinkunx my lancelot 82,5) his Siva opposite my Parvati (4) my Siva trine his Parvati (3) his Sekhmet sextile my Ptah (2) his Ptah sextile my Sekhmet (1) Draco:
his Pyramus opposite my dr Thisbe (0) his dr Thisbe opposite my dr Pyramus (2) - why am I not surprised? *deep sigh* his dr Parvati conjunct my dr Siva (2) his Osiris opposite my dr Nephtys (3) I guess, now it`s time to see if there are connections of these asteroids to Sun, Moon, AC, NN, Karma and Vertex and then to Venus, Mars, IC, VAlentine, and maybe Saturn and pluto.
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Lara unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 07:24 PM
OMG DD is on a mission!!We should compare our charts cos we are both absolutely nose down on the research side of things! We are like the tortoises that meticulously win the race hahaha Thanks. you have amazing aspects with P. IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted June 06, 2008 08:02 PM
eros square chiron (0) square eros (3) opposite pyramus (0) square thisbe (0) trine launcelot (0) *sigh* trine AC (1) conjunct venus (0) quincunx NN (1) trine psyche (2) conjunct pyramus (0) **DW** sextile isolda (3) sextile guinevere (1) **DW**psyche square mars (1) square guinevere (3) pyramus square venus (4) trine NN (2) square pyramus (4) sextile thisbe (3) thisbe opposes venus (4) square neptune (0) trine isolda (0) trine moon (2) trine venus (2) **DW** trine neptune (1) **DW** conjunct launcelot (3) conjunct AC (2) Tristan opposes moon (3) opposes venus (0) opposes saturn (3) conjunct chiron (0) opposes NN (2) WOW what does Tristan do, apart from hit on all of my personal planets! isolda trine thisbe (0) lancelot opposes NN (2) trine moon (3) trine venus (0) quincunx mars (0) trine saturn (2) square pluto (0) trine NN (2) WOW again this one hits all MY planets ! guinevere conjunct IC (2) square sun (0) siva square MC (2) trine moon (1) trine venus (4) conjunct AC (3) parvati opposes moon (4) quincunx AC (0) conjunct MC (3) rudra sextile venus (0) quincunx NN (0) trine saturn (2) trine sun (4) conjunct AC (2) sethos trine venus (4) conjunct ptah (2) sextile venus (2) **DW** square mars (2) sextile saturn (1) sextile NN (0) square seth (0) conjunct ptah (2) square MC (0) nephthys square venus (4) quincunx neph opposes sekhmet (0) trine MC (2) ptah opposes sun (2) sextile moon (2) opposes mars (0) square juno (1) square moon **DW** conjunct sekhmet (2) Sekhmet trine venus (4) sextile sun (2) trine juno (3) valentine quincunx moon (0) sextile juno (3) trine moon (4) trine kaali (0) trine MC (2) quincunx lancelot (1) square tristan (0) trine lancelot (2) **DW** square thisbe (3) opposes pyramus (3) karma opposes juno (4) opposes kaali (1) sextile sun (2) sextile NN (0) square guinevere (1) trine sekhmet (1) trine ptah (2) COMPOSITE seth square mars (0) nephthys trine moon (1) quincunx NN (2) Ptah square saturn (1) opposes juno (3) sextile seth (2) trine valentine (2) sekhmet sextile moon (2) opposes nephthys (4) trine pyramus (1) Siva trine moon (4) square venus (4) kaali conjunct mars (1) sextile saturn (0) Rudra opposes moon (3) sextile siva (0) valentine square venus (3) opposes chiron (2) sextile juno (3) trine thisbe (3) trine ptah (2) CONJUNCT AC (2) square MC (2) ![]( karma trine venus (4) sextile mars (1) square neptune (2)
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sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 235 From: Durham, NC, US Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2008 10:14 PM
Wowza, that is a lot of work, you two!!I'm still taking baby steps here, so this is what i've gotten so far from our composite: Ceres conjunct AC, opposite DC (4) Ceres conjunct Eros (1) Ceres sextile Parvati (2) Ceres sextile Mercury (1) Ceres sextile Sun (1) Ceres sextile Venus (3) Ceres opposite Valentine (1) Ceres trine Saturn (3) Eros sextile Venus (3) Eros sextile Sun (<1) Eros sextile Mercury (2) Eros sextile Parvati (3) Eros opposite Valentine (2) Eros trine Saturn (2) Juno quincunx Valentine (2) Juno quincunx Jupiter (<1) Juno sextile Psyche (2) Juno sextile Pallas (3) Juno quincunx Saturn (3) Juno quincunx Vertex (1) Siva square Lancelot (2) Siva square Osiris (1) Siva sextile Neptune (1) Siva sextile AC, trine DC (3) Siva square Uranus (<1) Siva trine Pluto (<1) Siva conjunct Parvati (~4) Parvati conjunct Siva (~4) Parvati conjunct Mercury (1) Parvati conjunct Sun (3) Parvati square Osiris (~3) Parvati trine Valentine (<1) Parvati trine Jupiter (~3) Parvati trine DC, sextile AC (2) Parvati opposite Vertex (2) Parvati sextile Eros (3) Parvati sextile Ceres (2) Parvati sextile Neptune (~3) Parvati square Psyche (1) Parvati square Pallas (<1) ~whew.. back with more.. ![]( IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 235 From: Durham, NC, US Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2008 10:36 PM
Here are more aspects from our composite: Karma sextile Lancelot (1) Karma sextile Osiris (3) Karma square Neptune (4) Karma trine Uranus (3) Karma trine Moon (2) Karma quincunx Pluto (3) Chiron conjunct Kaali (<1) Chiron quincunx POF (2) Kaali conjunct Chiron (<1) Kaali quincunx POF (1) Lancelot conjunct Osiris (3) Lancelot quincunx Pluto (2) Lancelot opposite Moon (3) Lancelot opposite Pluto (2) Lancelot sextile Karma (1) Lancelot square Siva (3) Lancelot square Moon (2) Lancelot quincunx Neptune (3) Osiris conjunct Lancelot (3) Osiris quincunx Pluto (1) Osiris opposite Uranus (<1) Osiris opposite Pallas (~3) Osiris sextile Karma (3) Osiris square Parvati (3) Osiris square Siva (1) Osiris quincunx AC (~1) Osiris quincunx Neptune (<1) Isis trine North Node (<1) Isis quincunx Moon (~4) Isis quincunx Mars (~4) Will be back with more later.. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 07, 2008 08:01 AM
Just realized, Paul and me share another of those archetypes. His Persephone / Eros opposes my Pluto closely. My Persephone widely conjuncts his Pluto (5,5) My Eros solstice square his Pluto. His Hades also trines my Persephone.
And in the composite: Persephone squares Pluto. IP: Logged |
amowls Newflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 07, 2008 06:44 PM
Also Aphrodite & Adonis, Odysseus & Penelope, and Paris & Helena.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted June 07, 2008 07:29 PM
Thank you, Amowls,and again in that particular synastry his Adonis opposes my Aphrodite-Pluto-conjunction. *sighs* IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted June 08, 2008 02:17 AM
ooooooohhhhhhhhhh. how could i miss this, my twin and i havehis Siva conjunct my Parvati conjunct his DC ![]( IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted June 16, 2008 06:31 PM
Venusthat isnt a surprise after reading your thread about Tantric Love of you and your Twin Well besides our Tristan/Isolda "Trgic"aspects we have: His OSIRIS widely skuare my NEPTHYS 7º his SECKMETH trine exact my NEPHTYS 0º our NEPTHYS trine 2º my THISBE conj his ASC 1º HIS PYRAMUS conj my Plut/Saturn exact 0º His PYRAMUS exact skuare my THISBE 0º MY GUINEVERE exact conj his DC 0º ![]( my LANCELOT conj his VALENTINE hihih 2º his LANCELOT OPOSE MY KARMA/VALENTINE 1º my GUINEVERE trine his VENUS 2º MY EROS skuare his PSYCHE 0º HIS KAALI conj my KARMA WIDE my KARMA opose his KAALI 2º my RUDRA conj his NN 2º HIS RUDRA opose my P.F. and my NN 2º DW! my SIVA conj his MOON 2º his SIVA opose my MOON 3º DW! COMPOSITE
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted February 27, 2009 07:52 AM
bumpIP: Logged |
Metatron Knowflake Posts: 168 From: Slovenia Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 19, 2009 08:26 PM
Hi everyone!There's a girl that i really like, dunno how she feels about me though . Anyways these are the aspects betwen asteroids i found in our composite: Tristan trine Isolda Pyram trine Thisbe Lancelot trine Guinevere These three i looked into, they are all within 2° orb.
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Metatron Knowflake Posts: 168 From: Slovenia Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 19, 2009 08:45 PM
Well i'm posting the whole coposite aswell, i'm really not that good at reading charts yet i just started to learn more about the whole thing. I learned to spot important aspects and other pointers which indicate a potential relationship, but i get so confused when i try to see the whole picture I'm a real astrological noob so to say. So could anyone help me to learn more about the aspects that i share with this girl. I would really appreciate any help. Here's the synastry biwheel aswell. Are we a good match or should we stay away ?. IP: Logged |
Metatron Knowflake Posts: 168 From: Slovenia Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 19, 2009 08:48 PM
Here's the composite
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Metatron Knowflake Posts: 168 From: Slovenia Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 19, 2009 09:10 PM
Just wanted to add..i'm really fascinated with how much you people know about synastry and astrology in general, especially you DarkDreamer, you got some amazing posts here. I definately learned a lot more when i found this site, thx people for sharing your wisdom IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 235 From: Durham, NC, US Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2011 01:09 AM
This belongs in Asteroid Astrology..IP: Logged |