Topic: conversed progressions
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 14, 2008 11:57 AM
Have you ever looked into your CONVERSED progressions?I just did so, and honestly, this is freaking me out. My conversed progressed Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and ASC are ALL in Scorpio in my 12th house. Progressed Sun, Moon and Venus are even CONJUNCT each other. And I`ve really felt very Plutonic for some time now. Well, the conversed progressions are said to highlight karmic issues, because they are going backwards. I recently met someone surprisingly and instantly liked him; a sympathy that took me completely by surprise, and made me act very impulsively in "forcing" a talk on him.  Well, if you look at the usual progressions (forwards) there is not much going on, except for his progressed Venus exactly trine my Uranus. But in the conversed progression his progressed Sun has joined his natal Uranus in an exact conjunction near to his MC. And my conversed Sun, Moon, Venus all conjunct his conversed Sun, Uranus and conversed MC.  This all takes place in my natal 12th and his natal 8th house. On top of that his conversed Venus is approaching to a conjunction with my conversed and natal True Node. And his conversed ASC is exactly my Sun-Moon-midpoint, while my conversed ASC is exactly semisquare his Sun-Moon-midpoint.  IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 12:38 PM
Hi DD  What are conversed progressions please and how does one calculate them? Hope you are having a lovely weekend! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 14, 2008 01:46 PM
Hi Lara,I hope you have a good weekend yourself.  Got everything sorted out with your loved one? However, you know who progressions are calculated, right? That each day after your birth represents one year?
Example: I have been born on 18th december 1974. So, the natal placements of the 19th december would equal my 1st year, the 20th december would equal my 2nd year. Now, you can do this calculation backwards. Then the 17th december would equal my 1st year, the 16th december would equal my 2nd year and so on. But those backwards or converse progressions are said to be highly karmic, because they preceded the birth. But some astrologers like Rose Murray or Dane Rhudyar (sp) say they are very important. I`m curious do your converse progressions tell something about your relationship to your loved one? DD IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 01:51 PM
I will have a look - thanks for explaining. So if i am now 40 and my birthdate is 26th april then l do a progressed chart for 17th march 1968? Is it a progressed chart or just a natal? Is the birthtime the same? Not sure if it's sorted with my loved one. It's very strange cos l seem to be freaking out all the time with him (not like me at all) and in the process driving him away! Now he is less intense with me and communications are strained 
I am going over to visit him in a few days so lets see... at least when we are together it's great (and mutual!) I don't think soul relationships are that easy after the first burst of love and 'coming home' feeling, do you? Be back soon xx IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 14, 2008 01:59 PM
Hmm, maybe I calculated it wrongly, but my result was the 16th march.Well, the progressed (in this case converse progressed) IS nothing but a natal chart actually. It`s the natal chart of the 16th march 1968 and this day is said to reflect events and developments that are connected to you personally. I`m curious to learn about your results. I hope you will find a way to communicate more satisfying with your love, and that you somehow manage to feel a bit more calm and at peace, so you won`t be driving him away. That would be a shame. 
And no, soul relationships are not easy, definitely not. IP: Logged |
LadyNeptune Knowflake Posts: 419 From: Registered: Dec 2007
posted June 14, 2008 02:09 PM
I just did mine.I have venus, mars, and jupiter all in scorpio and all in the 8th house! No wonder I'm feeling so...plutonian. My POF is there too. DD, how do we interpret these? I mean, it's a karmic type chart, so what does it mean, exactly. I'm so intrigued! IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 02:15 PM
Yes, we will find a way, i'm sure that he really loves me otherwise he wold not be putting up with it! I think 17th April is right - it's weird counting backwards though lol
Looking quickly my natal venus is conjunct EXACT my conversed mars. My natal MC is exact conjunct my conversed lilith which is weird cos in synastry with my man his lilith is exact conjunct my AC. hmmm... My AC is still the same - Leo. Instead of 29' it is now 1' lol Natal venus quincunx exact my conversed pluto lol In conversed synastry, his venus trine my mars (1)
am l supposed to be comparing natal of mine to conversed of his and vice versa or just conversed synastry? confused lol IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 14, 2008 02:16 PM
I`m not sure how to interprete those, but maybe it`s a sign that some "unfinished business" from the past (maybe previous lives) will surface, along with the persons attached to it or persons who will help us address those issues and so we can finish things?In Rose Murray`s book I read that those converse progressions are also very prevalent in marriages; they seem to appear even more often than the usual progressions, and she sais that those conversed progressions feel much more "fated" than the usual ones. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 14, 2008 02:23 PM
Lara,please keep in mind that you start on the day BEFORE your birthday with counting; the birthday itself is not included in the count (because it signifies the year 0 of your life). Seems you have strong progressions, and there will be changes, when the progressed asc changes signs next year or in 2 years. Maybe you will settle down then? (Cancer ASC as a sign of the wish to settle down and have a family?). For synastry you compare converse to converse, converse to natal, natal to converse. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 02:26 PM
Interstingly, his sun/mercury/mars all move into 9th H or Cancer - and l am a foreigner!his N venus is now conjunct EXACT his conversed uranus *sigh* his NN moves into the 5th. Saturn into the 7th lol oh dear Moon/venus into the 10th H and venus is now conjunct exact his N MC Jupiter is now in 1st H conjunct exact his AC. the most amazing thing is his DC is now Aries - EXACT conjunct my natal VENUS! and conjunct my moon. My natal sun/mercury/mars/MC/lilith are now in his 7th H. His IC in my 5th H. His natal to my conversed - his NN exact conjunct my n venus his n venus is conjunct my IC his IC is conjunct my conversed venus more later... have to put my son to bed!! IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 02:39 PM
One thing -in the conversed - conversed, we have a grand trine of my sun/his and my neptune/his mars. neptune again!! This makes a kite with both our pluto's and my uranus. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 02:47 PM
did you try the conversed composite? :Owow. You know we always joke about neptune in my synastry - well, check this out! 1st H AC virgo 13' pluto 23' moon 26' jupiter 27' uranus Libra 1' 3rd H neptune scorpio 27' 7th H NN Pisces 26' chiron Aries 4' 8th H saturn Taurus 1' mercury 6' 9th H sun Taurus 20' venus 27' MC pisces 2' mars 7' SUN/VENUS/MC all OPPOSING NEPTUNE Grand trine with Juno (5th) valentine (1st) and mars/MC (9th) Can't wait to see your results!  IP: Logged |
LadyNeptune Knowflake Posts: 419 From: Registered: Dec 2007
posted June 14, 2008 03:11 PM
I think this is exciting but I don't know what it means. I also don't know if my conversed chart is accurate. This part is really bothering me. I progressed my converse chart, because it should be my natal when progressed, but it was off a little and I couldn't get it exact.Until astro offers this, I'm going to have to lay off of it...but I'll be reading this thread for insights, nevertheless.  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 14, 2008 03:22 PM
Lady Neptune,if you progress your converse chart using the PROGRESSED date it should be your exact birth chart. EX: My converse chart is 15th november 1974. So, I pretend this is my birthdate, and then I progress it for the 15th november 2007, and I get my EXACT birth chart (18th december 1974); with all the angles exact. Lara, that is really awesome, and Neptune shows up again.  WEll, I noticed that some patterns are really highlighted from EVERY angle you look at it. For example with P the strongest axis may be his SN exactly conjunct my Moon on 17° Aquarius. And this degree pops up again and again. Let`s see if it will pop up in the converse composite, too?  EDIT: Well, does the converse composite Karma square 17° AQuarius count, too?
And in the normal progressed composite Amor falls onto 18° Aquarius. my converse VAlentine is square this degree, and my normal progressed Mercury, Venus and Antivertex are conjunct it. His converse SN is still conjunct it.
But interestingly in his case the normal progressed chart has the much more obvious connections.
Even though I must say, that my converse ASC now is exactly conjunct his Neptune,w hich rules his ASC. And that my converse Moon and Venus are opposite his natal VAlentine, while his converse Venus - Chiron - Eros conjunction is opposite his converse Moon-Pluto-conjunction and triggers another very obvious connection in our synastry: - conjunct / opposite my name in his chart, his Chiron, my Ceres and my Pholus - opposite / conjunct his Pluto - square my Mars and ASC - sextile my Venus, Isis, Osiris I never said it was easy.  IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 03:43 PM
I think karma - Aquarius does count. Do the draco too...I have started with the draco myself  All aspects are exact 0 deg unless stated otherwise and only used conjunct/opposes/trine and quincunx cos l love that aspect! Draco – Draco conversed synastry His sun quincunx my sun (1) His sun square my neptune (1) His sun conjunct my Jupiter His moon quincunx my mars His moon conjunct my Pluto His venus trine my Aphrodite (2) His venus conjunct my MC His mars opposes my venus (4) His mars quincunx my MC His Jupiter trine my Saturn (1) His Saturn trine my moon/venus (0/2) His Neptune opposes my armor His Neptune opposes my valentine (1) His Pluto quincunx my Aphrodite His NN trine my vertex His chiro opposes my Neptune (1) His vertex square my Saturn His vertex trine my juno His vertex conjunct my amor (1) His vertex conjunct my valentine (2) His armor trine my moon His armor conjunct my venus (1) His Aphrodite trine my Saturn His isis trine my Osiris (2) His Osiris opposes my Aphrodite (1) His orisis trine my MC His cupid opposes my juno (1) His AC opposes my Aphrodite His AC trine my MC (1) his conversed DRACO – my natal DRACO Grand Trine of my juno/his Saturn/his armor His sun conjunct my AC (1) His moon quincunx my venus His moon trine my mars His moon conjunct my Pluto (1) His moon trine my isis His moon trine my MC (2) His venus quincunx my sun His mars trine my sun His Saturn trine my juno His Uranus opposes my mars (1) His Uranus trine my armor His Uranus opposes my isis/MC (1) His Pluto opposes my sun (3) His Pluto trine my cupid (2) His NN conjunct my Saturn His Chiron opposes my Neptune His Chiron trine my vertex (1) His vertex conjunct my cupid His armor trine my juno (1) His Aphrodite trine my Osiris (1) His isis opposes my isis (2) His isis trine my valentine My conversed DRACO – his natal DRACO Grand trine of his armor/venus & my cupid/his juno & my moon his sun conjunct my MC (2) his moon square my moon his venus sextile my Pluto his mars quincunx my venus his Neptune opposes my armor his Neptune opposes my valentine his Pluto conjunct my juno his NN trine my vertex his Chiron opposes my Neptune his vertex trine my mars (1) his juno trine my venus (1) his armor opposes my jupiter his armor trine my cupid his Aphrodite trine my mars (1) his Aphrodite trine my NN (2) his isis trine my MC (1) his Osiris trine my NN his Osiris conjunct my vertex his cupid trine my Pluto his IC conjunct my mars Is it me or are there a lot of aspects involving Venus/Mars/Pluto LOL ! IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 14, 2008 04:03 PM
WOW you have found something amazing here DD  Some of the aspects are so amazing... l had to find a way for us to repair my damage, it's too good to be true!again, all unmarked aspects are exact lol conversed – conversed Grand trine with my sun/Chiron, his cupid & our neptune’s & his MC his sun conjunct my armor his moon trine my MC his venus trine my mars his mars sextile my Pluto his Saturn trine my Pluto (1) his Uranus conjunct my IC (2) his Neptune trine my sun (1) his Neptune conjunct my Neptune (2) his Neptune conjunct my MC (2) his Aphrodite trine my cupid his isis trine my Aphrodite (1) his valentine trine my isis his Osiris opposes my mars (1) his cupid conjunct my Chiron his cupid conjunct my Osiris (2) his AC opposes my mars (2) his MC trine my sun (1) his MC trine my neptune (2) his MC trine my Chiron his MC conjunct my AC (2) my conversed – his natal his sun trine my mars (2) his sun trine my NN his moon trine my mars (2) his moon trine my NN his venus conjunct my IC (2) his Saturn trine my Pluto his Uranus conjunct my IC (1) his Neptune trine my sun (1) his Neptune conjunct my Neptune (1) his Neptune trine my Chiron (1) his Pluto opposes my sun (1) his Pluto conjunct my Uranus (1) his Pluto opposes my Osiris his NN conjunct my venus his Chiron conjunct my MC (2) his armor opposes my armor (1) hi armor opposes my valentine (2) his Aphrodite conjunct my moon his isis opposes my NN (1) his valentine square my sun/Uranus/Osiris his valentine opposes my cupid (1) his orisis conjunct my moon (1) his Osiris trine my venus his orisir opposes my isis (1) WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His AC conjunct my Neptune (2) LOL His conversed – my natal His sun conjunct my cupid (1) His venus trine my moon/venus His venus square my mars/isis His mars conjunct my valentine His Saturn conjunct my mars/isis/MC - ALL EXACT!!!! His Saturn trine my Pluto His Neptune conjunct my Neptune (2) His Neptune trine my Chiron (2) His Pluto conjunct my Uranus His armor trine my isis/MC His valentine square my Chiron His Osiris opposes my moon His Osiris trine my Aphrodite (2) His AC opposes my moon/venue His MC trine my Chiron (2)
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LadyNeptune Knowflake Posts: 419 From: Registered: Dec 2007
posted June 14, 2008 08:25 PM
quote: Lady Neptune, if you progress your converse chart using the PROGRESSED date it should be your exact birth chart.EX: My converse chart is 15th november 1974. So, I pretend this is my birthdate, and then I progress it for the 15th november 2007, and I get my EXACT birth chart (18th december 1974); with all the angles exact.
I did that, but my moon was off. So, is it just the angles that will be accurate? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 15, 2008 06:43 AM
Lady Neptune,no, my moon is exactly where it should be. But in a first try I counted wrong, it seems to work how Lara did it. You have to include your birthday in the counting, it seems. Therefore my converse moon seems to be still in SAgittarius conjunct my ASC. DD
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 15, 2008 08:33 AM
Lara,strong aspects again.  Can you maybe look, if there are conjunctions, trines and oppositions bewteen: ° Sun-Venus ° Venus- Venus ° Venus-Mars ° DC - Sun ° DC / AC - Venus ° DC - Mars? These are the ones that Paul Westran has found statistically important in the beginning of a relationship and I wondered if they might play a role in converse progressions too. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 15, 2008 09:41 AM
"Can you maybe look, if there are conjunctions, trines and oppositions bewteen:° Sun-Venus ° Venus- Venus ° Venus-Mars ° DC - Sun ° DC / AC - Venus ° DC - Mars?" sure... his venus trine my mars my venus trine his AC (5) my mars conjunct his DC (2) my dr venus opposes his dr sun (4) His dr mars opposes my dr venus (4) his dr sun conjunct my N dr sun (1) his dr N venus trine my dr sun (6 though) His dr mars trine my n sun (0) his N sun trine my C mars (2) His C venus trine my N venus His C venus square my N mars His C AC opposes my N venus think that's all - very confusing though lol IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 15, 2008 10:36 AM
"his venus trine my mars" - is this one exact or within 2° orb? (That is the orb he researched)"my mars conjunct his DC (2)" "His C venus trine my N venus" "His C AC opposes my N venus" So, you have some Venus-synastry in the converse progression. Are there any of these aspects in the normal progressions? Or have been when you became a couple?
I`m just trying to find out, if the converse progressions can substitute a lack of Venus-aspects in the normal progressions. BTW interestingly the quintile seems to also appear in positive Venus-progressions, but mostly backed up by stronger aspects. DD IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 15, 2008 10:41 AM
venus trine mars EXACT! (IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 15, 2008 10:46 AM
sorry, problem with above post... let me try again venus trine mars EXACT! 0.01 degree applying It's the most exact aspect in the whole chart lol All the aspects with no brackets are exact.
How do you mean progressions when we became a couple. Do you mean making a synastry chart of our progressed natals for the date we met? I have a lot of quintiles or quincunxs in those charts too. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3991 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted June 15, 2008 10:48 AM
Is this in the synastry or the progressed charts? BTW I`ve had the most strange dream last night: I don`t remember much of it, just that I was in a house or in an area that was called "Portobello drive" or "Portobello something", and at first I thought that was in America, but a voice told me that I was looking at the wrong continent, that the right continent would be the British isles, including Ireland and Scotland. And this voice insisted on calling me "Catherine" all the time (my real name is Kerstin btw). And the strangest thing of it was, that my first thought was Jude Law this morning. And I didn`t think of him (much) for the last weeks, since our little talk about him actually.
Somehow these pieces of the dream just don`t make sense to me. But maybe you know where this Portobello thing could be? DD
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Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted June 15, 2008 10:51 AM
conversed progression synastry.. can you see the whole post because it's not showing up on my computer!!IP: Logged |