Topic: men with cancer moon!? (oh the confusion!!)
heart cakes unregistered
posted June 16, 2008 03:40 PM
okay so i have a crush on a guy with a cancer moon. (my other crush is a cappy moon!). we were born a few days apart and have been flirting on and off for a few months now. the flirtations are intense and lovely, and have started to get more intimate. i have revealed my feelings to him, while remaining objective, and trying to stay unattached. we are both sun/merc/mars in aquarius people and my moon sextiles his in taurus. i've started to wonder if he has feelings for me too, but it's so so so hard to tell. so i'm wondering! do cancer moons ever show their feelings? i'm guessing with his aqua stellium this might be even more difficult for him. but i'm trying to understand the cancer moon male in general. my dad is one.. and he's pretty much addicted to women. but comes across very macho. i actually developed a new theory based on these two men (the only two i know with cancer moons): that they project their animas outward and need to experience love as expressed by a female, feeling so feminine themselves, yet they wrap themselves in a shell of total masculinity to hide their sensitivities. but that is just a theory, mostly based on my dad. and if this is true of most cancer moon men, i'm guessing they probably rarely express their feelings, except ocassionally, and when feeling exceptionally vulnerable..? (my dad is an alcoholic AND a pisces, so he spewed emotions left and right; not really the greatest example of a typical cancer moon, i don't think, in that sense). anyway, i can't get this guy outta my head. i love everything about him, his mind, the way he lives his life, and my attraction to him deepens every time i get to know more about him and realize how similar we are, it seems. i feel i can just relate innately to him. it's instinctive and it just flows. so i guess my question is.. would a cancer moon guy ever tell you his feelings? i should also mention, he lives very far away, on the other side of the country (we share a hometown, and went to elementary school together; different grades though) and we just communicate over the internet. and, what are cancer moon guys like in general? would they flirt like crazy but have no feelings? i should mention, maybe, his venus is in capricorn, so that gives me even more reason to believe he'd conceal his feelings, most likely. anyway, i'm torn between trying to take this deeper, and leaving him alone to do so, if he desires. but since i'm starting to suspect they hide their feelings, i don't know if that's the right move, entirely. i should also say, he knows all my feelings (i've poured them out to him for 3 months, on and off, while still trying to remain composed and objective), and he's never replied to any of them specifically, but as i said, the flirtations have taken on a bit more of an intimate tone, and every time i've told him i was gonna stop pouring my heart out to him, he tells me it "turns him on" and to not stress, and to keep writing him when i feel like it. so.. i need advice!! tell me what goes on in the heart of cancer moon guys!! IP: Logged |
amowls Newflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 16, 2008 03:46 PM
feeling so feminine themselves, yet they wrap themselves in a shell of total masculinity to hide their sensitivities.I've had this experience with Cancer Rising males, too. IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 16, 2008 03:54 PM
LOL - heart cakes, you crack me up! I know this is really perplexing for you, but... my my... your life is interesting. Unfortunately I am a Cancer Moon female so I have no problems with femininity to offer any insight into the male psyche of my kind. IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted June 16, 2008 04:02 PM
I know a Cancer moon Cancer rising guy. He would be complex but I can see right through his mess..But once they like you get those feelings they seem to never go away, they tend to love you forever. IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted June 16, 2008 04:21 PM
unmoved, i'm cracked up in so many places because of you that i think i need to go in for repairs soon! so do you sorta feel ultra feminine, emotionally?mamamia, that sounds lovely!! i think he's a cancer rising too. in your experience, was he very shy about expressing feelings? amowls, i dated a cancer rising and he wasn't like that.. he was actually kind of an attention ***** and wanted everyone to want him. it was kind of annoying! wasn't particularily masculine at all! hmm.. it's interesting cuz i told him about a month ago about my other crush/obsession and he *seemed* SAD about it.. but i was feeling kinda rejected, like he didn't like me that way at the time, and i figured honesty was good, and it was a good way to break away from my obsession with him. THEN when i asked him a couple weeks ago if we could start flirting again, he was totally into it.. and HE started taking things more intimate. so i guess my main curiosity is if these guys can handle heavy flirting without their feelings being involved..?? cuz i get the feeling he may never actually TELL me his feelings.. also, i'm pretty sure his moon is in the 12th.. IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 16, 2008 04:31 PM
I dunno if this is similar for males but I am not sure how transparent I seem on the outside. But I honestly don't hide how I feel but I don't volunteer the information either. I feel deeply so I don't think it is easy to hide, but because I feel deeply I am aware that I get deeply hurt so I do try to avoid any chances of being hurt. So, if I were to confess my feelings, it is usually because there is nothing to lose. Yeah, confessing my feelings is the last option. But... Being emotional or showing one's vulnerabilities is considered feminine by most people, but because I am who I am, I see it differently. I see strength in transparency because it is honestly easier to be proud than to be honest. Since women are allowed to be feminine by society, I can't really offer that much into the male perspective because an emotional male gets more cr@p from the world than an emotional woman. So, as I said, I can't help on this topic because I am a woman. IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted June 16, 2008 04:37 PM
yeah, but it was helpful anyway! that's kind of what i was thinking.. that males aren't generally allowed to express their emotions, and that was part of my projection theory for males with strong cancer placements. maybe a more apt question would be, does cancer moon tend more toward monogomy or just intimacy in general? i realize in men it probably manifests more as a sex drive than in women, generally speaking. but i mean, he online cuddled me the other day. would that be a sign of feelings, or just something they do or would want to do with any female, just cuz? or is that too simple a question? IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted June 16, 2008 04:38 PM
"mamamia, that sounds lovely!! i think he's a cancer rising too. in your experience, was he very shy about expressing feelings?"Nope never been shy, been knowing him since we were juniors in highschool. But I have noticed that he holds back when he is uncertain and does not want his feelings hurt..But this guy is a Virgo and he is a mixture of Virgo,Cancer and Libra..And Heartcakes the really funnthing is his moon is in the 1st house as well. He can be very Cancerian, but his SUn in Virgo stands out too..Mother the hell out of him and bake him sweets and he will love you til death..LOL!!! IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 16, 2008 04:42 PM
What is online cuddling? (don't answer that because it will confuse me.) heart cakes, you must excuse me but I am so last century. Well, personally, I am not fickle with my feelings. My feelings are NOT fleeting. So, monogamy is my lifestyle of choice. I am too sensitive to be flighty. added: And I do not become easily intimate (physically/mentally/emotionally) with people. I need to trust a person to go there. Also, I have noticed that small or weak doses of me are easier to handle than the whole of me; so Mr. Cancer Moon could just be playing it safe in order not to freak you out. IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted June 16, 2008 05:02 PM
he pretended to cuddle me do you mean like, cuz your emotions run so deep you don't want to freak someone out by showing them all at once kind of thing? mamamia, thanks for the advice and insight.. hmm, so it's either that, or he just doesn't want to lead me on.
that's the part i'm confused about. cuz we do flirt pretty intensely, but when i've revealed my feelings, he's been quiet. he doesn't strike me as the type to lead anyone on, but then again, i've tried to remain detached and phrased things in such a way that i'm showing him i'm not wanting/needing anything more, just that these FEELINGS are aroused. so maybe i'm confusing him too! IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 16, 2008 05:07 PM
quote: so do you mean like, cuz your emotions run so deep you don't want to freak someone out by showing them all at once kind of thing?
yes. I found this:
hilarious! IP: Logged |
Snookie unregistered
posted June 16, 2008 05:31 PM
Hey there! Well , I have a cancer moon. I'm not a guy but maybe this can help ?I need to feel secure to fully open up to someone about my feelings, which are indeed very deep. We are afraid to get hurt (well, who isn't?) but we are VERY protective of our heart ....not even just our hearts, who we really are. We will give you ourselves slowely but it will take a while to give you all of us. You need to prove you can be trusted, we're really hurt by the slightest form of rejection. Even if at times you don't see results, don't lose hope. We're observing and really investing a lot of emotions into you every step of the way. Take it easy! It will be fine. Just find ways to show him you really do care for him , and you're really not out to hurt him. Good luck hope I helped. IP: Logged |
Jugular unregistered
posted June 17, 2008 06:45 AM
My husband and I are both Cancer moons. He shows feelings like they're going out of style. In fact, he wakes up showing feeling and doesn't stop till he goes to bed. He gets little tears in his eyes quite frequently, especially when he talks about his parents (both deceased) and brother (also deceased). He gets tears in his eyes when our little boy tells him "I love you". When we were "dating", if one could call it that (wierd situation), he was a bit guarded until he knew he "had" me. But then it came pouring out in a torrent, and hasn't stopped, really!Maybe your guy is just being cautious. Maybe he is saving any declarations of mushiness until he's sure. Maybe he's got some reservations about you that he's waiting to figure out, or maybe he's a commitment phobe, or maybe, maybe, maybe... there are so many possibilities, but I can tell you, with a Cancer moon, he is feeling a lot going on inside. IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted June 18, 2008 04:48 PM
wow, thanks everyone! this has all been very insightful. it's funny cuz i can SENSE all this about him, the deep feeling nature, but he guards his emotions so entirely (well, almost) that it isn't obvious, except at the level of my heart, or intuition. and that link was also very revealing and clarifying for me! fortunately i think my taurus moon has the patience and perseverence to see this through and comfort, reassure him, as needed. but i still think it could take quite a while until anything comes of it, if ever. i also have moon in the last degree of my 4th house, so i think i GET this energy myself. i am actually quite similar, but my taurus moon is more courageous and just sorta present, so i think i'm a little less vulnerable, OR just am better at giving emotional support, etc, to conceal the vulnerabilities i feel. so i guess the pattern then is basically the same energy, but it depends on how much they cling to their shell (via overcompensation and/or emotional withdrawal and hiding), or are for some reason without it (emotionally sloppy and/OR demonstrative), or are somewhere in the middle. i guess those who feel safe and secure feel free to express their deep emotions, while those who don't tend to hide away completely, emotionally. but my guess is that they always WANT to feel safe and secure, emotionally, to express and share in emotional intimacy.. right? IP: Logged |
Scorpio08 unregistered
posted June 18, 2008 06:28 PM
What about vice versa, Cancer Moons? What about like when some one else opens up to you, or comes on really strong to you with their emotions? I mean, we're talking here about Cancer Moons being NEEDY, but what happens when they are met with somebody who NEEDS them?Does it freak you guys out? Does it turn you on, lol? Maybe you should just spill your guts and get it out there. If Cancer's are so thrilled by dependency then you'll make him fall instantly. IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted June 18, 2008 08:37 PM
haha, yeah i wonder about that too! well i've already spilled my guts and he still seems to like it and subtley encourages me to continue.. so yeah i think they do like it. question is, would he use my feelings just to make himself feel better, or would he only do so if he had some feelings going on too? like is there some emotional integrity inherent in this moon placement, or is it just emotional gobbliness? IP: Logged |
Jugular unregistered
posted June 19, 2008 06:46 AM
I only know two Cancer moons - my husband and myself. Neither of us, I can say for sure, would lead someone else along if we did not feel for them what they felt for us, just for the sake of an ego boost... we both have that kind of integrity. Don't know if it's the Moon sign speaking or the Sun (him Cap, me Scorp).IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 19, 2008 06:52 AM
I am quite direct, and I wouldn't lead someone on. IP: Logged |
CoralFrequency Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted June 19, 2008 10:03 AM
quote: okay so i have a crush on a guy with a cancer moon. (my other crush is a cappy moon!)
well aren't you lucky? Actually those are very different moon signs. My moon is Cap and the Cancer Mooners I know seem highly emotional to me and a bit too touchy. IP: Logged |
Snookie unregistered
posted June 19, 2008 10:27 AM
quote: What about vice versa, Cancer Moons? What about like when some one else opens up to you, or comes on really strong to you with their emotions? I mean, we're talking here about Cancer Moons being NEEDY, but what happens when they are met with somebody who NEEDS them? Does it freak you guys out? Does it turn you on, lol?Maybe you should just spill your guts and get it out there. If Cancer's are so thrilled by dependency then you'll make him fall instantly.
Hm , I'm not needy at all. I'm a sagittarius though with venus in aqua, so I'm very independant and have no problem with being detatched. I've had someone come to me like that, but I didn't have feelings for them so I told them UPFRONT to just stick to being best friends. Like someone said, us cancer moons don't like to lead people on .... it's just wrong. We'll be upfront and honest with you about this. I don't exactly like being showered with love 24/7 either...agh. I think there is a difference when a cancer moon likes someone , and being in a relationship. When we like someone, before we enter a relationship we need REASSURANCE. It's nice to know someone needs me as long as they're not all gushy about it, I like my partner to be independant like me aswell. Once you have our trust, and we're in a relationship we'll shower you with our love. Really, no more games after you have all of us (yes, we can be quite manipulative.... one minute show you all of our attention , the next act like you're not even there.) quote: haha, yeah i wonder about that too! well i've already spilled my guts and he still seems to like it and subtley encourages me to continue.. so yeah i think they do like it. question is, would he use my feelings just to make himself feel better, or would he only do so if he had some feelings going on too? like is there some emotional integrity inherent in this moon placement, or is it just emotional gobbliness?
If he's encouraging you to continue then he's not playing around. Like I said, we're not like that at all to lead someone on. Also I'd like to mention, WE TAKE FOREVER TO MAKE A DECISION! Especially important ones involving love. You see, I think more with my emotions then my head... we're the kinda 'listen to your heart' people. So don't be discouraged if things are going slow, it's just a really hard thing for us to open up to someone. He just needs more and more reasurrance and secuirity, so keep doing what you're doing. HOWEVER... from personal experience, I love a good catch. Try playing a little innocent hard to get and his interest might grow. At least that's how it is with me, just don't do it in a rude way since we're really hurt by the slightest form of rejection. Hope I helped... & sorry if this is not 100% accurate.... since I have contradictive planets in my chart; so I don't carry all the cancer moon traits.... <3
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Beka Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2010
posted June 19, 2008 10:52 AM
ey guys  I have cancer moon in first house...a girl told me I was deeply emotional and that I could express my emotions very well  IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 19, 2008 10:54 AM
Beka  IP: Logged |
Beka Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2010
posted June 19, 2008 12:44 PM
Unmoved  IP: Logged |
ghanima81 Knowflake Posts: 1121 From: Maine Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2008 12:59 PM
heart cakes,Wow! You and this Aqua boy must have your b-days very near mine... Especially him. I have a Cappy Venus (10th) and all those same Aqua planets... I find this thread totally interesting because I feel as though it's more Aqua influenced what is going on between the two of you than anything else. I know I am a flirt. I have been told this many times, and used to deny it, claiming that I just like to talk to people. I do, I like to talk to absolutely anybody that piques my interest. I get little fascinations and flirt and have banter with people all the time. HOWEVER, it really is innocent, and when the shoot hits the fan, I generally don't really have my heart in it. I just enjoy the fascination and learing process of new people. I know I have had the tendency in the past to not understand this about myself, and honestly believe there may be something more than just the flirting, only to end up having lead the other person on. I can't comment on his Cancer moon, (mine is in Leo, and don't we just love attention and praise... flattery and all that) that may lead him to be much more sincere in his motivations with you. I agree with what everyone is saying, he may just not be saying anything because he doesn't want to lead you on, but you really should get to the bottom of it. I'm sure if you point-blank asked him, he wouldn't lie to you. And if you are unsure if he is being upfront about his feelings, I would say the friendship route is the way to go. You don't want to get tangled up with a wishy washy flirt... trust me. Good luck, chica! And remember, this could just be a passing Uranian flight of fancy that you could be over in a week... Ghani IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted June 19, 2008 01:50 PM
thanks everyone!coral!! where've you been all these months? nice to see you again! yeah my parents are cancer and cap moon, and they're like night and day.. haha. hmmm.. wow! so it seems none of the cancer moons here would feel right about leading someone on, who had feelings for them. that is nice to know. as much as i feel my fourth house moon, i tend to agree; it would hurt my heart too much (though i dunno how much my moon actually 'counts' in the 4th, since it's one degree from my fifth.. but i DO feel more 4th than 5th, that's forsure). i suppose he could be in the "making sure" and "developing trust" stage with me. after all it's only been a few months. and we haven't seen eachother in person for probably 6 years now. ghani, thanks for your insight! were you born in 79? i have a question for you: would YOU lead someone on? as an aquarius i just don't feel THAT's in my moral code, but i do get the innocent flirtation angle. however he does know my feelings and he's been given the opportunity to confirm or deny feelings for a few months now, but he always just subtley encourages me. it does feel very cancer-moonish in that sense. but then again who knows. IP: Logged | |