  Chiron and the Centaurs

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Author Topic:   Chiron and the Centaurs

Posts: 2240
From: portugal
Registered: Mar 2007

posted June 16, 2008 08:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Diandra23     Edit/Delete Message
This was a very insightful article for me - i hope you like it as well

Chiron and the Centaurs

On November 1, 1977 at the Hale Observatory in Pasadena, California, Charles Kowal discovered a new body in our solar system which was later named Chiron.(1) In the past decade, other bodies similar to Chiron have also been discovered and classified as the Centaurs. Because Chiron and the Centaurs’ discoveries are so recent, we have an opportunity to observe the process of how their meaning unfolds. Not much is known yet about the more recently discovered Centaurs. However, by looking at issues occurring during the time of Chiron’s discovery, its mythology and observations of how it is affecting clients in their astrology charts, astrologers are gaining more insight into its role as the wounded healer.

Kowal noted that Chiron had a highly eccentric, elliptical orbit mostly between Saturn and Uranus, taking 51 years to make its path around the Sun.(2) To Kowal, Chiron was an unusual body in that it was too large to be a comet and much too bright to be a minor planet. Hence, the confusion and subsequent debate began as to the exact classification of Chiron.

Zane Stein, an astrologer and leading researcher of Chiron and the Centaurs since their discoveries, said that in the late 1980s it was determined, based on mounting evidence, that Chiron was a large comet.(3) Still it would have to be classified as an unusually large comet, about 50,000 times the size of a normal comet, 148 to 208 km in size, and in fact almost the size of an asteroid. Because Chiron didn’t really fit the classic description of a comet, the debate continued.

Then on January 9, 1992 an astronomer named David Rabinowitz discovered a new body and named it Pholus “after the brother of Chiron”.(4) On April 25, 1993, Rabinowitz discovered yet another body which was named Nessus. Pholus’ and Nessus’ orbits are similar to that of Chiron, also being very eccentric. Pholus orbits between Saturn and Neptune, taking 92 years to circle the Sun, and Nessus orbits between Saturn and Pluto, taking 123 years to circle the Sun. As of April 2002 there have been 34 bodies officially discovered in our solar system that are of a nature like Chiron, Nessus and Pholus. These bodies have now officially been named the Centaurs. Only three others of the 34 bodies have been named thus far: Asbolus, Chariklo and Hylonome.(5)

It has been theorized that Chiron and the Centaurs are objects that escaped from what is known as the Kuiper Belt, which contains a disk of objects orbiting beyond Pluto. This Kuiper Belt was described by one scientific magazine as the pristine remains of the nebula that originally formed our solar system.(6) Melanie Reinhart says in her book, “Millions of Chirons may orbit in the cold, dark reaches of the Kuiper disc, extending from 38 astronomical units out to 200.”(7) There are at least 35,000 objects in this belt making it like another asteroid belt.(8)

Every so often, theoretically, one of these objects from the Kuiper Belt breaks its orbit and comes into our solar system. Reinhart believes Chiron, Pholus and Nessus and the other centaurs are like “refugees, escapees or messengers”(9) from this Plutonian Underworld of the Kuiper Belt.(10) Today Chiron, although classified as a Centaur, remains in a bit of a class of his own since it is classified as both a comet and a minor planet while the other Centaurs are classified as minor planets.(11)

When a planet is discovered, to develop an understanding of its meaning, it is traditional to review what is happening on Earth at the time of the discovery. For example, in 1930 when Pluto, ruler of the underworld, death and destruction, was discovered, we were dealing with dark figures such as Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin with their programs of death.(12) In 1781 Uranus, the planet of revolution, independence and rebellion, was discovered. The French and American Revolutions are attributed to the influence of Uranus.

Barbara Hand Clow associates the discovery of Chiron with “channeling, divination, body/mind healing, homeopathic medicine and multi-dimensional perceptual skills” as these activities were starting to surface around the time of Chiron’s siting in 1977.(13) She also notes that the concepts of co-dependency and the wounded inner child were starting to emerge at that time. There was talk of the split between body and spirit and subsequently the beginning of a great deal of emphasis being placed on healing this split.(14) Clow speaks of Chiron as being a key in this healing process.

Another way to determine the meaning of a planet is to look at its mythology. It should be noted that a question arises with respect to the mythology of a planet and its meaning: Why is it that the meaning of the planet refers to its mythology when usually the astronomer who named it does not have that in mind? And further no one knows what the planet means astrologically at its discovery and subsequent naming either. This is a good question and one to which I have not been able to find an answer. Perhaps the answer is synchronicity?(15)

In mythology, Chiron was a centaur, a half man half horse creature and was called the wounded healer. He was a healer, “astrologer and alternative medical practitioner”.(16) For extensive information about the mythology of Chiron, see Chiron and the Healing Journey by Melanie Reinhart. Here we will explore a few of the main themes.

Melanie Reinhart says:

“Chiron became a wise man, prophet, physician, teacher and musician. His ministry included the unruly Centaurs themselves...Chiron taught them everything from riding, archery, hunting, the arts of war and medicine, to ethics, music, religious rituals and the beginnings of natural science.”(17)

It is important to note that the Centaurs were a wild bunch of untamed beasts who were famous for their drinking, raping, plundering and sodomizing. We start to see the theme of Chiron as being different from other centaurs, more in control of his lower or animal nature and interested in helping others to heal their uncontrolled passions.(18) We can see echos of the difference between him and the other centaurs in Chiron’s classification where, although he is classified with the centaurs, he is different because he is considered both a comet and a minor planet whereas the other centaurs are simply classified as minor planets.

In the mythological story of Chiron, he accidently dropped one of Hercules’ poisonous arrows on his foot, an arrow that he had taught Hercules how to make. Because he was immortal he could not die and had to suffer the pain of this wound until he was ultimately freed through an act of compassion where he gave his life for another who was also suffering.(19)

Looking a little deeper into Chiron’s wound, we see that his wound was self-inflicted, both directly and indirectly. First, he was the one who dropped the arrow on his own foot. And second, he was the one who had taught Hercules how to make the poisonous arrow in the first place. This theme of self-inflicted wounds or self-wounding behavior becomes apparent as we look further into Chiron’s role in an astrology chart.

Melanie Reinhart describes an interesting phenomena that happens with respect to the area of woundedness that Chiron represents in an astrology chart. She speaks of a pattern where people have a tendency to go back and repeat their self-wounding activity in an effort to heal it, all the while making the wound deeper. Reinhart refers to this process as “repetition compulsion”. She says, “The memory of a painful feeling, stored in the unconscious, will tend to attract to it situations in the present which repeat the same ingredients and thus reactivate the old wound. These cycles of repetition occur because a wound is still seeking healing.”(20)

This process of “repetition compulsion” is likened to homeopathic healing, which operates under the premise that like cures like, where a small dose of the poison is introduced in order to heal the problem. In the process of repeating the wound, or introducing the poison back into the psyche, a person has an opportunity to experience the pain and eventually learn to stop the self-wounding behavior that is causing it. Otherwise, as in homeopathy if too much of the remedy is given, if too much of the behavior is repeated, the wound can become deeper just as with homeopathy, too much of the original toxin can become poisonous.

Relating this to Chiron’s mythological story, the poison he helped to create was injected back into his own system and then he was forced to learn how to deal with the consequences. He spent his life trying to heal his pain and found in the end that his inspiration to help another was the ultimate key that lead to his own salvation.

Chiron in an astrology chart shows where people have deep soul wounds and pain associated with those wounds. Every person’s personal “wound” is slightly different. Yet at the core of each is the same Chironic concept of self-wounding and repetition compulsion. The deep soul pain or soul wound leads a person to engage in behavior that temporarily gives them relief from that pain but in reality makes the wound deeper and corresponding pain greater. People have reported that when they reversed and healed their self-wounding behavior, the deep soul pain subsided.

Another important factor spoken of with respect to Chiron has to do with important cycles of Chiron transits, specifically where Chiron squares, opposes and conjoins its natal position in a person’s chart. Because of the erratic orbit of Chiron, it is in some signs for a very short time and in others for a long time. Therefore, depending on where it is placed in a person’s natal chart will depend on how soon they will experience their first Chiron square. For some this occurs in young adulthood and in others it occurs at a very young age.(22) Just as was previously described by Reinharts repetition compulsion, with the awakening of these patterns through these transits, a person often finds themselves initially repeating their wounding patterns before learning how to transcend the behavior patterns and corresponding pain. For some children, depending on the issues and surrounding circumstances involved, this can be traumatic.(23)

As for Pholus and Nessus, there is not a great deal of information available about them yet. Generally speaking, Pholus seems to involve deeper issues associated with more extreme Neptunian themes of drug and alcohol addiction, escapism and perhaps escaping inner feelings of pain through these manners. Nessus relates to more extreme Plutonian themes of sexuality, death, revenge and jealousy.(24) Whereas Chiron seems to be symbolic of the healing of the split in man between his higher and lower selves, the rational and irrational parts of his soul as described by Plato(25) and symbolized by Chiron as half man and half animal, Pholus and Nessus seem to represent specific elements of that split or perhaps specific behavior contributing to it.

The discovery and subsequent inclusion of Chiron in astrological interpretation has the potential to give astrologers greater insight into the psychological mechanism of self-wounding and the resulting pain associated with it. Chiron can also bring a greater awareness of the cause of psychic or soul pain for people and its healing. Perhaps the knowledge of Chiron will someday be a valuable key for those practicing psychological astrology. Chiron’s symbol in astrology is a key. The awareness it brings could be the key for a person to open the door for healing their wounds and inner pain, leading to the life of peace and happiness they seek.

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Posts: 387
From: somewhere far, far away
Registered: Nov 2004

posted June 16, 2008 08:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tigerlily     Edit/Delete Message
Here's what I have on Chiron and the Centaurs:


Transition through awareness. Bringing shadow to the light. Standing out, not fitting any known category, doing things one's own way, and solving the problem oneself. The gift of responding to life's challenges, injuries, difficulties and moments of change through gradually focusing awareness, growth and learning.

Powerful healing energy, overcoming disabilities and set backs. Developing great compassion for self and others. Seeking knowledge and truth, wisdom and teachings. Relates to those dedicated to the healing fields.

* A common consense appears to be that Chiron is connected with topics like wounding, illness, healing, shamanism and holism. To my understanding Chiron seems especially connected to turning points in life through the experience of illness, pain, accidents and woundings of any kind, be it physical or psychological. During this events and crises Chiron appears to "investigate" or even "x-ray" our soul and personality to reveal its basic structure with all its deficiencies. Often this marks the beginning of a transformation process, where we cannot get rid of the fatigue but can learn to live with it and develop a higher level of consciousness. In contrary to Saturn, which normally is more connected with patient enduring of "fortune" and "fate" and with the tenacious working towards healing, Chiron tries to give us more inner freedom and understanding for our suffering with the help of a new consciousness and worldview. Chironic therapies are more directed to find the "inner key" for the healing process, which finally helps us to understand the deeper meaning and psychological roots of the painful symptoms and which also help us to rid ourselves from frustration, which often accompanies crises and illnesses. With this we gain an inner relief and relaxation, which accelerates the healing process without deny (which is often the case with Uranus) or fatalistic resignation and depression (Saturn).

* Chironic humour: tendency to sarkasm (first pointed out by the German astrologer Hans-Jürgen Walter in an article about Monty Python). Opens us for the curiosities, unusual point of views, hidden truths and new horizons and dimensions, which are often very paradox and hard to understand for our intellect and ratio by the way. Chiron appears to give us a new level of awareness above earthly and material matters. So it prepares us in some way for Uranus and the outer trans-Saturnian realm in common. Chiron gives us the first glimpse what could be beyond the Saturnian boundaries although we feel often perplexed and disturbed, sometimes also amused.

* Some problematic Chiron: resignated indifference, apathy, agony, emptiness, absence of any humour. Liz Greene's experience is that Chiron is often connected with bitterness: we feel responsible for things we cannot be responsible, similar to the endless world-weariness of Pisces.

* Chiron opens us a door or floodgate through which uncontrollable energies, emotions, invades and overwhelm us (also in synastry, Zane Stein wrote about it)

* Chironic transformations: to find a balance between physical vulnerability and the independence and superiority of the spiritual higher self.

* Confrontation with paradoxes: the "Koan"-effect. Chiron is referring to trans-Saturnian realms, which are confusing us. For example: the effect of synchronicity (as C.G. Jung described so profoundly) of different levels and times (e.g. relativity theory). Time is just another dimension, nothing absolute, like it is for Saturn. A different but also important topic is Chiros versus Chronos.

* Two sides of the same coin: the healing arts and the arts of war. Everything, which can heal can also kill, it just depends on the dosis, so again we have a connection to the balance-theme (Libra).

* Chiron as a teacher: real and deep mediation of knowledge and experience is only possible from person to person, like a Kabbala, in an intimate and loving relationship between teacher and pupil. The chironic relationship is initiating us into something. It is located exactly in the middle between respect, authority, tradition, high esteem (Saturn) and parity, openess, equality, unconventionality (Uranus) and is often vulnerable and fragile. Real learning is to gain a new consciousness in the moment when we are touched and when something resonates in us.
Music, culture and the arts: healing is often possible only through creative doing, for example in the arts, painting therapy, music therapy ... To free oneself from reality's boundaries through unusual angles, to find access to hidden dimensions and deeper knowledge. The arts on the other hand often give us a feeling for the eternity and holistic point of view of mankind, nature and life.

* To encounter and meet people who are key person for our life, but still can be difficult and imperfect personalities.

* There is a question as to whether Chiron has a deeper connection to Libra: the balance theme and to be in the domicile there, where Saturn is only in its exaltation, Capricorn, which is the domicile of Saturn, has a square to Libra, which could reflect the problematic relationship between the mythological Chiron and its father, Chronos.

* Darrelyn Gunzburg: "... The Chironic person has a hard time letting go of old beliefs and, hence, may try to reason away grief.
This griefs needs the help of another to be healed."

The ending of an old life and the beginning of a new, higher life.

Small cause, big effect. Pholus has the property of release from situations, opening to possibilities, and emerging into new states of existence. It is the Centaur of fast-moving changes, or rapid transformations, typically initiated by one's own action, minor though it may seem. Catalyst. A person with a prominent natal Pholus is in his actions guided by impulses whose motivation he is not really aware of. Actually, he is confronted with energies or parts of his nature that are not incarnated, i.e. that hang over life. They hang over or about him like a cloud (Neptune, the aphelion of Pholus) and urge towards incarnation (Saturn, Pholus´ perihelion) within the material world. In other words: Pholus stands for parts of our nature from which we are still cut off and with which we try to get into contact. The parts in question may be those which cannot be soundly unfolded, or on the other hand a domain where the person intently strives for and with time even reaches great progresses. Pholic impulses are blind in a sense. They press on being realized even if they do not "know", what could be their appropriate place in the actual order of life. On the contrary, they are in conflict with the established conditions. The person in question may feel impelled to actions, motions or gestures that give rise to disastrous life situations. So, Pholus finds himself in a strain between self-destruction and enlargement of his own character by additional energies or horizons of experience. The pholic person walks on the narrow path of great and seemingly easy success, with the risk of catastrophic slips. Whatever happens, afterwards the person is altered. He has broken with his past, has stripped off an old skin, has got over a rocky edge and unexpectedly attained a wonderful tableland, or else is stumbled over it into a precipice.

Pholus in the natal chart is indicative of issues relating to both Saturn and Neptune, i.e. feelings, emotions, sacrifice, dreams, chaos, all Neptunian stuff and the Saturnine influence of order, duty, restriction and control. In aspect to a natal planet Pholus could indicate something we’re not yet fully aware of, something that is waiting to manifest. Perhaps something from our past is restraining us, is keeping it under control. It may become a pressing issue that we blindly and impulsively act upon only to find it has disastrous results. On the other hand, it may lead us to achieve great things. Pholus also has a mediumistic quality, a connection to ‘the other world’ and the ability to get in touch with it.
Aspects from Pholus indicate matters (as identified by the aspected planets) from which the consciousness remains disconnected, although there is potential for such a connection being developed. Impulses governed by the aspected planets may therefore be blind, hasty and disastrous in outcome. But with regard to more intangible realms, Pholus confers a visionary and mediumistic capability.

* During transits: a blizard-like surprising "kick" or decision, a spontaneous urge for a fast and radical transformation of oneself often accompanied with euphoria and blind venturesomeness.

* Spontanous and in most cases an easy "shaping of skin" and transformation/change and completely ignoration of any risks.

* To eliminate and to make permeable limits and boundaries in an Uranian style so that alien energies can penetrate them, we experience these alien energies often as "chaotic" and unordered.

* To be cast or to be catapult through the "door" into absolute newland and new dimensions, in which you often feel overtaxed and there is no return to the previous state so you have to develop new abilities and cope with the new situation.
the sudden, unpredictable dissolver and bringer of chaos

* the vabanque-player

* to bring something into flow with the help of an initial ignition, to initiate a chain reaction

* "small cause, big effect"

* the catalyst

* a faux pax or mishap, which causes a chain reaction of tragic events

* the comic of a misfortune even if it's tragic

* the bone of contention or the stumbling-stone

* disturbations or detours turn out to be important tasks and lessons and bring you totally new perspective and point of view/awareness (in Greek mythology this is called a parergon, a sideway-story)

* genius and madness are close together with a strong Pholus in the chart

* the catalyst and provider for a landslide-like change (in history for example) and turning points.

* Pholus exaggerates energies in their raw state, Pholus is an amplifier, especially during transits when he passes his perihelion

* vague precognitions, which later turn out to be true, but were too unclear to grasp them clearly before, but there is always a tension

* slip of tongues, accidents due to mishaps, which are often funny (for others) besides of their tragic

* the danger of self-sabotage because the unconsciousness often takes over control

* transits: confrontation with deficits, undeveloped/un-incarnated energies, to feel spured on something or driven to do something although the reason is not clear, a tendency to self-punishment

* Darrelyn Gunzburg: "In dealing with grief when Pholus is strong in a chart, there are always two options: blindness to the issue or visionary power; naivety and deception or access to sacred imaginal knowledge."

7066 Nessus:
The awareness of our vulnerability against darkness, abuse, and emotional death. The return of karma; situations that travel circular paths, or extend with unforeseen consequences. Conspiracy with a point of origin. The healing of abuse, including insidious kind that doesn't seem like much, until one looks closely; and the kind that was obviously so, but potentially overlooked. Nessus talks about abuse patterns in the family of origin, and how they manifest psychologically in adults.

* A connection with strong and powerful emotions, affects, passions and jealousy reveal a relation between Nessus and Pluto

* Nessus is probably the strongest Centaur among the first three, and often a "nasty" guy

* the feeling to do something "rightous" even if it's cruel (assassins or intruders often think so) and in the worst case an absolute unhuman, blind fanatism

* to be forced to deep and sudden (this is non-Plutonian!) transformation by intense and sudden shock and pain

* the boomerang-effect: bad actions done in the past, catch us up (some karma-circle)

* a clear tendency to over-react, to crack up, to have hysterics, to run amok, to explode emotionally, because someone hits/hurts you at the very nerve. For a moment you feel hot and not like yourself.

* Panic attacks (as a result of anxiety against deep affects)

* the theme-complex of intrigue and conspiracy: treachery, trick, to take advantage of other's weakness. Revenge, lie and falsehood

* Nessus joins us with occult primordial forces and energies, which go far beyond our mental, conscious and intellectual capacity for understanding. Therefore we first experience fear until we understand it later.

* the border(-line) to madness. See for example movies like "Mad Max", "Lethal Weapon", "Die Hard", where brute force in combination to super-natural self-control with madness is shown (there is also a relation to Asbolus I think).

* to overcome anxiety and force with the mean of nearly super-natural will, strength and braveness

* there seem to be some relation between Nessus and longterm skin deseases: nettle rash, strong itching, pain, burning of the skin, high sensitivity against sunrays, pustules, growth (often connected with troubles in relationships) and allergies

* Nessus opens us the gate into Hades, the death and Pluto's underworld, towards the shadow-world of ghosts and lost souls.
But it also reveals the other, light and good side of the so-called "evil". It's only a denied and repressed, undissolved, "dark" shadow-like energy of the soul, which needs to be re-integrated into our personality to be complete and healthy/authentic (this shows us the closeness of Nessus to Pluto).

* There is an obvious parallel between Nessus and the fairy man Charon. Therefore I think Nessus is a leader and guide to hidden and deep energies of regeneration and rebirth and therefore Pluto's helper or preparer in this way and process.

* Nessus in a chart brings up old issues of grief and loss thought to be buried long ago,
which erupt in a monstrous or poisonous way... Nessus is the pitchblack face of Pluto made manifest through Saturn. The final outcome is gaining immortality."

8405 Asbolus:

Asbolus was a seer. Asbolus indicates development of and use of full intuitive faculties. It talks about how we handle extremes of adversity and danger as children. Survival and the recognition of having survived. Deep contact with something organic and essential -- the ability to endure and even thrive despite it all. Protection from victimhood. The blessing of protection even when it seems like none is there.

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