Topic: August's Total Eclipse of the Sun
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 19, 2008 10:17 AM
August 1st, 2008 is the next total eclipse of the sun in Leo. Here is some info w/ a link.There is a partial lunar eclipse following on August 16th in Aqua. This eclipse occurs at 9°32' of Leo the Lion, conjunct Mercury the divine messenger, so, being a Friday, the party vibes will be fabulous! It awakens the nebulous cluster of The Aselli, the ***** , being closely conjunct Asellus Australis, South Asellus (a star of the Sun and Mars), which is considered less than fortunate. It is also conjunct Giansar a star of Saturn and Mars in the tail of Draco, but one which is less aggressive. This star is often symbolised by the Tarot Card "Death", which stands for the sweeping away of old things, to make room for a brand new beginning. It is traditionally held that the Aselli are generally unfortunate, harbingers of death by fever, fire, hanging, beheading, or violent catastrophe, ruin, disgrace, wounds, hurts to face, eye trouble, blindness, imprisonment – and great changes in society. Hmm, sounds gruesome! South Asellus in particular is known for military preferment, blindness, eye trouble, shipwreck, mass murder, horrors, and a selfish, uncooperative spirit, but Giansar gives a penetrating mind, bringing travel, friendships and ingenuity into prominence, though it has been known to stimulate robbery and even accidental poisoning. If you are heading for the Beijing Olympics you need to take extra care in these areas (especially diet)! According to Vehlow, the Chinese gave this group of stars the name The Spirit of the Ancestors and were of the opinion that, if conjunct the Moon, they would produce peculiar experiences with the realms of the dead. Since the eclipse involves both Sun and Moon, it might be an interesting time for a séance! The Aselli are representative of the Sun and Moon, so their prominence in this figure is increased, but the need for caution, especially in travel, business and with fire is emphasized. The Aselli are fortunate in that they do represent the Lights, but their effects are not always as enjoyable as they could be! This eclipse does lie in the shadow of the upcoming Mars/Uranus opposition on August 6, suggesting it would be a waste of time to try and coordinate group efforts. This aspect is aggravated by the simultaneous opposition between Mercury and Neptune, which advises us not attempt anything that requires logic and clear thinking! A warning for the organisers of the Beijing Festivities: information and ideas may be illusive, intentionally deceptive, or even quite dangerous. Making a wise decision, or finding out the truth, is well-nigh impossible. It's not that good for travelling over water, photography, business transactions, or spiritual studies and activities.
We must be aware of a need under these aspects to control any tendency to self-pity and despair, or we may suffer personal loss or disappointment. It's a period in which to avoid getting into debt or lending money to others – definitely a time for careful deliberation and cautious behaviour. Activities with friends and organizations are likely to be disrupted, but the unstable influence makes it hard to predict the actions you take, or actions that may suddenly be taken against you – especially if this point is activated in your natal chart (as it is in mine, ugh!). It is not the time to act on impulse, or to participate in new and unusual experiences, which may well blow up in your face. Being in the middle of a crowd is unsettling, and the same for personal encounters with strangers. Do not seek to act out or impose egalitarian gestures, as this will raise dangerous hackles. Those who hold a deep bias will not hesitate to attack you, as well as your lofty principles. Tibet protestors beware! Matters will come to a head at the Full Moon, which is of course the Lunar Eclipse on August 16. IP: Logged |
Neptune's Muse unregistered
posted July 19, 2008 10:40 AM
Many thanks! It's quite important to see how it plays out in the natal. I found this while looking...The Solar Eclipse - What It Means and Its Effect On Our Life by Robert Wilkinson Since we have two Solar Eclipses each year and they usually affect us for years after they occur, it may be good to explore what they actually mean and how their influence works. This article expands on some things I've offered before about these recurring important stellar events, both regarding the myth and the reality. Historically, an eclipse, whether Solar or Lunar, is one of the most dreaded events in all of astrology. Tables of various eclipse cycles have been kept since antiquity in several cultures, and it is said that the ancient Babylonians had eclipse tables over a 500,000 year period. Traditional thinking says that when the shadow of an eclipse falls on a nation or people, it is assumed to have dire consequences for the future of that nation. Historically, more than not this is accurate. Without this becoming a boring recitation of different empires crashing under the weight of their own excesses rather than an astronomical phenomenon, I will remind you that an astrological event does not make anything happen, correlations notwithstanding. That being said... There are many cycles of eclipses, some recurring relatively frequently, some taking decades, even centuries to recur. The ancients felt that its shadow signified the passing from power of a ruling family or dynasty, the invasion of the nation by hostile foreign powers, the death of an era, even famine, drought, or pestilence. They indicate the shadowing of the "great light" by another object that obscures the greater light, if only momentarily. So an eclipse blocks the light of the Sun for a period of time, usually a few minutes, during which the skies go dark and we can see other, fainter light coming from stars we wouldn't ordinarily see. This is certainly true of a total eclipse, and to a lesser degree during partial eclipses. The ancients also thought that the number of minutes a Solar Eclipse lasts over a nation shows the number of years it would suffer affliction, and the number of minutes a Lunar Eclipse lasts shows the number of months it will suffer. But of course, that doesn't happen in our ultra-rationalistic, left-brain reality any more, right? Well, leaving aside any argument of causality, I have found that where an eclipse falls in a birth chart corresponds with something ending in that part of the life. Whatever house it occurs in is where something is about to end in a significant way. If the eclipse conjuncts a planet, expect to see endings in that old planetary psychological function. And of course, it will affect the houses ruled by any planet it touches. If an eclipse conjuncts your Venus, you may assume that sooner or later you will confront the end of an old way of enjoying life, an old value, or an old relationship. You will see this work out in the houses ruled by Taurus and Libra. If it conjuncts Mercury, an old mindset or perception or interpretation that was a significant part of your life will pass away through the life areas ruled by Gemini and Virgo. If an eclipse conjuncts your Saturn, an old important responsibility, obligation, hinderance, or fear will leave the life as seen in the areas of life (houses) ruled by Capricorn and Aquarius. If the eclipse affects the Moon, expect the ending of an old habit or way of experiencing life and the affairs of the house where you have Cancer. If Mars, an old hassle or quarrel will end, or there will be a hassle as a result of an ending in the houses ruled by Aries and Scorpio. If Jupiter, an old vision, philosophical view, or an obsolete moral stance affecting the houses with Sagittarius and Pisces on the cusp. If the eclipse falls on your Sun, expect the end of the light in some way, or perhaps the passing of an old life order. It will most affect the house with Leo on the cusp. So it primarily shows as an ending in the house in which it falls. It shows as an ending of a psychological function if it conjuncts a planet, and this works out through the houses ruled by the planet it touches. Of course, if it affects a planet, it also affects all the other planets that are connected to the eclipsed planet by sign rulership, i.e., if an eclipse conjuncts your Venus, it will naturally affect whatever planets you have in Taurus or Libra. Here it is useful to remember that in a chart all the planets represent important people in your life, both past and present. If an eclipse conjuncts your Jupiter, expect a relationship with a Jupiterian, Sagittarius, or Pisces to end, or go through such a radical change that it will seem like you're relating to an entirely different person. The same with Saturn and the rest. When an eclipse conjuncts your Saturn, it usually signifies the passing of an elder, someone in a position of power in your life, or someone who kept you under a limitation or fear. So even an eclipse can be beneficial in that it can remove obsolete elements in your life, or people that no longer symbolize who you really are, or who you have become since you originally met them. Eclipses occur several times a year, and not all eclipses are equally influential. Yet they all indicate coming endings, obscurations, passings, maybe even deaths, both literal and metaphoric. We always are under the influence of more than one from the past, and always have others coming within a few months, due to the conjunctions with the Moon's Nodes. One more thing to note: a Solar eclipse is a New Moon, while a Lunar eclipse is a Full Moon. Like all lunations, the Full Moon brings to form the promise of the seed represented by the New Moon. Eclipses work the same way, but are considered more influential over a longer period. Still, the basic relationship of the lunations to each other conforms to the general pattern, which may be helpful in understanding how the energetics work.
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Neptune's Muse unregistered
posted July 19, 2008 10:45 AM
I like this interpretation.New Moon Solar Eclipse Next, you will have to find the New Moon Solar Eclipse in your chart, as that will tell you where the current challenges of this eclipse will be experienced. The New Moon Solar Eclipse gives us the area we will be working in for the next six months. When the Eclipse is conjunct or in opposition to a natal planet, the change will be quite personal for you. The New Moon Eclipse conjunct your natal Sun denotes a big change in your personal life. The conjunction to the Moon often denotes home or career changes. Mercury's conjunction to the Eclipse point delivers a constant stream of challenging communication that needs to be either spoken or learned or communicated in some way. Venus's conjunction or opposition to the Eclipse brings about challenges concerning love affairs and/or money matters. Mars conjunct or in opposition to the Eclipse point signals action, assertiveness and challenges that deal with personal energy. Jupiter's conjunction always deals with expansion unless it couples with Saturn. Jupiter involves challenges that deal with expansion in what ever area it resides. Money and travel are also in Jupiter's realm. Saturn's conjunction or opposition are challenges that deal with responsibility. (Taking responsibility with the conjunction and giving up responsibility with the opposition.) Uranus conjunction and opposition is always about eccentricity, freedom and unexpected desires. You will always be surprised with Uranus in aspect to the eclipse. Neptune's conjunction or opposition is always about illusion, or more, exactly confusion. Confusion and illusion are two sides of the same coin. This eclipse produces a generous amount of confusion or illusion. Pluto conjunction or opposition to the eclipse demands change almost immediately. It can be challenging for just that reason alone. Pluto always seems to bring with it an intense time and in some cases passionate experience. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1010 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 19, 2008 12:43 PM
Thanks 8th & NM  There's some good general Eclipse info and more links in this old thread: IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5256 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 19, 2008 03:30 PM
good stuff  IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 22, 2008 03:36 PM
Awesome stuff, NM and Zala! Also of note...the asteroid Karma will be 3 degrees conjunct our eclipse (Karma at 12 Leo, Sun at 9 Leo)! 8th IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 22, 2008 03:50 PM
It will be conjunct my South Lunar Node in 10'29 Leo in 11th------------------ Stop The Misdiagnosing Of Neurodivergents IP: Logged |
sharn_1977 Newflake Posts: 0 From: northern ireland Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 22, 2008 05:57 PM
does anyone know what it means to have it right on top of your midheaven, its at the same digree as my midheaven.IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2008 12:33 PM
Glaucus,I'm really sorry to have read on another thread about your relationship. It's interesting that the eclipse is in your 11th house of love received conj your South Node...which always makes me think of the past. Maybe it will help to rekindle an old love?  Sharn, I would read the interp for your 10th house. Seems like a possible career change. 8th IP: Logged |
katatonic unregistered
posted July 23, 2008 01:12 PM
so how tight are the orbs when discussing aspects to eclipses? this one falls within 5 deg of my DSC..and 8 deg of my sun/pluto conj...any suggestions?? the fact that it is also RIGHT on my daughter's moon make any contribution to the situation??IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 23, 2008 01:17 PM
I have a good feeling about this eclipse. Leo is the ruler of my 11th house. I have no planets in Leo but my 11th house has my Virgo Sun, PoF and Venus. The only thing that should end are friendships I suppose but it looks like friendships are weak now and look to get cemented by August. I don't know 8th. What do you think? IP: Logged |
Purple_Chick_71 unregistered
posted July 23, 2008 01:53 PM
*Gulp*....Please...somebody...HELP!!!My venus is at 7 Aqu 57 and my NN is at 5 Aqu 28, both in the 11th house. This means that the eclipse will be opposed my venus and conjunct my SN in the 5th house. Does this have the icky meaning I think it does? On the upside, I'm supposed to start a new job on Aug. 1, and Leo rules my 6th house. ------------------ Sun - Capricorn (10th House) Moon - Gemini (2nd House) Mercury - Sagittarius (9th House) Venus - Aquarius (11th House) Mars - Aries (12th House) ASC - Aries IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 23, 2008 02:05 PM
Does anyone know what it means when the 16th August eclipse has these aspects in my boyfriends chart?We broke up and l really wish he'd reconsider  lunar eclipse will oppose his sun (6) trine his venus (8) opposes his mars (3) trine his uranus (6) The solar eclipse is going to have this effect on me!  square my sun (3) square my mercury (1) and trine his chiron (0) Thank you for thie info eighthmoon  IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2008 05:41 PM
Here is a link that enables you to "watch" the path of the upcoming eclipses. Katatonic, I know that with transits, most astrologers consider a 2 degree orb to be felt the most, especially as it's applying. As far as an eclipse...I guess we'll all have to see how it effects us. The eclipse will be in my 10th house 3 degrees separating from my part of fortune. I don't know how this will change my career, but I'm hoping it's for the good! It seems to me that I read that you look at the house it will fall in, as well as the planets within that house. It didn't say anything about orbs, although I'm sure that a planet it is directly aspecting with a tight orb would be highlighted more than one that isn't. Will the eclipse fall into your 6th or 7th house? Purple, It's kind of cool that you're starting a new job on the 1st and Leo rules your 6th! It's like you're planning for the eclipse in advance! Maybe you'll meet some new friends at your job...or maybe someone from the past will resurface! Please come back and let us know what happens! Lara, Did you check what houses in your charts the eclipse will fall into? It may lend some insight. You may want to check the composite chart as well. 8th IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2008 05:43 PM
Unmoved,  I feel like there's something in the definitions of the 11th that's missing. I found this interp... "Eleventh House Traditionally the eleventh house is related to friendships and acquaintances, though generally not as close as those we consider to be best friends. A less considered aspect of these relationships, but one that I have found to be true is the following; that because of the ancient rulership of Saturn, the friendships found in the eleventh house often have a kind of "karmic alliance" tone to them. These types of relationships form in order to evolve both parties, based on past life issues together. Our personal hopes and wishes is another eleventh house area. Groups of people in general, especially those groups which have a common bond or goal are found in the eleventh house. This can include, humanitarian causes, clubs and social organizations of any kind. Science, technology, computers, airplanes and all things that represent either ideas that are ahead of the times, or progress for mankind are eleventh house areas. This is the house of ingenious ideas and new inventions. Some of these new ideas upset long held traditional viewpoints and so this is the house of the revolutionary. The individual who may be forced into a kind of self imposed isolation because he finds it difficult to march to the same drumbeat as everyone else. This could also refer to the leader who has the ability to inspire action in others, and yet because he is the leader, he feels inside that he must maintain a kind of solitary detachment. In this case, intimate or deeply personal entanglements are simply too messy for those who must manage large groups of people. The eleventh house corresponds to Aquarius and so any planets in this house function with some underlying Aquarius style. Additionally, the eleventh house represents bizarre circumstances, being or feeling different from the "norm", rebelliousness, and unexpected events." It seems that it can effect you in a lot of ways. Trust your instincts that it will be a positive. 8th IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 23, 2008 06:03 PM
Hi 8th HOw ARE you?It´s great that youve posted that about the 11th house: the eclipse will conj my Mars and Karma in the 11th house - i hope it woint take away my friends or make me loose my energies? Roight now im feeling kind of lost but i guess its the saturn hitting my sun So i hope the eclipse will help me to new beginnings,bright ones! Leo is rulled by the sun,which is also in my 11th.. IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 23, 2008 06:10 PM
Hey 8th  Thanks so much for this thread - it has given me real hope! Great idea, let me check ! ok so... the eclispe in leo hits my 4th (eek!) and his 9th. The eclipse in Aqua hits my 10th and his 3rd. In the composite, the sun one hits the 6th and the moon one hits the 12th! Doesn't look too good to me,... the 12th one is horrible IP: Logged |
Got Gemini? Knowflake Posts: 456 From: Mercury Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2008 06:41 PM
Hmmm.........------------------ Virgo Asc & Mars Gemini Sun Libra Moon (conjunct Pluto 0º in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 23, 2008 07:07 PM
Thanks 8th. I have a lot to think of now. You are too kind for sharing and for the time spent on this thread.IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2008 09:40 PM
Hi Diandra I'm doing great, thanks! It's good to "see" you! I haven't tracked eclipses for too long, but last years brought amazing things into my life. They were in Pisces/Virgo, and these were all related to my sun/and Virgo suns! So, maybe this Leo/Aqua eclipse will be felt the most by those two signs. I wouldn't worry too much! How many degrees is Saturn from your sun right now, if you don't mind my asking? Lara, Maybe the 12th is might mean feelings brought into the open! Chin up, Doll! G, What's the hmmmm? Aaannnnnd...Unmoved, I wish I had the time to spend here that I used to, but I will say that I always love reading your posts. They are always thoughtful and insightful. You are one classy woman! 8th IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2008 11:24 PM
"Glaucus,"I'm really sorry to have read on another thread about your relationship." Thank you...I appreciate your caring. "It's interesting that the eclipse is in your 11th house of love received conj your South Node...which always makes me think of the past. Maybe it will help to rekindle an old love? " That makes sense Solar Eclipse is also conjunct my Lunar Return Venus in 10'28 Leo in 5th My current Lunar Return Venus happens to conjunct my natal South Lunar Node with 2 minutes of arc. I read that conjunctions(including transits and natal) to lunar return planets/points are important when it comes to lunar returns. What is very interesting is that Venus has no aspects in the current lunar return chart,and I wonder if that's because it's a setup for the eclipse. the Solar Eclipse also will trine my Retrograde Chiron in 10'32 Aries in 8th and Jupiter-Imum Coeli conjunction(Jupiter in 8'17 Sagittarius in 3rd,Imum Coeli in 11'14 Sagittarius) it will also trine my gf's Sun in 9'14 Aries in 1st, stationary Jupiter in 10'54 Sagittarius in 9th also transiting Mars will be conjuncting(10 minutes of arc applying) and paralleling(38 minutes of arc separating) my current Solar Return Venus in Virgo in 4th I read that conjunctions(including transits and natal) to solar return planets/points are important when it comes to lunar returns. other transits that involve love,relationships,romance......for better or worse Transiting Uranus in Pisces in my 7th trine my natal Venus in Scorpio in 3rd - '23 applying......unexpected,surprises in regards to love,relationships Transiting Venus in Leo in my 12th oppose my natal Mars in Aquarius in 6th - 1'44 orb applying Transiting Venus contraparallel my natal Mars - '21 separating (Venus-Mars occultation transit).......a time of passion Transiting Neptune in Aquarius in my 6th square my Venus in Scorpio in 3rd - 1'26 applying (definitely a time of uncertainty,confusion.....have to avoid illusions,deceptions,overidealism,romanticizing.......can be a creative,artistic,spiritual time, and going to the movies) Transiting Jupiter trining my Ascendant in Virgo - 1'13 applying.........personal expansion that can involve relationships The Lunar Eclipse is conjunct my Mars in 25'54 Aquarius in 6th It also sextiles my girlfriend's Mars in 25'28 Aries in 1st The Lunar Eclipse conjunct my current Lunar Return Neptune in 23'30 Aquarius in 11th Transiting Venus conjunct (1'19 separating) and parallel (4 minutes of arc separating)my current Lunar Return Mars in 6th. transits that involve love,relationships,romance......for better or worse Transiting Mercury in my 12th conjunct my natal Ascendant - 2'09 applying Transiting Venus in my 12th conjunct my natal Ascendant - '17 applying Transiting Uranus in my 7th trine my natal Venus in 3rd - '04 separating Transiting Jupiter in my 4th trine my natal Ascendant - '07 separating Transiting Neptune in my 6th square my natal Venus in 3rd - 1'01 applying I will see what happens
------------------ Stop The Misdiagnosing Of Neurodivergents
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 24, 2008 05:49 AM
Hi 8th!Great to see you too!Well..right now Sturn is at 6º50 virgo,hitting my sun that is at 6º24´Virgo... Muts be because of that that i feel this "prision" of my if people around wants me not to Be myself. And i just realised that most of my friends have disappeared..must be also cause of saturn passing through my 11th? Im not afraid that sth bad happens,i know these transits makes us better but i wish that sth happens!For better IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 24, 2008 05:51 AM
Glaucus,i wanted to tell you in other thread that i admire the way you are dealing with all this of your gf. yOU ARE A GREAT GUY AND NOT MANY MEN persist and has that knowing inside of "fighting" for the woman they love,even if they have to be separated. These days i see that people tend to pass onto other relationships,even knoing that the other is the right one,but they really dont fight for that. So, i know you will make it You deserve it! IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 24, 2008 10:52 AM
Tried to copy and paste the info, but "access denied." So here is a link to more info on how the solar and lunar eclipses can effect you. It states that lunar eclipses effect you for months and solar eclipses can effect you for up to 3 1/2 years and bring about things that can change the course of your life... 8th IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 24, 2008 06:16 PM
Lara,Maybe the 12th is might mean feelings brought into the open! Chin up, Doll! YES 8th, this is true! I have a good feeling about these eclipses for ALL of us  Have a wicked weekend 8th! IP: Logged | |